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Cops in Camouflage! WTF?

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posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:04 AM
No, a park is also public, but at least it wouldn't be right in the middle of town, where people are conducting normal everyday activities on their way home from work, or whatever.

I just don't think the convergence of police and military should be taken lightly. It's obviously the beginning of a police state. If you don't see that, then you're in denial. This should not be made light of, IMO. I don't trust cops any further than I can throw them. If these guys want to be military, they can join the real military. We don't need them parading around, playing soldier, in our neighborhoods. Frankly, I don't trust anyone who wants to even pretend that it's ok for the police to become a military establishment. There is a reason why we keep the military out of civilian affairs.

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Satyr, HI

I noticed, unless i've gone completely nuts which is poss',
image 2&3 have a power pole and other objects in the
background... red fence ect but there is also a very large/tall
tree and an Aluminium shed that don't appear in image 4.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by sanctum
Satyr, HI

I noticed, unless i've gone completely nuts which is poss',
image 2&3 have a power pole and other objects in the
background... red fence ect but there is also a very large/tall
tree and an Aluminium shed that don't appear in image 4.

The first few pics were taken from accross the street. I stood up out of the car for one or two shots. The last one was taken as I drove by. Slightly different angles and zoom ranges. I was trying to get the best and closest shot, without using digital zoom, of course. Dig zoom makes horribly grainy shots. I also wanted to keep my distance, since I don't like attracting the attention of police for any reason.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:12 AM
Dude...get over wont happen...a parking lot its just as good as a park...if not better...And a police state wont happen...Cops are funded locally...Military is federal...their powers are different...their training is different...just because these cops are wearing fatigues makes them soo much like the arm? when im wearing fatigues and just walking down the street thats a bad thing?...I dont know why everyone hates cops...the most common answer is "they ask me soo many question" #...thats what they ARE SUPPOSED TO DO...people hate them because they get tickets...woopie doo...I read a study last year by the NY Daily news...and from it, people where ask how good of drivers they are....90% said way above average...a load of bs...A cop shoots a hoodrat who just killed someone in a mugging...whats the first thing you read in the paper...his family stating "my son was a good boy....he'd never do such a thing"....this is what cops deal with daily...NYC cops start off at 34k a YEAR...a manager at Mcdonalds makes more then this...most cops take the cop because they want to help people...but in return they are always guilty and treated like crap by most...this is why some of them arent the nicest guys in the world...and rightfully so...but that doesnt make them bad [email protected] people I deal with are assholes...imagine how they'd treat you wearing blue....

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Bangin

Originally posted by Satyr
Yes, I agree. It's not uncommon to see a crapload of cop cars on the scene, just to pull one car over. These guys are bored, obviously. I mean, just a DUI might dispatch 5 cruisers to the scene. :

Hey i was in monroe n.c once and left the waffle house with my girlfriend and another friend and the next thing you know a mile and a half down the road two sherriffs and four city police cars totaling almost a dozen men pulled us over with guns drawn....they said we had left the waffle house with out paying the bill !!!
well of course it was cleared up ...we had paid the bill but sat around for a half hour after paying it and some moron who was behind the counter called the police and said we didnt pay.!!!
They screamed at us and generally were verbally abusive to us till it was cleared up though.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:26 AM
You're taking it lightly then, obviously. It's just not right, IMO. It's unsettling, and it's not "American". Most cops are assholes and hypocrites, and they'll lie, cheat, and steal to protect each other. No, I don't like cops. They've caused me more problems than any other establishment, in my life. Their mind set also bothers me. They're not the kind of people I want "protecting" me, unless there's a real threat. For these guys to get all dressed up and play army is insane, IMO. It's just as stupid as seeing the six police cars lined up behind one car that's been pulled over for a DUI, or speeding. Gung ho and reality don't mix. "Overkill" is the word I'm looking for. They're not just training for the worst, they're hoping for it. We've all seen those cops that have that authority complex. These gung ho guys are the worst about that. All it takes is one cop who gets a big head, and thinks he's a legend, and the rest look up to him, and want to be like him.

Yeah, watcheroftheskies, I've seen those kinds of things happen. They want so badly to be bad asses, it's scary.

