Hi Guys, not sure if you are interested in this but I am writing a detailed post on dimensions and the shift. It's roughly the same topic.
It includes some really unique thoughts and pictures.
In accordance to jumping dimensions, I had a phase in my life where I had an undeniable hunger to understand what is really going on, I knew there was
much more to this reality, as do millions of others. So I started to dig deep, learn meditation among other things. I met a very interesting lady at
the markets, and she sold crystals, before this point I had no idea about crystals or what they were. She was amazingly intuitive, she could hold your
hand and feel your problems. anyway so she basically helped me to learn how to meditate with particular crystals on special parts of your body, I was
also creating two decreasing frequencies in a stereo pan mode which generated a standing wave which as produced by the mind (same as bin-aural beats).
The idea is that it lowers your brain waves and allows you to get into a trance state very quickly.
So I began doing this regularly in the hope that maybe I would find something unique or unlock some hidden doors in my own mind. Several times I
experienced this amazing feeling that I was just vibration, but one time stood out more than this.
I was doing an hour long meditation with the frequencies and crystals, lying on the floor, I had my eyes closed and was seeing crazy patterns, but to
my amazement when I opened my eyes, they did not disappear! They were floating through my room. I was dark, I had no lights on in the room and
everything looked a little different. The shapes were a see through green glow, more light a neon light and they were shaped like a bent tear drop in
the yin and yang, except there was three in each pattern all swirling like a vortex together. They were just flying in and out of the room and through
the walls. As soon as I started to think about it, they all disappeared. But it was so freaky and exhilarating at the same time. It freaked me out at
the time so I chilled out on the meditations for a while.
After this I began studying the area very deeply.
There are two things which I thing are prominent:
- There are higher dimensions (I prefer to call these densities as they are different in frequency density)
- There are parallel dimensions which are infinite but completely linked to you.
How the latter works is like this. Consciousness is like a never ending fractal, check out the mandelbrot for more info. The consciousness that is in
you enables you to observe one reality that you are choosing to live, created by your beliefs, thoughts and your free will.
Every other possible reality is within your reach, just like the 'observer problem' in quantum physics explains. Each time you make a decision,
there is an option which you decided not to choose, this in essence drives the reality you are in now and allows the unchosen choice to stem another
parallel dimension, but if you could see all potentials with your eyes, it would be like looking at yourself through a kaleidoscope, doing everything
you could have possibly thought of. therefore there are infinite parallel realities.
If that is the case, then the process in which you think can control the dimensions from your point of view. Ok this may be a mind blow, but it's
just my theory...