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August 20th Spells Global Meltdown

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake
reply to post by OnTheFelt

Thanks for that reply OnTheFelt... I've actually read about Dewey and his work on the internet, and I've been meaning to buy that book. I find these cycles very fascinating, and if we can find the cause, I believe that we will have a very powerful knowledge and tool for all disciplines, including science. You saved me some leg work, cause I was going to post some of this guys material to bolster my own case, but you seemed to have saved me some time and effort, thanks.

According to Hoagland, Dewey's work and the fact that astrology works, prove his hyperdimensional physics theory.

I wonder what the sunspot cycle looks like in comparison to the current market cycle? Hmmm, I wonder if someone can find that? I'll look into it.

I've done so much research on this it has made my head spin. But that's crazy you mentioned Hoagland, as I just recently watched "Obama Hyperdimensional Election/2012" and sure enough it was now the 6th independent source basically saying the same thing.

It's great to see that others are paying attention to this. This all started for me years ago when my ex-girlfriend (Scorpio of course:lol
kept telling me how how astrology and numerology were much more than some novelty BS. Opening up to these avenues definitely paved the way to my future understanding of all this.

Through my path of discovery, I have learned so much, so if you're so inclined here are some other great presenters who have helped me to finding this great knowledge. It's probably moot, as you've probably already seen most of these.

But just in case and for others:

Crossing the Event Horizon - By Nassim Haramein
Timewave Zero - By Terrence McKenna
Secrets of the Mayan Calendar - By Ian Lungold
Timeline to 2012 - By Ivan Stein

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:22 AM
Arch Crawford (Crawford Perspectives) on the pending eclipse.

Jay interviews Arch Crawford - 6Min audio posted yesterday.

Some of you may recognize Arch from his frequent guest appearances on Chris Waltzek' GoldSeekRadio show. A strong proponent of The Bradley Model , basically Arch is a market timer that employs an unconventional blend of traditional pattern recognition , and planetary conjunction interpretation. I don't subscribe to his service , but I have a couple friends that swear by his work.

He says the events of this Fall will pale by comparison to what awaits next Summer/July.

Prechter has been wrong on Gold for the last 8yrs. Alf Field' wave analysis , well , he's the man.

Nice work HothSnake.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:05 AM
If we rally to August 20th that would be great.
But I think the top may be on August 6th and caused by the Mooninites.

It won't be a catastrophe though. More like a graceful retracement that will bottom out at a level higher than in March, it will be a higher low, then that will lead to a higher high.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by THX-1138]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:47 AM
i have heard alot of people talk about this augusts, that quarter especially. i lost my job on the last quarter, it went to malaysia. i will be on unemployment and i will be lucky i think to even find a job. i feel this quarter will hit very hard as speculated by many of financial advisors. the usa has already went over to china and borrowed more money. check it out for yourself, it was in the late nightly news cnn. and fox. the govt knows what is going to happen and im sure haliburton for example does too. hard times are comming and this august is the beginning. my father has warnned me of that day. the day that the shinny new garbage can has rusted at the bottom and when the trash man collects the garbage one day the bottom falls out. who do you think will pick up the peices. why you, and you will do nothing. katrina happened, who helped them. our govt, no, it was we the people who picked up the peices and we will do it again.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

Good stuff... I think that I've read most of, or part of the stuff that you recommended above. I highly recommend all of it.

And I highly recommend watching "The Hyperdimensional Presidency of Barack Obama" by Richard C. Hoagland. I learned a lot of stuff from that seminar.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by OBE1
Arch Crawford (Crawford Perspectives) on the pending eclipse.

Jay interviews Arch Crawford - 6Min audio posted yesterday.

Some of you may recognize Arch from his frequent guest appearances on Chris Waltzek' GoldSeekRadio show. A strong proponent of The Bradley Model , basically Arch is a market timer that employs an unconventional blend of traditional pattern recognition , and planetary conjunction interpretation. I don't subscribe to his service , but I have a couple friends that swear by his work.

He says the events of this Fall will pale by comparison to what awaits next Summer/July.

Prechter has been wrong on Gold for the last 8yrs. Alf Field' wave analysis , well , he's the man.

Nice work HothSnake.

A very interesting website, and I really, really want that book he recommends. Thanks for the post, and I'll check this guy out (I have about a thousand websites to read at the moment:lol

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by pudgeego

katrina happened, who helped them. our govt, no, it was we the people who picked up the peices and we will do it again.

Exactly, people had better learn to take care of themselves, cause the government is nothing but a giant fraud machine that will leave you stranded. Their friends will get filthy stinking rich off of your misery. Just remember that.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:22 AM
things are very interesting on the political front

it's tuff to follow who is really in charge...........who gives the real marching orders

there must be some loose sort of plan....but who is doing the planning

Bidlerberg people are very influencial in business and politics the economy and media

Do the trilateralists advise them

do the trilateralists take their orders from someone else....i mean half these original "NWO" types are in their late 70's , 80's , or 90's.......kissinger......rockefellar.....Bryzenski.....

i would bet that the aveage man or women would be "shell shocked" to learn what decisions are being contemplated at various meeting because more than anything they may be surpised to learn the potential fragile state of "the rule of law" within society as we are wedged in a global recession/depressionary period ......and the decisions being made to sustain that......combined with the massive conflict of intrests which make writing off the overhang of debts poltically unacceptable to those in positions of power.....leaving them with the path of least resistance ......a globalist......."poverty state" where the standard of living is much lower for developed country's (than what they had been accostomed to).........but the populace will be side tracked from laying the blame for this upsetting standard of living by their own willingness to believe the propoganda being put forth ...under the old adage of uniting people in "difficult times" thru the fighting of a common adversary

