posted on May, 13 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Intrepid, that's a worryingly young age to put a kid on drugs at. However, I can see both sides, methinks.
On one hand, drugs are not good. Having an energetic child is not a problem. Like Skadi said, things like ritalin are basically stimulants. So, when
you give a person stimmies for X period of time, they either continue making them, stop makign their own. If they continue to make stimulants, then
the kid ends up even worse. If they stop, it can have drastic effects later on in life.
On the other hand, I was a volunteer at a summer camp. I saw kids who were energetic- they were the life of teh party, and everyone had a blast when
they were around. However, there were also kids who were energetic and acted out, who made EVERYONE miserable. Dealing with two or three was enough to
make sure I never end up there again- even with the 1000$ + a month pay. So, imagine a teacher if you will. She wants to quash any behaviro even
remotely like the kids I dealt with. I can see their side of the story, and it's not right, but I can see where they're comign from.
My advice is to either halve her dosage and make sure she gets as much exercise as possible ( actually, getting her involved in sports isn't a bad
idea) or simply homeschool her. Best of luck though, sibkin.