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I bought a Ouija Board recently.

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:39 AM
i could try to convince you how stupid you are for believing in magic. would i be doing the world a disservice for interrupting darwinism by not allowing a weak minded creature to die?

If you deserve to die because of your pitifull belief in mysticism and spirituality who am i to prevent it?

Que sera sera

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Wertdagf]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:54 AM
I tried to find the definition of "ouija" and "planchette". No definition found for Ouija other than as a trademark.

Planchette however describes the device, as "a small triangular board supported by two casters and a vertical pencil that, when lightly touched by the fingertips, is said to spell out subconscious or supernatural messages.."

Does anyone know where the term "Ouija" came from? Parker Brothers?

Anyway, good luck with your new game. If you aren't feeling any negativity about it, it must be fine. I would take heed though, if I felt any negative vibes and put the thing in the fire.

My daughter and her friends got one when she was 13. They used it once and scared the bejeezes out of each other. We burned it in the bonfire just to dispell their fear, whether imaginary or not.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:08 AM
first of all its not a TOY and you should never PLAY with it. If that is your intention then you will get a spirit who is only going to "play" tricks on you. There is a good video series about a girls personal experience with one and how it affected her whole life. If i remember ill try to find it when i get home.

Likes attract likes. If you are negative youll attract negativity.

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
Does anyone know where the term "Ouija" came from? Parker Brothers?

French: "oui" = "yes" (napoleon)
German: "ja" = "yes" (hitler)

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:23 AM
research what your playing with. know what your getting into. protect yourself. do not wish harm on anyone.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by Hazelnut
Does anyone know where the term "Ouija" came from? Parker Brothers?

French: "oui" = "yes" (napoleon)
German: "ja" = "yes" (hitler)

Thanks. I knew that "oui" was french for "yes". And "ja" is the abbreviated form of one of "god's" names, usually spelled Jah. I didn't know about the hitler definition. Interesting nonetheless.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Reply to post by The Soothsayer

So a Ouija Board is not evil, but money is. And you say place some evil money under the Ouija Board, which was bought with evil money. But the Ouija Board is not evil but a tool. LOL. I think I know whats the actual tool here. OP, I responded to a similiar thread a few weeks back regarding Ouija Boards. Search out my response. You are experimenting with the unexperimental and the only door you will open is one that you will regret in the long run. You would enjoy Monopoly better. And not one of the special editions but the original. Why put more money into the Lucas Empire by buying a Star Wars Edition Monopoly Boardgame when you can save 20 bucks and just use your Star Wars dolls, I mean 'action figures', as the game pieces instead? Just a thought. But yea the Ouija Board is a doorway to the other realm and we are not meant to dwelve in such places, no matter what rank of witch or warlock or psycho you claim to be. People should use their freetime to better themselves or someone else.

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Be very careful what you wish for, don't make any deals with entities just for curiosities sake.

above post is correct. its not a toy.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by

Apparently, then... the actual tool was the responding commenter, yes? Because surely, that person would have read the post I did, and further more would have seen what I typed and then make a comment taken out of its context.

Also, that same self described tool would apparently state the you cannot experiment with the "unexperimental"... such logic escapes me, because I've also believed that if you can experiment with something, then that would prove it is, well, experimental.


Let's settle this argument right now: go buy some holy water and splash the board.

What happens? Does it burst into flames? Do the screams of thousands of unbaptized children flood the air? Does the board break apart with the fires of Hell erupting from the seems?

No... at the worst, you now have some water marks on a piece of particle board covered with laminated paper.

Oooo, scary. I can see why all of you fear this.


How many of you have a deck of playing cards? How many of you know the source and origin of those cards?

Dig a hole and crawl in it, and cover yourselves up. The world isn't meant for the blind or ignorant or the close minded. You'll be disappointed with every waking moment.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Go for it, just dont ask for satan though just in case!

I had a weird experience with one, but not going to say dont try it because I think when people say 'oh dont use one' it just works as reverse psychology...
When me and 3 of my friends were about 14 we decided to play about with one, had some randomer apparantly talking to us.. said they died in the house, the usual

So we wanted proof because obv we all thought one of us was pushing it. Im actually quite proud that I came up with this idea even though it scared us all to death afterwards
.. There was a newspaper on the side, I picked it up - while not actually touching the glass we were using - and asked the 'person' to spell out the 17th (I think it was 17th, could have been another number) word in the first article. And it did. One of my other friends tried it as well and it spelled the right word out again.. from a different article so I couldnt be accused of knowing which number word it was. And I have never felt the need to go near one again after that!
Thats not really proof they work or anything.. could be telepathy for all I know, or just some crazily good guesswork! Either way, just be careful

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 05:33 PM
Hello! I'm back from work

So this is the video playlist I found awhile back about a girl who started to use the ouija board and well.. she has a very interesting story, she went really far with it.

