Who are the JIDF? In my opinion a little more scary than the CIA; which was mentioned in a thread not to long ago. It stands for the Jewish Internet
Defense Forces. There site is
thejidf.org. I learned about them a while back; during the siege which the Israeli's
perpetrated against Gaza. They were part of a coordination of concerned Zionists around the globe; in order to spam blogs, and sites about the
oppression of Israel. They did this while murdering Palestinians with white phosphorous, and other tactics deemed to be against the Geneva
Convention. Go to their site, and read for yourself. This is their motto, or mission statement on the front page:
leading the fight against
antisemitism, and terrorism on the web, coordinating concerned citizens around the globe, and promoting jewish pride, knowledge, and unity.
Now to make a few things clear. I am of Jewish ancestry, and do not claim Zionism. There are many things that most people don't understand. Some
examples of this are: A Semite doesn't have to be a Jew; it includes the Palestinians, and others from that area. Zionism is not JUDAISM; Joe Biden,
and Tom Delay among many have claimed to be Zionists.
Now back to what the JIDF does. They will coordinate attacks on different Internet sites, forums, and blogs. They do this with other
Zionist Fighting
Teams to sway public opinion in favor of Israel, and of Zionism. Read the links. They act in a conspiratoral fashion; in which they will act
in a hidden manner to disrupt anti Israeli Zionist sites, or arguements. These different fighting teams will come in as ordinary non Zionist people;
then raise all sorts of 'flack' until sites, forums, blogs, and ads=revenue are removed. In short they act in economic, and Cyber terrorism.
I wanted to bring this to your attention as Israel is again preparing for an attack on Iran. We are seeing more chatter spouting Iran is bad from
anonomous sources; which we can see from other sources that they are from
direct government propaganda machines Here's a
link to another thread outlining Oil routes, and choke points. Read it because
it applies to the movement toward war that the Zionist Israeli's are doing now.
Should this thread be pulled, or an overwhelming amount of the responses be negative; I'll give all credit to the Economic, and Cyber Terrorists of
the JIDF. Soon with passage of recent
hate bills, and other countries
taking active roles in making it illegal to
talk bad about
Israel; there will be no voice of the oppression perpetrated by Israel.
[edit on 18-7-2009 by TornMind]
[edit on 18-7-2009 by TornMind]