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Crop Circle - New one is a beauty! 24th July 2009

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername
Instead of you responding by breaking apart every one of my statements,

I'm breaking apart your statements because it's easy to do since none hold water.

"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously can be used to MANIPULATE the ORIENTATION of plant stalks ?" YES/NO


"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously could POTENTIALLY be used to create a crop circle TYPE of design ?" YES/NO

Didn't I just say NO ?

Oh, and by the way, the "Big Bang" is a hypothesis based on the following definition:

"As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena."

The last time I looked, BB had NOT been "tested and confirmed" and therefore remains a HYPOTHESIS ... so unless you know something the rest of us don't ... hmmmmm ??

[edit on 5-8-2009 by afoolbyanyothername]

The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation.[1][2]
That's why we call it the Big Bang Theory

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously can be used to MANIPULATE the ORIENTATION of plant stalks ?" YES/NO


Well, there you go ATS members... a self-admitted closed mind and one that even when confronted with DOCUMENTED and CONFIRMED proof that there exists technology that CAN from a distance exert sufficient force to a plant stalk to bend it over, still vehemently refuses to accept it.

"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously could POTENTIALLY be used to create a crop circle TYPE of design ?" YES/NO

Didn't I just say NO ?

The documentation and specs for the DPD technology states CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOSLY that it can produce multiple plasma regions and then detonate them. So if a linear and/or circular formation of plasma regions are created and then detonated just above a wheat field, the downward force generated would crush the wheat directly below creating a corresponding PATTERN design in the CROP.

I guess no more needs be said about it. By your own admission you REFUSE to admit the capability even when slapped actoss the face with corroborating documentation.

Oh, and by the way, the "Big Bang" is a hypothesis based on the following definition:

"As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena."

The last time I looked, BB had NOT been "tested and confirmed" and therefore remains a HYPOTHESIS ... so unless you know something the rest of us don't ... hmmmmm ??

[edit on 5-8-2009 by afoolbyanyothername]

The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation.[1][2]
That's why we call it the Big Bang Theory

So ... you ARE saying the BB has been "tested and confirmed" to enable it to be called a theory ?
Great !! Then who did the testing and how was it confirmed ?

In finishing, I would tend to suggest that other ATS members who are capable of exercising an open mind simply take any so-called info or facts from this person with a grain of salt.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by afoolbyanyothername]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:58 PM
First, please learn how to use the QUOTES

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername

"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously can be used to MANIPULATE the ORIENTATION of plant stalks ?" YES/NO


Well, there you go ATS members... a self-admitted closed mind and one that even when confronted with DOCUMENTED and CONFIRMED proof that there exists technology that CAN from a distance exert sufficient force to a plant stalk to bend it over, still vehemently refuses to accept it.

Are you a child? Seriously? The technology you've posted cannot be used to create a crop circle. That is not what it's designed for nor does it have uni-directional capabilities to allow for a crop circles complexity.
Let's try this ok?
Do you or do you not believe that my electric toothbrush can be used to MANIPULATE the ORIENTATION of plant stalks ? YES or NO?
If you say NO, you're close minded

"Do you or do you not believe that technology as described previously could POTENTIALLY be used to create a crop circle TYPE of design ?" YES/NO

Didn't I just say NO ?

The documentation and specs for the DPD technology states CLEARLY and UNAMBIGUOSLY that it can produce multiple plasma regions and then detonate them.

Yes, I've read that but what you're simply failing to understand is that the detonations are not uni-directional. You don't even understand the information you are posting.
It's like trying to create a crop circle with fire crackers.

I guess no more needs be said about it. By your own admission you REFUSE to admit the capability even when slapped actoss the face with corroborating documentation.

No there is no more that needs to be said. You simply have no clue regarding the capabilities of the technology you're referring to. You can't even figure out how to use the ATS QUOTE system and you think you understand advanced plasma and laser dynamics? Who are you kidding ???

All I can say is

Unbelievable !!!!

[edit on 5-8-2009 by jfj123]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:31 AM
Hate to add fuel to the fire
but how come the only videos/photos (evidence) we have, that have been proven (to the majority of ATS) to not be hoaxes, are people actually going into the fields and bending the crops?
As for fumbling around in the dark, can I just say, I've just been to my friends house which is just outside Glastonbury, not a million miles away from Wiltshire. At night, it's not dark. We were staggering back from the pub at 1am. It's certainly darker than during the day, but I could read a newspaper in it.

If this is done by military via satellites, wouldn't this affect the cloud cover, which would be visible to thousands for miles around? Before you 'state cloudless nights', I live in England, and the weather recently has been rain rain overcast rain rain overcast. There's been no report of it, ever. ALSO, using such a weapon on British soil without the express permission of the British Government may be conceived as an act of war or aggression. The British government would not be able to authorise this, because of the immense amount of red tape that it would have to wade through to get to that position. One tiny spec of space junk hitting the satellite would affect the beam, creating a distortion in the pattern. Whilst a larger piece would send the beam off course by quite a few miles. This would be taken into consideration by the British, and denied permission. America would have to puzzle their own farmers with it instead. As any military person would tell you, it's all about damage control. That's not happening though is it?

Aliens flying X amount of light years just to graffiti on some crops, doesnt sound logical for an advanced species, who having found the Earth, have decided on concentrating all their technology in Wiltshire. An advanced species, would try to fathom out the local language and prepare a message in that form. Look at the recent occupation of Iraq. Are the signs in English or Arabic? They're actually in BOTH. The only way it could be aliens is if the aliens are similar to Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:

"Yeah", said Ford, "they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor soul whom no one's ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennae on their heads and making beep beep noises. Rather childish really." Ford leant back on the mattress with his hands behind his head and looked infuriatingly pleased with himself.
These buzzers might want to do it, and apart from that the idea is nonsensical.