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:36 AM
I stood up out of the car for one or two shots. The last one was taken as I drove by. Slightly different angles and zoom ranges. I was trying to get the best and closest shot, without using digital zoom, of course. Dig zoom makes horribly grainy shots. I also wanted to keep my distance, since I don't like attracting the attention of police for any reason.

Sorry Satyr, i don't buy it. If u compare image 2&4 objects have 'disappeared'. Including the woman riding a penny-farthing.
Just out of interest that's a 3phase power supply into that
building and one BIG dumpster...hmmm


posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Your view on cops is disturbing...How is someone supposed to know that a person is DUI when they are swerving down a street?...How do know they didnt just commit an armed robbery or something to that nature?...And I dont understnad why you think cops are on a power trip....Do you think it'd be better off if they were nice and polite with everyone?...You dont think people you then try and take advantage of the particular officer?...And I bet you didnt know that most cop deaths...come from car stops...And that waffle house incident...this is what I bet happened..."Hello 911...we were just robbed by two customers..."...Because most people dont know the law and mis-use crap lingo that they see on TV>...Ive been into Law and studied it for years...and alot of stuff happens that people dont know people drive by you while your at work and take pictures of you doing your job?...Look into these things...1) How many perps civilly sue cops?...over stuff thats total BS... 2) How many people want to complain about cops after recieving a ticket ?3) How many times a person will say "my taxes pay your job" 4) What other job do you have to wear a bullet resistant vest and carry a gun? 5) How many people automaticlly scream "racism" before the truth is told?

People love to tear apart cops...people forget that 99% of what they do is good....

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Why are you so worried about all this? It's been going on for YEARS it's no big deal. Unless of course theres something you need to hide.
Why is it that everyone needs to attempt to find bad in things that are not there. If you were so concerned about it you should have down as many have said. Go ask them what was up.
Hell tell me what town it was in, and I'll call them and ask them.
Theres bad cops and good cops always have been always will be.
If we attempt to make everything to be a bad thing then we will walk around afriad of our own shadow

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by sanctum
I stood up out of the car for one or two shots. The last one was taken as I drove by. Slightly different angles and zoom ranges. I was trying to get the best and closest shot, without using digital zoom, of course. Dig zoom makes horribly grainy shots. I also wanted to keep my distance, since I don't like attracting the attention of police for any reason.

Sorry Satyr, i don't buy it. If u compare image 2&4 objects have 'disappeared'. Including the woman riding a penny-farthing.
Just out of interest that's a 3phase power supply into that
building and one BIG dumpster...hmmm


What? Look man, I can even go take pics of the same place again, if you "don't buy it".
That's ridiculous! It's obviously the same place and same people in every shot.
The biggest giveaway is that huge dumpster. The shots across the street are on an incline. The last shot is from the street level, and I'm sitting in the car, driving away. Look at the level and angle of each shot, and you'll see why you can't see the things behind the dumpster. You're not very good at analyzing pics, are you? Why the hell would I make something like this up?

Originally posted by NetStorm
Why are you so worried about all this? It's been going on for YEARS it's no big deal. Unless of course theres something you need to hide.

It's just not the way America is supposed to be. They look like Gestapos, or something.

Hell tell me what town it was in, and I'll call them and ask them.
Theres bad cops and good cops always have been always will be.

I have no problem telling you what town it is, but as I said, it's clear that it was training, since they were pretty casual. If you still want to know, I'll U2U you.

If we attempt to make everything to be a bad thing then we will walk around afriad of our own shadow

I just know how these things unfold. As you said, it's been happening for a long time now. They do these things gradually, so people accept them little by little. Although, this is the first time I've ever seen it in any of the cities I've lived in. Obviously, this is becoming more accepted by the citizens...which is even scarier to me. It seems sort of like they're conditioning us for this type of scene. Get used to it! You'll be seeing this alot more!

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Satyr
No, a park is also public, but at least it wouldn't be right in the middle of town, where people are conducting normal everyday activities on their way home from work, or whatever.

I just don't think the convergence of police and military should be taken lightly. It's obviously the beginning of a police state. If you don't see that, then you're in denial. This should not be made light of, IMO. I don't trust cops any further than I can throw them. If these guys want to be military, they can join the real military. We don't need them parading around, playing soldier, in our neighborhoods. Frankly, I don't trust anyone who wants to even pretend that it's ok for the police to become a military establishment. There is a reason why we keep the military out of civilian affairs.

