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To not fear TPTB go get drunk with them.

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready



Then you basically understand what I'm trying to say...

IT's a GOOD life... sure Capitalism is tougher, things aren't great... but if OGBERT says he had connections through family I believe this...

I mean... i don't want to come off acting like I think i'm special, most of us probably have some wealthy family... the town drunk, the town Millionaire, usually we have someone we know if we are social who is connected...

So... are they out to get you?

Drop Greedy

Drop the fact that TOO MUCH POWER is collecting in the hands of the few...

Drop their personal affairs...

Are they people like you and I or do they posses supernatural powers?

Is there a Dark force behind America, Jews, Islam or is ti mostly just people all the way to the TOP and sometimes a Lone reject spins out of control and tries to wield it too forcefully?

For all I read about the attempts to ruin my life... I am HEALTHY, I am okay for money most of the time and IF at times I haven't been It was MY FAULT not TPTB, Capitalism is becoming tougher but far from insurmountable... No one is stopping you from writing books, no one is coming to get me for what I say... The flu, is hardly killing anyone and the people at the CDC started life wanting to fix people... they aren't all corrupt neither is the Whole of any industry...


It really is, there are people who suck, we can argue endlessly about morality and such...

But they don't desire to kill us off...

If it does happen it will be from... a handful

Not some great power behind the scenes, not the Rockefeller's... Not Satan

A guy like a Charlie Manson or a Bin Laden or a single insane General or something of the like

NOT RUSSIA or ISLAM or a Rouge General that wants war... Not the PRESIDENT most likely...

But a lone nut job and a few followers...

I'm Just saying

Despite behavior, despite opinion despite being grump or stupid or mean or decadent or sex addicted or whatever people can be when ...ill dignified...

Most of us even TPTB don't want to destroy the world, most of us are decent inside...

WE have lived with 60,000 nukes planet wide and Bio weapons capable of destroying the population for 60 years

No one has even tried

If there is some grand conspiracy for our demise...

They have had for a long time every single bit they need...

And yet... My life is still good...

so there's a patriot act, I hope they like reading my jokes...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by JohnD

I agree there are sociopaths who get to power, I would disagree however that the body of success or govt is sociopaths in the true sense... i.e. have no guilt or remorse... these men have plenty of guilt, tons of remorse, lots of emotions... many cry... often

Every President goes Gray in office that we have ever had...yes they do add it sometimes, but by term 2 they look OLDER

Even at the top... most of them feel, most of them reject true sociopaths like the rest of us, that is why in the Military or Religion or Politics HITLERS true Hitlers are the Exception not the rule



Every last single one is Narcissistic to one degree or another


"who would actually want to run a country"

2 types a Narcissist and

a Sociopath

But Narcissists HATE Sociopaths, or even those who wax even lightly sociopath... and they know how to identify them because they draw lines in themselves...

A bit of Narcissism is Healthy

It makes a person say HEY, I am worth listening to I can write a book or Hey I can be a Model...

and good things happen

OBAMA Total Narcissit... I have grown to kind of like the guy... He thinks he can fix some problems...

He's not a Sociopath though

People who are somewhat Narcissistic rule the world

We also ask them to... no one else wants the job...

Sociopaths are dangerous to the Narcissist

They will turn on them the Narcissist needs love, needs approval, needs friends, attention, definitely does NOT want to do things that hurt people... they mostly envison doing great things..because they are wonderful lol, things that help people

Bush was a Narcissist too, he was just kind of dumb... look at him 8 years later he is...riddled with pain inside...

The Sociopath coming to power is the exception, a true socioptah, they simply don't know when they cause harm like the Narcissist and mostly 99% of the time they are expelled early on in life from any popularity

But... It DOES HAPPEN, they get through from time to time...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by dazbog

If that's what you believe, then of course you will remain out of the loop your whole life...

It would be pretty hard to meet the Governor by passing a C note...

But you could meet half his staff in the right places and make friends...

You could Do Something note worthy and even be ASKED to meet him...

You could... participate in Local politics and attend his parties functions within a year, you would meet him...

But you CHOOSE to believe you can't, so don't even try...

I'd ask... where did you first come to believe anybody else was better than you and that you were excluded? the truth is your NOT, your just not participating



BAD THREAD TITLE... Just because I have a way with being invited to parties... and that's how I have encountered people... doesn't mean it's the only one...

There are Noble men among TPTB that wouldn't be caught dead... and some so powerful that method could never work for me like... WARREN BUFFET

But you could do things to Meet WARREN BUFFET, Humanize him...

