reply to post by Solomons
When I do the Israeli/Jewish thing, it's because many people hate ISRAEL because it is the symbol of a Jewish state - in their minds.
Let's face it. Israel is not a Zulu nation. Nor a Hare Krishna state. It's recognized and commonly accepted to be a primarily Jewish nation,
although there are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and God-knows-what, all living in this single state.
So choke on it if you must, but a lot of hatred is by those who hate Jews for being Jews, or hate Hebrews, or Israelis for being a Jewish
representation in a national form.
I don't give a tinker's damn how many supposed Jews claim separation from, or even dislike for Israel. Doesn't change the nature of the nation, so
your simplistic assumption, based on the voices of a few doesn't change the Macro image that is Israel.
Tornmind -
I said nothing about dropping debates. You did. And your twisted, singular, mistaken sentence, "The hate is perpetrated on the people of Gaza
daily," could just as easily and just as accurately been phrased, "The hate is perpetrated BY the people of Gaza daily."
The Israelis were finally compelled to wall off Gaza to keep out the suicide bombers and ambushers who were killing innocents in coffee shops, malls,
shopping areas, bus stops, ON buses, on and on.
Down South here, we call that a "prudent, rational, defensive measure."
I've heard the outright lies that Israel is prohibiting humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza, but it takes one completely stupid and inept person
unable to read a map to make such a claim.
Any child can pick up a map and see that Gaza is not landlocked by Israel. So much for that claim.
And as far as the US being against Gazans and in bed with Israel, any fifth grade student can find that the US has provided a lot of money to help
The real problem is that the money, instead of being spent on improving life in Gaza, is spent on weapons and munitions.
Those munitions don't feed anyone, don't buy medical supplies, don't build sewage systems, nor provide clean water.
Rather than repeat lies learned by rote, and repeating the same crap, get over it.
Israel is there, they'll stay, and they'll defend themselves.
Just as I would.