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Cops in Camouflage! WTF?

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posted on May, 7 2004 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos

Originally posted by sanctum
Just out of interest that's a 3phase power supply into that
building and one BIG dumpster...hmmm

The only thing I can think of that those two things would be indicitave of is a construction project happening somewhere nearby. Or possibly that the building is some kind of fabrication business that produces a lot of waste.

Yes, there is construction going on. They're rerouting a road, which will go through there, eventually. That building is a trailer. I assume it's a construction crew office. They just put it there when the construction began. But, as far as I can tell, those poles have always been there. It is a small strip of stores, with freezers and the whole ball of wax. There's also a HW store and a bank on the other side. They're pretty old buildings.

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 07:28 AM
Well, I think that it's a unit that is preparing to raid the homes and seize the computers of those un-American wackos that post on ATS!

Just Kidding, satyr!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:39 AM
Thanks Satryr for replying to my u2u. That answered my ques'
about the shed and tree.


posted on May, 8 2004 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Well, I think that it's a unit that is preparing to raid the homes and seize the computers of those un-American wackos that post on ATS!

Just Kidding, satyr!

HaR HaR! I doubt they're going to do anything like that soon, but I'm sure it'll happen.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:51 AM
Here's an interesting link.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:58 AM
DO you have a military base anywhere near you. THey may be apart of a military training excercise. They do it in one of the small towns near me ever year. I think its call e the john sage training (im probly wrong) They have military units pretend to take over a small town and usually the police know about it or are in it. dont expect to hear about it overtly. So to me its notin unfamiliar here. Call the mayor or city manager get them to tell ya.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by alien
Not strictly cammoflage, but:

For some time now the Police in my area have been conducting operations to basically monitor, and infiltrate, the Street Racer scene. Which have a number of younger Officers dressed in trendy civilian clothing and driving modified 'street cars' such as Subaru Impreza WRXs, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions and other 'racer' favourites...fully decked out with lowered suspension, large alloys, sports exhausts and other modifications, tinted windows etc.

They cruise in amongst the groups of street-racers and 'attend' any 'illegal gatherings', from there they utilise 'Pxt Capable' cellphones to take pictures of offending vehicles racing or performing illegal driving activities like burnouts or donuts...and then send those pictures, along with the vehicle registrations, back to their Operations as evidence. Either there and then, or the next day, the ordinary Police show up and impound the offending vehicle/s.

Recently came across one as I was pulled over by a 'Multi-Cop' *undercover* driving a modified Subaru Legacy RSB Twin-turbo


Of course the very safe and non illegal racing alien was not at any of these illegal gathering

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:49 AM
Never...everybodys always "innocent" once caught..people love to judge...but hate to be judged...

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 02:14 PM
I found out that it was just training. (that much was obvious anyway) No there is no military base around here. See, there are no doughnuts shops around either, and they were preparing to go dumpster diving in search of doughnuts and other various pastries. Again, why that requires army clothing is beyond me.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:55 AM
Actually, the armed forces have a program to give obsolete equipment to local law enforcement. This is where a lot of military stuff actually comes from when cops have it. Some of it was never previously used. The department that I worked for once received equipment that was 'perffed' (it came pre-riddled with bullet holes! Talk about a confidence-builder!)

Some stuff we got was invaluabe: SUV's geared low for towing mortars. We used 'em for rescuing motorists in snowstorms, and pulling a crime-scene trailer. Gas masks that everyone in town laughed about until a railroad car with a HAZMAT payload ruptured near the high school. (This was WAY before 9-1-1)

Other stuff was a total joke. We applied for 'night vision technology, for assistance v. drug-deals at night in rural areas. The army sent us 4 long-distance surveilance units. They turned out to be the size of a backyard teloscope: the length of a rifle, as big around as a waste basket, and weighed 40 lbs.! Oh yeah, since we didn't have any security clearance, the electronics had all been removed (WTF!!!!)


Seriously, My bet about your pics is that they were training for a specific operation they don't want to discuss in public.

The FBI's studies show that small town banks are vulnerable to heists by large groups of perps acting in concert, where they can generate an incedent scene in which they OUTNUMBER the police.

Do you remember an LA bank robbery, about 1999/2001 in which 3 perps had AK47's and bulletproof vests? LAPD had to run for a gun store and buy some rifles! (They couldn't find what they needed, since CA has such tight gun control. Only the crooks have heavy firepower in california.)

Imagine what would have happened if those perps had robbed a bank out in East Gunnysack instead of downtown L.A. Lots more than 1 dead cop, that's what.

So the FBI and big city SWATS try to help rural units stay on their toes, by showing them what the big boys will need from the locals if push ever comes to shove in their town. It helps the SWATS train for a unique situation they wouldn't experience in the city, either.

I think the real reason for this training now, not in your town, but generally, is because National Guard Armories and military bases are in mostly rural areas. If Terrorists took over a neighboring town, they could really cause trouble for a base: hostages, keys, radio scanners, base water/power supply, etc.

