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Hitler 'could have won WWII'

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posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:17 AM
The fact of the matter is that if hitler had not attacked russia, we most certainly now would be communists in a global Soviet Union.
2nd, after you sift through the pathetic anti-nazi, anti-hitler, propaganda that we are drowned in day by day in the west, you would see that most of what we now about them is utter lies and nonsense.

The germans didn't start the war, it was the zionists. A little odd dont you think that war is declared on germany for invading poland, yet at the same time the soviet union does it and it is alright ?, how hypocritical.
Hitler even offered to resign if it would mean peace, but churchill and the British never replied.

The facts we aren't often told about the war, 600,000 civilians were killed in the bombing of dresden. The World )ewry declared holy war on germany in 1934. 2million elderly women and children were raped for weeks at a time by the allies after the war was over. over 1million germans starved to death because the americans and soviets wanted them to suffer. millions more in POW camps were murdered. The members of waffen SS were brutalised until they confesed then they were often murdered. The germans resisted the allies for 3 years after losing, for every ally killed they would kill 10's of german civilian. If you were suspected of being a rebel, you would be shot on the spot. If you killed 1 soviet person, 200 germans would be killed. Absolutely atrocious. A little strange that an even labelled as "fact" can lead to a lengthy prison sentance if you question it.

Its obvious the true enemies of humanity weren't the Germans but the allies and zionists.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:29 AM
Hitler would have definatly won the war if he hadn't been so ignorant of his advisors. If he had concentrated on invasions into Europe first OR Russia first, and having a defensive line on the opposite front than he was attacking then he had around an 80% chance of winning the war in my opinion. The mistake against Britain was that he didn't continue his efforts. The RAF was running out of time until Hitler called off the bombing raids which sealed his fate...he wasted the weapons by stopping rather than driving them into the ground. I do hate Hitler, i don't think he was evil, i just believe he was ignorant.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:30 AM
If Hitler had attacked Russia and NOT the UK and France at first.
and the Japanese had not attacked the US and the British possessions but conquered china first.

They would have connected there two countries with a land and air route.
The UK and the US would have stayed out of the conflict till it was to late.

And if Hitler had waited till he had conquered Russia and built a very large fleet.
and with a very large Japanese fleet that they would have had by 1945-48 nothing could have stopped them.

And by 1945-48 and after Russia and china were under there control Germany and japan had then attacked the UK France and the US there would have been little the US could have done.

With large German and Japanese fleets controlling both the Atlantic and pacific all the islands in the atlantic and the pacific would have fallen for the most part with out a shot fired as the people on them were cut off ,the supply lines would have been cut and japan and Germany could have attacked south and central America and worked north.
the UK would never had a chance to supply there war needs and would have fallen within weeks.

By that time the US Australia and Canada would have had a hard time just keeping the invasion forces off there shores much less helping each other stop Germany and Japan.

US and canadian ports would have been blocked Hawaii would have fallen.

Germany and japan would have ruled the seas and controlled all trade and isolated anyone that tried to ship war materials.

That would have left the US Canada and Australia with only submarine warfare as the only way to hurt Germany or japan till they built up a large sub launched nuclear weapons stockpile to blast Germany and japan. With all the dangers of nuke war it would have been a real bad ending.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by ANNED]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:47 AM
Hitler was an evil genius.

Being that he had a great plan initially, started out very nicely and then, as with all evil geniuses, got arrogant.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by john124
Oh and taking on the RAF in 1940, but they didn't mention that.

RAF was close to breaking point, if the Luftwaffe had focused efforts on contiuning to destroy the Airfields then the Battle of Britain would have been won for the Nazi's and the potential of Operation Sealion could have been realised.

However Hitler decide it would be better to focus bombing raids on cities and so ordered the Luftwaffe to bomb the cities instead of the strategic airfields.

IF Hitler had left the tactics to his generals then the Nazi's would have likely won, but he was too power hungry and wanted to control everything within the Wermacht, Kriegsmarine & Luftwaffe. Which is a good thing for us really

[edit on 30/7/09 by Discotech]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:14 AM
Hitler would never have won the war, because the globalists (e.g. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Du Ponts, Kuhns, Loebs, Harrimans, Morgans, Warburgs, Schiffs) didn't want it that way.

They encouraged nationalist socialism to rid communism, as they were afraid that communist socialism was getting out of hand and taking over the world. So they turned to the German nationalists.

However, they were equally afraid of nationalist socialism getting out of hand with Germany taking over the world, especially after Germany's success in invading Poland, the Low Countries and France.

As a result, the globalists were scared that "a total German victory would result in a worldwide National Socialist system unable to produce tensions and conflicts necessary for maximizing profit and control." (Jim Marrs, The Fourth Reich, p. 12). However, they needed Hitler to prevent the Soviet Union from launching an attack on Western Europe.

