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Timothy McVeigh Deserves a Statue of Honor

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

I can only hope you and the six people who placed a star on your post are not copycats. All famous murderers have groupies I suppose.

Are you planning to imitate your hero?

You believe the murder of innocent people is OK. Why do you believe that? Please give some insight into your thoughts?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged
Tomothy Mveigh was a patsy, he didnt do it. The whole thing was a false flag operation. Do some research on it...the whole story stinks and is clear as day when you investigate a bit. There were high-grade military explosives planted in multiple places around the Fed building...but that info was hushed up real quick...not to mention a ton of other things.

The OP is saying he did do it and that he was right to do it. The OP thinks the killing of innocent people was justified and thinks it should happen again. I think you are off topic a bit.

[edit on 7/12/2009 by Blaine91555]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Far as I know the ruby ridge shootings were all about shotguns the atf wanted to prosecute over, no one actually got hurt by that family, in other words no harm, no foul. People on the other hand were murdered by the ATF snipers. At Wako, that was about Janet Reno not backing down, and sending in troops to murder the people who would not surrender, kind of like in the olden days when general custer was sent out to kill indians , but got killed himself, retaliation was deadly and was in fact genocide, as they killed women, children, babies...

back to the subject, the problem here people is that the group of people who would stand and fight is shrinking, and soon will be eliminated by the simple passage of time, a trick the vietnamese taught our government back in the early seventies, wait long enough, problems just go away, as we all will fade. Now building a statue would kind of go against that idea, as it would keep the memory of the man alive, see they wanted him really dead, as of course he is.

Outside influence is the problem with getting this statue a done deal, see if the the people of this country including the people who belong to the fed agreed to make this country secure and all one again, there might be a place in history for this statue, as it sits now, we are all just one police car ride away from lethal injection ourselves, why, because people just don't stand up for others when they should. no body will do a dam thing to stop this kind of brazen life taking from happening again, we as the people should never forget, the fed should try to support our population and push outside influence aside, remember the answer people is unity, can we find a unity with our fed, I would hope so.

figure a way to do that, and you will have one of those statues on every courthouse lawn.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:22 PM
This whole thread has turned into nothing but a bandwagon and ad hominem attacks. In five pages I've read almost nothing of any substance. Sure, no killing of innocents is good. Is it ever justified? I'll leave that call up to you people who want to make those decisions, I sure don't. But the government did it first to its own people. Why are most of you only focusing on the OP's call for a statue (like that will ever happen) and only focusing on what happened to the babies in Oklahoma and why are you not upset about what the government did to the innocent babies in Waco? So what if their leader slept with a few underage girls, does that make it okay to kill the girls too? If you don't think violence is justified then you should be against violence everywhere. You should be against what happened at Waco, what happened at the Federal Building in Oklahoma, Iraq, wherever. Not just focus on one or the other. Maybe next time the government propaganda machine tells us our enemies are using innocent people as human shields we'll ask ourselves what baby daycares are doing in federal buildings here in the U.S.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by theyreadmymind
This whole thread has turned into nothing but a bandwagon and ad hominem attacks. In five pages I've read almost nothing of any substance. Sure, no killing of innocents is good. Is it ever justified? I'll leave that call up to you people who want to make those decisions, I sure don't. But the government did it first to its own people. Why are most of you only focusing on the OP's call for a statue (like that will ever happen) and only focusing on what happened to the babies in Oklahoma and why are you not upset about what the government did to the innocent babies in Waco? So what if their leader slept with a few underage girls, does that make it okay to kill the girls too? If you don't think violence is justified then you should be against violence everywhere. You should be against what happened at Waco, what happened at the Federal Building in Oklahoma, Iraq, wherever. Not just focus on one or the other. Maybe next time the government propaganda machine tells us our enemies are using innocent people as human shields we'll ask ourselves what baby daycares are doing in federal buildings here in the U.S.

It is really sad that babies have to die, also sad that fetus's have to die, that is about abortion, now it shows you are from D-TOWN, now how many abortions you think take place in D_TOWN? I would bet you real money that the babies from wako and okla, don't add up to one month of abortions in D-TOWN. Have you called those people and asked them why its ok for them to kill babies inside those buildings and throw there bodies in the trash for stray dogs to eat?
The bottom line is this is about truth, truth isn't history, it's truth. Only one version, only one story, war declared or undeclared against country, or person, costs human lives, whether it's indian lives, iraqi lives, american lives.
When war is declared by a person or country, it is always about casulities and effective control of real estate, therefore add it up,

was there realestate involved in both cases, wako, yes...
how about oklahoma, yes the building was owned by the government.

so these are acts of war, no matter how large or small, with that in hand, go down to the Abortion clinic now, last time I looked no real estate was involved with the abortion clinics.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Golden Generic

Sorry, I really don't know what you are trying to say in your post. I am generally against abortion or killing of any kind. But I do understand it happens and I'm not blind to the fact that there are reasons for it. I'm not blind to the fact, for example, that the government trained Timothy McVeigh to be a killer and to kill his enemies even when collateral damage was involved so these things are bound to happen, it's just that Timothy's enemy changed to the government in this instance when the government killed some of his own. I'm not defending him or attacking him, as I am not letting my emotions get the best of me. I'm just calling it the way I see it. And the way I see it is McVeigh got the electric chair while the government got off scott free for doing practically the same thing.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by theyreadmymind]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:07 PM
I'm surpised at the level of ignorance about this topic on this site. Timothy McVeigh was a patsy. OK was a self inflicted wound by elements within the government. It is not possible to do the damage that was done with a rider truck full of fertilizer in an open area. Timothy McVeigh wasn't a hero but he certainly isn't the one who is responsible for OKC bombing.

