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There was a person who posted that worked in the canyon who confirmed that there were areas in the canyon banned by the Gov. I've said it a thousand times, you orthodox guys just refuse to read and open your eyes.
Why do they do it? Simple, the "powers that be" don't want the public to be informed on anything. They want dumb slaves.
It was Win 52 who worked in the canyon and confirmed that there were many places off limits to even park personnel.
None of us can prove why, so it's useless arguing about that, but can we all agree there are many Egyptian and Hindu names in the canyon that are off limits.
Remember, if that stuff is or was there, it's treasure and worth millions, and another reason to keep it quiet.
Also the Atlanteans supposedly had flying machines and traveled all over the world.
Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Why is this so hard for people to believe?
I'm not saying that this couldn't be a hoax, but why is it instantly out of the question?
Because the same history books that told you Christopher Columbus discovered America, didn't tell you about this?
Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by rken2
This is interesting because back in the early 70s I worked briefly with a woman named Thelma Dunlop, she was employed with the DA of Long Beach, CA. Her husband was an archeologist. She was enployed as a psychic being used to solve crimes on a full time basis and also help her husband using her psychic abilities to locate more objects or sites after a first discovery had been made.
I don't believe you. This is how the crazy internet stories get started. Somebody will read this and mention how they 'knew this guy that knew this psychic...etc.' Lemme take a wild stab in the dark've lost the rubbing and the images? Your dog ate it? Shed burned down? It was confiscated by the Government or a Native American wise man took them from you because...'The people...they are still children...they are not ready. It is said that when Jay builds nest...the young must hunger."
Let's see the pictures. News clipping of Thelma's success?
Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by rken2
This is interesting because back in the early 70s I worked briefly with a woman named Thelma Dunlop, she was employed with the DA of Long Beach, CA. Her husband was an archeologist. She was enployed as a psychic being used to solve crimes on a full time basis and also help her husband using her psychic abilities to locate more objects or sites after a first discovery had been made.
I don't believe you. This is how the crazy internet stories get started. Somebody will read this and mention how they 'knew this guy that knew this psychic...etc.' Lemme take a wild stab in the dark've lost the rubbing and the images? Your dog ate it? Shed burned down? It was confiscated by the Government or a Native American wise man took them from you because...'The people...they are still children...they are not ready. It is said that when Jay builds nest...the young must hunger."
Let's see the pictures. News clipping of Thelma's success?
Originally posted by ashamedamerican
reply to post by Hanslune
What was I thinking? It's not like we're talking about a civilization that built things we can't even reproduce today with all of our technology or anything...
As for the norse, there are Chinese anchors that have been found off the coast of California that pre-date the Norse, and I'm sure that in time we will find evidence from even earlier.
The source maps used for the Piri Reis map show Antarctica ice-free.
To the best of mankinds ability to tell, the last time Antarctica was ice-free was roughly 4000 BC.
It obvious that modern man, in his classic self-obsessed, egotistical ways, simply refuses to admit that ancient man accomplished more than we will ever give him credit for.
How did the Sumerians depict the solar system correctly 6000 years ago, yet this discovery is attributed to someone else, much later in time?
Because you are told what you are supposed to know, nothing more.
Many people write things off as impossible because they have been conditioned to do so, don't be one of those people.
I just reread the info. in Melchizedel's book. He said he was contacted by 2 rock climbers in 1997, that said they went to the Isis temple in the canyon. They said they had to climb about 800 ft. to reach an entrance.
They said many entrances were destroyed and whatever treasures were there had been removed, but about a mile away was another site that the Gov. was working on and you couldn't even fly over the site below 10,000 ft.
Drunvalo also said he saw photos of the mummies being removed way back in 1909 or whenever it was, and there is a book on the subject.
He said there was something in Egypt that pointed to the 4 corners area of the US.
I know it won't matter to you orthodox guys because frankly you guys aren't interested in the truth.
Hans doesn't believe win 52 who worked there.
Do you guys work for the Gov.?
You can't be that naive.
All I see is big talk, without anything to back up your opinions.
At least I've given articles and videos to support my opinions, but you guys haven't provided SQUAT.
Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by Conspiracyintheuk
I've read about this before. It's interesting stuff.
Have you ever read about the Egyptians in Australia? I am not sure about the vailidity of it, but that's still worth a read too.