posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:31 PM
I have long believed in 'random acts of kindness'. I am not sure though if they are as 'random' as it might seem though to either give or
Was the little girl who gave the Original Poster simply a little girl who struck on a random notion of the Original Poster's sadness, and of an act
of kindness and charity to brighten the Original Poster's day?
Or was a more intelligent Universe by design helping the little girl to seize on another wise 'random' notion and idea and compelled her 'act' in
it's own intuitive wisdom.
Many years ago when I was still a teen aged minor living unlawfully on my own in Southern California pretending to be an 'of age' adult to do so, I
was walking down Sunset Boulevard one afternoon and spied another young man about my same age at a gas station a block in the distance at the other
side of the street.
I noticed him because he only had one shoe! I noticed him because he was filthy and disheveled. I noticed him because he was obviously homeless, I
noticed him because he was about my own age, and above all I noticed him because if not for the tides of fortune their stood I.
This was a neighborhood with a lot of street urchins, runaways and throwaways, hustlers, prostitutes, drug dealers and junkies but he didn't seem to
belong in that crowd even in his pitiful state.
Within seconds and steps I resolved to approach him and give him what ever money I had on me. I wasn't sure how much money I had on me in fact, but I
told myself, what ever it is, give it to this kid.
I walked up and asked him if someone had stolen all his belongings and if he was new to town, he said yeah, and yeah, without so much as a hint of
wanting to ask me for a penny despite this.
I smiled and said, hey I thought so, reached in my pocket pulled out my wallet and handed him everything in it. It turned out to be about 242.00 I
gave him along with some advice as to where he could get some really cheap new clothes close by, and where he could find a really cheap flop house
close by. I didn't know it was 242.00 dollars because I counted it.
I didn't know it was 242.00 because I missed the money or ever hoped to see it again...
I did see that 242.00 dollars again because 3 weeks later while strolling down a near by street a car pulled up next to me suddenly and a clean cut
young man got out of the passenger side jumping up and down for joy like he just won the lottery screaming it's you! It's you!
I didn't recognize the kid at first, so much so he had to recount the story of how I had met him with one shoe and covered in dirt and befriended him
with an unexpected act of charity and kindness.
He then preceded to tell me how he had taken all my advice, and went to get some clothes where I told him, and went and got himself a room where I
told him, and how the very next day in his cleaned up and refunded state he had found a great job with a construction firm he was then apprenticing
at, how the foreman let him move in with him as roommates when he found out he was living at a flop house.
He told me when I got my first paycheck I put 242.00 aside in a compartment in my wallet and every afternoon when I get off work for the last 10 days
my roommate and I spend an hour or two driving the streets looking for you. Everyday I pray we are going to find you to give you this money back but
most of all so you know that what you did saved my life and made all the difference in the world, and I made the best of the opportunity and chance
you gave me and hope that you’re proud that I did.
I was stunned, I would have never in a million years thought that would have been the actual outcome of my random act of kindness to the young man.
I thought to myself though maybe my random act of kindness wasn't so random?
I immediately seized on the idea of being that kind within seconds of seeing him without question to it's cost or wisdom, but with absolute
I had never felt compelled to be that generous to someone destitute out on the streets before, sure a few dollars here and few dollars there, and meal
here and meal there, but not the entire contents of my wallet.
I was compelled, yes compelled, somehow, someway, to help what was likely the one person in the entire Universe who would take that help and utilize
it for the best possible benefit and outcome.
A person who was then compelled, somehow, someway, to pay it back and to let me know how valuable the aide was who some how knew that hearing he had
done good and ended up in a good place had a lot more value to me than the money itself did.
Was it random or did an intelligent Universe compel us be seeming coincidence onto a collision course for an intelligent reason that was not
coincidental at all?
My 'sixth' sense told me to do what I did, and I am guessing that little girl's sixth sense told her to do what she did, because the Universe told
her that the Original Poster desperately needed it and to act.
The problem with the world is most people don't listen to their 'sixth' sense, just foolish dreamers like me and adorable little children.
Thankfully I shall always be a Toys R' Us Kid!