The real evil is within the Federal Gov. They have been killing innocent people for years and the sheep in this country keep chewing the grass. The crazy thing is there are so many on this thread who are outraged at the children that died and seem totally oblivious to the thousands that are being killed by our government right now. There are atrocities going on in Iraq, Afghanista, and Pakistan as we speak and they turn a blind eye to it.

Wake up people, your government and it's minions within the military and alphebet agencies are coldblooded monsters who don't care about you or your kids. So far you've been lucky and haven't become a target of their death machine, but that will not last forever. When it's your turn to die who do you think will stand up for you after you did nothing to defend the innocent in the past twenty years?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by skyeyes

How do you know that they weren't ready fight to the death?!?! They already had killed hundreds with their "Kamikaze" pilots. A lot of what you read indicates?????? Don't believe everything you read, nothing is truth until it happens. People that write those things can speculate all they want. Bombing Japans military targets would have meant nothing to them. Their military was almost non-existant, yet they still did not surrender. They knew the end was near, but they continued to fight on. I think that the problem lye within the Japanese warrior code that most of these soldiers had taken with them into battle. It is highly probable that it was the reason for the refusal to surrender.

I don't believe everything I read. I acknowledge that because history is written by writers, none of us know the whole truth of history. You believe in American history.

I also know for a fact that there is no way to know what would have happened if the A-bombs weren't dropped. To me, dropping the A-bombs just as Japan was going to surrender anyway, as a warning to the USSR, sounds just as plausible as using them to get Japan to surrender. All I said is that we don't know.

But back on topic, you did answer my question. You believe that there are justifiable times to kill civilians.

Where is the line drawn?

What is really the difference of a terrorist attack on a government building that kills civilians, versus an American air strike in Afghanistan that kills civilians? Both have specific targets, and civilians are killed as 'collateral damage'.

I guess it just depends on which side of the fence you are sitting on.

I'm all for people who think that innocents shouldn't be killed. But, I'd like someone who believes collateral damage can be justified to tell me how they draw the line and determine when it is okay. What is the deciding factor?

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Nickmare]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:42 PM
The very premise of this thread is disgusting. Lets go ahead and erect a statue to Osama in the middle of central park while we're at it, and Hitler, his statue can be in Boynton Beach. How can anyone think this is ok. The thought of it makes me want to vomit in anger. Scratch that. I want to vomit so hard that I cough up toenails.

Domestic terrorism isn't some act of patriotism.

Timothy McVeigh wasn't a hero.

Get a grip.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

There should be a statue in his honor erected.

Anyone who comes in here and tries to justify the deaths of innocent matter what the cause....especially when their are children involved.....

Well....YOU"RE EVIL and there is most likely a spot reserved for you in hell.

I don't know how in the hell you can call this man a hero when he killed innocent people.

you need help man.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by David9176]

Amen, and well said. I sometimes wonder where peoples heads are when they attempt to justify the unjustifiable.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

Amazing how many cowards are here, whining about the post.
and try to pretend to be decent folk standing against McVeigh.

Yeah, you got a helluva a lot more courage than we do, saying something like you just did. Now if only you could harness some good ole common sense with that. Posts like this are so unbelieveable I often wonder if this isn't done to get things going on a slow day or week with JJ appearance just to give it an air of authenticity.

Timothy McVeigh eptimomized the traditional coward. He he was an arrogant little snot with a delusional ideas he was special. Being against the iraq war was nothing unique, many were, and the sudden tinder box at waco was an exhibition of incredibly poor judgement by the FBI and McViegh criticized it? wow what a visionary! Pffft we all criticized it but weren't STUPID enough to killl a bunch of civilians, woman aand children having nothing to do with waco or iraq, McVeigh,'s oklahoma terrorist attack, makes what the FBI did pale in comparison, moreover he became as guilty of being the very thing he hated about them in an act of monumental hypocrisy and unmatched stupidity a level of cowardice by an American G.I. never before seen and worthy of all the rebuke his name conjures up from now through eternity.

May he ROT in hell and may you stumble upon the help you need


[edit on 12-7-2009 by DASFEX]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:29 PM
If McVeigh had blown up a building of Law Agents of Afghanistan, you cowards would all agree with McVeigh. Simply because it was the US government and you are too scared to applaud his avenging US victims of Waco.

