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Largest Sun Spot EVER found Today 7/7/09 - 60 to 80 times size of Earth!

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by questioningall

I'm sorry to say that something is not right about that article in the gympie times?

The only reference i can find to an x28 class flare is one recorded in november 2003 and the article states it was only 2 years ago.

Coupled with the fact that is reporting a 'subsiding' sunspot 1024 and is a more reputable source.

Surely this very significant headline would be mentioned elsewhere?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by 0nce 0nce

Can you prove the crop circle actually "determined" anything? No.

It doesn't matter if it was in the crop circle, or somebody made it up, it seems that the prediction has some merit.

Interesting no matter how you look at it.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Please stop with this nonsence will you!!!

In you OP you state that you are not certain wether this info is real and if the source can be trusted and two post down the road we have total panic.

Could somebody please verify this source you are basing this entire thread on. Beacuse i believe the people who typed up this article used ATS as it's source.....

Originally posted by brokenheadphonez
*groan* not another thread..

Yes ,an other one!!!!

reply to post by 0nce 0nce

Isn't it great?? Maybe you could start a thread about questioningall and what drives her....

Could we drop the cropcircles already 'couse what should be of interest right now is how a newspaper in Australia is reporting the largest sunspot ever and they seem to be the only one. (believe me ,they are talking about the sunspot we've been looking at for the last days ,they just didn't do their homework).

And didn't Phage tell us that only the sunspots that appear on the western side of the sun (that'll be the right side) directly effect the earth??


edit: sorry about that ,it's solarcycle 24 and sunspot 1024....peace

[edit on 7/7/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by 0nce 0nce

OMG I am LAUGHING SO HARD!!! You are making my stomach hurt - from your postings!!

You are giving me great Entertainment - I DON'T MIND IT AT ALL!! Loving all THE LAUGHING OVER THEM!!

Sorry - if you can't see there was something to the messages!

OH - just to correct YOU on something you posted -

by Once Once
Those are all the posts that "questioningall" spammed her message in about solar flares and crop circles being linked, and "higher intelligence" giving her messages.

LOL me saying higher intelligence giving ME messages?

UHHH................. I don't think you have read the threads about crop circles................... at NO point did I say Aliens were giving ME messages!! LOL

But that is FUNNY - you are trying to say that!! But PLEASE Deny Ignorance and get the facts straight!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by questioningall

time to unplug anything attached to sockets then...
good luck everyone hope we can chat on here unless all the servers in the world go "pzzht" "SYSTEM ERROR!!!!!! X100000000000000000000"

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:43 AM
I hate to say this but this whole crop circle thing about a solar storm hitting us on July 7th is nothing but a marketing hoax I believe centered around the release of the dvd "Knowing" today on July 7th with Nicholas Cage which is a dumb movie about a solar storm destroying the earth.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:44 AM
1024 is the number given to the sunspot group people are talking about. Sunspots are on the low side and will probably stay they way for some time. I just went to a site that had statistics on solar intensity and it shows that the sun has been giving less irradiance for some time. It has been more so this year than for decades. Here's the site if you want to see it. As sunspots decrease, as well as solar irradiance, cosmic ray interaction with the Earth increases and makes more clouds and helps prevent even more sunlight from warming the Earth.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:45 AM
cmoon how much longer should i wait before all the communications blow up and people start wandering on the streets...i dont wanna go to COLLEGE tomorrow

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Whoa, I'm looking at the Soho pics posted by Swordbeast and booda on page two and wondering where do I take cover?

Is it aimed towards Earth?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:46 AM
I think it's the entire group of 1024 which is x ammount larger than the earth, not just 1 single sun spot. (well I say i thought that, but i started a thread in aother forum on this, and that's what the clever sciencey fella said)

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:47 AM
In comparison, heres the largest solar flare recorded by SOHO...


Link to image

Originally posted by booda
heres the latest from the SOHO site





Looks scary to me but what do I know.....

Link to SOHO site

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Nope, if I recall the way of the sunspot correctly, we already passed it and if there would have been a flare, it would have missed us "below" when looking at the ecliptic.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by booda
In comparison, heres the largest solar flare recorded by SOHO...


Link to image

Originally posted by booda
heres the latest from the SOHO site





Looks scary to me but what do I know.....

Link to SOHO site


Finaly some context to all this.

Nothing more to see here, move along

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady
Whoa, I'm looking at the Soho pics posted by Swordbeast and booda on page two and wondering where do I take cover?

Is it aimed towards Earth?

You know.. if you go back to 2005 in the data base and look at those pics, you would swear that it was all over but the crying. The sun is basically sleeping except that it gets a pimple once in a while. The spots are weak, even the so called 1024 big one. It's less that an A on the flux chart. It's not how big the spot is, it's how intense, and these ones are nothing to write home about. I would put the sun block back up on the shelf..

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by questioningall

No you are making ME laugh.

I sense your frustration, and you are hiding it by acting like it doesn't bother you. It's funny.

Yes, you are technically going around saying "aliens" are giving "us" messages. Since YOU are the only one really going around saying it, then you are basically telling people that "aliens" are giving "YOU" messages.

That really isn't hard to understand.

To get back on topic--

L.M.H., the same person who created the "crop circle interpretation" is a Sun spot fear monger."

Nobody predicted anything.... they were prepared and waiting for something to happen. They found a crop circle that gave them an imaginary date, and they rolled with it.

The original "prediction" was about a SOLAR FLARE, not a Sun spot. So now the fear mongers are going around trying to lie and say the prediction was correct.

-edit to add-

I have to add this because I know someone will say it.

"Sun spots create solar flares", that's true. Still doesn't make the prediction correct, because a major solar flare hasn't happened, and the prediction didn't predict a sun spot.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by 0nce 0nce]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Enjay

You may not have to go to school tomorrow if that sunspot is facing this direction.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by questioningall

Doesn't the article (around which this whole thread is based) state that :

The Sunspot two years ago was 45 times larger than the earth and lasted for 45 days.

Since that sunspot, no more had been seen until Sunday, this latest one considered the most powerful yet.

So we are talking about sunspot 1024. Somebody should call "Gympies" and tell them to get on the phone with Nasa because i believe they are not aware of the pending doom they claim in their article...


posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Oh that damn Global Warming.
Why doesn't it stay on Earth where it belongs.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Something that needs to be pointed out here, is that solar activity has been significantly more intense in at least 4 previous years.

The solar activity being witnessed at the moment is nothing compared with that recorded in those years.

I will not provide a source. I should not need to. A simple google search or a READ of some relavant websites will lead you all to the same information.

Please dot not be taken in by exagerrated, false and sensationalised thread titles.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:06 AM
I have emailed "spaceweather" and have asked for their opinion on the article in the OP.

If/when I hear anything back from them, I will insert it in this thread.

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