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Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Sargoth
It has not been debunked.


Actually it has, many time on many different boards, in multiple books - but hey it never actually dies.

There was a person who posted that worked in the canyon who confirmed that there were areas in the canyon banned by the Gov. I've said it a thousand times, you orthodox guys just refuse to read and open your eyes.

There are places in most national parks were you cannot go. By "banned by the gov (that sounds so mysterious doesn't it) means closed by the National Park Service? Why not just go there and see what is about?

Why would the "gov" care one way or the other about Egyptians being in the Grand Canyon thousands of years ago?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:12 PM
First of all let's get the facts straight and stop putting out misinformation. The article didn't confirm that it was Egyptian. It said it MIGHT be Egyptian or Asian artifacts. The article in Melchizedek's book said 2 mountain climbers did hike there many years ago and confirmed 1 site and said someone had been there and destroyed many of the entrances. I've heard many such stories before this one about red haired giants being found and the Smithsonian recovered them and covered it all up. So this is not new to me. Why do they do it? Simple, the "powers that be" don't want the public to be informed on anything. They want dumb slaves. Look at the links and maybe you'll get a clue.
It was Win 52 who worked in the canyon and confirmed that there were many places off limits to even park personnel. None of us can prove why, so it's useless arguing about that, but can we all agree there are many Egyptian and Hindu names in the canyon that are off limits. Remember, if that stuff is or was there, it's treasure and worth millions, and another reason to keep it quiet.
Also the Atlanteans supposedly had flying machines and traveled all over the world. Thoth was the one who supposedly designed all the pyramids around the world, the largest one in western Tibet according to Melchizedek, and also gave the Mayans their calender. Did the Egyptians have flying machines left over from Atlantis, I'm not sure. It's a possibility.
Last night there was a program on the History channel called "The Holy Grail in America". It was about a stone with ancient writing on it, found in Minnesota around 1900. It was studied and is supposed to be genuine and made in 1362 by the Knights Templar. So these kind of things are all over the place. Keep an eye on the History channel. (Rune stone made by Knights Templar in 1362 found in Minnesota) (knights Templar in America)

[edit on 22-9-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 03:57 AM
Howdy Sargoth

Why do they do it? Simple, the "powers that be" don't want the public to be informed on anything. They want dumb slaves.

Hans: So why all the outpouring of archaeological and anthropological information since that date? Your comments don't bear up to the evidence. Also you seem to be a lover of the History channel - how does that correlate to your comment above?

It was Win 52 who worked in the canyon and confirmed that there were many places off limits to even park personnel.

Hans: They didn’t prove they simply stated it, hearsay doesn’t equal truth

None of us can prove why, so it's useless arguing about that, but can we all agree there are many Egyptian and Hindu names in the canyon that are off limits.

Hans: No, many other areas are off limits too.

Remember, if that stuff is or was there, it's treasure and worth millions, and another reason to keep it quiet.

Hans: Huh? Why not make it into a museum or move the items there, not a good reason

Also the Atlanteans supposedly had flying machines and traveled all over the world.

Hans: Plato our only source for the legend didn’t mention those at all. He mentions a power with technology equal to Athens of the time.I deleted the rest of the stuff as it went into the Kenington stone material and a bunch of other fringe stuff

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:12 AM
Why is this so hard for people to believe?
I'm not saying that this couldn't be a hoax, but why is it instantly out of the question?
Because the same history books that told you Christopher Columbus discovered America, didn't tell you about this?

Cocaine has been found in Egyptian mummies.
This drug comes from the erythroxylum (coca) bush, which grows only on the slopes of the Andes Mountains in South America, near Bolivia and Peru.

How did this substance reach the ancient Egyptians on the other side of the planet?
There's only one way this could have happened.
Ancient people DID explore the globe.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:28 AM
coc aine in a mummy?
not that uncommon for mummies and daddies
sounds like a cry for help, from an archaeologist..

I don't think ancient Egyptians were into coc aine,
otherwise they would have come up with much better boats..
More likely alcohol and tobacco- like products.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Why is this so hard for people to believe?
I'm not saying that this couldn't be a hoax, but why is it instantly out of the question?

Hans: Based on the demonstrated ability of Egyptian naval capacity and the lack of any mention in their records or intervening bases

Because the same history books that told you Christopher Columbus discovered America, didn't tell you about this?

