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What will happen when the truth comes out?

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I've been looking at some old posts going back to 2002 to 2004 and it's quite amazing when you think how much more information is available today and how much more will continue to come out, so today it's no longer a case of "if" the truth will come out, but "when!"

With that said, imagine if tomorrow all the major newspapers and news agencies released the breaking story, "9/11 Was An Inside Job!"

How would you react and what do you think the consequences would be in America and in countries all around the world?

9/11 obviously had the greatest impact on America, but it did affect people and influence future events in other countries too, so I imagine this news would have far reaching consequences worldwide, aside from the initial shock and outrage.

On the positive side, I think it would immediately benefit the people still suffering and dying today from the events of 9/11 because the general public would demand action to be taken to help those people and the government would have no choice but to do everything in their power to do so.

On the negative side, the news could result in rioting and the outrage created from such news could end up being even more catastrophic then the events of the day itself.

I really believe that it is just a matter of time because although these "false flag" operations may have slipped through in the past, times have changed and access to information is so much more greatly available these days.


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:54 PM
I can easily say that this would never be allowed to happen. Not when TPTB own the MSM. That is why it is always posted on sites like this.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 01:06 PM
Did you watch the latest Batman movie and the Watchmen movie? I felt like they were both serving up the same message, that TPTB lie to us for our own good. I hate that.

The only way for true justice is for the truth to be exposed. I know some people will freak out. But they will deal with it, the same way those of us who already know have dealt with it on our own.

I really hope that it does. The lies, and watching others accept the lies, bother me more than the truth.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 01:08 PM
it WILL come out , its the order of things ,you can't hide from the truth no matter what, but seriously though it will come out

just keep pushing until we rip them to shreds

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by dino1989

IDK, do you really think it will come out?

Take for instance the JFK assassination, even to this day there hasn't been any kind of proof linking it to anyone other than Oswald(as far as I know). Lets say Oswald was the patsy, and was being assisted by government or people who used to work for government/military. Obviously, they would have immediately destroyed any physical evidence that connected them to Oswald or the plot.

I would bet that even if Johnson would have found any evidence of some sort of plot that he would of surely never let it come out to the public.

Then you figure every president after him has concurred with that line of thinking and decided to conceal any involvement from public knowledge.

Add on to the fact that even to this day multiple television shows have tirelessly gone over every aspect of the event to see if they could find some shred of evidence--and always seem to affirm the so called "official story" of the JFK assassination.

I think you get my point.

The truth will never come least "officially". Anything else will always be left to conspiracy theory and speculation.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy
With that said, imagine if tomorrow all the major newspapers and news agencies released the breaking story, "9/11 Was An Inside Job!"

How would you react and what do you think the consequences would be in America and in countries all around the world?

Pretty much the same reaction I'd have if all the major newspapers announced "UFO TO LAND TOMORROW". I'd believe it when I actually see it.

[edit on 31-7-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Yes I agree,

I think that the truth will come out about 911 and I hope that every one of the guilty murderers and conspirators (including those in the media and the disinfo agents on this site) are fried in the electric chair.

I would like a front-row seat to watch them fry....


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Mark_Amy

Unfortunetly the truth will never come out.

How long have we been waiting for the real story of JFK? How long since we've been waiting for the "real" Apollo Moon Landings?

9/11 will certainly simply be another repeat. And in any case, they have built the last decade's foreign policy and domestic policy on that one single event. It's given them justification to do horrendous things.

It will all fall apart if the truth was disclosed. And it simply won't happen, not in my lifetime anyway.


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

dude dont compare JFK to 9/11

9/11 was HUGEEE so much lies and they cant keep on covering it up

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:54 PM
it willl NEVER go out ...

neither the ET truth

WHY? the americans would kill the government ... yes, I am sure of it ... they would be very pissed

the only thing that can happen is that they can say that they found a alien craft blabla today .... per example ... they will never say they found it a long time ago

because, IF THEY DO ... everyone will question 911 ... because, if they lied about this ... they could have lied about many things ... and the government would collapse

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:05 PM
I don't know TBH. Pearl Harbor WAS an inside job and all that happened was they FOIA'd the information, books got written, and information got re-classified.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
it WILL come out , its the order of things ,you can't hide from the truth no matter what, but seriously though it will come out

just keep pushing until we rip them to shreds

Of course, that ignores the obvious question, "would you even recognize the truth even if it did come out"?

Suppose tomorrow all the newspapers revealed that some incompetent boob in the CIA discovered a memo warning of a terror attack on 9/11 beneath an old pizza box in the corner of his office (and wrapped his sandwich in a warning of an attack on the Pentagon)? Would the "controlled demolitions" people believe it?