Publish a good economics article...

Create an Organization and Honor him

I dunno... I'm just giving examples...

To my experience... the rich and the powerful MOSTLY escape for a good time once in awhile, attend social functions and... For a time in my life I enjoyed such things... thought it made me...I dunno important by association and as I aged recently I came to see it doesn't matter... I matured beyond that

So... please no more with the method or way...

I TOLD THE TRUTH, to be honest, because... I'm not going to LIE and claim to be more important than I am... in a way it's almost an apology because I did meet people that way... a guilt perhaps... kind of I dunno...maybe... I had allot of fun...

I wouldn't call DO OVER on my life ... I'm happy... a Bit lonely sometimes, it didn't bring me substance...

I'd like to fall in love again, i wasted last year kind of, kind of also had no choice... the Zip code was about... not hob nobbing but letting a child custody judge know if my ex screwed around with my kids I had the best schools in town and the safest environment honestly

Also if i'm single I... like to be where the police protect me if I do go out at night and not where they are looking to arrest me for something silly...again, zero drugs, couldn't risk a fight or anything stupid like a DUI

I wasn't there to hobnob ...was there to make money and having drinks and playing golf with rich old men works for me often...and did... I had child support to pay

I'm smart... I made myself LOOK professional MADE MONEY FAST so I wouldn't loose my kids

I was down for a few months after the divorce... I needed help I put myself around guys who could give it to me.... Plain and simple...

And... you know how bad are these types? They are Nice, they like to make money, they like to help out provided at least they get something in return... NOT THAT NICE LOL

But a major point is...

EVERYONE IS ACCESSIBLE if you try and want to see for yourself

I've always know better than to move to the Ghetto when broke or down trodden, I have always been uplifted by raising the bar in terms of who I associate with and it has never failed to serve me...

The whole society thing... it's too stiff for me... not in nightlife, but in day life...

A very urmmmm FAKE world where you act one way by day and another in the evening or behind closed doors and that's not me...

I moved away a week ago and it's been in the works for 6 months

But all of that is just for understanding... i'm not INTO any of the nonsense

You can however open any door if you push the right way

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Badfuture

I didn't say I spent 2,000 a night, I said YOU might need to spend that...

Some nights even this year I don't spend ANYTHING, guys will fight for who pays the tab for airline miles if they like the conversation with you... It's not College where who buys the next Pitcher is important...

Each bartender at my local place... had a 2,000 limit on freebies for the people they liked, if your good for the mix... your good to go very often.

and again, yet another person who wants to Find the mystery men...

There are no mystery Men... not beyond spooks and cops planted to see whats going on... spies... of whatever kind

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

The truth can be found at the bottom of a bottle ?

All this time, I thought books, history, and the scientific
method were the fastest way to the truth.

And now I find out the holy grail of truth is fermentation.

Thanks for the vast wisdom.


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Holy Moly...

Okay... I just read this following my last post to the above Player Hater LOL

Yeah... you completely get it...

Of course you can't walk into a place and assume you wont have to pay...

But yeah, you KNOW, you KNOW then i'm not lying, you NEVER have to pay once your in... You have to bring money lol, some guys will test you, sometimes leave and forget you things happen...

But the truth... I'm not even in LEAGUE with the wealth I spent time around in my life... not even close

I just am a good conversationalist, decent looking and dress the part... I am... good that way when I need to be...

No joke 4 people behind the bar each has a 2,000 give away in the typical establishment

Cheep Bottle of Champagne 500.00 better 800.00

Shot of absinthe 30.00 Real absinthe 75.00 lol

Very old Cognac 300.00 PER SHOT

Cheese and crackers 30.00 rofl...

Typical mixed drink 15.00... just to stand in the room...

Buy a round for some women expect to spend 100.00

And LOL...people FIGHT over who pays the bills, airline miles, always the excuse...

And once your friends with the door man clothes don't matter either... often I went out after the fact with Sandals and a T-shirt or straight from the Gym


That some are getting Jealous, I mean it's fun for a time, exciting, after that... it's just ... going out, Smart guys, smart people usually... good conversation you learn allot more than at O Flannerys bar and gril and meet cool people...

The price tag is to keep people out... if you get in and your liked and your not an idiot... you get to stay, no one cares after that... do the other patrons in those sorts of places like you or not, do you make the patrons have a good time? yes or No? Money is meaningless after that...

