If you are presenting your own sighting or encounter it is always helpful if you will consider the following procedure:
What is an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)? Well,
according to United States Air Force Regulation 80-17 (dated 19
September 1966), a UFO is "Any aerial Phenomenon or object which
is unknown or appears to be out of the ordinary to the
observer." This is a very broad definition which applies equally
well to one individual seeing his first noctilucent cloud at
twilight as it does to another individual seeing his first
helicopter. However, at present most people consider the term
UFO to mean an object which behaves in a strange or erratic
manner while moving through Earth's atmosphere. That strange
phenomenon has evoked strong emotions and great curiosity among
a large segment of our world's population. The average person
is interested because he loves a mystery, the professional
military man is involved because of the possible threat to
national security, and some scientists are interested because of
the basic curiosity that led them into becoming researchers.
The literature on UFO's is so vast, and the stories so many
and varied, that we can only present a sketchy outline of the
subject in this chapter. That outline includes description
classifications, operational domains (temporal and spatial),
some theories as to the nature of the UFO phenomenon, human
reactions, attempts to attack the problem scientifically, and
some tentative conclusions. If you wish to read further in
this, area, the references provide an excellent starting point.
One of the greatest problems you encounter when attempting
to catalog UFO sightings, is selection of a system for
cataloging. No effective system has yet been devised, although
a number of different systems have been proposed. The net
result is that almost all UFO data are either treated in the
form of individual cases, or in the forms of inadequate
classification systems. However, these systems do tend to have
some common factors, and a collection of these factors is as
a. Size
b. Shape (disc, ellipse, football, etc.)
c. Luminosity
d. Color
e. Number of UFO's
a. Location (altitude, direction, etc.)
b. Patterns of paths (straight line, climbing, zig-zagging, etc.)
page 455
c. Flight characteristics (wobbling, fluttering, etc.)
d. Periodicity of sightings
e. Time duration
f. Curiosity or inquisitiveness
g. Avoidance
h. Hostility
Associated Effects
a. Electro-magnetic (compass, radio, ignition systems, etc.)
b. Radiation (burns, induced radioactivity, etc.)
c. Ground disturbance (dust stirred-up, leaves moved, standing
wave peaks on
surface of water, etc.)
d. Sound (none, hissing, humming, roaring, thunderclaps, etc.)
e. Vibration (weak, strong, slow, fast)
f. Smell (ozone or other odor)
g. Flame (how much, where, when, color)
h. Smoke or cloud (amount, color, persistence)
i. Debris (type, amount, color, persistence)
j. Inhibition of voluntary motion by observers
k. Sighting of "creatures" or "beings"
After Effects
a. Burned areas or animals
b. Depressed or flattened areas
c. Dead or missing animals
d. Mentally disturbed people
e. Missing items
Final Comments
In conclusion I think that if these 5 things are kept in mind then everything will flow much more smoothly in the UFO/Alien forum. Also I want to
state again that I am only offering
suggestions because I truly care about this forum and would like to see it become even better than it is
now. Keep in mind there are A LOT of viewers that see threads and posts on ATS, so with that said I think it is also important to discuss and present
cases in the best and orderly light we can.
Also here is an important thread made by
Springer that I feel is extremely important:
The folowing posts has been edited to reflect additions added on later in the thread.
Consider The Pros and Cons of Starting A Thread Out of Emotions
Is what you have to write really worth starting a whole new thread? Is it just 1,2, or 3 sentences of childish-like remarks? You probably should NOT
post the thread in that case, as it does nothing but detract from any real research and learning. I understand that the UFO field can be very annoying
at times, however one must look at the benefits of cluttering an already cluttered forum. There are countless other ways to go about expressing your
frustration, here are a few:
1. Just don't say anything at all out of frustration, sit back, relax, and chill out. Everything will be okay in the long run.
2. Find a already existing thread to post your comment(of course make sure it is somewhat relative to the topic at hand), instead of making a whole
new thread for a simple remark.
3. If you feel it is absolutely nessicary to start a thread, at least make it some what mature and intelligent. This would be an example of what you
should NOT do:
OP: " I am sick of UFOs because there is no evidence of them, these aliens need to show themselves or just leave us alone!!!!"
Now honestly, what purpose is there to creating a whole thread just to say that?
What you could do is maybe try to start a discussion for members who are just as frustrated as you are, but maybe not post it in the UFO forum. Also
maybe you could give detailed reasons behind your statement, as well as your own plan on what should be done to fix it. This will ALWAYS lead to a
much more intelligent discussion that while still maybe not the most important of topics, it surely won't hurt anything.
Again, I am only trying to offer some friendly advice from experience.
I have been guilty of creating a thread I maybe should have thought out better because I was letting my emotions take over. We are human so it
happens, hopefully though some will keep this post in mind and save themselves from the same trap others and myself have fallen into before.
Misleading Thread Titles
I forgot to add this but it is a HUGE problem in this forum.
Internos made a
thread in the business forum about this and the suggestion from head staff was use the
alert button. Of course not all titles are going to be changed, even if they likely should, it just depends on the severity of the title.
This is a huge issue with threads containing nothing more than speculation or a youtube video being titled something like "UFO's EXIST: PROOF
HERE[MUST SEE VIDEO]". Now come on, we all know that if it was any real type of proof it would be on the major news networks. Even if the video or
information came from a "whistleblower" and is authentic it likely is not going to be presented in that format. So unless your thread contains
absolute non-debatable proof that has been verified and would hold everywhere in the world and force the government to acknowledge it please DO NOT
make a exclamatory thread title.
For some the title is all about attention and getting flags and stars, if that is all you want you are in the wrong place and definitely the wrong
forum. Also it is what is INSIDE your thread that gets flags and stars (if that is what you want), the title has little to do with it. So keep that in
mind, and also keep in mind that regardless of our emotional attachment to the UFO subject it is best to present possible evidence in a ethical and
factual manner, as it will only help the field, and not HURT it. Of course you should try to make a title as appealing as you can without being
misleading, there is a line, please don't cross it.
-Please don't use all capital letters.
-Please don't claim absolute proof when you know there is none.
-Please don't degrade "skeptics", "debunkers", or "believers" in your title, as it only makes all of us look bad. We are all here for the same
reason(if you are truly interested in finding the truth behind the UFO phenomena)
If these simple guidelines are followed I personally feel this forum (and all of ufology) would be MUCH better off.
[edit on 1/5/2010 by jkrog08]