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Yukon UFO "Mothership" Incident: December 11th, 1996

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:33 AM
how come i never heard of this
flaged and taged

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:23 AM
Excellent thread once again OP.

My question is if they are that big then why aren't there more sightings?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Sam60

.....have you been able to locate any arguments "against"?

Not any "official" arguments against it. Of course there are people who think it is a mass hoax, weather balloon/blimp, or some super secret 'ultra black' human craft. The case is pretty solid IMHO, I would like to see some of the more widely known "debunkers", like Micheal Shermer or Philip J.Klass(unfortunately Klass is not still alive), or any of the other "debunkers" that think the whole UFO phenomena is bs. It would also be nice to hear what the Canadian government has to say, but I presume we won't.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:52 PM
This whole sighting reminds me of one my former roommate had around the same time period. I'll qualify this right up front as hearsay, since he related the incident to me and I did not witness this event. However, before the incident, he was a skeptic of the highest order and would scoff at the fact that I would be watching "Sightings" or something similar on TV. He called the whole subject "bull****".

I had moved to a different town and we kept in touch for a while, and one time he called and told me that he had this sighting when he was traveling to see his parents. I played along, playing devil's advocate because I thought he was yanking my chain knowing he didn't believe the possibility that we might not be alone. He proceeded to tell me about this gigantic craft moving very slowly above Route 15A, north of Wayland, NY and south of Rochester, NY at the location circled.

Well damn, I am new so I don't know how to insert an image, but the location is on Route 15A almost exactly halfway between Springwater and Wayland, NY, in the area where the road curves between Hudson Road and Becker Road.

He said he was traveling south through this area that has some curves and hills alongside the road. I knew where he meant because I have traveled that road a thousand times myself. He came around the curve and there were a few cars stopped alongside the road and people out of their cars looking at this gigantic thing, and he did the same, pulled over and asked an older gentlemen what it was, to which he replied "I don't know. I've seen a lot of airplanes in my day, and that ain't no *******airplane." He described it as gigantic, and when I asked him what shape it was, he said he couldn't tell because it was so huge and so low to the ground. I asked "As big as a football field?" and he said "Bigger." I asked "As big as a football stadium?" and he said "Bigger." He also said he could have hit it with a rock if he threw one at it. It had a searchlight that it shone on the ground occasionally, as if it were looking for something. He said it had lights all over it, with a distinct red light at the trailing end of it and as it moved out of sight over the hills, he climbed to the top of the small hill by the road to follow it and it was gone when he got to the top.

This guy swore up and down that he saw what he told me he saw, and I seriously thought he was messing with me the whole time he was telling me, and when I asked him if he believed that it was possible that we're not alone, he said "absolutely." He went from hardcore naysayer to believer with that encounter, so I have to assume something actually happened. I had to ask him a bunch of times if he was kidding around and he insisted that he was dead serious.

To me, it sounds very similar to what the people in Yukon saw. I am posting it because that is a moderately populated are of New York, so other people must have seen it. If anyone has heard of this incident or knows someone in the area, ask them.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Hey, thanks for sharing. You wouldn't be talking about the Hudson Valley Sightings would you?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:23 PM
I dont understand why nobody ever gets a good, clear picture of one of these things

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by TallWhites

I understand.

If a UFO appears right now near my window I do not have any way of getting a photo or a video, I don't own a video camera, a photo camera or even a cell phone, so I would have only my word to present to the world.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by TallWhites

Well there are many cases that are great pieces of evidence, even though they don't contain pictures. In fact the majority of top cases don't have pictures. This is because no one is ever planning on seeing a UFO, so it is just one of those things that 'pop up', sometimes people are lucky enough to have a imaging device to capture the UFO, but most of the time this is not the case. When researching UFOs one must take into account the non photographic evidence such as witness reports, witness credibility (ie; do they have a reason to lie and do they have a high and/or respected standing in society), witness corroboration, radar hits if any, elimination of prosaic explanations by probability, history of location, etc.

Some of the top cases have zero photographic evidence, but based on what is available there is no reason to doubt them. Because it is relatively easy to spot hoaxes or misidentifications if a case has enough non-photographic evidence to go by. So in summary pictures aren't everything by a long shot. Even then they never are definitive evidence, it will take disclosure or a mass landing in a world capitol to get real proof.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:38 PM
A very intriguing case OP and a very detailed and well-put together thread, S+F for you.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Stillalive

how come i never heard of this
flaged and taged

Not many people have.

Now you do though.

Here is a link to some other good cases from Canada:

Also the NICAP Chronologies is a GREAT source to MOST of the better UFO/abduction reports.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Great compilation of data jkrog.

Here's the problem I have with the witnesses. AS we all know. Witnesses are notoriously inaccurate in their descriptions of events but in this case it appears they all gathered at the lodge and came to a consensus that the UFO looked liked they described it.
In a perfect world each witness would have been interviewd individually and information would have been recorded seperately from one another. Like a police investigation. Then all the data would be complied to see if the stories matched. Ya know what I mean? For this reason I have to throw out all their information. What does that leave? No physical evidence. No radar. No vids. No photos. Only heresay.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by venividivici

Thanks....The witnesses were not all gathered at the lodge. They were interviewed separately in different locations. In addition to that I see no reason for all of them to lie about this, there is no fame, no money, nothing. In fact all of them except one or two insisted on remaining anonymous. In light of that I feel that this case is one of the best accounts of a true UFO, and what a UFO---A mile in diameter...