I still spend, but basically ONLY tipping the Staff... In the end the Staff is your life line if your not actually in the same ball park as the rest of the Patrons...

But I say SAD... because I can tell who knows and who doesn't who is living and hiding and who has lived...

And... I have more fun at a College Bar than these places... or a big weird ANONYMOUS Night Club...

This sort of thing is for rapidly moving up the ladder... i made a few real friends last year... a few...

But it's very....controlled, what you see what you hear...

I screwed up ONCE all year and got slapped across the face for it and threatened to never be allowed a particular place for saying ONE thing wrong to the wrong person all year... Literally SLAPPED by a GIRL lol (taken outside for the slapping at least lol)

LOL... I don't know anyone... One guy... and lol we talk about the same crap I talk about in here which is funny...

One guy had Cancer, he owned two skyscrapers down town and lived in another State... spent the Whole night explaining my DETOXIFICATION methods... haha

True, true true... so help me g-d

Where do you think a guy like that has been and who has he met

ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH... explain to that guy how to cure his Cancer and you get to know some interesting stuff...

Like where he was born how he made his money, who is screwing who... and that... Reptilians don't run the govt
they particularly aren't looking for alternative Cancer treatment info...

And yeah they don't let you pick up the tab... ever

And even guys in the Mafia can be a whole lot of fun and have feelings too and wont kill you unless you deserve it...

That particular gentleman asked me at the end of the night...

"Your Not Afraid of Me?"

Then hugged me... when I said no

Not exactly an evil entity at heart...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

But PLEASE soooo much imagination, and not any based on facts... 99% speculations!

[edit on 7-7-2009 by mellisamouse]

Got some truth for ya right here:

9/11 press for truth - debunk this...

I think you will find that it is obvious that the official story is full of lies,
and some are obvious too.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Badfuture

I haven't revealed anything about anyone and i'm anonymous and if I become un anonymous I can always say i lied...

aside from that... I have explained those days ARE OVER... and still i'm not spilling beyond generalities in any meaningful way

Not like i'm making a list

AND YOU ARE LYING NOT I, to know what your saying you'd have to have been playing those games to KNOW, BEEN PRESENT so you are the one implicating yourself in PEDO and RAPE and other activities or you don't know a damn thing and feel like inventing to prove people who you don't know are Rapists and pedophiles and actually very sick... because if you SAW anything like that and Knew anything of that nature...

Then You belong in prison and are in fact guilt of crimes by not exposing

What I'm saying is...

In 21 years of running around and being in business and working with people either one or the other mode...

I have never been involved with any of these people doing ritual satanic abuse, rape...children or anything of the like and i've ALWAYS been able to open doors, my whole life...

Your full of IT

It's the exception not the rule... the rich, the ELIE as some call them are NOT a bunch of raving mad baby abusers and satanists...

I've seen some weird stuff...sure, but nothing beyond Legal sex fantasy stuff you can find on the net and the same dope we have all experimented with at one time or another...

and even that stuff was the exception not the rule

Among criminal types certain things could get you HURT real bad... Murders I have known, mostly they followed a code if they had money...

Your being a real Jerk

and lol, i'm not bragging I just Live... need to see things with my own Eyes..Know the truth

There ARE freaks out there...

Sometimes they get caught and we are shocked...

Yiour mailman is just as likely to be a psycho as your Senator... there is no, preditermined income or power level....


the INTELLIGENT and WEALTHY both tend to be a bit more... exploratory and Kinky by the averages... and have the money to live out fantasy behavior ....

But suggesting the corridors of wealth and power are filled with GENUINE FREAKS of whatever design more than the rest of the world shows what a shallow small life you really lead...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:07 PM
And let me Add

If You WISH,,, if your INTENT is to go places and look at a demographic and FIND EVIL... YOU WILL

In ANY Room of 100 people there is Pedophille or other FREAK...

You CAN ABSOLUTELY PROVE ME WRONG, Go Out with me and Find what your looking for...


In the SENATE right now, you CAN Find someone who worships Belial and rapes little kids... that's a big demographic, by numbers that GUY IS THERE


Why don't I encounter those people, why haven't they revealed themselves to me?


If ALL YOU SEE IS THE ONE... THE ONE WHO IS ROTTEN, Then this YOUR REALITY TUNNEL... WHAT YOU CREATE and BELIEVE and this is what Life will continually show you

[edit on 8-7-2009 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by Mindmelding

Excuse them?

I never said excuse anybody...

