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Scientist Baffled by Land Uplifted in Alaska - Nothing to Explain it

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by nunya13
You fail to realize that even the geologists are at a loss for an explanation and the best they could come up with is a landslide that happened 12,000 years ago? Keep your minds open, because NONE OF US know the answer right now. So you assuming you have the most logical explanation is just as bad as us assuming we have a great "alternative" explanation.

It's ALL speculation at this point because not even the experts have a clue.

There is knowledgeable speculation, based on known principles and precedents. That's what the geologists are offering, They politely and professionally qualify their answers lacking further data to confirm their interim conclusions.

My own guess is plate settling of some kind has happened. 1000 ft 20 ft high may sound large on a human scale, but looking at an area thousands of miles across and deep, it's an almost invisible hairline in comparison.

I dismiss comic book artist Neal Adams expanding earth theory, It has been successfully torn apart elsewhere. I doubt it's something exotic like a vast smuggling tunnel.

Before things like Google Earth, the Internet, and reporting with photo and video documentation by people everywhere, these sort of things probably happened infrequently, but only a few locals even were aware,


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:24 AM
The first thing that I do know for a fact, is that the Kenai Peninsula in general is in a VERY active seismic zone, which runs adjacent to Mt. Redoubt no less. Therefore, we must consider not only Tectonic movements (ie, Earthquakes), but also the possibility of Thermal activity as well. If a thermal fissure opened up, it could very easily shoot debris up through the earth. The only trace to discover such, would be steam escaping from the ground, and/or a fissure, which could very easily be concealed through the distribution of debris currently scattered around the area. Also, it could be a submerged fissure, which could have very easily caused an upward surge of debris and energy, which in turn would have allowed for a tidal surge that blanketed the beachhead with vast amounts of deposited debris. A Methane Pocket release could be a culprit as well.

A landslide should have produced seismograph detectable tremors, an Earthquake would have obviously produced such, so I do feel that Thermal activity needs to be thoroughly looked at in regards to this incident, as well as Methane Pocket location in regards to this location.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:03 AM
When I saw this thread ,I immediatley thought of WORMWOOD (planetX,Nibiru etc.)and the affects it will have on the earth as it approaches us.Check out the following site ,it gives a detailed explanation of what we need to be aware of for the arrival of this Planetary body.

"the end times are upon us"

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:18 AM
Obviously the concept that mainstream science is wrong is going to be met with hostility, like a woman scorned. But it really is the only logical conclusion.

All the scientific instruments currently placed saw nothing. The sad truth is that the FACTS are getting in the way of the theories and mainstream scientists are panicking as if some religious belief has been proven wrong.

And you know what? Maybe it has.

If that area can just pop up without any of the scientific instruments noticing - yet it still happened - then science really does need to rethink they're explanations.

Read the thread and it's pretty obvious who is seriously flustered by this. It's the scientific people who keep begging for geology to somehow pound this square peg into their round hole... No pun intended.

A patch of rocks in Alaska means nothing to them or any of us in reality - BUT - the implications of a piece of Earth just jutting up out of nowhere so fast that no machines or people even noticed it is actually a big deal.

The thing is, it's not due to some underground volcanic thing like spontaneous islands have done in the past - but they will try to compare the two.

Nope - The fear is because the idea of this does not conquer with what they believe. Kind of scary, because it implies that if the facts don't agree with the accepted lie - Then they have to attack the facts.

I have a scary idea for you - MAYBE - our scale of measurement is wrong?

Stand by for the true believers to attack this one.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
Read the thread and it's pretty obvious who is seriously flustered by this. It's the scientific people who keep begging for geology to somehow pound this square peg into their round hole... No pun intended.

A patch of rocks in Alaska means nothing to them or any of us in reality - BUT - the implications of a piece of Earth just jutting up out of nowhere so fast that no machines or people even noticed it is actually a big deal.

The thing is, it's not due to some underground volcanic thing like spontaneous islands have done in the past - but they will try to compare the two.

Nope - The fear is because the idea of this does not conquer with what they believe. Kind of scary, because it implies that if the facts don't agree with the accepted lie - Then they have to attack the facts.

I have a scary idea for you - MAYBE - our scale of measurement is wrong?

