a secret tunnel system runs from Edwards to Roswell, then on to Area 51.
Geography is not a strong point for you...
The differance is that a nuclear tunneling machine would melt the rock, leaving glass walls and no excess muck to be desposed of.
Let's try a little experiment in critical thinking...
And the nuclear material comes from?
I know teacher! I know...
What nuclear material melts rocks?
How much would you need?
Why did the nuclear material that melts rocks not melt the rock it came from and head straight for the earths core?
Who mines this material, where, and how?
What do you keep nuclear material that melts rocks in when you aren't melting rocks?
Imagine for a moment that radioactive material can melt rock and leave a glass wall. What happened to all the material in the middle; the 20 foot
diameter hole for the electric Lionel train? Does the radioactive material that melts rocks and turns rock into glass melt the rock in a 50 foot
radius and compress the 20 feet of material in the middle into the rest of the tunnel?
Why is the glass not radioactive?
How does one attach railroad tracks to a radioactive tunnel made of rock compressed into glass?
Does schist, granite, limestone, sandstone, and shale all compress into glass when exposed to this nuclear material?
Is the operator sitting at the rock face, where the radioactive material is melting rock? Does the government supply gatorade and lead lined fruit of
the looms?
Do you also believe that the CIA invented crack and AIDS?
[edit on 3-9-2008 by Researcher]
[edit on 3-9-2008 by Researcher]