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Scientist Baffled by Land Uplifted in Alaska - Nothing to Explain it

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Bartibog

Meanwhile i have posted several times in the past, and even not too long ago scientific evidence that there is indeed something which is affecting Earth, as well as every planet in the Solar System, and even satellites and comets are being affected by something which is physical, and should have a lot of mass to cause unexplained phenomenon affecting the entire Solar System, I do not think one isolated event, in which a small region was being uplifted is any evidence of this, more so because similar uplifts have occurred in the past.

There are many members who continuously try to dismiss the theory of a dark companion star to our Sun, but the evidence of this dark companion star keeps mounting.

Again, this event was restricted to a small part of Earth and can be explained by other geological events which have occurred in the past.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

The coral that is growing in the oceans grows and leaves behind coral beds. Critters die and leave behind the immense limestone beds that are hundreds and sometimes thousands of feet thick here on the Earth. Plants and animals die and leave behind coal beds that are hundreds of feet thick. All of that stuff just doesn't disappear, it adds to the planet Earth in size and weight.

That doesn't make any sense? I give you the meteors, but I counter with the stuff we send off into space.

As far as life adding mass or size, the life eats up supplies from here to gain it's size and then deposits it right back. The coral and trees are eating up resources from right here, so it is a neutral action, there is no gain or loss.

If we start mining the moon, or eating stuff from outer space, then we will add mass and size to our planet.

It is possible that our planet it growing in size and becoming less dense from reactions in the core, but I doubt it. It is also possible that the Sun is adding mass to the earth by bombarding it with radiation, energy, and molecules from it's fusion, but again, I would guess the Earth is shedding an equal amount of radiation and mass back into space from the night side.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Essan
OT but AGW has been mainstream science for nearly 200 years. Accepting it might be real is a bit like accepting evolution and that the earth is more than 6,000 years old
Although my own thoughts on the issue of climate change do not accord with current mainstream (especially media and political) views.

Meanwhile thousands of scientists disagreed with your lovingly held claims, and even many scientists from the IPCC came forward to state quite clearly that Global Warming was being POLITICIZED... Of course that was happening also meanwhile scientists who dared to question the Global Warming hoax lost their jobs, and/or their funding, meanwhile the nutfruits like Hansen kep yelling he was being silenced even though his shrill voice was being heard almost weekly as he complained that "he wasn't being heard"....

The claim that anthropogeni CO2 is the cause of the warming, and the cause for the ongoing Climate Change was, and is nothing more than another scientific inquisition by those with power, or those with little power, such as the GREEN movement, who wanted, and still want more control over the population because of their flawed ideas...

The claim that anthropogenic CO2 has been the cause of Climate Change is similar to the claims that the Earth was flat. The flat Earth claims were only based on a belief system, and so is the Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka Global Warming Hoax, except for the fact that even the hoaxers involved in the Global Warming propaganda knew for the most part that their claims were wrong, they just wanted, and want more power.

Originally posted by Essan
Anyway, we don't need to disagree on everything do we?

Well, when you want to laugh about what other members believe, yet you yourself have dismissed real science in favour for a belief, I think it is more than necessary to point this out.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Meanwhile thousands of scientists disagreed with your lovingly held claims,

Actually, they don't, they agreed with them
They, like me, dispute the causes and contribution of AGW and especially the predictions made by the likes of Hansen and the IPCC. But unlike you they do not deny that human activity has an effect on climate, including global average temperatures. You should check out the views of other sceptics like Christy and Pielke sr. Though obviously we all accept that we may be wrong.

I'm a sceptic. You're a denier. You have a belief system to defend. I do not.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Essan
As this thread has shifted way off into kooky sci fi land and there's clearly not going to be any chance of a serious discusion on the geological causes of this rather minor, but intriguing, event there's probably really not much point in me saying this. But I think the answer is given in the article:

Below Bluff Point, a new fissure opened up at the base of the 800-foot high cliff. The uplift could be a re-activation of a landslide that happened perhaps 12,000 years ago.

Though of course we'd need a geological map and a field visit to confirm that.

It does not at this stage appear to be caused by the mutant space goats and therefore those still awaiting their tickets to board the 'B' Ark need not panic. Unless you really want to.

hey, you better watch it man: we don't want real science here!!!

I think we all know the truth: it was the effect of Nibiru's gravity. Maybe. If not that, it's due to the last of the Moon's core being mined out, which happened this week according to a thread I just read.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:22 PM
Look! The bottom line here is that a month ago the same BS science would have told us it would have taken millions of years for that to happen. But it didn't!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Very intersting. Methinks I would stay away from the area for a few days though.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:57 PM
I must admit - the standard of intelligent scientific debate on this thread, and on this site (in most cases) is very low. I am permanently astounded as to the general ignorance of basic science by most posters. The same few people are the USEFUL contributors every time.

This was not caused by Nibiru. This was not caused by Aliens. This was not some space goat fart. This was MOST DEFINITELY not caused by the earth getting larger.

And before any of you ignoramii (not everyone) try and argue with me - go and get an education. I did. I studied GEOLOGY - the SCIENCE of understanding paleoenvironments. It's a fairly exact science, with mostly constant variables. So if you want to suggest this event was caused by something paranormal, do it in private - in your cloak and mask, in your bedroom with mummy and daddy. Do not fill up a useful, scientific thread like this will your utter stupidity and trash talk.

