posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 04:05 AM
Thank you for all the replies.
For those who say it's a messed up thread to discuss, and that it is a morbid thread full of morbid replies....i agree.
Does it have to be morbid though?
Yes the term depopulation brings about thoughts of mass culls of the human species, but as many have rightly said, our species carried out it's own
depopulation naturaly every day. Nobody bats an eyelid at that.
There are millions of deaths every year from malaria. So? Yet if i were to say that we are going to get rid of a million people to help the planet
out, there would be uproar and rightly so.
So whilst we have 4 pages of mostly morbid suggestions of how to bring the population, how about the more positive ways (if you can call it that) of
managing the amount of people on our planet?
I can only think of going down the birth control route. Not that it's a lovely option, but i'd rather be told i can't have a kid for a couple of
years until the population evens out, than have my kids taken away from me.
All this said, who actualy decides if the earth needs depopulating? How do they come to these figures? Does it actualy need to be done and how do they
come to this conclusion?
The way i see it, theres more than enough land for us all. Theres more than enough food for us all....although thats not exactly managed well.
The more i think about this, the more i feel it's a case of organising the planets species better, rather than getting rid of them. However whilst
there are greedy people out there in charge, i don't think we will ever sort this out in a civil manner.