Just that, there isn't a global plot, they aren't plotting our demise and they are fallable like the rest of us... maybe worse sometimes... but none the less utterly human, not nearly as powerful as you think riddled with insecurities and PEOPLE like you and I

I will agree that they are for the most part a band of moronic psychopathic parasites. I don't hold them in high regard. But regardless, they are at the top of a social pyramic, so it's counterintuitive to assume that they are powerless. They do have a lot of power. And even if there is not a global plot, something which I think that there is at some level, there is clearly and at least a persistant effort in pushing mankind down.

And yes, the more people expose these parasites, these prostitute wipped Max Mosleys of the real world, the less people will fear them and the more positive change there will be. But don't assume they are not dangerous, many have died because of that.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Badfuture

Maybe you need to get off the Internet and live a little?

And yeah... but I wasn't paid and she wasn't Fat by any stretch of the imagination... Trophy Wives and old guys are a nice factor of being young in an older mans world...

But... lol, no one has super powers of perception...

You miss the whole point, LUCK often as not has much to do with wealth...

You watch too much TV where the all powerful Evil CEO can look right through you

and I was never a hanger on... just not worth 40 Million bucks or 400 Million

People INSIST on Paying and you let them, just like you let certain guys win at golf... I'd never take a chance being unable to pay my tab... myself if need be... sometimes when it happens I go ouch and others don't

But.... I'm Smart, my brain creates the equality my abilities not how much i'm worth

By what your saying Bill Gates should have no friends but hanger on's

But the Reality he was found of saying "I hire and surround myself with IQ"

Try doing sudoko puzzles for a few years I heard it can help

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Mindmelding

Some are dangerous...

Not nearly as Dangerous as walking from O Houlighans on the wrong side of town at night though

Of Course... seek and you shall find what you are looking for...

I wouldn't want to Screw with most people... period, all people can be dangerous...

But at least Rich guys have what to LOOSE

Crack head Willie on the strip might stab me for a 40 oz...

I'd be far more scared in some cheep Thug bar any day... where I would go at times, they'd just give me the boot, tell me not to come back...

I'm sorry but I must be Blatant the Poor are far more scary and unpredictable then the rich...

Ever hear about a Rich guy calling the cops to his home... NO

Ever hear about your neighbor in the ghetto informing the cops of what your doing?

Every 2 seconds somewhere in America


It's the same sample of humanity with Money... That's all

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Mindmelding

"band of pyschopathic moronic parasites"

You really believe that success and maybe the power that comes with it means your psychopathic parasite....


Even my own story not holding a CANDLE, 7 years of school, many, many businesses, places i've gone, number of books I have read, people I have met

And I was lesser.. in some cases guys were idiots, lots of inherited money out there.. but sometimes I got to talk to BRILLIANT Human beings.

So let me be even more clear... there ARE just as many WONDERFUL people among the Elite as there are loosers...


When I was 22 and I wanted to PARTY that was my role...

At 32 If I went out wanting to meet INVESTORS that's what I found...

But certainly it is ABSURD to call the rich... Sociopaths as a whole, make up stories that they are a bunch of:

"Psychotic Moronic Parasites"

It is YOU that would kill them mainly

Not Vice Versa

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:22 PM

It really is a Chaotic mess mostly involving Men and Sex and Power... no one actually is who they say they are in public and Mostly TPTB fear the rest of us more than we fear them... Mostly because people get Jealous and Fear so much they periodically rise up to Kill who ever is in charge if a mistake is made...

Some of the posts on the previous pages ILLUSTRATE CLEARLY...

That among the masses there are people who are extremely jealous, violent and prone to random attacks, slander, accusations and complete fabrication of belief system to justify their own problems in life...

There is a reason they roll up the windows, there is a reason they gate themselves In, there is a reason for exclusive Restaurants, bars and Clubs like Bohemian Grove and Fraternities and such things... Places with so high a price tag.. it pays to investigate YOU before letting you in...

It's not always snobbery when a place charges 500.00 for champagne

It's self preservation

If some of these people FEAR the public and laws are being asked for to watch us...

Go back read some of these posts...

Or all over ATS

We will revolt, kill them, devil worshipers Cultists... on and on and on...

I did not write this to condone partying ROFL...

I did it to illustrate a point...

Many of us unhappy and miserable would tear the rich limb from limb when 90% of them never did anything wrong... make up the most fanciful tales and use anything anything at all they ever did wrong... as an excuse by holding them to a higher standard, an excuse to take what... someone probably worked hard for...