Hans: The native Americas did but for outsiders the first ones noted with evidence are the Norse

Hans: Cocaine-actually the active ingredient for the coca plant, the drug comes in mummies from much later periods of the Egyptian civilization-at a time when Carthage and Rome would have interfered with such traffic. The fact that nothing was cultural exchanged beside the drug points to a later [modern] contamination. One can see at the Roman trading posts in India the amount of cross cultural exchange that can occur in such trade. This is completely lacking for the drug.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:07 AM
Quote from page 4

"This is interesting because back in the early 70s I worked briefly with a woman named Thelma Dunlop, she was employed with the DA of Long Beach, CA. Her husband was an archeologist. She was enployed as a psychic being used to solve crimes on a full time basis and also help her husband using her psychic abilities to locate more objects or sites after a first discovery had been made.

They were researching and had found archeological evidence to support that in approx. 604 AD. that a ship sailed from the oreint and landed in the Calif/Mexico border area a little south of San Diego CA. They have found budhist burial sites and remnants in that area. How this ties in with the grand canyon is that on board that ship there were supposedly brought to the american continent documents. Drawings and carvings depicted this event. The marking on the carvings depicted a boat with a wide variety of asian men on a board with the marking OXC. Which they believed when translated, meant all knowledge under the sun the moon and the stars. They found further evidence of the this journey in myths of the local people of this area.

After furthur research they believed that this knowledge was place in a cave in the grand canyon.

Hint for the adventurous what happens when you lay a map of the stars and constelation on the earth. It is amazing how the constelation correlate to locations on the planet when properly aligned, where most of the importand land marks are like the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico. Think of Leo the lion and where a cat keeps its treasure, I think using this as a base point in the heavens and placing in between the paws of the sphinx might be used to fined the correct alignment. I have never had the opportunity to investigate this further.

A did some research and field work for then and located some very unusual stones that were just outsied of Drain, Oregon. They were large boulder with writings on them and the directions clearly marked. The writing I was told was ancient welsh stick writing. I took pictures and did some rubing with I sent to Thelma.

Funny thing was that I was shone the large boulder by a rancher when I lived in Drain. I had know Idea what it ment at the time. Some years later as if she looked deep inside me and the subject of these types of markers was brought up. She asked if I had seen anything like this. Well I had and I descibed it to her and then returned to take pictures and do the rubbings.

It was a strange experience and weird things would happen. We would be talking about something and a book would fall off the self, she had selves and selve of books, funny thing is that it would fall open to a page we had been talking about.

Sounds hard to believe but its the truth. Have fun. Enjoy. "

I finally found some supporting evidence for what Thelma was working on after it being said that I was lying.

Buddist Monks Discovered America in 400ad

Happy Columbus Day -- but, let's not get carried away. After all, Cristoforo Colombo was johnny-come-lately in the American discovery business.

The riddle of who really, really, discovered America continues to fascinate scholars. You can get even money on Columbus (1492), Leif Ericson (1000), Saint Brendan (545) or Hwui Shan (458).

Hwui Shan who? That is not his true family name but is a Chinese term meaning Very Intelligent. Shan was born in land-locked Afghanistan and became a Buddhist monk. He was among 40 other young monks who set out to carry the words of Buddha to the ends of the earth. They spent a few years in China which at that time navigated the open oceans with the aid of an instrument then unknown elsewhere -- the compass. We know that early Chinese ships sailed on regular schedules with ships capable of carrying 300 passengers.

Shan heard tales by sailors about countries beyond the "Eastern Ocean" -- a vast body of water the Spanish explorer Balboa would "discover" fifteen-hundred years later and name Pacific.

Chinese navigators knew there was land on the other side of the "Eastern Ocean" -- just as Columbus knew the earth was round and that eventually he would reach land across the Atlantic.

The young monks were intrigued by accounts of a fabulous land where "trees grew a mile tall, silk worms were seven feet long, and birds had three legs."

A third-century Chinese poet, for example, had written of far eastern lands:

"East of the Eastern Ocean lie
The shores of the Land of Fusang.
If, after landing there, you travel
East for 10,000 li
You will come to another ocean, blue
Vast, huge, boundless." (The Atlantic?)

The Chinese were among the earliest boat builders and navigators. Archeological discoveries in California and Central America bear out ancient contacts with Orientals.

