posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Symbology was on the back burner, an alternate reality than the one I consider within my scope of understanding and sanity was what was happening,
however since starting this thread some new connections have been being made i had never considered before.
I know that for some what I have said sounds scary, and I was, but in moments of complete presence there is no fear, just experience.
For one thing I have had so many experiences that have always seemed unrelated, but maybe they have more connectivity than I had ever considered.
Know this, I love life and love, truth, beauty. With all my heart I care deeply about our existence. I am no saint, or some priviledged person, just
a girl who will do all humananly possible when faced with the impossible.
More than anything I wish to see us and our planet evolve up to the next level of our shared potential, I do believe it still possible, it is just
getting more mysterious as we move closer to the galactic center.