(For some reason, prior to the dream, I imagined (without prior research that would have shown others believe something similar) we are always in the
dream world, and in this other dimension we change things through thought (only in the dream world I believe we're using our third eye to "see" [I
don't know how we feel]). I don't know if the dream world is "higher" than this one, or if it's the same dimension we'll see after death, or if
there are even other "higher" dimensions above the dream one (over-soul, etc), but that's what I was thinking of when "falling" that time. I was
also near and thinking of someone I thought may see from the dream dimension [a curious thought after wondering, "What if RH- people interpreted
reality from there?"] Now I figure anyone can see it and/or interact through imagination ("interacting through imagination" being a form of
prayer? maybe, I believe so).)
Somehow along the way, I related the feeling with "praying" and imagined it may heal. I also imagined it as a "protective shield."
Last year on Valentine's Day, I found and read part of an e-book called "Awakening the Third Eye Third Edition" (downloadable here:
www.clairvision.org... ). I had had a slight feeling on my forehead for a while now and
was curious, but every other piece of information I found on the subject left me with more questions and zero progress.
It was profound.
Because I already had focused on (or maybe "believed was real") my third eye enough (unknowingly) to allow me to feel it again before finding the
book, after 15 minutes of doing the larynx exercise (wrong even, I had my physical eyes open instead of closed) my third eye was so blissful, and I
was seeing extra-dimensional light! What an emotional day...
Soon after I tried searching the profound text for "fall" and "falling" to be blown away.
I don't really know how to put into words how I feel about what it says. I'm lead to believe not everyone can "fall upwards" (the words the
author uses when referring to the falling feeling) while awake. I imagine that's why it's currently generally unknown (here, anyway).
Controversial... I like to believe everyone can do it while awake in their current body, but I don't know. If they do, nobody talks about it. If
they can't now, then in another body maybe...
If you're looking for more information on the subject, you'll be happy to know of a more known term:
... There is a lot to learn from this upward moving energy
which is akin to the udāna-vāyu, highly praised in Sanskrit texts. ..."
I've only begun researching, but I found out a few things about it. I read that when falling upwards all the chakras open up, it happens
automatically at death, and it has something to do with the throat chakra. I also read some call it "light" or "flying."
(It's weird, being here now. Am I supposed to share this? The world's so confusing.)
I even read recently when you do this you connect with higher beings... It's hard to believe, you induce this feeling and then find later your
astral/other body may have been directly with them...
I may believe, though. I wonder what will happen now.
(This knowledge is probably currently forbidden, yet I doubt I'm even scratching the surface.)