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Secret Tunnel from Edwards AFB to Roswell to Area 51?

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by covert111
I live where there is quite a few underground caves around and there is an underground base 35 miles in Twin Bridges which is 35 miles from my house.
[edit on 5-12-2009 by covert111]

just out of curiosity, how do you know there is an underground base there? do you have pictures or any other evidence? or is it just like a local urban legend? not trying to bash you, but if youre serious id like to know about this base.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 03:34 AM
Lots of good discussion here

My two cents goes something like this.

Looking at this from a realistic perspective ie current technology.

I'm sure there are subterranean bases but I seriously doubt there are very many or that they are anywhere near the complexity most people think. Building tunnels from one to another is a pretty silly idea considering the time and effort it would take to create such tunnels.

Then again if they have advanced tech that we don't know about then of course anything is possible.

One thing I learned while in the USMC [3rd AABn Alpha] is that the Government is very good at hiding things in plain sight and since the general public has no idea what they are looking at most of the time anyway I don't see where there is any real need for more than a few " secret " bases let alone tunnels that go from one to another.

The reality is that the military could easily move anything they want over a normal road and people wouldn't even know about it.

Fun to speculate though

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 05:47 AM
if there is a tunnel, then it would likely be guarded. look for things out of place, such as a large concentration of security

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by chrisd250

Originally posted by covert111
I live where there is quite a few underground caves around and there is an underground base in Twin Bridges which is 35 miles from my house.
[edit on 5-12-2009 by covert111]

just out of curiosity, how do you know there is an underground base there? do you have pictures or any other evidence? or is it just like a local urban legend? not trying to bash you, but if youre serious id like to know about this base.

Ok I'm unzipping my fly now ...........Here is the coordinates for it :

60. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36° 02.8′ N 115° 24.3′ W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base

I've seen the whole sky strobe before I mean all the sky above and at night. I've seen a piercing blinding light on the ground almost like someone was welding but 100 times larger too I don't know what all that was about either. But strange things go on here.
It's this little town too and they renamed it recently to Twin Bridges it used to be Evergreen. Why rename a little town if it wasn't anything important?

[edit on 8-12-2009 by covert111]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM
ther are many under ground tunnels

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM
but you never no it could

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by glee

I know I know its a really old post, 2004 right but just thought I would chime in in case some one else wants to investigate this. I moved to the desert here in 1985. i am in the aviation business and am a civilian contractor to the military. During the course of business i was introduced to a man who wanted to sell a jet engine and thought I might be interested, I was and went to his house, the man'c name was chuck and was 85+ years old. while talking to this interesting old guy, i asked him where he got all the aircraft parts, he told me his life story which was interesting but he then told me about a Top secret underground tunnel that went from Edwards Air force base to a secret base in Tejon ranch, I later had this confirmed by several locals who had lived in Rosamond all there lives and knew all about the tunnel. I did not think about it again until 5 years ago when i bought a house and moved very near where the tunnel aperently is because on calm wind free nights, I hear was sounds like a deisel electric locomotive going under my house. The first couple times it made me wonder just what in hell I was hearing so I went outside and could not locate the direction of the sound but then I realized it was coming from under my feet so i put my head to the ground and realized I could hear it even better. So go figure...

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Well guys, I really don't think there's a tunnel. Let's face, if there were, it would probably be the world's longest tunnel project. And then how would the government keep the construction secret? Then next item would be a ventilation system. There's no way you could provide adequate ventilation just from the ends. That mean you would have to have above ground stations at regular intervals along the route sucking out stale air and pumping in fresh. As far as a nuclear tunneling machine goes, who needs it? They could use the same type of equipment they used on the chunnel project between England and France.

I haven't bothered, but has anyone figured out just how many miles we would be talking about? And why to Roswell? There's no base there. They just gathered up dbris in the fourties and that was that. BTW, back then they didn't have the kind of tunneling equipment they have today.

I think we ought to get Mythbusters on this one!

I thought the debris was taken to Walker AFB in Roswell?

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by ohanotherone
reply to post by glee

n i bought a house and moved very near where the tunnel aperently is because on calm wind free nights, I hear was sounds like a deisel electric locomotive going under my house. The first couple times it made me wonder just what in hell I was hearing so I went outside and could not locate the direction of the sound but then I realized it was coming from under my feet so i put my head to the ground and realized I could hear it even better. So go figure...

That almost ties with a account that appeared in a magazine called FATE, that heard noises coming from under her house.

This is from multiple sources, not sure if it it did appear in the magazine (might be false, even the woman herself and her story), but here it is, its my own writing, but more or less it, just a copy and paste from a map of secret bases caves and things I never finished.

In a letter to FATE magazine, Wanda Lockwood told of hearing noises coming from beneath her basement in 1970.
The sound she described as machinery or a 'hum'

She used a hammer to hit the floor in a 1-2-3 pattern. Until after 5 minutes she heard a response in the same manner. She also reports of hearing mens voices at the same time.
She continued to hear the sound after but never again the voices.