So this leaves us with humans. What have they done?
Now, if they can do all this, bending some crops is nothing!.
Why would they do it?
There's various reasons, but they do it.

IF I was to create a crop circle, with a few of the experts, filmed it, let you mull it over and, bring your arguments to the table regarding its complexity and which planets it represents, then showed you it was fake and done with standard equipment, you still wouldn't be happy and claim "this is only one" and "you have to explain everyone". Therefore, it would be pointless an exercise for me to do. You foot the expenses and then we'll talk.
So for the people who like to use this argument, just show us ONE that has NOT been done by humans working in that field (not by satellite), with evidence. Just ONE!

Is it that difficult to take that final step and say that, YOU ARE AN ADVANCED SPECIES?

I'm an Advanced Species!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername
So ... you ARE saying the BB has been "tested and confirmed" to enable it to be called a theory ?
Great !! Then who did the testing and how was it confirmed ?


The Big Bang theory is based off of logically consistent facts. When scientists discovered that the universe may be expanding over time, they used logic to help them figure out what started the expansion process (big explosion/bang). Using the current rate of expansion as a measurement, they figured out how long the universe has been expanding, and how big it is. By simply reversing the process of expansion, they found out how long ago the Big Bang started.

Because we didn't exist when the Big Bang happened, it will always be considered a theory, but it is a supported theory.

Using some type of advanced weapons to bend crops in controlled directions is NOT a supported theory, it's just a conspiracy theory.

You are totally ignoring logistical problems in your theory too. First off, the main problem with the current day weaponized lasers is that their power decreases over a distance because of particles in the air, so having the weapon in space, pointed at the ground, and having the laser or whatever plow through miles of particles is not feasible, and would require crazy amounts of power. Even if it was "microwaves", everyone knows that the more objects you put in the microwave, the longer they take to cook, meaning MORE ENERGY is needed. More distance = more energy too.

Also, because of the shape of the focus lenses (if a laser), the focal length would be a huge problem. To have such a huge powerful laser in space, you would have to have focusing lenses larger than the Hubble telescope just to focus the laser correctly on the ground, and the focal length would have to be adjustable (moving lenses).

If you have really huge focus lenses, it makes it incredibly hard to control them precisely enough to make crop circles as well. Especially if it is on a satellite that is in a geosynchronous orbit. If the satellite is not in a geosynchronous orbit, and it is constantly mobile, and moving around, that makes this entire theory sound almost impossible. Because now you have so many more logistical problems it's not even funny. Having a laser orbiting Earth and still capable of making precise designs in crops is nearly impossible.

Just putting a satellite of that size in the air is a nightmare. You would actually have to build the satellite over a period of time while in space, meaning several shuttle trips to the satellite (no so secret).

There is 1000 more problems with your theory, it's just a joke...

Some crop circles are "weaved" and bent in various circular directions. The only way to do this is to some how control the direction the weapon is hitting the crops. But if the weapon is in space, or from above, that means the weapon will be hitting the tops of the crops. Not the sides, or the bottom, or the middle.

Just controlling the weapon like you would an automated laser cutter, or a printer, to the outline of crops would be hard, but possible. But then you have to think about the direction the crops are being bent, which creates an even more impossible problem.

Your theory is just complete junk to tell you the truth...

But debating theories like this are a trap, and a never ending loop. When you are hypothesizing about sci-fi technology, and you use the sentence "they have secret technology", all that does is open the door for you to make up b.s., and add to the b.s. theory just to keep the debate going. Like moving a goal post.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:13 PM
nice one!

farmer is a little out there saying no one has access to his land though. THe photo clearly shows a roadway not that far off.

good circle. nice work!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 05:56 PM
Got a youtube video of this crop circle it's very interesting it show some shots in dark and it is dark if this is man made and they release video of them self making them i would happily buy the video.
But there is no real proof they are man made.
Here is the video.


posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 07:39 AM

But there is no real proof they are man made

Which of the theories does have any proof? We only have speculations.

I find it odd that all the planets or moons are connected to each other by stomped down lanes. Why do aliens do that? Or teh government?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Now, are you done ranting for several posts about how I don't answer you, ignore your questions, etc....

It's called vacation. You should try it.

At least I know I was missed.....

Edit to add:

You do realize, after your knocking of all of the credentials of people I supplied (by the way, me providing something that you don't agree with IS NOT THE SAME as me not providing you with what you asked for) that testing soils is not rocket science! I tested various substances in college and had to compile entire reports on all of the items that comprised said substance.... and I'm not even a scientist. What I am saying is that a general degree in science and/or chemistry could certainly tell you whether or not various substances are in the soil. You run different tests based on what you are looking for. If you are looking for sulphur, you add a chemical that reacts with sulphur. If there's a reaction, there's sulphur present. You then do further tests to ascertain how much sulphur is present, and so on. It's really not all that difficult with a general understanding of the basics.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by lpowell0627]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:21 AM
Really a good design but c'mon, is there really anyone out there who thinks 12, 15 or 20 guys couldn't have made this?

Look at the center of it, nice and wide open, perfect place to start from isn't it. If you had a bunch of people who were motivated to create something like this, and they actually went and practiced it somewhere it would be a simple feat to pull off.

You already know the basics of how 2 guys can form a basic crop circle so is it such a stretch of the imagination to believe this would be any more difficult with more people?

All you would need is some rope for measuring and practice and you could easily do this in half an hour. For all you know they had night vision to help them.

I just watched a show on food network where a chef baked and decorated a cake perfectly with a blindfold on so imo this would be alot easier.

Sometimes I think the people on this site are so eager to find something out of the ordinary that they overlook the obvious.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:28 PM


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