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Debunking ET, 1947-2009 :'Flying Saucers' Do Not Exist But They Are Dangerous And Rapacious To Men

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posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Sol12
This is a very enjoyable and surreal thread. 'Lorum ipsum etc' legendary text to demonstrate a new font without distracting the reader. It probably has more content than this thread...

Have the meds taken effect yet

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky


Kandinsky you wrote,

"The 'debunking' refers to the myth that since 1947 UFOs have been denied and/or described as hostile."


They are being described as non existent,
while simultaneously being presented as hostile.


are we alone?


Why aren't we the Borg yet?


Why all the noise, agendas and sheer effort?


posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:06 PM
I think the biggest concern regarding aliens is who are they exactly. Or it should anyway. WHAT WHO WHERE. Figure out the WHY WHEN HOW after you have answers for those first 3 or else you will end up on a wild goose the whole WMD deal. You cannot accomplish much by saying aliens are going to do this or that when you do not know who you are even talking about. Thats like judging books by their covers. Assuming people still read books. And it makes sense that there are 2 types of aliens, the ones here to help and the others who are here to destroy. And which group TPTB are in cohoots with. I would assume the ones our military shot down was a good alien. Why else shoot first then ask questions when more than likely you killed what chance you had to be inquisitive when you blasted them out of the sky? Where was Bush Sr when Roswell happened?

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posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Sol12

They are being described as non existent, while simultaneously being presented as hostile.

I think more people are choosing to describe 'them' as benign or benevolent. It's hard to see where either perspective gains justification. If we work on the premise that 'they' are here...the activities in several well-known incidents can be interpreted as hostile or benign. Malmstrom, Hudson Valley, Colares, Indian Point etc...

The perceived 'cover-up' by specific Western Govts could also be interpreted as a result of hostile/ dominant intentions by 'visitors.' The 'cover-up' would therefore be under instructions. They may be benign and also explicit in instructions not to inform the public. Their lack of visible, undeniable presence would seem to indicate a choice made by them. If there is a presence, all the evidence seems to support the conclusion that the upper hand is theirs alone...

A net is a collection of holes held together by string...that about represents the evidence we have to draw conclusions.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:56 PM
I'm really surprised the mods have allowed the OP to get away with posting a nonsense thread. This belongs in the grey area, at best, where people with channelled "information" can BS each other to their hearts' content.

And to the OP, why bother posting if you can't be bothered to be coherent? You might think you're being clever, but all your doing is being obscurantist. And not even doing that with any style.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Sol12
Why aren't we The Borg yet?

This post belongs in the gray area...
Out of context quote and no link... bad form... Sam is right

As to BORG

Brain Machine Interface: BMI (Cyborg Soldiers)

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Sol12

May I suggest you read over the following thread:

Five Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Posting In The UFO Forum

By the way, the burden of proof and presentation is on the original poster, NOT the replying posters.


Reply to Sam60

Thanks for trying to point this out to the OP earlier.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:07 PM
This thread is a fail.

It disturbs me that we're into the third page of this tripe.

I'm gonna go do something else.

Share Intl. my ar.....

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Sol12
reply to post by Kandinsky


Kandinsky you wrote,

"The 'debunking' refers to the myth that since 1947 UFOs have been denied and/or described as hostile."


They are being described as non existent,
while simultaneously being presented as hostile.


are we alone?


Why aren't we the Borg yet?


Why all the noise, agendas and sheer effort?


I take my comment [above] back: this could be an epic thread.

Let it roll.

And meanwhile, let me add my $0.02
== ======================== =
/ / / /
/ / # 65553Leet // /
# //
/ // / / /
============ ==============

In the EVENT that a man should arrive frOm Outer7 space, he might be inclined to visit upon other men or so it would SEEM, so to confer with them on galAactic mATTers. /#/43

One of these would be Captain Lyork,a deputy of Ashtar living in Costa Rica. Lyork is privvy to the happenings of the Galactic Council, and is a primary contact for the Adelphi resident in this sector.

Lyork again is the main contact for Borg questions, of which one is:

"Why aren't we one of the Borg yet?"

