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Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate (political fraud)

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posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
He was Raised in America and that is all that should matter to you all...

-second line

WOW. Just WOW. Yeah, let's scrap the Constitution. Oh, BTW, he was "raised" in Indonesia. But I'm sure those who want to wipe their behinds with the Constitution won't let the facts get in their way.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by epete22
Would you like to step out side? Why do you people attack instead of debate on the facts?

You step outside and see where that gets you. Attack? Exactly how much do you know about this russian woman? I get the feeling from your empty post, not much. She is nuts and she is fighting a losing case. Prove me wrong. Aside from that, how is it not funny to watch a group of myopic little right wing sore losers follow a russian up the flagpole?

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by extr5

Reading this thread I am not sure, is it about the validity of this document are about racism.

Another one!? Are you people dim!? Seriously!? The only recists comments at all in this thread have been brought up by you nitwits accusing the rest of us as racists. WTF is the matter with you? Can you not focus on the topic? Are you that myopic!? This is about the Constitution, a potential usurper and a document that has surfaced purporting to be a certification of birth for Obama from Kenya. Can you grasp that???

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Electro38
I would like to be the first to congratulate all of the extremely smart and racist people here for single handedly removing the first black American president from office.

A bunch of (fill in blank)__________, on some website forum are gonna discover the lost holy grail for the great racist victory of removing Obama from office?

What a racist topic this is, the whole Obama's not an American thing. I feel bad for you people, what a sad world you live in.

What are you smoking. I don't care what color he is, you have to be an American citizen to be President end of story. There is a reason it is this way because it general attributes to how attached you are to the country you are in and whether you feel you have a stake in it.

If he isn't born here he may think of himself as a citizen of the world and in this day an age we need fewer GLOBALISTS in office so we can stop this march to a new world order. We need PATRIOTS in office.

His color is so far from important you just sound like a fool.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:32 PM

my guess is that Judge King asked to see Obama JR’s Birth Certificate before he'd be willing to grant the divorce, either at trial or by default on March 20, 1964. Ann probably didn’t have the birth certificate when she filed on Jan 20. That's when this birth certificate would have been generated -- before trial for the 1964 divorce.

Important side note: the Certificate issue date of Feb 17, 1964, is JUST A FEW SHORT MONTHS AFTER KENYA BECAME INDEPENDENT on Dec. 12, 1963. TO THIS DATE, this may be the only certificate on Kenyan file today if British documents were sent to the UK for archiving leading up Kenya becoming an independent nation.

the Certificate issue date of Feb 17, 1964, is JUST A FEW SHORT MONTHS AFTER KENYA BECAME INDEPENDENT on Dec. 12, 1963. TO THIS DATE, this may be the only certificate on Kenyan file today if British documents were sent to the UK for archiving leading up Kenya becoming an independent nation.If you note the date on the Certified Copy, it was created by the Registrar in Kenya on Feb. 17, 1964. The Kenyan Birth Certificate would have been issued in the midst of the divorce -- AFTER the divorce was filed by Ann in Hawaii on Jan. 20, but BEFORE the divorce was granted by Judge King on March 20.

Furthermore, it's quite plausible that once Ann actually had this Kenyan birth certificate in her hands, and the divorce was granted on March 20, her attorney, George Kerr, counseled her on Hawaiian birth certificate "loopholes" and told her how to file for a Hawaiian "Certificate of Delayed Birth" to get Welfare or OTHER support for young Obama as a child of a non-supporting foreign national.

As Hawaiian law allows, that CODB could have been "converted" later to a “Certificate of Live Birth” (long birth certificate) in the 60s or 70s, which would then be a "root document" of the famed “Certification of Live Birth” (short birth certificate on "Fight the Smears") we see today presented as "proof" of birth of Barack Hussein Obama II, reportedly in Hawaii (note: the abstract “Certification of Live Birth” certificate did not exist in Hawaii until November 2001).

I can’t personally vouch for the veracity of the Kenyan birth certificate itself, not knowing how or from whom Orly obtained the birth certificate (the chain of evidence). It may have been obtained quite surreptitiously from the only filed Kenyan birth certificate record copy requested -- likely generated from the 1964 divorce.

It's QUITE possible that all other copies of this Kenyan birth certificate may have been scrubbed from Kenyan archives, but this one may have survived in a lone Vital Statistics office somewhere in Kenya not known about until now.

HOWEVER -- the dates DO "line up" for the Kenyan Birth Certificate to be REAL.

The dates line up,

This info was research from another forum, can I post it?

[edit on 033131p://bSunday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:32 PM
A racist comment would be

I thought birth certificates from Kenya were written with mud on bark?

A conspirator comment would be

I knew it all along!

A thinking comment would be

Seriously? And we're supposed to accept this?


Which one are you?

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by truthtothemasses
I have FlyersFan on ignore because absolutely cannot take any more of her hatred and blind hipocrisy.


Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
It is important that we do not allow this train of thought to continue "I dont care if he was born in Kenya"

That thought is rather short sighted, isn't it?

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
FF, I hope your source comes through for you and lets you discuss the origin of this image ... you've put an awful lot of credibility on the line here.

Haven't heard back yet.
As for the credibility thing ... I didn't say 'this is real'.
I just said 'this will be fun'.
I have no idea if it's authentic or not.
That would be impossible to say over the internet.
All we can say is - could be real or probably not real.

Originally posted by dragonridr
i think this is a forgery if it wasnt i would expect every American to be screaming from the roof tops.

It just came out this morning .. a Sunday morning ... and I don't know if the MSM has gotten a hold of it yet. Time will tell.

