posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:43 PM
I´ve given this challenge a great deal of thought. It intrigued and provoqued me to think the unthinkable.
Since I love thought challenges...
First of all, I´m assuming that the conditions of life on Earth have become unbeareable for a number of reasons: overpopulation, pollution, climate
crisis and so on.
Principle: it wouldn´t be smart to "depopulate" the earth without a clear objetive: to attain better living conditions and returning Earth to a
healthy state.
- to depopulate Earth by giving it´s traditional ways a boost: using natural selection
- to eliminate all possible threats to Earth´s health
- create a virus of a very fast, painless and deadly disease that would kill the undernourished, unhealthy people. spread it first over countries with
catastrophic living conditions (i.e. Africa).
- create a "vaccine" for common ailments (pneumonia, flu, etc) that would contain a slightly stronger strain of the contaminant agent and publicize
it among the elder. Desired results: the "vaccine" would cause the illness. only the healthiest would survive.
- legalize and promote heavily the use of drugs, smoking and drinking: natural selection would quickly eliminate heavy users and cause dealers and
drugs moguls to battle to death for their profits.
- at the same time, any crime commited during the influence of any drug or alcohool would mean immediate death penalty
- create a harmless bacteria that would turn whale´s meat - when dead - into an uneatable bitter goo that could cause death if eaten.
- create a harmless bacteria that would live all over living trees. When trees were hit by a chainsaw, it would spray a blinding acid liquid all
around it
- All governments would pay an yearly incentive to childless couples. One child would mean the end of the incentive and two children would mean the
incarceration of the mother. An alternative to that would be free distribution of anticonceptives that would unknowingly cause sterility. Poor areas
of the world would receive the product with priority
- immediate death penalty to all rapists and murderers.
- poor high school reports would mean obligatory social work in devastated areas of the world
That´s all for now...