The Japan Current -- a strong river within the Pacific -- speeds along at 70 to 100 miles per day in the initial stages of its course eastward to the southern reaches of Central America before swinging west. It is certain that pre-history sailors used this current as an aid in going to and coming from America.

Several of the adventurous monks charted a sea-going junk to take them east until they reached a new land where the teachings of Buddha should be established. Shan, the apparent leader, kept careful records of the directions and distances they traveled. His descriptions of the people, animals and plants encountered make it easy to trace the journey.

His journal indicates the mendicants sailed northeast of Japan to the Land of Ta-han (the Kamchatka Peninsula of Siberia). From there they traveled 20,000 li (6,600 miles) east and south to the "wonderful land of Fusang." If you trace this route, you end up at Acapulco, Mexico. Shan related that on the way to Fusang he saw a people who raised herds of "trained reindeer" (Siberia), and other natives with "marked bodies" (tattooed Eskimos). He marveled at giant trees (Oregon and California redwoods).

Finally he arrived at the Land of Fusang and described it thus:

"That region has many fusang trees, and these give it its name. The fusang's leaves resemble those of the t'ung, and its first sprouts are like bamboo shoots. The people of the country eat them. The fruit is like a pear but reddish. They spin thread from the bark and make coarse cloth from which they make clothing, and from it they also make a finer fabric. The wood is used to build houses, and they use fusang bark to make paper."


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by rken2

This is interesting because back in the early 70s I worked briefly with a woman named Thelma Dunlop, she was employed with the DA of Long Beach, CA. Her husband was an archeologist. She was enployed as a psychic being used to solve crimes on a full time basis and also help her husband using her psychic abilities to locate more objects or sites after a first discovery had been made.

I don't believe you. This is how the crazy internet stories get started. Somebody will read this and mention how they 'knew this guy that knew this psychic...etc.' Lemme take a wild stab in the dark've lost the rubbing and the images? Your dog ate it? Shed burned down? It was confiscated by the Government or a Native American wise man took them from you because...'The people...they are still children...they are not ready. It is said that when Jay builds nest...the young must hunger."

Let's see the pictures. News clipping of Thelma's success?

google Hwui Shan for more info on the journies in 468ad. There is more than enough evidence to support this as fact. As for what he brought with him legend has it he brought with him OXC. Thelma's research took into account the acheological finds as well as the treachings of the native indians in north Mexico who lived there at the time.;_ylu=X3o'___'BydHRjbmRzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=12pc7sff1/EXP=1253700372/**http %3a//;_ylu=X3o'___'ByaDc2aWY5BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=12317dakm/EXP=1253700372/**http %3a//

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by rken2

This is interesting because back in the early 70s I worked briefly with a woman named Thelma Dunlop, she was employed with the DA of Long Beach, CA. Her husband was an archeologist. She was enployed as a psychic being used to solve crimes on a full time basis and also help her husband using her psychic abilities to locate more objects or sites after a first discovery had been made.

I don't believe you. This is how the crazy internet stories get started. Somebody will read this and mention how they 'knew this guy that knew this psychic...etc.' Lemme take a wild stab in the dark've lost the rubbing and the images? Your dog ate it? Shed burned down? It was confiscated by the Government or a Native American wise man took them from you because...'The people...they are still children...they are not ready. It is said that when Jay builds nest...the young must hunger."

Let's see the pictures. News clipping of Thelma's success?

google Hwui Shan for more info on the journies in 468ad. There is more than enough evidence to support this as fact. As for what he brought with him legend has it he brought with him OXC. Thelma's research took into account the acheological finds as well as the treachings of the native indians in north Mexico who lived there at the time.;_ylu=X3o'___'BydHRjbmRzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=12pc7sff1/EXP=1253700372/**http %3a//;_ylu=X3o'___'ByaDc2aWY5BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=12317dakm/EXP=1253700372/**http %3a//

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:36 AM
The best evidence we have shows that the Norse came and maybe the Polynesians-the Polynesians had the technology, ability and perhaps the luck - but if they did their colonies didn't survive.

The Chinese may have come but they left no evidence. Maps made by the Chinese place Fusang north of Japan along the Asian continent.

Ships can get to the NA by using the current, and in historic times they have done so. Several drifting Japanese fishing boats made it. Going back is another story.

Depending on where they landed the crew would be welcomed or killed.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

What was I thinking? It's not like we're talking about a civilization that built things we can't even reproduce today with all of our technology or anything...