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by venividivici
Great compilation of data jkrog.

Here's the problem I have with the witnesses. AS we all know. Witnesses are notoriously inaccurate in their descriptions of events but in this case it appears they all gathered at the lodge and came to a consensus that the UFO looked liked they described it.
In a perfect world each witness would have been interviewd individually and information would have been recorded seperately from one another. Like a police investigation. Then all the data would be complied to see if the stories matched. Ya know what I mean? For this reason I have to throw out all their information. What does that leave? No physical evidence. No radar. No vids. No photos. Only heresay.

I agree with your comment about other corroborating evidence - but you certainly wouldn't expect either the Canadian or US governments to release radar evidence if they had it would you?

The meeting of witnesses only applies to those who were on the south end, viewing the UFO over Fox Lake. They met just a short time later at Braeburn Lodge, I believe. I don't think the witnesses in other communities had a chance to meet each other.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by venividivici

Thanks....The witnesses were not all gathered at the lodge. They were interviewed separately in different locations. In addition to that I see no reason for all of them to lie about this, there is no fame, no money, nothing. In fact all of them except one or two insisted on remaining anonymous. In light of that I feel that this case is one of the best accounts of a true UFO, and what a UFO---A mile in diameter...

Well not according to the google video. Watson, the owner of the lodge said one after another the witnesses showed up at his lodge the night of the sighting and they all started drawing the same UFO.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by venividivici

Only 5 of the 22 witnesses went to the lodge:

Figure 13. Map of Fox Lake, the Klondike Highway and locations of UFO observation points by FOX1. At point A FOX1 first observed a light in the direction of Point 1. At point B he passed the Fox Lake Campground where FOX2, FOX3, FOX4 and FOX5 saw the UFO about 20 minutes later. At point C he could see the light was illuminating a smooth curved surface in the sky as depicted in Figure 14 (towards Point 1). At point D he passed two vehicles heading southbound. At point E he observed three rows of rectangular lights drift over a hill towards Point 2. At Point F he got out of his vehicle but didn’t see anything unusual. He then continued on and was the first of at least 5 witnesses who stopped at Braeburn Lodge (Point G) to describe his UFO sighting to lodge owner, Steve Watson. FOX4 and 5 noticed a tow truck parked at point H and wondered if he had observed the UFO as well.
(highlighted for clarity)

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by jkrog08


thanks for clearing that up for me.

I'll keep my eye on this thread

Interesting to say the least.

It must have really excited the communities up there !!

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by venividivici

No problem, sometimes videos can be misleading...That is why I document the cases in writing and post the videos as a secondary source.

And yes I can't imagine what I would think seeing a mile wide UFO hover over me,lol.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

I could be wrong, but I think his post was attempting to ask a different question. If not, then I'll ask instead.

Understanding that almost every UFO sighting is unexpected (there ARE UFO watchers ready with cameras, etc), why, out of the thousands of pictures and videos that HAVE been captured, have none of them captured an event like this?

We have years and years worth of shoddy footage of small orbs and lights, that has unfortunately been unable to prove what we've been after for almost a century. Then, at the same time, we have thousands of cases of eye witness testimony, claiming to have seen incredible things, such as this case, and we don't have a single photo/video of anything.

Apparently it's much easier to catch incredibly small anomolies on film, but when an enormous mile wide craft enters our atmosphere, it's impossible to gather any visibile evidence. Why?

(Please, don't bring up the footage of the Phoenix lights. I live in Phoenix, I witnessed the lights, and those videos do NOT show a huge spacecraft. Unidentified? Maybe.)


posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Strype
reply to post by jkrog08

I could be wrong, but I think his post was attempting to ask a different question. If not, then I'll ask instead.

Understanding that almost every UFO sighting is unexpected (there ARE UFO watchers ready with cameras, etc), why, out of the thousands of pictures and videos that HAVE been captured, have none of them captured an event like this?

Perhaps because the vast majority of UFO sightings are of simply lights at night or small orbs and such during the day. Most "UFO" photographs I have seen appear to be one of the following:
1) birds
2) bugs flying by the camera
3) balloons
4) lights in the sky that could be anything

I think that it is very rare to see a large UFO like the one described - so this might at least partially explain why there are no photographs. I have see several UFOs and none have been close enough to get a good photograph, even if I had a camera available.

I don't know why there is no photographs of the Phoenix sighting and the video is almost certainly just flares dropped from a plane.

I should say that our UFO investigation group receives lots of photographs and quite a bit of video and it is very rare that we receive anything that seems anything that doesn't seem easily explainable.

I can't believe how many people will send in a photograph of a fuzzy blot, saying it looks like a disk that they actually didn't notice when they took the photograph. It never seems to occur to these people that the reason it is fuzzy is because it is just a bug flying by.

Of course, a second problem is that anything that looks like anything like a real craft could now be done using CGI. Obviously there are now a huge number of CGI video composites (CGI UFO composited onto real environment). So I can't imagine any video or photograph would convince me of anything.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:21 AM
Amazing! I havent heard of this one before. I only wish I could see one of these "motherships." Great post and lots of wonderful well presented information. I will have to go through it again and re-read some of the information. S&F!!

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