Bottom line, you are hypocritical and unfortunately, meaningless for not recognizing the true element of the Post. IMHO.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:34 PM
"I regret that I have but one life to give for my country..." Patrick Henry.. The folks who can't sleep @ night are the upper eschelon of ATF, FBI, DEA etc. who survived the bombing because they received pre-dawn phone calls that day and told NOT to report and allowed those children of fellow employees to DIE...KHARMA is a bitch..McVeigh was probably a modern day Manchurian his fellow soldiers described him as "The Perfect Soldier.." a true American Patriot..nonetheless..howecver misguided...btw the other bomber (3rd man was never caught)...and Controlled Demolition
hoenix Maryland handled cleanup and evidence disposal..just like 9/11..coincidence?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:52 PM
You say he proteced the lives of innocent people?

Do you not realize he is in jail for blowing up a building and killing innocent people?

I do not care what this guys political beliefs are. There is a right way to fight for the rights of innocent people and there is a wrong way..... Building a bomb and blowing up a building and killing many innocent people and injuring even more.... That is the wrong way.

Timothy is not a hero. He is a nut job who blew up a building and killed people. You say he was standing up against things like Waco? What part of his actions was the standing up part? The building the bomb or the blowing it up and killing people that had nothing to do with anything?

If a statue is ever put up in his honor it will be knocked down immediatly by people who have sense.... That is not to say you do not have sense...but come on....

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
If McVeigh had blown up a building of Law Agents of Afghanistan, you cowards would all agree with McVeigh. Simply because it was the US government and you are too scared to applaud his avenging US victims of Waco.

Bottom line, you are hypocritical and unfortunately, meaningless for not recognizing the true element of the Post. IMHO.

No bro, you don't recognize that your anger has pushed you into a line of thinking that raises warning flags in allot of people reading this...

Payback Comes Soon... the Name rings of INTENT


coupled with, not understanding that acting alone isn't tolerated because the actions of one man might be skewed and that a military operation has gone through a chain of command in which many decisions have been made by many people and at least has some basis of control and process of supposedly sane men and women before a final decision is made

and the Two do not equate to one an other

We all know Waco was a bad chain of commands...

But your condoning killing a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it for revenge as worthy of idolatry

It's hard to even explain why your whole thing here is ringing alarm bells and being taken as kind of nuts... because it's kind of nuts

What you need to do, is go out, go to a batting cage and get zen hitting some balls and let your frustrations calm and give real thought in that calmer state to what your thinking about.

It seems like

You have psychologically elevated your self to being waaaaay more important in the scenario than you actually are, it's dangerous territory.

Sometimes, the best we can do and the most we can control is our own situations in life, my advice is to release yourself from the tension you have on the subject matter, no one has chosen you to fix this but you and the gesture in the manner timothy Mc Veigh may or may NOT have acted...

Do NOT have the intended affect

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by David9176

I quite agree.. terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks. They are called such because the intent is to install fear, panic, disorder.

He did not bomb the building to "vindicate" anything, he was a fanatic who took out his anger on innocent people.

Honoring the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City Bombing?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Threads like this will get ATS shutdown! PLEASE for the sake of Awakened members of ATS DO NOT allow this thread to continue and have this person and any like him banned! PLEASE MODS PLEASE! Freedom of speech is one thing but to condone murder of Americans and children is NOT what that freedom is about! This persons reasoning is why TPTB will be going after sites such as ATS and you cannot for the love of this country allow this! I am not being disrespectful or telling you how to do your job but the eye for an eye mentality will leave us all blind, so it is a useless one and will only bring down this site and other sites! I know I am a new member but this CANNOT BE HAPPENING! At least let your veteran members vote and decide if you do not want to pay heed to me. I need this site for more reasons than one and I DO NOT visit any other conspiracy sites! ATS has members who are not full of crap and even if I do not agree completely with them I still respect them and NONE have said anything as hateful n heartless!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:45 PM
he was innocent.set up by the real culprits,the so called truck bomb could not do the damage that was inflicted.I feel soory for anybody that buys the story he did it.Wake up people,the truth will never be known but lies are easy to figure out.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged
Tomothy Mveigh was a patsy, he didnt do it. The whole thing was a false flag operation. Do some research on it...the whole story stinks and is clear as day when you investigate a bit. There were high-grade military explosives planted in multiple places around the Fed building...but that info was hushed up real quick...not to mention a ton of other things.

To Unplugged - MY CT Mentor of 42 years believes this too! It's worthy of a thread of its own. I have some first hand related stories to mention in that regard. It very well MIGHT have been a black flag op.

But, the OP is in the belief that Tim DID do it and deserves a statue for KILLING innocent children in the daycare center in OKC! Now that is the mosted twisted psychotic belief I've seen in a long while.

Two wrongs do NOT make a RIGHT! And the OP is WRONG to think that they do.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Has anyone ever stopped to think that maybe the motive for someone posting a thread of this nature is by direct design and they are achieving a particular goal by doing so?

A.) A post like this is a beacon for the PTB to point to when they call the internet dangerous and talk of diversive websites who preach hate against the US government. Its like planting evidence that can be used at a later time at their own discretion.


B.) On the off chance that any nutter would actually agree with this OP it would be easy to pinpoint the visitors to this site who may actually be a real potential threat.

Read through the B.S. is what I say. Look at post's like this for what they are.

[edit on 7/12/09 by BlackOps719]

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