reply to post by toltecnightmare
Oh not the Bar my friend... The back rooms at the best clubs, the whores who service the rich and famous, private parties from Hollywood to Manhattan
to the Biltmore and back again... Summers in the Hamptons, Winters in LA at times... The best private parties...
And as much as any of that
The Zionist threads that are so ridiculous...
I am related to the highest of Jewery in the end... and it's all retarded, the support of Israel comes from a precised notion of extermination
because of the past...
There is nothing to that conspiracy... aside from a high value on education and a culture that really likes money and is driven to try and be of all
things...Philathropists... od course screwing up along the way as often as not...
But more than anything the perception of some grand jew conspiracy in the world led me to examine the other conspiracies
and jewography as I liked to call it ROFL, opens allot of doors when you have the right near relitves...
Mostly these guys were CLUELESS
so I asked... is the Church any different
or the Arabs
Or The CEO's of America... or the Saudis or anyone else, the masons etc, etc...
I have never found anything more than glorified Fraternities
Putin, you know... the guy likes power... he also enjoys fishing lol
Cheeny is fascinated by WMD's...
actually so am I...
Is he in Cahoots to destroy the world, enslave us no...
the real truth is they just go to work and their job happens to be running IT
But they are human...
Do they wish to Bankrupt the US... From a north American Union
Sure some do...
Bankruptcy would clear the debt... it's a decision being made at a job and if Obama did have sex with a man or smokes or whatever... it just means
he's just lie the rest of us.... prone to temptation
But does he wish to enslave us... lol no...