We mustn't also forget that WWII was planned in order to create the New World Order, but not by the Nationalist Socialists and not by the Communists, but by the globalists.

After failing to set up the League of Nations thanks to Woodrow Wilson, they formed the UN, EEC, the WTO and so on. These were the first steps for the ultimate one world government.

Did Hitler really die in 1945 in his bunker? He was well known to have a double...who knows. Besides, he would have died of old age by now.

Could he have won the war? He would have had to get around the American bankers and corporate vultures first, which we know is like punching your hand through a brick wall.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:18 AM
I apologise, correct me if I'm wrong on the statement about the League of Nations.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:36 AM
I think had the RAF lost the Battle of Britain, with the UK being left with skies of marauding German aircraft, Churchill would've been sacked & replaced by Lord Halifax. And Halifax would've sued for peace.

Britain keeps its empire. Germany gets free reign over most of Europe. The United States doesn't enter the war at all. The arms race gets going in earnest with the USA, UK & Germany each desperately trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Who wins that and what happens next ? Total guesswork.

It's much like trying to imagine "what if" Bonnie Prince Charlie hadn't hesitated at Derby, or "what if" the British Parliament had granted the USA home rule in 1775.

Interesting stuff.

Thanks to Uncle Adolf and his Luftwaffe, though, my Mum was evacuated as a baby from London to Scotland as the war started. Didn't return to London. She met a Scottish guy, got married and I'm the result. Nice one Uncle Adolf, you mad lunatic despot

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by john124

Yeah go Hitler.
In seriouse notes I could have passed my previouse exam if I didn't smoke too much you know what with you don't know who. Hitler could have won the war, one reason or another the point is the winners write the history. Probably if Hitler won the war, 6 million Jews, ' ha, what, what 6 million Jews'.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

The Germans had some very smart people, they must have been wondering what went wrong, as the wheels began to fall off their war machine, just like they did from the Egyptians war chariots as they charged after the Jewish people as they crossed the Red Sea thousands of years ago.

So you are partially right, if you oppose God and his purposes you end up in ruins, the more fiercely you oppose him the faster you go down. Here is the scripture that applies to the second world war in highly symbolic terms.

Revelation 12: 15-16(Amplified Bible)

15Then out of his mouth the serpent spouted forth water like a flood after the woman, that she might be carried off with the torrent. 16But the earth came to the rescue of the woman, and the ground opened its mouth and swallowed up the stream of water which the dragon had spouted from his mouth.

The earth and ground refer to the allied forces racing across Europe liberating the concentration camps, that were satanical by the events that went on there.

The Germany of WWI and WWII was the King of the North the bible speaks of. But it never could succeed as a world power, because that role was reserved for the Anglo-American power for the last days.

Germany and Hitler was destined to fail no matter what he did. His utter stupidity at the end hastened Germany defeat of that there is no doubt.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by john124

When Hitler gave up on the battle of Britain and redirected his attention to Russia is where he lost the war. He couldn't beat the brits in the air, but if had continued with his invasion force, Britain could have done nothing to stop it.

I'm truly glad he gave up his ambition for the island. That is what saved the rest of the world.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
He didn't win because it wasn't God's will. Instead it was Gods will to fulfill an ancient Hebrew prophecy and restore the Jews to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That my friends was the true amazing outcome of WWII.

With Obama seizing power in the US could WWIII be far behind?

God's will or not, IF there is going to be a WWIII, THEN everyday brings it closer.

Obama is not bringing it closer anymore that Bush or Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or Ford or Nixon or Johnson or Kennedy or Eisenhower or Truman is bringing it closer.

If it is going happen, simple day following simple day is bringing it closer.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by john124

What some people seem to forget, is that Hitler was not acting alone.

He had military advisors...

He had political advisors...

He had an agenda...


At the end, he had traitors in his midst, people who began believing the Allies propaganda, and or had ambitions of their own, who tried to act upon the plot of a coup....

Nothing new here, move along now.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Darth_Prime

So, since i saw Palestine there before inner PC kicked in, you blame Jews for Hitler?
I really really hope that he just could come back from his hell for a sec or two and read it. His modern successors think he was a Jewish puppet....

What can be worse for person like this - i do not know. He deserves your post.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:59 AM
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but hasn't it been common knowledge for over 50years that with a few small differences in the history books Germany would along with their allies won the War.

I don't get it, what's new if anything about this being said?

Like somebody pointed out on page one, coulda, shoulda, woulda, but didna.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:00 AM
Edit: double post sorry.

[edit on 30/7/09 by Sed Non Credo]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Secondly, it isn't a problem the British had either. The Empire was dissolved due to American pressure at the end of WW2 and was a stipulation for joining the US created United Nations, in order to allow the US to expand it's sphere of influence and combat the USSR.

This is a load of bull.

Churchill wanted to annex the liberated parts of Europe into "colonies" like they did in Africa. Truman scoffed at the idea of further perpetuating the "empire" nonsense in Europe. But this American reaction was confined only to Europe.