The answer is simple: the Borg will not have us yet until our mutant Juande gene is eradicated through natural selection. ~This is the jobn of the Indigo generation.

I know all this because I take council with Lyork every Tuesday evening in years that start with a 1 and end with a 6.

Lyork lives at the following address (in years ending with a 6 and starting with a 1):
321 Playa Englesias
Liberia, Guanacaste., Guanacaste, Costa Rica

The situation is of course different should he be visiting form Outer5 Space.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by eniac]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Sol12

Legi, Patres colendissimi, in Arabum monumentis, interrogatum Abdalam Sarracenum, quid in hac quasi mundana scaena admirandum maxime spectaretur, nihil spectari homine admirabilius respondisse. Cui sententiae illud Mercurii adstipulatur: Magnum, o Asclepi, miraculum est homo . Horum dictorum rationem cogitanti mihi non satis illa faciebant, quae multa de humanae naturae praestantia afferuntur a multis: esse hominem creaturarum internuntium, superis familiarem, regem inferiorum; sensuum perspicacia, rationis indagine, intelligentiae lumine, naturae interpretem; stabilis aevi et fluxi temporis interstitium, et mundi copulam, immo hymenaeum, ab angelis, teste Davide4, paulo deminutum. Magna haec quidem, sed non principalia, idest quae summae admirationis privilegium sibi iure vendicent. Cur enim non ipsos angelos et beatissimos caeli choros magis admiremur? Tandem intellexisse mihi sum visus, cur felicissimum proindeque dignum omni admiratione animal sit homo, et quae sit demum illa conditio quam in universi serie sortitus sit, non brutis modo, sed astris, sed ultramundanis mentibus invidiosam. Res supra fidem et mira. Quidni? Nam et propterea magnum miraculum et admirandum profecto animal iure homo et dicitur et existimatur. Sed quaenam ea sit audite, Patres, et benignis auribus pro vestra humanitate hanc mihi operam condonate.
Iam summus Pater architectus Deus hanc quam videmus mundanam domum, divinitatis templum augustissimum, archanae legibus sapientiae fabrefecerat. Supercaelestem regionem mentibus decorarat; aethereos globos aeternis animis vegetarat; excrementarias ac feculentas inferioris mundi partes omnigena animalium turba complerat. Sed, opere consummato, desiderabat artifex esse aliquem qui tanti operis rationem perpenderet, pulchritudinem amaret, magnitudinem admiraretur. Idcirco iam rebus omnibus absolutis, de producendo homine postremo cogitavit. Verum nec erat in archetypis unde novam sobolem effingeret, nec in thesauris quod novo filio hereditarium largiretur, nec in subselliis totius orbis, ubi universi contemplator iste sederet. Iam plena omnia; omnia summis, mediis, infimisque ordinibus fuerant distributa. Sed non erat paternae potestatis in extrema fetura quasi effeta defecisse; non erat sapientiae, consilii inopia in re necessaria fluctuasse; non erat benefici amoris, ut qui in aliis esset divinam liberalitatem laudaturus in se illam damnare cogeretur. Statuit tandem optimus opifex, ut cui dare nihil proprium poterat commune esset quicquid privatum singulis fuerat. Igitur hominem accepit indiscretae opus imaginis atque in mundi positum meditullio sic est alloquutus: «Nec certam sedem, nec propriam faciem, nec munus ullum peculiare tibi dedimus, o Adam, ut quam sedem, quam faciem, quae munera tute optaveris, ea, pro voto, pro tua sententia, habeas et possideas. Definita ceteris natura intra praescriptas a nobis leges coercetur. Tu, nullis angustiis coercitus, pro tuo arbitrio, in cuius manu te posui, tibi illam praefinies. Medium te mundi posui, ut circumspiceres inde commodius quicquid est in mundo. Nec te caelestem neque terrenum, neque mortalem neque immortalem fecimus, ut tui ipsius quasi arbitrarius honorariusque plastes et fictor, in quam malueris tute formam effingas. Poteris in inferiora quae sunt bruta degenerare; poteris in superiora quae sunt divina ex tui animi sententia regenerari».

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Sol12

Debunking ET, 1947-2009 :


'Flying Saucers' Do Not Exist But..