Edit: Can't ever get the URL's working.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by LOLZebra]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by LOLZebra
Hello! I'm back from work

So this is the video playlist I found awhile back about a girl who started to use the ouija board and well.. she has a very interesting story, she went really far with it.

Edit: Can't ever get the URL's working.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by LOLZebra]

That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the video link.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by Hazelnut
Does anyone know where the term "Ouija" came from? Parker Brothers?

French: "oui" = "yes" (napoleon)
German: "ja" = "yes" (hitler)

As a native German, I just have to ask: what in the world has the German word for "yes" to do with Hitler (or the French word for "yes" with Napoleon)???

[edit on 28-7-2009 by sylvie]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
As a native German, I just have to ask: what in the world has the German word for "yes" to do with Hitler (or the French word for "yes" with Napoleon)???

[edit on 28-7-2009 by sylvie]

References to the nationalities of the first two of the three antichrists as purportedly predicted by Nostradamus. The third was yet to be named. Some would say perhaps the remaining part of the board name should be "ndio".


And there we have it completed.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by LOLZebra

Haha, thats Destini productions, she is apparently channeling spirits everytime she talks look at the amount of videos she has! They dont take it seriously its an experiment.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:22 PM
I've tried Ouija a few times but eventually gave up since I can never get it to work. If there is any way to get it to work I'd really like to know how. It would be very interesting to communicate with beings on the other side. I like what one of the above posters said they did; making each corner into one of the four elements. If I ever make another board (I'd need some decent materials first) I'm going to do the same thing.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:39 PM

So far I've tried using it twice and get no results. I tried doing figure eights and circles to 'warm the board up' and all it does is land on random letters that spell out gibberish. Just lighting resting my finger tips on it doesn't do anything either. I do ask 'is there any spirits in the room?' or variations of that.

Thats because it doesnt work. When more than 1 person has their hands on the pointer each person has unconcious micro movements influenced by the question that is being asked. If each person conciously or unconciously decideds on the same answer the combined micro movemnts in their fingers cause the puck to suddenly lurch in one direction. Then of course each person totaly denies pushing and they all agree it must have been magic.

Sorry to say there is no wisdom to be gained from such a device.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:32 PM
Ever see the movie "Jumangi"

Playing with fire will sooner or later end up with burnt hands or worse.

Get rid of it or better yet send it to your local congressman, they play games all the time.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:57 AM
How many people with these warnings about ouija boards have actually experienced these negative reactions themselves? I mean, for those of you responding to this thread with warnings -- have you experienced this negativity yourself or did you read about it?

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 02:15 AM
A friend and I dabbled with a O board a few times and nothing negative happened.

We sat side by side with an upturned glass as the cursor (small brandy glass) on a cardboard made up Ouija board. Considering that we were both very curious, we made sure that the cursor was of a respectable weight and that by sitting side by side, none of us could suspect the other of foul play.

I cannot recall what we said as opening statement but it was something like, "we are open, come and communicate with us if you desire to do so".

We got a few hits on our first day, some of it was gibberish like another language (wish the internet was around, could have checked on the words spelled that night) and some others were a bit more talkative. One just came out flat and said, NO. Seems that rudeness also exists in the spirit world LOL.

So ok, when the glass started moving forward, we seriously looked at each other to see if one of us was pulling the other one's leg. Then the glass moved backward or toward us and both of us only touched the glass very lightly. We knew then that it wasn't any muscle spasm moving that brandy glass backward! It was the freakiest, darnest thing I have ever experienced!

Then he moved to another apartment where we got a "regular" spirit bar fly. This one was really talkative and he answered quite a few questions and nailed right down to the month as to when and where the next earthquake would occur in Quebec...

It even went as far as saying that he was my old Tibetan master Buddhist looking out for me. This is when my friend went, hmmmmm. So he started on some serious automatic writing to oust the prankster which in the end, he did. Turned out to be a lonely, bored spirit who seemed bound for some obscure reason to the apartment in which my friend was living.

Nothing went bump in the dark after we communicated with "IT" No glass broke, no object went flying by for no reasons, his day to day life just went on as normal as it previously was before he discovered that he had an otherworldly "roommate". When my friend moved out, it was for financial reasons and our little "friend" never followed him to his next apartment.

So in other words, nothing bad happened beside for the unsettling feeling as that brandy glass moved over the letters. We treated who ever came to say "hi" with all the respect we granted to another being. Reckon the old saying goes... fark with me and i'll fark with you... so respect the tool and whom ever comes and visit and in return, they will treat you in the same manner

And as predicted, some 6 months later, that earthquake came to be.

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