Originally posted by loam
the prospect of Biden becoming President

OH CRAP! Thanks for that picture in my head loam!

Originally posted by Truth4hire
All official documents after 1963 would have the reference of Republic of Kenya on it.

Interesting find Truth4hire! I figured that during that one year transition they would have both the coat of arms and the 'Republic of Kenya'. That would make sense.

Originally posted by cloakndagger
This looks like bad news to me.

... or good news to those who have been trying to prove that he wasn't born here.

Originally posted by truthtothemasses
So Kenya was not a republic until Dec. 1964. How could they put Republic of Kenya on the BC if they weren't a Republic yet? Has to be a fake.

I've answered that three times but since you have me on ignore because you can't handle the truth, I guess you'll keep asking yourself that same question over and over and over ...

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
I think it's covertly racist, and I think birthers are idiots.

And what I think of what you think ...

[edit on 8/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:34 PM
funny how "birthers" in ths thread try to prove that this BC is true by doing research and proBama can only play the race card or insult other members...

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:35 PM


posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well, Flyers Fan, posting this with a thread title of "Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate" and asserting without proof or investigation that this is a legitimate official document has dropped your credibility to a new low. You don't think that the document in the photo could have been faked??? Give us all a big break and refrain from publishing such wild assertions before you've done your due diligence. Your agenda is showing!

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:35 PM
What frustrates me so much is that if these [ats edit: INTELLIGENT PEOPLE] would just focus on what Obama is doing to the economy or how this country is frightening beginning to become a police state, they might actually have a case and be able to get support. However, they've been obsessed since Day ****ing One on this. Seven months, these [ats edit: INTELLIGENT PEOPLE] have been at this for seven months and haven't been able to produce a single piece of evidence or anything to give credit to their claims. Instead of realizing perhaps this whole movement is nothing but [ats edit: INTELLIGENT THINKING] and being to actually mount an effective opposition against Obama to keep out system in check, they'd rather be like sixteen year old girls who got drunk for the first time. What's funny to me is the statistical breakdown of "Birthers" and what the psychological trends and reality of that suggests.

But keep shouting down those town hall meetings.

And Sarah Palin is going to be the next President.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by CuriousSkeptic]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
It says at the bottom that it is a true copy of the entry which would explain the 'republic' that bit is obviously added on. Nobody forging this would be so silly as to date it 1964 and to use 'republic'....
The 1964 registrar signature is from the deputy registrar. The original birth certificate was signed in 1961 by the district registrar. It is a copy as stated.

Yes, it says it's a copy. Correct. But at bottom it says ...given under my hand and seal of office this 17th day of February 1964. This document is allegedly signed on that date.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by tonygal
what is this???

Page 5377 of book 44b.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by IC 1101
funny how "birthers" in ths thread try to prove that this BC is true by doing research and proBama can only play the race card or insult other members...

You're the ones trying to prove this idiocy. We're the ones who've been watching this train wreck for the last seven months. Sorry for pointing out the obvious.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by CuriousSkeptic

So what, it doesn't matter what we question about Obama we get the same grief.

And you know it.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by dubiousone
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well, Flyers Fan, posting this with a thread title of "Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate" and asserting without proof or investigation that this is a legitimate official document has dropped your credibility to a new low. You don't think that the document in the photo could have been faked??? Give us all a big break and refrain from publishing such wild assertions before you've done your due diligence. Your agenda is showing!

No it hasn't

FF is investigating it, no one


one has said it is proof,

Even if we had proof you would not believe it.

Show me where FF said this was proof,

Show me.

You cannot.

[edit on 033131p://bSunday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Truth4hire

Originally posted by tonygal
what is this???

Page 5377 of book 44b.

That would be my guess as well. Now we need to see any pages from book 44b to compare it to. And any similar "certified copies" from 1964 to compare this to.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

WTF are you on about!?!? Show me one instance of racism anywhere in this thread- just one!!! Can't do it, can you? How about taking a seat in the corner and letting the adults talk - k? There is far more at stake here than having your shoe-sized IQ prattling on and on about nothing!

The whole, "remove obama from office" movement is racist, not anything specifically said in this thread by anyone.

I'm referring to the movement, the effort and the people who support it.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by Electro38]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Electro38
Sorry about that. I got ahead of myself. My apologies.

However, I would like to ask where all of these people with such high principles and diligence in American law were when our country was hijacked and ran into the ground by Bush/Cheney?

Where were you great Americans then? Were you trying to find anyway possible to remove Bush from office? Maybe you were, but I missed those thread.

Sure, such high principles... and respect for the law.

The LEFT and RIGHT paradigm is false sir. There is no such thing it is a ploy by the power elite to divide the country into two parts so we can never unite against them.

Bush was scum and whoever the Dems put in would be scum. The office of President is irrelevant they are all puppets and if they don't comply like Kennedy did the CIA kills them. However if the elite had this over Obama as a kind of blackmail to keep him in line he is compromised and it needs to be addressed.

Obama was chosen by the elite first because it was the Dems TURN in office and so that they could garner support because he is black all the while he continues the globalist policies Bush had but with a friendlier more charismatic face.

This whole thing with his birth certificate could just be another ploy to get him out and get somebody worse in who knows but we can't just ignore it if its right in front of us.

Its a tough call.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Electro38



Exactly who on this thread are the "lynchers"? I thought this thread was about the authenticity of this document. Even if EVERY SINGLE PERSON opposed to Obama is a redneck racist (which of course is laughable) does that automcatically make this document a fake?


Therefore, how about addressing the DOCUMENT that this thread is about?

You can always go start another thread about all the racists you've come across in your life. Just be sure to make it clear that you only want to hear about WHITE racism.

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