'Two years ago my small son Danny and I were playing in his bedroom when we heard a sharp metallic sound as if a large steel hammer had struck the concrete BASEMENT floor three times. It took us so by surprise that Danny began to cry. I was merely curious because I had heard a noise like that several months earlier in or beneath the living room.

"I decided to lie down on the bedroom floor with my ear to it. I clearly heard the roar of MACHINERY or I should say a 'hum.' As I listened I heard something or somebody moving around and fidgeting with what sounded like machinery.

"I quickly got up and fetched a small hammer from my husband's took chest and began to tap the floor, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, etc. I had continued for about five minutes when to my surprise the 'being' beneath the floor began to tap back, 1-2-3, 1-2-3. As I listened I heard a series of noises and knocks and then a MAN'S voice began to speak, not to me but to someone else. His words were too muffled to understand.

"I called the local police and asked if there were any underground installations in our town and they said there were not.

"Frequently after that I would place my ear to the floor and always I could hear the hum of machinery but never again the man's voice.

"It is my opinion that races of people live far beneath the earth in vast networks of caverns and they have access to miracle machinery that can project sound and even images to the earth's surface. I wonder if we are confusing these subterranean beings with spirits?'

The woman was from Bakersfield.

Took a look on google Earth, can't really see anything on the surface in the area, not ruling anything out or anything, maybe if the base is not actually a typical military base on top?
But you should investigate it anyway, record the sound, maybe try to pinpoint any rough location, and see if it follows particular direction, as well as marking time and date. If its not constant sound, and very much like a train passing, then it could rule out any machinery in the area.

I'm sure some have read about those alleged tunnels that go across the US, connecting bases, and uses mag-lev. When searching up anything on Dulce, reference to these tunnels can often be found. I don't really believe it too much.
Though very much so there is little doubt of tunnels that do link some facilities that are not too far apart or some stretch some way into area which are just empty on the surface and serve as storage or with operational places, or exits if the main base was to be attacked, that I really would imagine would be the case with C.O.G facilities, long tunnels we're unaware of.
edit on 3-2-2013 by eniar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:40 PM
I've heard that one a heap of times, area 51-Roswell-Edwards-China Lake-Washington DC etc but I don't buy into any of it. It's just an urban legend. We're talking tens of thousands of miles of tunnel and there would be no point in it. Everything used to get transported by road and probably still does.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by ohanotherone

It wasn't Chuck Clark was it? He is an area 51 researcher who used to live in Rachel, NV. I don't know if he still does but he an older guy who wears glasses and a baseball cap.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Thomasz

Trust me. Chuck Clarke isn't 85. ;-)

The tunnel story of course is complete crap. The secret Tejon facility is just the Northrop RCS. I guess all the cars going to the facility are for show.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by gariac

Tell me about it, it's just one of those rumours thats been around for years and I got to tell you I don't buy into it. It's absolutely ludicrous to suggest that there is so much underground tunneling spanning across the whole nation. Edwards to groom lake is a possibility because it is a detachement however I'm still not sure.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Thomasz

When it comes to these BS stories about tunnels, the first question you have to ask is "Why build the tunnel?" Is it because you have too much money laying around? Is it because you don't own any aircraft so you need a land route? Do you want to avoid trucks and cars going to and from your secret base?

The tunnel to Groom Lake from anywhere fails these simple tests. They fly aircraft to Groom on a daily basis. The Janets use Groom, Tonopah, Edwards, and Palmdale. There are trucks going to Groom and the TTR on a daily basis. They also have a bus line. So why did we build this secret network of tunnels then fly or drive to the base?

Next, price out the cost of building tunnels. This is not hard to do since tunnels are built through mountains all the time. Oh, did I say mountain? Ah yes, if you expect to build the tunnel on any kind of budget, mountains are better than random dirt. [In some ways, going underwater is easier.] Oh, and just what do you do with the dirt you displaced.? Flush it down the toilet. Wait, that only works in prison movies. Then they invent the secret nuclear dirt vaporizer. The problem is you have just changed the form of matter, not destroyed it. You need to vent the soil vapor without being noticed.

These tunnel stories are pure crap. This is not to say there isn't a little bit of underground construction here or there. But hundreds of miles is very unlikely.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:27 AM
There have been DUMBS and tunnels being built since the early 1950s.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by glee

As someone who actually lives in Roswell NM I can tell you for a fact that many folks usually older then my age (mid 50's...if approached properly) about 'underground tunnels' will tell you it is a certainty and I have too agree with them. Those folks that are willing to talk about this also tell of this same tunnel running out to Luke AFB in AZ on its way to Area 51. These same older folks also will tell you that this north/south tunnel is large enough to run semi trucks side by side as in two way traffic! I believe them as some of them have some kind of connection through family that helped to build these tunnels.

A dear friend of mine who helps me do an ongoing 'freemason watch dog' kind of thing has also heard the ole timers talk about an underground tunnel (branch of your tunnel in question) that leads from the old walker AFB all the way under main street that runs North and South to Albq and onto Sandia labs. Before I forget to add this I have personally interviewed various people (age groups) that live out at the old base whom have seen numerous flatbed trucks bring in UN vehicles that were off loaded on the old tarmac and parked...only to be gone as in nowhere to be seen only hours later...there is only one way in and one way out, and the old base property line is fenced off so where did they go? Many of us out here say and heavily suspect underground!