OK leading expert on how the Universe operates. How do you know this is "not due to some underground volcanic thing?"

I have a scary idea for you. Maybe you have a thing for to messianic prophetic pronouncement on science and forces of nature of which you have little actual comprehension.

Is it the End of the Universe or some elevated soil and rocks?

Do you have friends in High Places?

Only God and you seem to know.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Parallex
OI you lot - stop flailing around like nuggets and do a little learning.

I'm a geologist, with a specific interest in volcanology. So please, no stupid comebacks.

So you'll know that when measuring increased volcanic activity we set up dozens of seismographs around the volcano - because otherwise we cannot detect the small earth movements that may indicate a magma chamber is growing.

There are thousands of landslips around the earth every day. These are not picked up by seismological stations because the they are simply too small to register.

Unless there was equipment very close to the location of this particular minor earth movement it's highly unlikely such a landslip would register on any instrument.

The argument that this landslip cannot be explained by geology because it did not register on any instruments is a straw man.

I am quite certain that when a geologist visits the site a very simple and mundane explantation will be forthcoming. And equally certain that some people will dismiss his as a cover up because it does fit in with their world view.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:00 AM
I know the real reason for the land that uplifted.

Circles, riles, and arcs are a common occurrence of electrical discharge machining.

I'm willing to bet this is a fulgamite left over from an electrical process.

When electrical current (say from a massive lightning strike) passes through the earth it can blister the surface leaving what is called a fulgamite.

These often take the shape of circles or arcs.

Large scale plasma discharges can actually rip a perfectly circular hole in the middle of the fulgamite mound leaving behind what looks like an impact crater.

For an explanation by a plasma cosmologist see this article.

Several more articles can be found here under earth's geology.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:38 AM
A crop circle typo?

The Tasmanian Devil chasing Bugs Bunny underground?


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I wonder if it could be early effects of Niburu, or the brown dwarf star starting to impact Earth somehow.

"Continents will rise and shift" is something i have read pertaining to the arrival of this Star.

If it was on that scale it would be more widespread.

It is prolly some weakness near the subduction zone.

A lot of ppl forget Alaska is on the Ring of Fire.

The pacific ring of fire

That area is heavily prone to earthquakes and plate shifts.

I'd say you got a localized effect there, or possibly a new volcano
is possibly trying to punch through.

Satellite thermo-graphics might be a good idea to check.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:06 AM
When two continental plates collide they create this, just like the Andes. My thoughts are that there was a shift in the oceanic plates that shifted the oceanic crust inwards towards the land and pushed up the beach. This would also explain why this happened on a beach. This is how some mountains were formed.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:17 AM
Now I believe it is possible for Atlantis to rise from the depths of the ocean. I admit I had doubts about it. But if this can happen so can that. There is a member who always says 'these are strange times we live in' and he is definetly right about that. So who owns this new piece of dirt?

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by questioningall
well, maybe the same geologic dynamics responsible for the "growth" of the himalayas and mount everest are at work here

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:32 AM
This is one of the strangest things i have ever heard of.I just hope it does not continue in other coastal areas.Areas near by should be studied to see if it has occured there too.I do not know what this is.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:05 AM
Just a little refresher

the earth is not round, nor is it truly elliptical


The geoid, is often described as the true physical figure of the Earth, in contrast to the idealized geometrical figure of a reference ellipsoid.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Wow - I think I just found something that could help explain this event.

This is from a science site - and I found it - because in the magnetosphere watch thread here:

I had mentioned the magnetosphere has decreased in size/strength - someone challenged that. So I found a few science sites which explain it.

Well.... one site - gave me a BONUS - Very interesting The below is a discussion/information on the magnetosphere. It seems that due to possible problems with the magnetosphere decreasing etc. we can have Earth changes INCLUDING New land being formed!


