posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:27 PM
One doesn’t have to go to the local Wal-Mart and purchase a Parker Brother’s Ouija Board ($14.95) in order to experience the fun and thrills!
I have constructed numerous boards out of numerous items, ranging from regular cardboard to driftwood to lightning struck oak. It doesn’t matter
what materials you use… a board made of turquoise and hematite will work just as well as one made of a cereal box. One must always keep in mind that
the Ouija Board is simply a tool, and as such, it will work irregardless of its material or expense.
And, as a tool, an Ouija Board is not evil, nor is its use evil. It is a tool. As such, it is the eventual responsibility of the user and their
intent. If you use a tool as it should be used, then all is good and well… but if misused or used improperly, then expect to have difficulties.
Again, the Ouija Board is a tool, one designed for communication and for gathering of knowledge.
When designing your own board, keep its intended purpose in mind. What are you wishing to communicate with? What is it you are trying to seek? What
are your intentions? Although these questions may seem irrelevant, they are not. Any person can make a general board, but all you will get in response
are general contacts. As an example, there are two board types I constructed which are of note:
The first, I intended for ‘nature’ or druidic type entities. It was made of oak, with the four elements embedded in the corners. This was
accomplished by burning one, soaking one in water, embedding sand into the third, and leaving the fourth exposed to air. This may seem like a simple
process, and it was… but effective none-the-less. What was important, though, was the mind set in its construction. That energy, that focus, went
into what it would become.
The second board I wanted something a bit more powerful. I wanted to feel the entities behind the words, I wanted to experience their powers. Since
this was a work in progress, I opted for a prototype style operation… I used cardboard until I felt I had achieved what I wanted. Along with some
modifications and designs, what worked best for my goals was a board that had the symbols of the 50 Names of Calling (from the Necronomicon) engraved
along its border. Why did this work? Because I wanted it to, and because of the thousands of people out there who actually took that book to be 100%
true… their beliefs gave it power.
In making your board, as with everything else, do what feels right for you.
Earlier I touched upon something rather important: a general board will give you general contacts. Not entirely true. How can you attain something
more from something so… mundane?
Place something under the board. Seriously. Every object has an energy or force behind it, and what you will be in contact with would have been
connected to that object. Again with, two examples:
Money. A single dollar bill (or your country’s equivalent). Why money, what makes this such a good example? Money, people say, is the root of all
evil… expect a powerful force with this one. If you happen to be sensitive to strength levels, you should be prepared to brace yourself.
A tarot card. Think of tarot cards as a business card. What is unique with these is that the entity you contact with, say, the 5 of Cusps, will be the
same entity you talk to later on using the same card. My advice? Make a directory, keep a list of the entities contacted. AND keep in mind that each
deck will be different… the Witch’s Tarot will have different entities then the Elemental Deck.