Before anyone casts me down with the unbelievers - I do believe in Aliens, other dimensions, paranormal phenoma, governments conspiracies etc etc. I just use FACTUAL evidence to support my beliefs. Not complete tripe.


The Para.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
Look! The bottom line here is that a month ago the same BS science would have told us it would have taken millions of years for that to happen. But it didn't!


Scientist try to be fair minded in that they suggest possibilities but don't say they have definitive answers until they feel there is sufficient evidence.

You hate science and scientists and attribute anything unexplained to their lying and incompetence.

I suggest you try to go 10 minutes without reliance on what science has successfully introduced to your surroundings.

A hate rant is of no interest to anyone and reflects badly on the source.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:29 PM
They had similar uplifts in the 80's near Loydminster Alberta (or Saskatchewan it crosses the border). They turned out to be a gas pocket that had ignited burned at expanded. Eventually the fire went out and the land dropped below it's original height suddenly.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Parallex

Parallex im curious as to what you feel the increase of land is due to....

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Its called a fulgamite.

They are caused by atmospheric electrical activity, typically by lightning strikes.

A mega strike can cause uplifting of land exactly as described.

Typically circular or arcing in nature.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Oh Please - you scientist wannabees are scrambling to say it was this or that rather than looking at what is obvious to everyone else. Why can't you just step back and say we don't know?

THAT is your real issue - you would have said that bleeding people was the proper scientific cure for a fever 150 years ago, or that the world was flat 500 years ago, yet you still come off with the same pompous attitude today when you have no concept of what happened.

Just say you are clueless and be done with it. You're like some kind of control freak that can't stand the idea of not knowing what is going on.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

There is knowledgeable speculation, based on known principles and precedents. That's what the geologists are offering, They politely and professionally qualify their answers lacking further data to confirm their interim conclusions.

True but how many times throughout scientific history have scientists from all areas had to "go back to the drawing board" because something presented itself in which they had no explanation for. This is how we evolve and gain knowledge.

It can't always be assumed that there is an already known explanation for everything all the time because even scientists don't have all the answers.

I'm not saying they are wrong about this, but (and maybe this doesn't apply to you) some people have simply mentioned other ideas they might have and are being attacked for simply thinking along different lines than mainstream scientists do.

It reminds of how there's a "Logical explanation for the existence of God" as well as a "Logical reason God does not exist". Both arguments are very sound yet it is the individual who believes one or the other that decides which is right and which is wrong.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Essan

There are thousands of landslips around the earth every day. These are not picked up by seismological stations because the they are simply too small to register.

Unless there was equipment very close to the location of this particular minor earth movement it's highly unlikely such a landslip would register on any instrument.

I could very well be wrong, but I personally don't think a piece of land, without notice, somehow raises itself to the height of a two story house is too small of a movement to be detected by a seismograph. How small is too small for a seismograph to be able to detect such a thing?

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
Oh Please - you scientist wannabees are scrambling to say it was this or that rather than looking at what is obvious to everyone else. Why can't you just step back and say we don't know?

THAT is your real issue - you would have said that bleeding people was the proper scientific cure for a fever 150 years ago, or that the world was flat 500 years ago, yet you still come off with the same pompous attitude today when you have no concept of what happened.

Just say you are clueless and be done with it. You're like some kind of control freak that can't stand the idea of not knowing what is going on.

And what were your predecessors saying 150 years ago? Exorcise the demon? Burn the witches? Hang the scientists?

Writing hate letters to newspapers?

Did you try to go 10 minutes without the need for some scientific creation.

How do you manage to read and post online.

Send Bill Gates an angry letter.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:50 PM
I vote for a continuation of a landslide, or a new one.
It could be like this, the landform that slid was sitting on top of bedrock or something, and the underlying ground has a rise in it. As the land continued to slide beneath the beach it was pushed up by the underlying formations.
there was a landslide in so cal a few years ago that did very much the same thing.
If the land slid in the past and then froze, and now has thawed the water could be lubricating the soils and allowing it to continue to slide.
I hate to shatter every ones fantasies about nibiru and the growing earth

but the cause will be a very mundane one for sure.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Parallex

Does it not state that the scientists are baffled? I would love to hear your opinion on this incident I reported on from Nepal last year. I was there and spoke to representatives in the Dept. of Geology in Kathmandhu. A few thousand km away from the incident, they too were baffled, as nothing known in science could come close to explaining the apparent instant collapse of a forest." target="_blank" class="postlink">

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:16 PM
I'm a bit late to this thread but maybe it's the Mayans or Eygptians who have been keeping themselves in ICE deep underground but because of global warming the ice is beginning to melt and they are awakening

On a serious note it could be the beginning of the end.........

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by serpentine

it was a blow down. the witness even states that there was a "gale".
It is rare but it happens especially in mountainous terrain.

I know of an instance here, where an unusually strong downhill wind, called a mono wind by the native mono people, blew down a large number of trees a couple of years ago.
It blew them down in a path about 1/2 mile wide and about 1/2 mile long.
I can think of half a dozen instances in the last 20 years. I have seen mono winds that were above 70 miles an hr and have been told that they have been clocked over 100 mph at times.
And they are very localized, it can be blowing 50-60 mph in a canyon and be almost still on an adjacent hill side.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by punkinworks]

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