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Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate (political fraud)

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:17 PM
""But, Kenya's constitution only allows this for children. If you are a dual-citizen, once you turn 21, your Kenyan citizenship is renounced unless you renounce any dual citizenship you have with countries and swear an oath of allegiance with Kenya.""

Um, read the constituion! It clearly states you must be BORN a natural citizen. BORN means at the time of birth, not some 21 years after the fact. You can not become natural born later. You are either a natural born citizen at BIRTH or you are not! Obama was not!

And unless Obama renounced his British citizenship then he is still a British citizen. Just not a citizen of Kenya.

""Naturally, Obama never did that, and so, on his 21st birthday, he was just a United States citizen.""

A United States citizen is not the same as a United States NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!

""Though, you can be a natural-born citizen of a country and have dual-citizenship.""

NO you can not! A natural born citizen is one born of the country where that country alone is their sole allegiance. Since a dual citizen would have allegiance to another country at the time of birth you can never be a natural born citizen of either country.

To be a natural born citizen you must be born on US soil from TWO US Citizens at the time of birth. If you are born from two US citizen parents then there is no possiblity of having dual citizenship, which is why the only way to be a natural born citizen is to be born from two parents that are citizens at the time of your birth.

This is the law of the land and nothing anyone can say that can change this fact.

The only way this requirement can ever be changed is by amending the constitution.

Other than that, the only other way Obama could get around this issue is first to release all his records to show proof of where he was born and IF he was in fact born in the US then the case would have to be heard by the Supreme Court to get a ruling on what the framers of the constitution meant by the meaning of "natural born citizen".

So far all the laws and history based of the writings from the framers of the constitution a natural born citizen means a person born of TWO US citizen parents. Also, the Law of Nations gives a detail definition of what a natural born citizen is, which also says born of TWO citizen parents! It also states the citizenship of a child born follows the citizenship of the father regardless of what country the birth took place. Obama's citizenship follows his fathers citizenship and he was not nor ever a US citizen!

This is not opinion. This is fact. It is the law of the land, period!

Therefore Obama does not meet the constitutional requirement to ever be President. He is merely a usurper acting as President illegally.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
reply to post by RamsOnTop

Once again, fine by us if you don't like Obama and want to see him not be president.

But trying to remove him falsely will not work either.

He's our president.

No one is trying to remove him falsely, He is the one that took office falsely. Now some are trying to legally prove he is not legally eligible. So where and how do you come up with falsely??? Did someone try breaking into the White House to phyiscally remove him by force? That would be falsely, at least for now until a court hears the case or congress holds a hearing on the matter and obeys the law and constitution as it is written. Then they would have to remove him by force and arrest him for treason.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
reply to post by FollowTheConstitution

Can you feel yourself slipping, Constitution? It's like watching a train derail. Obama has done enough to prove he's President.

Why do you think every reputable news source is not mentioning it anymore? Why do you think that only people like Orly Taitz (LOL!) are the kind of people who are pushing hard that Obama is not eligible to be our President?

And hell, you're on the fact that he's not a natural-born citizen, but you still believe he was born in the United States.

Orly Taitz is still saying he was born in Kenya!


[edit on 26/8/09 by Mak Manto]

The media is in fact owned and controlled by special interest that are left wing radicals. News anchors have been threatened with losing their carreers if they dare report on this issue. ThaT IS WHY!

And I never said I believe he was born in the United States. I said even "IF" he was it would not matter because he was a dual citizen at birth and his citizenship follows his fathers citizenship. But IF he was born here that would also give him US citizenship as well. NOT natural born citizenship, but just plain ole citizenship. Big difference!

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:36 PM
Obama is still a British citizen

For good info on understanding natural born citizen read this link:

Article II "Natural Born Citizen" Means Unity of Citizenship At Birth

Why the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause of Our Constitution Is Important and Worth Preserving

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by FollowTheConstitution

OH, I see!

So, you don't believe he was born in the United States, but if there was undeniable proof that he was, IT STILL DOESN'T MATTER.

There is no official definition of what a natural-born citizen is.

But, being born in America to his mother is more then enough to say that he's a natural-born citizen.

Obama's our president.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto

But, being born in America to his mother is more then enough to say that he's a natural-born citizen.

No, no it isn't.

Where does his father's citizenship go? Just disappears because he was born to an American?

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by FollowTheConstitution
You can NOT have DUAL CITIZENSHIP and be a Natural Born Citizen.

Show me proof of this one little piece of information.

reply to post by FollowTheConstitution

Ooh! blogs used for proof! My favorite resources! Anybody can wrote anything they want on Internet blogs. If you honestly believe all this nonsense about a book called "Law of Nations" written by someone who wasn't even American, then I don't know what to tell you.

BTW, British Nationality Law has NO EFFECT of US law. So, it doesn't matter what the BNA says. It's irrelevant to US nationality law. Using another country's laws to prove something about someone born in the US is irrelevant.