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

I've read all your posts and quite frankly I think you've been spending way too much time looking for conspiracies. Let's face it, the police are the first line law enforcement agency, not the military. I like to see police training. That means when their called on a real incident, they'll be more prepared. Where should they train? In an environment similar to what they can reasonably expect to be faced with. Center of town - yes. A park out in the open - only if the threat is from a bunch of acne faced teens that went wild with paint ball guns!

Let's face it, if the NWO does take over, you won't even see it until after it's done.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Let's face it, if the NWO does take over, you won't even see it until after it's done.

That's where you're wrong. I see it happening, gradually, now...and have for some time. You're the one who won't see it, I guess, because you refuse to.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Well Satyr, I do agree with one of your statements "I see it happening, gradually, now...and have for some time." I really do believe that you are seeing things - even the ones that aren't there. Quite frankly, for someone your age (late teen I would guess) your paranoia is cause for concern.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by BasementAddix
NYC cops start off at 34k a YEAR...a manager at Mcdonalds makes more then this...most cops take the cop because they want to help people...but in return they are always guilty and treated like crap by most...this is why some of them arent the nicest guys in the world

Thats certainly true. Cops are probably the most cynical bastards around - at least the ones I have known are. And to a man they have said "I got into this job to help people and do some good and all I get is grief". So yes, I can understand the mindset of those particular people. I can't really blame them if thats the reason they joined, although I think they should have done their homework first. The copshop isn't a Counsellors office after all.

I do think there are quite a few arseholes in the police force but no more than in any other profession. We have bullying bastards in every job. Theres always one tosspot who wants to rule the roost. The problem is that the arseholes I have worked with didn't have guns or the power to incarcerate me.

Actually, most of the ones I know are now ex-cops. (And most have gone into the computer industry for some strange reason).

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Well Satyr, I do agree with one of your statements "I see it happening, gradually, now...and have for some time." I really do believe that you are seeing things - even the ones that aren't there. Quite frankly, for someone your age (late teen I would guess) your paranoia is cause for concern.

I'm 35, and your denial is cause for concern, IMO, for everyone in the country. People like you are the ones who are allowing America to become a paranoid police state. I'm not the one who's paranoid. I'm not the one who's dressing in fatigues, getting ready for things that will probably never happen in this little tiny town. The police are paranoid, as is the entire country right now. In fact, they're paranoid enough that they'll allow practically any security measures, apparently. Keep in mind, once this type of thing is allowed, it doesn't just go away when it's not needed.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Well, everyone's entitled to an opinion. My opinion is that this thread's going nowhere, so I will.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Well, everyone's entitled to an opinion. My opinion is that this thread's going nowhere, so I will.

I basically posted it because I wanted peoples' opinions on whether or not this is acceptable. You've made your stance very clear. To you, a police state will be acceptable. In fact, you won't notice the difference.
It fits right in with your idea of normalcy, obviously.

[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Satyr]

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 04:54 PM
Not strictly cammoflage, but:

For some time now the Police in my area have been conducting operations to basically monitor, and infiltrate, the Street Racer scene. Which have a number of younger Officers dressed in trendy civilian clothing and driving modified 'street cars' such as Subaru Impreza WRXs, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions and other 'racer' favourites...fully decked out with lowered suspension, large alloys, sports exhausts and other modifications, tinted windows etc.

They cruise in amongst the groups of street-racers and 'attend' any 'illegal gatherings', from there they utilise 'Pxt Capable' cellphones to take pictures of offending vehicles racing or performing illegal driving activities like burnouts or donuts...and then send those pictures, along with the vehicle registrations, back to their Operations as evidence. Either there and then, or the next day, the ordinary Police show up and impound the offending vehicle/s.

Recently came across one as I was pulled over by a 'Multi-Cop' *undercover* driving a modified Subaru Legacy RSB Twin-turbo


posted on May, 7 2004 @ 05:04 PM
they look more like National Guard being debriefed after
training with police firearms instructors or aliens from aear 51 undercover

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by sanctum
Just out of interest that's a 3phase power supply into that
building and one BIG dumpster...hmmm

The only thing I can think of that those two things would be indicitave of is a construction project happening somewhere nearby. Or possibly that the building is some kind of fabrication business that produces a lot of waste.

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