The British faced massive problems in their colonies like India even before the WW1 but were able to pacify them with promises after the war ended since they were vital to the war for both strategic and man power reasons. They also lost out Singapore and their Malay colonies to the invading Japanese. If the history of independence of the British colonies is any reflection of British attitudes, they were loath to give up their colonies and most often than not they were forced out. Be it the bloody Mau Mau revolution in Kenya or Gandhi in India.

The end of the British Empire had little to do with America globally. It is more to do with the spread of the ideas of liberty and freedom around the world that crumbled the British empire.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:18 AM
Hitler was not a loser. His service in the first world war is universally admired. Near the end, it was only him and a few others in a former regiment, he had the tenacity and courage to survive and complete his missions at all costs. Before he became popular and rose to power, he was one of the very few German enlisted men who received the Iron Cross.

He, however, was not a General and faltered at strategic level planning as any Korporal might. He should of deferred judgement ALOT more.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Too me he did win because all of his technology was stripped from him and reincorporated into the global govz. war chambers and science files.

Its like if you are fighting an enemy that posses the most destructive weapons out of fear of them using them and you win only to recreate the same weapons 10X stronger then his legacy lives on unfortunatly.





[edit on 7/30/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

[edit on 7/30/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by fapython
The fact of the matter is that if hitler had not attacked russia, we most certainly now would be communists in a global Soviet Union.


In fact, Hitler made the Soviet union as fearsome as it became because he betrayed Stalin and invaded a poor, starving Russia that was ruled by a mad despot. Had Hitler not invaded Russia, Stalin would have never sought to develop the Soviet Union and it would have remained in penury and misery for decades to come with the ultimate fall the communists down the line.
The war was the impetus for the Soviet union to band together and rally to the call of the communists against the Nazis and build up their nation in an awesome military power.

Originally posted by fapython
The germans didn't start the war, it was the zionists. A little odd dont you think that war is declared on germany for invading poland, yet at the same time the soviet union does it and it is alright ?, how hypocritical.

Hitler even offered to resign if it would mean peace, but churchill and the British never replied.

Please dont try to rewrite history with your half information and naive understanding.

It wasn't that Germany was invading Poland, it was that Germany had rescinded all its treaties with the Allies and taken back all its territory from France and its neighbors and was marching back to its position of aggression post WW1.

It had rapidly built up its military despite being forbidden to do so by the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler created a massive air force and expanded the Kreigs marine beyond its designated number.

Germany first marched in Rhineland- the allies said nothing. Germany marched into Austria and declared Anschluss and absorbed Austria- the allies said nothing. Then Germany demanded Czechoslovakia cede some of its territory to Germany - the allies tried to negotiate with Germany to stop their imperialist ambitions in Europe. They tried placate Hitler by giving a part of Czechoslovakia to prevent war in Europe again. They tried to enforce peace by promising to protect Poland, which was Hitler's next target and hoped that Hitler would not want to risk war with Britain and France over Poland.
But Hitler colluded with the Soviets (his ideological enemy ) and invaded Poland brutally.

War with the allies was inevitable.

Originally posted by fapython
The facts we aren't often told about the war, 600,000 civilians were killed in the bombing of dresden. The World )ewry declared holy war on germany in 1934. 2million elderly women and children were raped for weeks at a time by the allies after the war was over. over 1million germans starved to death because the americans and soviets wanted them to suffer. millions more in POW camps were murdered. The members of waffen SS were brutalised until they confesed then they were often murdered. The germans resisted the allies for 3 years after losing, for every ally killed they would kill 10's of german civilian. If you were suspected of being a rebel, you would be shot on the spot. If you killed 1 soviet person, 200 germans would be killed. Absolutely atrocious. A little strange that an even labelled as "fact" can lead to a lengthy prison sentance if you question it.

Utter and absolute NONSENSE.

The bombing of Dresden is a well known fact and its toll on civilians is not denied by anybody .

The so called war crimes that you claim was committed by Allied troops against Germans is ludicrous given that most of the SS tried to escape. died fighting or surrendered as POW's . At this time there was proper treatment of POW's as there were established rules of war that were signed after WW1 at Hague.

The "Zionists" declared no holy war as they were not in any position to do so from the purges in the Soviet Union to the NAzis they were outnumbered and surrounded . Their main goals were to merely stay alive and escape.

The Waffen SS was never forced to confess anything because they were hardly ever in charge of concentration camps which were mostly under the control of the SS. And the Nazis kept enough records to identify people conclusively without the need to torture.
The Jews, the Gypsies, the Communists, the Gays, the Mentally retarded, the Mad were all purged inside Germany while the German people did nothing to stop them. THAT was the true crime against Humanity. The crime of the German people was to have death camps outside their cities and know nothing about them . To have turned their backs on their friends and neighbors.

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