Most of the Money out there wasn't stolen, most business men aren't thieves... you need a good reputation

But them or celebrities... they are stalked, frightened...

Your concerned about the patriot act?

Every person you watch on TV has lived like that eternally and still gets attacked slandered and humiliated for any PRIVATE thing they do that slips...

should they care if WE are watched TOO?

They aren't stupid...

One dumb war a few bad decisions by a handful of men...

And some of us would burn every Wealthy American from their homes DESTROY the wealth entirely because they are poor...

Laws are getting stricter?

Do you think they don't know what happens when the masses are poor?

You think the gated communities are wrong?

Jerks... are stock piling guns because of a Govt Bankruptcy...


It's an excuse to TAKE

It's an excuse to try to seize power unlawfully from people who mostly and genuinely worked hard for it and were Smart and made GOOD decisions

Like rioting during a Blackout, an excuse to steal....


People spent the MAJORITY of the funds given on PORN and BOOZE
Yet I am thrashed for spending the Money I EARNED through ingenuity... on the same things when I was a younger man...

People shot at the coast guard they raped and looted and killed people and beat them

and in a


Why do you really THINK they are building cars with shackles?

Because the 1% PLAN to give orders to come after you?

Or Because YOU are planning to run amok and go after them... THEM


Not even a race or a nationality or ideology...

We make up... we INVENT a Culture of Satan Worshiping characters out to kill us all from... a DEMOGRAPHIC with NO single connecting feature of culture, genetics, religion and philosophy... that can ever be found

and decide... to Go after them... and it's all about MONEY

Any individual among them who is acreep held high to PROVE the rest are in cahoots, guilty by association...

When proof isn't find the response is...

"there are forces above them we can not see"

Holy bananas Batman.... have you lost your damn mind?

That's GREED, Greed can be fudging a stock certificate or bailing out your buddies company

BUT REAL GREED like from the book, bearing false witness against your neighbor... for purposes of THEFT and MURDER

To be willing to Burn a family of your own country men from their home...some doctor or lawyer or CEO... watch their kids BURN because they were a Mason OR went to a rich getaway once or... Just lived there...

With no connection to... One president who screwed up, maybe he did manipulate the whole thing...

Does it even matter now that we are in the situation weather that One administration was intentional or not?

And do you KNOW he did anything other than react emotionally and try and play tough because of a real Terrorist Attack...

What's the evidence, words, a few pictures Theories?

I was g-d damned there and I don't KNOW... I watched it burn and I don't KNOW for sure...

People believe America will become a 3rd world country that THEY are trying to do it..

NO it's the masses, they aren't watching and building the prisons to subjugate you, they are not up to some cleaver plot to make you rebel so the CAN implement martial law...

THEY... so to speak can kill you all tomorrow with a beaker of virulent Ebola...

If THEY even existed... if there was a "group" in numbers running the show working together against you Obama could pick up the phone, send the message and it would be done already

But there IS no group to call....

So all they can do is brace for the riots and try and weed out agitators before hand as best they can...

Because they know from history, when Trouble strikes... it will be us trying to kill them, kill a demographic... for no reason... for no purpose, money is digital... your revolution will yield TV's and stereos lol

and you know it's sickening

because whatever They are...

They aren't attempting to have brother kill brother and burn America, which some of us so readily decide is our only option.

Our Govt a Handful... might be guilty of similar things... but it was MEN a small number of men if it was... There is NO justification for what some are beginning to propose doing to groups of Ordinary people who just happen to have some money...

This isn't FRANCE in the 1800's

We aren't peasants

Our leaders by and large are not bad people...

It's embarrassing

[edit on 8-7-2009 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:34 PM
i think this thread is enjoyable yet naively optomistic

pretty much all of recorded history shows that "our leaders" are corrupt....also i don't think that "out gov't" is evil ....i don't think wall street is "evil"......i think alot of people's character is not tested by difficult times of stress but rather when they are given power....( i think abe lincoln said something similiar) and then they become "compromised" they rationalize things as being ok that effect other people hey " it's a dog eat dog world"....."life isn't fair"......"everyman for himself" or whatever

i don't think that it takes a "evil group" to bring the world to a fascist world gov't...........just a economic world order on it's last legs......a unsustainable monetary system (no system is perfect....but we can do a bit better than the current one) and a desire for those with wealth and power to have the capabilites to overlook their disagreements for no other reason that to formulate a plan for a implementable and stable socio-economic system where they can convienently sustain their power....and globalism and less freedoms just seems to be the safest more surest way to do that in their minds..... when the standard of living falls it is historically not unusual to take away freedoms people were afforded when times were "booming" and "happier"......