" Global warming "

" terrorism "

these things are over exaggerated for the desired effect.....when you have the media machine shaping people's opinions about the severity of these you can illicit the response you like with enough willful ignorance and propoganda 101.......we have both in excess

what do you think about them apples

now if this was truly a agenda as i believe it has been decided would have to keep the two twin global "adversary" threats in people's mind as appearing to be real.....especially as the economic pain deepens......this may tell you what is to far as not letting a good crisis go to waste.......or even aiding these crisis....from a means to and ends philosiphy

[edit on 20-7-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:18 AM

From Evasius on this thread
Again, for your info, according to the Timewave Zero program, this segment of time we've just entered matches the French 'Reign of Terror.' If you have no idea what 'Timewave Zero' is, please have a look at the intro of my thread Air France Flight 447: Timewave Zero Correlation or perhaps read through my more recent thread entitled Timewave Zero - Countdown to Transition.

The original 'reign of terror' began on Sept. 5 1793, and culminated during the months of June-July 1794. July 22-23, 2009 marks the compressed version of this period according to the program (which maps the cyclic nature of time).

You can find his entire thread on this subject here: thread

I've read some of Terrance Mkenna's work on this subject, but Evasius does an excellent job on this thread with this subject that is just another correlation that shows what unique times we are living and and ties in with my own eclipse theories and coming social and economic upheaval that is coming within then next few years.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:10 AM
Here are some graphs comparing the DJIA with Solar Activity.. Notice how both drop off at the same time (around 2000) and also notice how we are at a major bottome in both cycles. How many correlating cycles do we need before we realize that we are in deep doo doo? Good news is that the solar cycle reached a double bottom, so they are predicting a rise in solar activity sometime around or after 2012. Weird?





[edit on 21-7-2009 by HothSnake]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:17 AM
The problem I have is that this prediction has been made for 3 other specific days this year and those days came and went without the collapse. Okay, I give in to the idea that we are indeed in dire times and that I do actually have this fear that our economy will still collapse. It's not because of the stock market or anything else. It's because of the central bank doing what they are doing. They have destroyed our dollar and now want to move on to bigger and better things.

So, we can focus on the sensationalism as presented by these kinds of articles and posts or we can focus on trying to live the best life that we can and try to care for our families in the best manner possible. Given whatever circumstance we find ourselves in.

If it does happen at least my kids won't be in school so I can stay at home with them until we all starve to death.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:50 AM

So, we can focus on the sensationalism as presented by these kinds of articles and posts or we can focus on trying to live the best life that we can and try to care for our families in the best manner possible. Given whatever circumstance we find ourselves in.

The object of this post isn't sensationalism, as you claim, but to warn and to inform those that would like to be prepared for what could possibly come in the near future, based on the many correlating cycles that have signaled such events in the past. You can't ignore the historical data, only fool ignores a repeating pattern, even if he can't explain why it may repeat. It is no more sensational than a weatherman telling you that it might rain tomorrow.

The idea is to inform you of what may happen, based on what has happened in the past, so that you can take care of your family instead of being caught by surprise, in which case your chances are greatly reduced in that endeavor. When a weatherman tells you that there is a chance of rain tomorrow based on the past cycles, involving wind currents and high pressure areas, etc., then you should probably grab an umbrella.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:20 PM
From this weekend's GoldSeekRadio: Arch Crawford standing by his call for a major equities drawdown by Nov 1st.

The Phoenix flares, Prechter's dramatic sub-1000 DJIA call, the dollar, and of course...Gold & Silver.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:43 PM
I saw a graph showing similar situations from the previous week and the 1987 crash. I stayed out of the market and missed a major run up in stocks. With this sell off, I'm buying expecting earnings to be positive for many of the companies yet to report and that is most of them. I read something from a poster about repeating lows in the stock market coinciding with Venus occultations if I remember that correctly. The poster mentioned October as the next time he expects a major low in the stock market. That would match up with elections here in the US and makes sense to me. I'm not expecting any major crash though. It could happen and I'm hope I'm not holding stock if it does.

As far as my own position where I work at, I have the biggest backlog of customer orders I've ever had and putting in extra time trying to work on all of them. More orders doesn't necessarily mean our revenue has increased but it is not like 2008. I believe business at many other companies is much better now than a year ago. This is bullish in my opinion. Politics is what could spell trouble for business. I keep hearing about proposals to tax this and tax that. Why would a company hire people when they don't know how much the government is going to require in new taxes per person? Our current government is one of the worst as far as business sense goes in my opinion. I've read Obama did not see a need to have people with a business background in his administration. I see the results.

Robert Prechter has been wrong before and I believe he will be wrong again with his sub 1000 call on the DOW. We're all in trouble if he is right.

I found the information I mentioned. It was the start of a Venus retrograde that coincided with lows. The next Venus retrograde starts around October 8th I believe.

Also I found this link.
Apparently Robert Prechter has been too much of a bear. Some people are hot when the market is falling. Some people are hot when the market is rising. I'm still looking for someone who is hot all the time.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by orionthehunter]

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