Originally posted by KnoxMSP
Where does his father's citizenship go?

His father's citizenship doesn't matter. It's OBAMA's citizenship that matters. And being BORN a citizen on US soil makes him a natural born citizen.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by KnoxMSP
Where does his father's citizenship go?

His father's citizenship doesn't matter. It's OBAMA's citizenship that matters. And being BORN a citizen on US soil makes him a natural born citizen.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

Well by way of his father Obama inherited his British citizenship making him a dual citizen, right? How can that not be against what the founding fathers were trying to insure? They wanted someone who did not have allegiance to another country, namely the U.K., which Obama has by being born to a British citizen. How can you be a British citizen and American citizen yet not hold dual allegiances?

Also, it has not been 100% verified he is an American citizen, when you can show me his passport records, school records, or his long form, then you can say he was, but until then it has not been proven, and you are basing your assumptions, on an assumption that he and his cronies are not lying.

I mean seriously can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt he was born where he says?

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by KnoxMSP
Well by way of his father Obama inherited his British citizenship making him a dual citizen, right? How can that not be against what the founding fathers were trying to insure?

Inability to understand something doesn't make it a basis upon with to make your claim. Fact is, you're assuming something about the founding fathers' intent and wishes. Assumption just isn't good enough. The US permits dual citizenship. So Obama's British citizenship is irrelevant.

How can you be a British citizen and American citizen yet not hold dual allegiances?

By being born in the US and never even realizing that you hold something called a "Dual citizenship" until some time later. How can Obama have "allegiance" to Britain? He wasn't born there. His father wasn't born there. Only a technicality makes him a British citizen at all.

Let me say this again. US citizenship law IS NOT DEPENDENT on other countries' citizenship laws. They are totally different animals.

Also, it has not been 100% verified he is an American citizen,

I suggest you pick your battles. You look like you're trying to disqualify him no matter what you have to believe. Your motivation looks political. Either you argue that he was born here and isn't a Natural Born Citizen OR that he wasn't born here at all. You appear to be grasping at anything that will make him NOT our president. It appears as though you'll believe whatever it takes to make his presidency invalid.

I'm just sayin'.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by KnoxMSP

IF he was born in the USA then he's an American citizen unless he gave it up or it was given up for him (by his parents). Where his momma and daddy were born mean nothing.

Having a POTUS with a dual citizenship is bad business.
It isn't against the law, but it's definately a conflict of interest.

You think he may have UK citizenship?
How about the school papers that listed him with Indonesian citizenship?

His background is a freak'n mess.
Obama is taking great pains (and financial loss) to keep it all hidden away.

If a white male republican had this kind of messy background the left would be having a hissy fit - and rightfully so. They like the guy so they excuse the mess and Obama's clandestine behaviors.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
It appears as though you'll believe whatever it takes to make his
presidency invalid.

I'm just sayin'.

It appears as though you'll belelive whatever it takes to excuse
Obama's numerous dirty dealings, failings, nafarious underworld
connections, radical marxist appointments, ineptness, and his
blatant racism not to mention his lack-of-transparency
when it comes to his background and his agenda to drive
America into the ground.

I'm just sayin'.

[edit on 8/29/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
It appears as though you'll belelive whatever it takes to excuse
Obama's numerous dirty dealings, failings, nafarious underworld
connections......ineptness, and his blatant racism not to mention his lack-of-transparency

Kinda reminds me of OP.

Speaking of which, do you think next time you receive 'inside information' you would start another coy thread like this and post it to the board "just for fun" and then disappear for a week?

I'm just sayin'.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1472--73

§ 1472.

The conditions for becoming President…

The judgment, acting upon large materials, has, by that time, attained a solid cast; and the principles, which form the character, and the integrity, which gives lustre to the virtues of life, must then, if ever, have acquired public confidence and approbation.

Well, he certainly does not qualify for public confidence and approbation as nobody knows who he is, where he comes from and it certainly goes against the Constitution to seal all your records so that no public confidence can ever be attained.

§ 1473. It is indispensable, too, that the president should be a natural born citizen of the United States; or a citizen at the adoption of the constitution, and for fourteen years before his election.

Citizen of the United States was only a temporary allowance, which would then become extinct, purely allowed temporarily at the time of the writing of the constitution

out of respect to those distinguished revolutionary patriots, who were born in a foreign land, and yet had entitled themselves to high honours in their adopted country.

So we see that now, it is essential the he be natural born citizen, not merely a citizen.

But the general propriety of the exclusion of foreigners, in common cases, will scarcely be doubted by any sound statesman. It cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office; and interposes a barrier against those corrupt interferences of foreign governments in executive elections, which have inflicted the most serious evils upon the elective monarchies of Europe.

So foreigners are not allowed. One has to be natural born. Nobody knows if he is natural born at all.