As for the norse, there are Chinese anchors that have been found off the coast of California that pre-date the Norse, and I'm sure that in time we will find evidence from even earlier.

The source maps used for the Piri Reis map show Antarctica ice-free.
To the best of mankinds ability to tell, the last time Antarctica was ice-free was roughly 4000 BC.

It obvious that modern man, in his classic self-obsessed, egotistical ways, simply refuses to admit that ancient man accomplished more than we will ever give him credit for.

How did the Sumerians depict the solar system correctly 6000 years ago, yet this discovery is attributed to someone else, much later in time?
Because you are told what you are supposed to know, nothing more.
Many people write things off as impossible because they have been conditioned to do so, don't be one of those people.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
reply to post by Hanslune

Howdy Ashamedamerican

What was I thinking? It's not like we're talking about a civilization that built things we can't even reproduce today with all of our technology or anything...

Hans: Which civilization are you talking about, certainly not the Egyptians

As for the norse, there are Chinese anchors that have been found off the coast of California that pre-date the Norse, and I'm sure that in time we will find evidence from even earlier.

Hans: Nope they are Chinese but of modern Chinese fisherman from the 19th century

The source maps used for the Piri Reis map show Antarctica ice-free.

Hans: Nope again, see the numerous threads here on that Ottoman map, what you’ve been told to see in that map isn’t actually there.

To the best of mankinds ability to tell, the last time Antarctica was ice-free was roughly 4000 BC.

Hans: Add a lot of zeros to that and you might be correct. It was frozen solid in 4000 BC

It obvious that modern man, in his classic self-obsessed, egotistical ways, simply refuses to admit that ancient man accomplished more than we will ever give him credit for.

Hans: As we discover more we credit them more. They were as smart as us but lacked the ability to transmit data effectively so that it survived and lacked the scientific method. Of all the many fringe belief which version do you believe? Why do you reject the others?

How did the Sumerians depict the solar system correctly 6000 years ago, yet this discovery is attributed to someone else, much later in time?

Hans: They didn’t someone in very modern times just made that up.

Because you are told what you are supposed to know, nothing more.

Hans: By whom? So how do you know so much wrong stuff?

Many people write things off as impossible because they have been conditioned to do so, don't be one of those people.

Hans: You appear to be one of the people who has been conditioned to believe whatever a fringe website tells you to believe, you might want to check orthodox sources before becoming one of those people.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:25 PM
I just reread the info. in Melchizedel's book. He said he was contacted by 2 rock climbers in 1997, that said they went to the Isis temple in the canyon. They said they had to climb about 800 ft. to reach an entrance. They said many entrances were destroyed and whatever treasures were there had been removed, but about a mile away was another site that the Gov. was working on and you couldn't even fly over the site below 10,000 ft. Drunvalo also said he saw photos of the mummies being removed way back in 1909 or whenever it was, and there is a book on the subject.
He said there was something in Egypt that pointed to the 4 corners area of the US. before he heard the story. I know it won't matter to you orthodox guys because frankly you guys aren't interested in the truth. Punkinworks didn't even believe there were Egyptian and Hindu names in the canyon and Hans doesn't believe win 52 who worked there. Do you guys work for the Gov.? You can't be that naive.
All I see is big talk, without anything to back up your opinions. At least I've given articles and videos to support my opinions, but you guys haven't provided SQUAT. (Egyptian artifacts found in Illinois)

[edit on 23-9-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 09:42 AM

I just reread the info. in Melchizedel's book. He said he was contacted by 2 rock climbers in 1997, that said they went to the Isis temple in the canyon. They said they had to climb about 800 ft. to reach an entrance.

Hans: Wow 2 points how did the Egyptians get in and why such poor security? Why after over 90 years was there still stuff there- just so the climbers would have a good story? Given DM's background why would you belief this part of stories?

They said many entrances were destroyed and whatever treasures were there had been removed, but about a mile away was another site that the Gov. was working on and you couldn't even fly over the site below 10,000 ft.

Hans: There is a altitude limit over much of the Grand Canyon to avoid the types of accidents that occurred there in the past-do so research instead of believing everything you are told.

Drunvalo also said he saw photos of the mummies being removed way back in 1909 or whenever it was, and there is a book on the subject.

Hans: Yep that great evidence the book is by Childers and its full of made up nonsense

He said there was something in Egypt that pointed to the 4 corners area of the US.