The feds have actually worked pretty hard since 911 to make sure that never happens to you & your state.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:34 AM
The biggest problem I see is this....from this PDF.

By virtue of their training and specialized armament, state and local police officers are adopting the tactics and mindset of their military mentors. The problem is that the actions and values of the police officer are distinctly different from those of the warrior. The job of a police officer is to keep the peace, but not by just any means. Police officers are expected to apprehend suspected law-breakers while adhering to constitutional procedures. They are expected to use minimum force and to deliver suspects to a court of law. The soldier, on the other hand, is an instrument of war. In boot camp, recruits are trained to inflict maximum damage on enemy personnel. Confusing the police function with the military function can have dangerous consequences.

So, you end up with a bunch of gung ho police that really can't wait to use this over-kill military equipment.

[Edited on 5-17-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Weird activity. Is it possible that your coffee shop is selling more than just coffee?

You know that in coffee shops in some country, you can buy some pretty interesting stuff lol...

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Satyr
So, you end up with a bunch of gung ho police that really can't wait to use this over-kill military equipment.

You do understand that the purpose of a SWAT team is to be emplyed for things like hostage rescues, drug lab raids, etc. Hence the title "Spreical Weapons And Tactics." They are not to be used for routine police matters. You should not have to worry about them suddenly turning into enforcers for some evil organization, now should you have to worry about them taking away your rights (unless you break the law).

Would you prefer to have Police members who are lesser equipped than the people they are supposed to be arresting?

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:27 AM
But these guys aren't all SWAT. They drive around in regular city vehicles, and patrol city roads. Unless the entire unit is a dual SWAT/city cop thing? Maybe I'll call them and ask. They still make me nervous. I don't like them, or their attitudes.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Satyr
This was the scene behind the coffee shop in my little town. I happened to notice a bunch of cops in camouflage fatigues. Why in the hell would cops ever need camouflage?

Shortly after 9/11 I think in oct of that year there was a knock at my door. When I answered there were two police officers in camoflage, they wanted to inform me that they were practicing a raid two houses down and not to get worried if I heard noises, it was just them. So I dont think its all that unusual. I live in a small town too. Pop of maybe 20,000. So I know they do use camo sometimes.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:07 PM
Yes, I know too, but that's not my point. My point is, police are not military organizations for a reason. They shouldn't be pretending to be, either. Soldiers are for killing enemies, and police are supposed to be for protecting citizens. There's a huge difference there. These cops are getting their role in society confused, apparently.

[Edited on 5-17-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
But these guys aren't all SWAT. They drive around in regular city vehicles, and patrol city roads.

Satyr, Most SWAT teams are made up of regular patrol officers. Only the largest cities can afford to keep SWAT on call for the next response. Since most SWAT teams are regular patrol officers, it only stand to reason that they drive marked cars and patrol. When they get a SWAT alert then they respond as SWAT using whatever SWAT uniform the city has selected. No magic! No military! Just police work! I'm astounded that you can't just accept that. Why not just go up and talk to one of the cops. Really they're not bad guys!

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:32 PM
I don't like cops, especially those who want to be warriors or soldiers. We tend to clash. I steer as clear as I can of cops. Sure, they can be all right, I'm sure, but they can also be complete arrogant assholes. Since more of them seem to be arrogant assholes, I prefer to stay away from all of them. It wouldn't bother me, if they didn't have the ability to ruin my life at will. It's those gung ho bastards that will do that. They don't have the protect and server attitude, but they have more the attitude of a hunter, looking for enemies to bring down. I can't tell you how many times I've been minding my own business and been harassed and/or arrested by those types of cops.
I wasn't always this way. I got this way from talking to cops. Several of them have made it damn clear that they don't want to know me. So, I decided I don't want to know them either.

[Edited on 5-17-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:41 AM
If they are "hunting" for the "enemies" as you put should be happy they bother even talking to else are they supposed to determine whos a bad guy and whos not? you want them to do their job just based on reaction?...I dont understand people...they expect police to be the nicest guys in the world...and to do WHATEVER a citizen tells them...but these same people always claim to be innocent....cause cops arent suppose to ask questions...and WANT to take down the bad guys....

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 01:47 AM
All the equipment they give to fat untrained cops is a riot. When the NWO tells these guys to start raiding our homes, there are gonna be a lot of dead SEAL wannabes, and a lot of ticked off civilians with a new set of tactical gear and weapons.
Besides not being trained like SEALs, local cops aren't ruthless like SEALs. Do you REALLY think that they're gonna follow orders when the NWO tries to send these psuedo-soldiers to take out some preacher for denouncing homosexuality? Maybe on the national level, but locally it will never happen, and if you can't oppress at the local level you're going to be opposed too much.

PS: if there was really a big brother, I believe they would have come in and snatched up my computer and me by this time.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by The Vagabond]

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