It really is a Chaotic mess mostly involving Men and Sex and Power... no one actually is who they say they are in public and Mostly TPTB fear the rest
of us more than we fear them... Mostly because people get Jealous and Fear so much they periodically rise up to Kill who ever is in charge if a
mistake is made...
Some of the posts on the previous pages ILLUSTRATE CLEARLY...
That among the masses there are people who are extremely jealous, violent and prone to random attacks, slander, accusations and complete fabrication
of belief system to justify their own problems in life...
There is a reason they roll up the windows, there is a reason they gate themselves In, there is a reason for exclusive Restaurants, bars and Clubs
like Bohemian Grove and Fraternities and such things... Places with so high a price tag.. it pays to investigate YOU before letting you in...
It's not always snobbery when a place charges 500.00 for champagne
It's self preservation
If some of these people FEAR the public and laws are being asked for to watch us...
Go back read some of these posts...
Or all over ATS
We will revolt, kill them, devil worshipers Cultists... on and on and on...
I did not write this to condone partying ROFL...
I did it to illustrate a point...
Many of us unhappy and miserable would tear the rich limb from limb when 90% of them never did anything wrong... make up the most fanciful tales and
use anything anything at all they ever did wrong... as an excuse by holding them to a higher standard, an excuse to take what... someone probably
worked hard for...
Most of the Money out there wasn't stolen, most business men aren't thieves... you need a good reputation
But them or celebrities... they are stalked, frightened...
Your concerned about the patriot act?
Every person you watch on TV has lived like that eternally and still gets attacked slandered and humiliated for any PRIVATE thing they do that
should they care if WE are watched TOO?
They aren't stupid...
One dumb war a few bad decisions by a handful of men...
And some of us would burn every Wealthy American from their homes DESTROY the wealth entirely because they are poor...
Laws are getting stricter?
Do you think they don't know what happens when the masses are poor?
You think the gated communities are wrong?
Jerks... are stock piling guns because of a Govt Bankruptcy...
It's an excuse to TAKE
It's an excuse to try to seize power unlawfully from people who mostly and genuinely worked hard for it and were Smart and made GOOD decisions
Like rioting during a Blackout, an excuse to steal....
People spent the MAJORITY of the funds given on PORN and BOOZE
Yet I am thrashed for spending the Money I EARNED through ingenuity... on the same things when I was a younger man...
People shot at the coast guard they raped and looted and killed people and beat them
and in a
Why do you really THINK they are building cars with shackles?
Because the 1% PLAN to give orders to come after you?
Or Because YOU are planning to run amok and go after them... THEM
Not even a race or a nationality or ideology...
We make up... we INVENT a Culture of Satan Worshiping characters out to kill us all from... a DEMOGRAPHIC with NO single connecting feature of
culture, genetics, religion and philosophy... that can ever be found
and decide... to Go after them... and it's all about MONEY
Any individual among them who is acreep held high to PROVE the rest are in cahoots, guilty by association...
When proof isn't find the response is...
"there are forces above them we can not see"
Holy bananas Batman.... have you lost your damn mind?
That's GREED, Greed can be fudging a stock certificate or bailing out your buddies company
BUT REAL GREED like from the book, bearing false witness against your neighbor... for purposes of THEFT and MURDER
To be willing to Burn a family of your own country men from their home...some doctor or lawyer or CEO... watch their kids BURN because they were a
Mason OR went to a rich getaway once or... Just lived there...
With no connection to... One president who screwed up, maybe he did manipulate the whole thing...
Does it even matter now that we are in the situation weather that One administration was intentional or not?
And do you KNOW he did anything other than react emotionally and try and play tough because of a real Terrorist Attack...
What's the evidence, words, a few pictures Theories?
I was g-d damned there and I don't KNOW... I watched it burn and I don't KNOW for sure...
People believe America will become a 3rd world country that THEY are trying to do it..
NO it's the masses, they aren't watching and building the prisons to subjugate you, they are not up to some cleaver plot to make you rebel so the
CAN implement martial law...
THEY... so to speak can kill you all tomorrow with a beaker of virulent Ebola...
If THEY even existed... if there was a "group" in numbers running the show working together against you Obama could pick up the phone, send the
message and it would be done already
But there IS no group to call....
So all they can do is brace for the riots and try and weed out agitators before hand as best they can...
Because they know from history, when Trouble strikes... it will be us trying to kill them, kill a demographic... for no reason... for no purpose,
money is digital... your revolution will yield TV's and stereos lol
and you know it's sickening
because whatever They are...
They aren't attempting to have brother kill brother and burn America, which some of us so readily decide is our only option.
Our Govt a Handful... might be guilty of similar things... but it was MEN a small number of men if it was... There is NO justification for what some
are beginning to propose doing to groups of Ordinary people who just happen to have some money...
This isn't FRANCE in the 1800's
We aren't peasants
Our leaders by and large are not bad people...
It's embarrassing
[edit on 8-7-2009 by mopusvindictus]