Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
reply to post by mopusvindictus
Those who you are talking about are the tools and stooges of those who have the real power. The real power holders don't drink (like we do), at least
not in the sense of partying
[edit on 7-7-2009 by 1SawSomeThings]
It doesn't have to be booze in particular, when it's not the Sex is still there, even among the religious elite Denial of sex, masochism takes it's
place... where you don't have the drinking and sex you have the exact opposite, these very homo erotic situations in which men all live together and
deny themselves entirely
And if you think those with the real power don't go out and indulge, try wall street after hours, you can rest assured the board of directors of
every major bank in the world, those who hold the key power over everyone... get their grove on regularly, ask any prostitute in NYC about their
clients CEO's are people too...
nat rothschild
don't forget the Rockefeller's
A few interesting tidbits in there about presidents and governors etc...
These are our big money players...
Kennedy sex and drugs
Clinton sex and drugs
Bush drugs and more drugs
These people are actually the puppets behind who, I am still looking for the magic being that controls the Rockefeller's and Rothschilds... please
inform me...
The royal house of Saudi Arabia doesn't come to America to whore about?
I have been in Limos with diplomatic immunity and trust me those guys and Japanese business men are WILD!!!!
Even the Terrorists who committed 9-11 were seen living it u at strip clubs prior to 9-11 in San diego (used to promote clubs there as well as NYC)
Who are the richest men in the world?
Do they party?
Bill Gates
Bill Gates organized a private party at his waterfront mansion. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced a "temporary security zone"
around Gates' Lake Washington home which locked down all of Lake Washington south of the Highway 520 bridge and stayed in effect for two days.
Gates' homestead is approximately 48,000 square feet with a garage that reportedly accommodates 30 cars.
Not may people got to see what went on for those 2 days... and I have 2 say, it was a SLEEP Over
How about the new Richest man in the world Carlos Slim lol
squeeky clean but business practices riddled with accusations of abuse and affairs with employees... Richest guy in the world lives in Mexico, do you
think he never has his Tequilla...
The only person I can find among the wealthiest would be Warren Buffet
also a man by the way who
basically plans to or is in process of GIVING away all his money to charity (not much of a global eliminator of mankind) (nor is Bill gates for
So who is this elite...
No of course at that level of wealth I have no access to the billionaire invite only sect... but just with what surfaces... what we know and given
that these men have BILLIONS to keep privacy with....
And I can say, I know those who spend time with Billionaires and have heard plenty from first hand reputable people...
So who of the Global elite is not out and about
Hollywood LOL
Politicians, Senators, Governors.. the British Monarchy has no scandals...
and this is what leaks from these most powerful of powerful
No one get's into Bohemian Grove easilly
If you want to see who party's at the Grove and plays silly games... here's a list
Now you can be free to decide if they have an open bar there and these people go there to talk, associate and live it up a bit and play imagination
Or if Moloch the Owl has any significance besides Hedonism and Money
Doesn't paint a pretty picture...
But I am quite assured, Alex Jones is WRONG and needs to GET OUT MORE, Poets and writers aren't on the guest list for devotion to SATAN LOL, they are
FUN Intelligent people who can be trusted not to reveal dirty little sex secrets and behaviors...
Like Dodi and Princess di on the yacht these people are just Human, again mainly nerds with, big imaginations and sure they overstep bounds and screw
But all that goes on there is a bit more creative than sneeking out of your bunk at sleep away camp to drink booze and have sex in the trees after
Inbetween discussing how to spend Trillions...
But do you really think... guys like Dube smoking sax playing Clinton and Snorting Dui Bush and the rest... aren't a bit hedonistic? Or that being
so... playing what in the end amounts to GAMES designed to relieve the stress of the high pressured... that this means they have a depopulation plot
against humanity?
Sure, another thing they agree upon is less people... abortion and divorce has handled that just fine in the west
Kill us off.... naw...
Sure your right Mc Cain NEVER came into the bar by my house... his people sure did, and... apparently he's not a bad guy, neither are any of
Maybe if you held them to the bible you could say.... they are all sinners...
But who isn't?