also small fractions are psychopaths and sociopaths......i don't know any names for sure ....but it is documented that certain personalities flock to powerful positions and often have the determination and intelligence to rise up the ranks

a NWO is trying to come.......they are determined......seems like they are old as well....although new generations may be passed the torch i dunno....i dunno wether they will suceed either

[edit on 8-7-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 04:29 AM

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by American_Soviets

its called selfishness, not conspiracy

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Badfuture
reply to post by mopusvindictus

reply to post by mopusvindictus

Believe me, believe me, your like a f**king child.

You're for you are, not your.

I've read through your posts, your hardly a great conversationalist the people you hang on must be REALLY REALLY smart.

The "you're" again, plus a semicolon after conversationalist would be good, as would a comma between your really really. I think criticisizing someone's conversation skills would require a little better grammar.

You have just spent your own time berating me in 4 or 5 posts even though you deem me to have no life, not the move of someone with a high IQ, I'm sure you and bush got on just great.

What does high IQ have to do with how you spend your time? For that matter, what does high IQ have to do with good social skills? Anyway, spending time berating you is appropriate for the OP, it is his thread. As for me, I am just bored at work!

Here's a tip, since you gave me so many, stop using lol in your posts it makes you sound retarded.

As does your grammar, closed mind, and empty posts that do not add to the thread nor provide suitable argument against it.

Your nothing but hanger on trash who can't pay their way, probably from a small town who thinks celebrities are worth talking about.
You need to grow up!

Can you come up with $2k to $10k for a weekend escapade? I can pay my own way just fine, but I don't have the cash to hang with these folks. I have been very lucky to be included in a lot of situations where I didn't need my money, and as the OP said, I never get myself into a situation that I can't pay for my own tab!
For your information city boy, small town people are much less obsessed with celebrities than the NY / LA crowd. I grew up in a small, farm town, and work comes before play in that environment. Sure there are some housewives at home watching Oprah, but that is not the norm for the hardworking souls in the backbone of America!

And realize I don't care about you or your sicophantic tales.

Your participation in this thread, and your desperate clinging to your own world views would say otherwise. Is it so scary to think other people have done what you can only imagine?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:39 PM
ya know, mopus, i kinda like you. You remind me of a good friend of mine. I bet you would be fun to hang out with. Maybe one thing? If you could try to imagine what the world would be like if everyone were just like you? What kind of world would it be?

There is a certain evolution that people go through upon becoming wealthy. First, they go crazy buying fancy houses, cars, and toys. After a while, they realize that they can have anything they want. This may become a little boring. Ah! And then they realize that they can wield power with this wealth. Some of them get stuck there in pissing matches. However, If they continue to evolve, they finally realize that they can help other people or the planet and share their resources, realizing, that it makes them feel good to do something right for others. Not all make it to this point. Some of them believe; and, it's just a belief and a fear, that if they let go just a little--that they will lose it all.

Did you know that according to the statistician Dr. Stanley, that only 10% of people who inherit wealth keep it. That the majority of lottery winners are broke again after only 3 years?

I see that you want to be wealthy. The average millionaire in the United States is 53 years old, has owned his business for at least 20 years, does not drive a fancy car, or, live in a fancy house. Actually, he doesn't have a pile of cash; and, he won't see his millions until he finally retires and sells the business.

These guys are good with their money. I don't think they got there by hob nobbing or brown nosing, but by consistent, diligent, hard work, for the benefit of themselves and others. Of course that's just the majority, not the aristocrats, who had everything given to them.

yeah, enjoy your partying while you still can. Live and let live. I sincerely hope you make it, you seem to be pretty free wheeling with your cash; and, maybe after all you do have a purpose. I do like to see motivated and positive minded young people. Life has a lot to teach you, but you seem to be a good kid.

On the other hand, i do feel a little safer, knowing that there are people who question authority and mind the chicken coop so to speak. The people who investigate wrong doing at all levels have my deepest gratitude for their hard work in trying to keep us all safe and free. The world is a better place for you, because your forefathers have taken a stance against tyranny in the past. what kind of world are you going to leave for your progeny?

edit to remove pic i changed my mind about posting.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by ogbert]

[edit on 9-7-2009 by ogbert]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:45 PM

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