..They Are Dangerous And Rapacious To Men of Earth..


Just came across this.

I have no additional comments.


Do you believe in ET’s?

Do you believe flying saucers exist?

Do you believe they are Dangerous and Rapacious To Men?

Why are you so confused yet have no questions or comments?

As others have asked what's up with the dots? It isnt grammer. Is it ET Morris code?

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Sol12

May I suggest you read over the following thread:

Five Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Posting In The UFO Forum

By the way, the burden of proof and presentation is on the original poster, NOT the replying posters.


Reply to Sam60

Thanks for trying to point this out to the OP earlier.

You are very welcome.

I hope Sol12 reads it before he attempts another thread.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 04:23 PM


As some insist,

The point of making this thread,
is providing something to think about.

My intention is not to think for you.

Every word we utter, every thought we have,
and every breath we take is a Choice.

It's up to you.

'I don't have a gun'.


" we are now, entertain us."


posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by wonderworld


1) Yes.
2) Yes.
3) No.
4) No.
5) No.


posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 05:19 PM
I hate to tell you this, but breathing is not a choice. If you don't believe me, try not doing it for awhile. Worst case scenario, you pass out and start breathing anyway.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 05:21 PM
so.. isnt that like saying the illuminati doesnt exist, but their flu injection is deadly to men?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Sol12

I think I get what you are trying to say. But we are a slow bunch so you better spell it out for us.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky


Kandinsky, thanks.

'Follow the white rabbit'.




posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:33 PM

As I said earlier,
I do love to play my guitar.

Removed the embed media. Nice guitar, but not relevant to the topic. Semper

I want to share here,
some of my personal beliefs regarding ET.

You may find, that what I talk about,
can be considered an 'esoteric' point of view.

'Esoteric', only in the sense that few people
are familiar with this information, even though it is widely available,
for free, from several different and independent sources,
from many different cultures.

It originates from the Ageless Wisdom.

It is continuously being restated by different people,
as it is being reformulated to fit, express and answer
the needs and facts of the modern times.

The importance of this information lies in
the fact, that it points to real practical
solutions to real world issues.

They may not be what you expect,
but they may possibly guide to what
you are actually looking for.

So, there is really nothing 'new agy' here,
understood in the sense that it would imply
'dreamy unpractical mumbo jumbo'.

One man, who has spend a lifetime of educating
people about the existence of this information,
is Benjamin Creme, the founder of the
Share International foundation.

If you would take some moments of time to read and
understand what this man has to say, you will be
amazed by the simplicity, coherence and practical value
of his words and ideas.

So, for me personally, there is no controversy at all
regarding the source of the quote in my original post.


On ET.

What we are currently witnessing is,

- Disclosure about ET's presence.

- Disclosure about Mankind's Cosmic Legacy.


Every Planet in our Solar System is inhabited by Humans.

Though, at some Planets the people live on an orbiting moon or satellite.

Our Solar system is evolving as a Unit.

There are actually twelve Planets.




The spaceships we see, usually originate from Mars and Venus
and sometimes from other planets of our Solar system.

Earth is the only Planet in our Solar system where life is abundant
on a dense physical plane.

Life on the other Planets exists on material planes that are usually
invisible to people from Earth.

As a consequence of their spiritual and technological evolution,
fellow Solar Humans can become visible at anytime, either by using
their technology or by using their Will/Mind.

All their energy needs, are supplied by the Sun,
in great abundance and for free.

The recent wave of astounding cropcircles
is not a coincidence.

We are standing at the verge of awakening
to our Cosmic Legacy.

This will lead to a time where we meet again
the ancient Masters of the Lost Arts.

Some of them are Humans from Earth, and some of them
are Humans from other Planets in our Solar system.




Electro-magnetism is the key to UFO research,
and to understanding the different physicality of ET.

Electro-magnetism is the key to understanding our own physicality.

Electro-magnetism is the key to the emerging Technology of Light.




[edit on 8/8/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:53 PM
I understand what your saying... but dont you think it would be helpful not to speak in code? I hope i remember your name so i never have to read one of your posts again

EDIT: Sorry, but its frustrating reading 6+ posts before the thread actually goes anywhere.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Sloppy]

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