Hans: Like what?

I know it won't matter to you orthodox guys because frankly you guys aren't interested in the truth.

Hans: We are that’s why we are countering your incorrect information and ‘fact by hearsay’

Hans doesn't believe win 52 who worked there.

Hans: Incorrect, I stated that lots of places have places of limits – and as you’ve noted above they don’t seem to have any real you believe everything people on the web say to you??

Do you guys work for the Gov.?

Hans: Do you work for a fringe writer drumming of newbies to buy fringe books? I'm always amused by fringe believers who think that anyone who disagrees with them has to be a government agent,

You can't be that naive.

Hans: Naive? Sorry dude you are the one believing stuff based not on evidence but hearsay....

All I see is big talk, without anything to back up your opinions.

Hans: We could say the same for you – other than the original joke article do you have anything to back up your story?

At least I've given articles and videos to support my opinions, but you guys haven't provided SQUAT.

Hans: Its hard to prove that something that doesn’t exist does in fact not exist, it is up to you to prove its existence, more opinions and hear say is not facts it is as you say, squat. Less believer comments more evidence my friend.

[edit on 23/9/09 by Hanslune]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Sargoth
Melchizedec claims to have traveled through two galaxies...flown spaceships, visited distant planets. He says all of our planets are full of life. None of this comes with any more evidence than the websites or books he makes his money from. C'mon! There must be a little voice in your mind that wonders if he's just making it all up? It isn't reasonable to stack up Melchis solo claims against centuries of independent, verifiable evidence recorded by numerous individuals and institutions.

On probability, can one guy's claims stand against so many?

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Howdy Kandinsky

Well talk about an unimpeachable source! I liked his moving the life beam or whatever from Tibet to the Andes. Now there is a guy to call if your car gets a flat....biut we digress from the subject at hand.

[edit on 23/9/09 by Hanslune]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Show me where Melchizedek said the things you claim. Maybe I'll try to explain it to you.
There is supposed to be SPIRITUAL life on the other planets. You see the universe is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL. That has been known forever by spiritual groups and even by physicists for a long time. You guys don't even know the basics. I'm dealing with Neanderthals.
I suggest you read Sheldan Nidle's 2 books "Your First Contact" and "Your Galactic Neighbors" It's filled with drawings and explanations of UFO ships, Ets etc. (example- Nidle says there are sentient beings from Beta Canceri that are bi-pedal, man-sized, frog like amphibians. That photo of the creature in Panama on another thread looks like it to me.) Those books will tell you everything you need to know about everything, so we can all talk on the same page. It will also raise your IQ about 50 points. His material explains more in detail than DM except Egyptian stuff.

I don't claim everything I post is Gospel unlike some of our orthodox friends. I simply say read everything but take everything with a grain of salt. Sure, there is a lot of disinformation and nonsense out there, it's up to each person to discern truth from fiction or just file it under the I don't know category.
Oh, I don't work for any fringe writers or book companies etc. I'm self employed and I'm independent, not Dem. or Repub. They're both corrupt. None of you have answered the question. Do any of you orthodox guys work for a Gov. institution?

I notice none of you orthodox guys have tried to deny the material which proves the Knights Templars were in Minnesota 130 yrs. before Columbus. Should I assume you concur? What about the Egyptian artifacts in Illinois? Cats got your tongues? Come on guys where's all the adamant denials. More made up here-say? Dazzle us with your omniscient expertise.

[edit on 24-9-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Sargoth

Howdy Sargoth

You appear to be trying the classic fringe response to being debunked, changing the subject and moving the goal posts.

If you find those particular subjects to be of interest (and I do find them of interest, well at least the ones dealing with 'archaeology') start or restart a thread on them. This one is about Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon.

Do you have any hard verifiable evidence other than the 1908 story? The material in DM's book can, at best, be considered made up or hear say.

Hmmmm, you seem to be incredibly naive Sargoth you are asking if we work for the Gov. (I presume you mean the USA one) so if we did do you actually believe we'd give you a correct answer? LOL

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by Conspiracyintheuk

I've read about this before. It's interesting stuff.

Have you ever read about the Egyptians in Australia? I am not sure about the vailidity of it, but that's still worth a read too.

It's also been said

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Sargoth

I have a quite a few books on Atlantis. But I have to ask why all the romance with a past and the discontent of today?

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