Suppose tomorrow all the newspapers revealed how controlled demolitions were reponsible for destroying the towers. Would the "Energy beams from outer space" people believe it?

Suppose tomorrow all the newspapers revealed how the planes were really remote control drones. Would the "No planes" people believe it?

Suppose tomorrow all the newspapers revealed how the CIA was behind the staged attack. Would the "the Israelis are behind it" people believe it?

It should be obvious such people aren't looking for the truth, but rather a certification of the things they themselves want to believe are true, so until somethign comes along that happens to rubber stamp their favorite conspiracy scenarios, they won't believe it and there will still be dissent by the people who want to believe something else. In that context, you have to consider the possibility you already received the truth (I.E. the attack was pulled off by Muslim terrorists) and you just don't want to acknowledge it to be the truth becuase you want something else to be the truth.

In that case, you already know what will happen if the truth finally comes out. You're doing it right now.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Mark_Amy


There's a new episode of XYZ123 on tonight, nothing else matters

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:27 PM
Here comes an admission to set some on their ears here......

I used to believe that JFK was a conspiracy...three shooters etc etc etc...

Then I stopped reading the books and actually started looking at evidence. How they were sitting in the limo, how the angle of the shots wasnt quite as drastic as some authors had led me to believe in their books. All that culminated in seeing a full scale reenactment of that day and watching one gunman, fire all the shots necessary...and even seeing one bullet (the so-called "magic" bullet) damn near replicate the bullet from Nov 22, 1963 (through JFK, Connally and end up causing a wound to Connally's leg as well)

Do I think maybe LHO had help..yeah, I still do. But I fully believe he was the one and only gunman that day.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy
I've been looking at some old posts going back to 2002 to 2004 and it's quite amazing when you think how much more information is available today and how much more will continue to come out, so today it's no longer a case of "if" the truth will come out, but "when!"

With that said, imagine if tomorrow all the major newspapers and news agencies released the breaking story, "9/11 Was An Inside Job!"

How would you react and what do you think the consequences would be in America and in countries all around the world?

9/11 obviously had the greatest impact on America, but it did affect people and influence future events in other countries too, so I imagine this news would have far reaching consequences worldwide, aside from the initial shock and outrage.

On the positive side, I think it would immediately benefit the people still suffering and dying today from the events of 9/11 because the general public would demand action to be taken to help those people and the government would have no choice but to do everything in their power to do so.

On the negative side, the news could result in rioting and the outrage created from such news could end up being even more catastrophic then the events of the day itself.

I really believe that it is just a matter of time because although these "false flag" operations may have slipped through in the past, times have changed and access to information is so much more greatly available these days.


I don't think the truth on 911 will ever come out. ( mainstream media anyways)
I think the only way the truth would come out if a new investagation were to happen and even that would have its own problems.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
it willl NEVER go out ...

neither the ET truth

WHY? the americans would kill the government ... yes, I am sure of it ... they would be very pissed

the only thing that can happen is that they can say that they found a alien craft blabla today .... per example ... they will never say they found it a long time ago

because, IF THEY DO ... everyone will question 911 ... because, if they lied about this ... they could have lied about many things ... and the government would collapse

I agree with you 100% .....great post

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by mumblyjoe

I think that the truth will come out about 911 and I hope that every one of the guilty murderers and conspirators (including those in the media and the disinfo agents on this site) are fried in the electric chair.

I would like a front-row seat to watch them fry....

so you want to see people here on this site fried huh?
I suggest you either come out and say who these people are or shut up..
I do not believe in the truther fantasies.. am I someone you want to see killed?
you are pretty close to threatening other members here..

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 05:33 PM
To pccat:

anyone who is a specific disinfo agent for the murderers who did 911 is a conspirator and as such they should fry as well. If you are not a disinfo agent but merely delusional and easily confused and unable to recognise the-bleedin-obvious, then you don't have a problem.

You got a problem with that ...?

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Another reason why I think it's inevitable for the truth to come out about 9/11 is that although everything happened on one day, there are just too many balls that the government is trying to keep up in the air.

We have:

1) Plane hits WTC 1 and tower collapses
2) Plane hits WTC 2 and tower collapses
3) WTC 7 collapses
4) Pentagon farce
5) Shanksville farce

If they'd just stuck to executing one of these events and put all their efforts into just one then they could have made it more convincing and probably would have got away with it.

As it is, there are inconsistencies with all 5 events and all it's going to take is one of those balls to come crashing down and then they all will.


posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:33 PM
Not to make light of your OP........
But I find myself waiting for so many "truths to come out" that I am either losing count or just losing interest.....sigh....

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