Jeremy Bloxham of Harvard University told scientists at one of the meetings of the American Geophysical Union that the Earth's magnetic field decreased by 10 percent during the past 150 years.” Of course “reversals are rapid events, at least on geologic time scales." The spokesman for the National Science Foundation (NSF), which funded Clement's work is absolutely right and the unbelievable rotation of the magnetic nucleus connected to the EB geo-transfer only; (movement of fiery outer nucleus masses into asthenosphere, from E geo-sphere into B geo-sphere) The secret of the permanently decreasing protective magnetic field is permanently hardening of metals and formation magnetic crystals into outer nucleus and caused by permanent increasing of the huge pressure in the outer nucleus. In the conditions of high temperature and permanently increasing pressure, permanently additional metallic particles can overcome the Curie point. Produced new metallic and magnetic crystal can easily gravitating by magnetic G nucleus.

now this is the most interesting part of the same paragraph (very long) that is under the above section.............

the dangerous and dead full event on the Earth can produce kilometers high tsunamis. 50÷90 percent of the fauna can die by the attack of global geocatastrophe. Rapid drift of all continental platforms can change costal zones. Some islands and peninsulas fully or partially are sinking under influence global tectonic forces during a global flood. Same forces can create new islands and peninsulas as well and some islands and peninsulas can become much wider. Most interesting is the post-event situation around G-nucleus. Rapidly decreased pressure around G-nucleus produces partially or fully melting and mixing of sediment particles (F-layer) around the rotated inner nucleus into the outer nucleus. The melted F crystals loss magnetism become liquid and are mixing into outer nucleus once again. The melting process of F-opposite magnetic crystals produces increasing of the main magnetic field of the G nucleus few times.

still from same link:

Same forces can create new islands and peninsulas some islands and peninsulas can become much wider. Disappear secret of the Atlantis and surrounded small islands are global readjustment of isostatic balance between lithosphere platforms of continents and oceans. Penetration of outer nucleus masses into Asthenosphere and on the crust allowing a planet to be not exploded by inner pressure (cosmogeologycal) forces. 23,000± B.C. - Seems to be evidence for a DNA "bottleneck" in which only a couple of thousand people survived some form of disaster (global geo-catastrophe). 10,400 B.C. - According to reports in Nature and New Scientist, the last geomagnetic reversal was completed. Next reversal is expected in 2030 AD. 2060 AD. – Next geo-catastrophe predicted by our genius Sir. Isaac Newton.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

Black Holes are only a theory and it's not known whether they really exist or not. And if they did exist one in the center of the Earth would not work.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Your quoting an (anonymous) reader's comment - which largely refutes the Popular Mechanics article, is written in poor English, contains many errors and seems to have no credibility whatsoever

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Essan

There are thousands of landslips around the earth every day. These are not picked up by seismological stations because the they are simply too small to register.

Were not talking about a landslide here, it's about the uplifting of the land.

Meaning some force pushed it UP, instead of Down, and did so without seismic activity.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Parallex

The military had an early interest in sharpening their skills in detecting seismic movements in order to detect weapons tests.

The only other thing I can think of is as follows - *Tactical nuke test underground in the vicinity.

So wouldn't a tactical nuke test cause enough seismic activity to be picked up by either militairy or civilian seismographs?

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Point of No Return]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:57 AM
Many of you are of the opinion that the Earth is not growing and that is not true. The Earth is growing and will continue to grow because there is life on Earth.

The coral that is growing in the oceans grows and leaves behind coral beds. Critters die and leave behind the immense limestone beds that are hundreds and sometimes thousands of feet thick here on the Earth. Plants and animals die and leave behind coal beds that are hundreds of feet thick. All of that stuff just doesn't disappear, it adds to the planet Earth in size and weight.

Then there are comets, meteorites and everything else coming in from space.

Look how much dirt there is on this Earth. Dirt came from plants and animals. Dirt wasn't here in the beginning, critters like worms make dirt and they make very rich dirt. So.. the Earth really is growing.

Look at the great plains of the USA where there was nothing but grass years ago. Now there are many trees and cities. That lumber in the cities came from trees and continues to add to the planets weight and size, even though it is infiniteley small in comparison.

Look at the Lost cities. Where are they when they are found? They are found down in the ground. That is because the Earth is growing. If the Earth wasn't growing then those lost cities would never be lost because they would not be covered over.

I know about geology having a degree in geology and having been a SR. Geologist for many of my younger years. Plate Tectonics does not rule out that the Earth is growing, in fact Plate Tectonics is all about the Earth growing and creating movent from the effects of weight distribution of the Earths surface.

The Earths surface is covered with lighter material, that is why it is floating on top of the rest of the soup down below. Isostasy is the term that many of you are unfamiliar with.

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