A residence of fourteen years in the United States is also made an indispensable requisite for every candidate; so, that the people may have a full opportunity to know his character and merits, and that he may have mingled in the duties, and felt the interests, and understood the principles, and nourished the attachments, belonging to every citizen in a republican government.

He, himself has not allowed the people to have a ‘full opportunity to know his character and merits’. He has sealed all records of education, attainment, passports and even BIRTH. We have no idea where his true allegiances lie. Although we DO know about his terrorist friends, his black power and radical Marxist friends, his criminal friends, the allegations of missing money meant for the poor, his attendance at a radical black power, Islamist and Marxist church for 20 years, and his being surrounded by card carrying communists from birth to this day.
Who on earth voted for this man…lol

It is a very confused and muddy water about what constitutes a natural born citizen. But it does seem that to have been born to an alien father holds most sway. So even if the mother was natural born, his father by being dint of never having been naturalised and therefore not having relinquished allegiance to Kenya, then disallows Obama from being natural born, even IF he was born on America soil, which nobody knows is even true. And if he was born in Kenya then he is a British citizen and disallowed from Presidency.

I’m just sayin’

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Obama is taking great pains (and financial loss) to keep it all hidden away.

People keep saying this, but I have seen no proof whatsoever to back it up.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
Well, he certainly does not qualify for public confidence and approbation as nobody knows who he is, where he comes from and it certainly goes against the Constitution to seal all your records so that no public confidence can ever be attained.

"Nobody knows who he is"? LOL You're in the minority. Obama was voted into the presidency by a large majority of the people. A large majority of the people know who he is and had enough confidence to vote him into the office. We don't remove presidents from the office when their popularity goes down.

And again... I have heard many claims that Obama has "sealed his records" but I have not seen one shred of evidence that supports this claim. Finally, where in the Constitution does it state ANYTHING about sealing one's records?

Citizen of the United States was only a temporary allowance, which would then become extinct, purely allowed temporarily at the time of the writing of the constitution

Very true. But Obama was ALSO a natural born citizen, since he was BORN here.

So we see that now, it is essential the he be natural born citizen, not merely a citizen.

No one disagrees with this...

So foreigners are not allowed. One has to be natural born. Nobody knows if he is natural born at all.

We know that he was natural born as well as we know that ANY president before him was natural born.

He, himself has not allowed the people to have a ‘full opportunity to know his character and merits’. He has sealed all records of education, attainment, passports and even BIRTH.

Proof, please?

his black power

Ah... I see...

then disallows Obama from being natural born, even IF he was born on America soil

Please show me where it is stated that a person born IN THE US is not a natural born citizen (with the exception of visiting dignitaries, etc.).

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
start another coy thread like this and post it to the board "just for fun" and then disappear for a week?

1 - It wasn't a 'coy' thread. It was a clear discussion thread.
2 - I didn't 'then disappear for a week'. I posted for a handful of days and then went on vacation. As soon as I got back I posted again. It wasn't necessary for me to be here for the entire discussion.

I'm just sayin'.

Troll much? I'm just sayin'.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
People keep saying this, but I have seen no proof whatsoever to back it up.

You keep claiming not to have seen things that have been posted over and over. The proof that he's got teams of lawyers blocking release of his Hawaiian documents has been clearly established. Lawyers aren't free. It's costing him a lot of money.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Obama was voted into the presidency by a large majority of the people.

You must be thinking of the 96% of black people who voted for him.
The fact is that when the entire population is looked at, Obama received 52% of the vote. That's not a 'large majority'. Not even close.


posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The proof that he's got teams of lawyers blocking release of his Hawaiian documents has been clearly established.

BS. If that's true, then it should be fairly easy for you to refer to it. You're making assumptions and conjecture again.

What HAS been proven is that the Hawaiian Dept of Health releases NO birth certificates without the consent of the owner. It's their policy. To state that Obama has it "sealed" is hogwash.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

It appears as though you'll belelive whatever it takes to excuse
Obama's numerous dirty dealings, failings, nafarious underworld
connections, radical marxist appointments, ineptness, and his
blatant racism not to mention his lack-of-transparency
when it comes to his background and his agenda to drive
America into the ground.

Well....except for the "radical marxist appointments" you've pretty much just described Rush Limbaugh...fortunately for the United States, he doesn't "appoint" anyone....he just "annoints"....hmmm, maybe that's even worse.

But, you were talking about President Barrack!! That is a lot to lay on the man!

Hyperbole much?????

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

President Obama may be using campaign funds to stomp out eligibility lawsuits brought by Americans, as his campaign has paid more than $1 million to his top lawyer since the election.

Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie – top lawyer for Obama, Obama's presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and Obama's Organizing for America – is the same Washington, D.C., lawyer defending President Obama in lawsuits challenging his eligibility to be president.

Ok, it is WND, and not conclusive proof, but it sure looks that way.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You must be thinking of the 96% of black people who voted for him.

I don't separate out the black voters from the white voters.
That's disgusting. People are people.

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