+38 more
posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:13 AM
So when was the last time you were genuinely kind or nice to someone, without expecting anything in return for your kindness?
Those moments when you are not thinking about anything in particular and act on your inner most kindness, without a single thought of reciprocity. The
French have a word for it "Altruisme" or English "Altruism"
I am as guilty as the rest of you, but I find that when I am not under a great deal of stress these occurrences of altruism happen much more
A few months back I was having a really bad time, it seemed that no matter what I did more crap was piling up. I was feeling like life was a worthless
turd and the numbness of chaos was consuming my being.
A beautiful April day I rested at a local park, surrounded by trees, nature, people, there in my own pity, self doubt, misery and everything else
negative that I could muster. Out of nowhere, a little girl, that was playing walked up to me, with not a care in the world, and handed me a leaf she
had found. She couldn't have been more than 4 years old, she said to me don't be sad mister, look at this pretty leaf I found, here you can have it,
it will make you really happy. She saw right through me, a 4 year old, saw that I was in a state and was able to bring me into the moment.
I didn't know what to say, tears started to pool up in my eyes. Her mother watched on as she handed me the leaf. I knew right then that kindness,
wisdom, sensitivity does not come with age, but with being conscious, having appreciation, and looking at the true beauty of the world.
I still have that leaf as a reminder, since then I have been much more focused on the beauty of life and extending kindness to others.
This story is my leaf to you all.
[edit on 8-7-2009 by Realtruth]