Now here's the kicker...we (my friend and I) while looking into the new freemason temple that was being built (about two years back) found out that the afore mentioned tunnel ALSO branches off and runs straight to the new freemason temple! Now before I continue please mull this over. A local Christian church/school bought the old original FM temple BUT was not allowed to have nor enter the basement of the original temple. Why? Because of the "Tunnels!" all of the original temple basement entrances were heavily cemented in!

I hope this helps...

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:46 PM
As far as a nuclear tunneling machine goes, who needs it? They could use the same type of equipment they used on the chunnel project between England and France.

Why use that wasteful technology? A nuclear machine melts the waste rock and forms a ready made glass smooth tunnel...therefore less fuss and ready to use for whatever. Look into the USAF subterrene. This is a nuclear fueled/powered tunneling machine. They do exsist.

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posted on 7-5-2004 @ 09:40 PM this post If Edwards is a SAC base (i dont remember) then most likely it would have underground tunnels as to where they would go.... Roswell and Area 51 sound unlikely...
They may have the tunnels for the Nuclear technology that they would have close at hand....




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posted on 8-5-2004 @ 07:22 AM this post So can anyone tell me why the sign says

ICBM --'can't make this word out"
Dec 14 1982

You sure it's just not something they dig the ICBM silos with?

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posted on 8-5-2004 @ 07:25 AM this post Sorry for 2 posts in a role..don;t want to lose the location of my image in above post.
Here is a link to a better picture, the sign is not as blurred. Look at it...
DEC 14 1982

I can no longer find the pic on the DOE website, which is where this pic came from

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posted on 8-5-2004 @ 07:33 AM this post The full picture from the link makes me think it was a sign used at a dedication ceremony for the boring machine. The machine is so clean you can tell is hasn't been underground yet. The "TRW" probably refers to the contractor who built the machine. I don't think this does anything to support the original idea of this thread. Military bases do have tunnels, look at SAC and NORAD bases, but I highly doubt they go from Edwards to Roswell to A51.

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posted on 8-5-2004 @ 07:37 AM this post Originally posted by CommonSense
I don't think this does anything to support the original idea of this thread. Military bases do have tunnels, look at SAC and NORAD bases, but I highly doubt they go from Edwards to Roswell to A51.

That was my intent. To show that this pic is of something else.
I am aware that bases have tunnels. Hell Carsbad Caverns has tons of them used (natural and manmade) for Civil Defense storage.
Oklahoma City has a huge underground tunnel network downtown, as does Houston...But that is off topic.
I was just trying to point out that it is probably for somthing else.

If you want to look at underground bases.. go here..

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by NetStorm]

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by NetStorm]

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by MTZ

Your post reads (or sounds like) from Edwards AFB too Roswell and back again. I live in Roswell NM. Don't you mean 'branching out' from Area 51 to both Edwards and Roswell? I only pose this question because you would be amazed at the amount of folks on the internet that actually think that Roswell and Area 51 are either one in the same or are geographically close to each other.

In the off chance you may be one of those people Area 51 is in Nevada, and Roswell is in New Mexico. Although I am quite sure you know this...just my 2 cents!


posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Thomasz

May I respecfully ask where your proof is for "An urban leagend"?

I live in Roswell NM and the old timers themselves (if approached properly) will tell of the underground tunnel that runs from the old Walker AFB on up to Albq and Sandia AND even a branch that runs to our local freemason temple. So having another branch that runs on out to Area 51 is quite plauseable actually.

So urban legand? I'm thinking not since a fair number of these old timers (80's-90's by now) even clain to have worked on the tunnel system back in the day out here that everyone seems too knows about. Also google the RAND corp and its 'subterrene' this is a nuclear powered tunnel boring device.

Just my 2 cents and thank you for your time.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by CommonSense

You state and I quote:
And why to Roswell? There's no base there.

I live in Roswell NM and actually the old base still exsists. Granted the military doesn't use it 'full time' as in being an active military base...but they still use it. The base is leased out to the city of Roswell. In other words to be taken back at the govt's whim. The Walker AFB was closed (supossedly/officially) in 1967 Btw. The old Walker airbase is also where that crazy man did that high altitude record setting jump from recently.

So why Roswell in the first place?

Back when the 1947 incident happened Roswell was the only closest military base. The actual crash site is much, much closer to Corona NM 40-50 miles north, north west of Roswell. Many people including the lame stream media get this totally wrong and imply the (alleged) crash happened 'AT' Roswell. The crash debris was taken to Roswell, after the authorities AT ROSWELL were notified of a crash. Thats how the Walker Army Air corp base got involved. Yes Army Air Corp...the USAF wasn't founded until Sept 18th of the following year 1948.

I also was in the Air force so I can verify this date as a case you are interested.

Sadly most people today (again thanks to the lame stream media) actually think that Roswell was directly involved with the crashed vehicle. Which is not true. Not even close really! No pun Btw.

Just my 2 cents...hopes this helps you.

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