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Evil walks among us

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posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by antar

I think you just gave me some awesome information!
I am young and I am kind of a loner.
Its hard for me to find interesting girls and it seems like its getting even harder each day that passes by.

I always thought that what I needed was someone like me. But you made me rethink about that and I realized that the relationship with myself would be kind of boring. All that I need is someone with passion. It doesn't matter about what. I find no interest in most people because those people find no interest in anything else except the "mind-washing" aspects of our culture. TV and shopping for example.

Maybe I'll find someone cool around ATS.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by antar

But here is the thing, why was it a surprise that I was back?
Expectations are the reason for suffering.

It doesn't make me feel good to know that I'm cool.
I don't care about what other people think of me.
What makes me feel good is see creative and courageous people that stand up for their rights and ideals.
Actions are more important then words for me because I'm way too entangled with words already.

Too much thinking as you said.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Ok so we just move on from here, this is important to me and something that I would never have dreamed possible, and then for many years I kept as a deep dark secret, but something has changed, I have changed as well as the world I was born into.

For years to even 'think' about it caused me inner terror, terror so deep that I just wouldnt allow myself to go there as if it empowered him, brought out the possibility for it to happen again. Could I now after all I have lived and experienced be as innocent as to win the battle again?

I know this sounds crazy and it is, but I never had anyone believe me, not the ppl I was closest to, ppl that knew me to be honest, they figured it was some form of illness, and it was just too much for them to believe. They wouldnt even hear me out, talk about it with me.

And you know what? It is most likely not an unusual occurance after all. And this is why I bring it here, now. Do I have delusions of grandure about it? No. I am well guarded and walk with as much awarness as possible because of it.

Would you rather do battle on dimensions unknown or become unconscious as it happens around you? They have said ignorance is bliss, is it?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Oh and it was a surprise but only because I thought you lost interest. Now whos getting emotional?

Edit to say that one of my favorite sayings is "If you dont have expectations you wont be let down."

[edit on 15-7-2009 by antar]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by antar

The only way to win a battle is facing your opponent and overcoming your fear. If you run the enemy will always be bugging you, always after you.

I know what deep fear feels like. I'm an explorer. And I've experienced wild things that almost made me lose my mind. The most intense fear I ever felt made me become a frightened animal. I got serious goosebumps and the only thing I could do was to be totally aware of my surroundings, feeling like there was a big and strong predator just watching me, waiting for me to turn my back.

When dealing with entities beyond the material the best way to go is to accept whatever happens. Even if that means death. Fear is their food. Love and acceptance is their poison.

Its better to have delusions of grandeur then to repress your feelings and emotions. Delusions of grandeur are not delusion. Everything is magnificent and incredible. The concept of delusion of grandeur is just false to make you fear your own potential.

Ignorance is not bliss. It is just a temporal illusion of security.
I like to use sailing as an analogy.
The good/knowledgeable sailor will go out to the unknown ocean, will struggle with storms but ultimately he will be able to encounter any storm. He will come to love the storms. If he happens to lose his ship he will be grateful for everything, he will embrace his death as being the most incredible experience of all because he will finally join the ocean that he always loved.
The poor/ignorant sailor will never leave the shore. It will live in tranquility until one day a storm comes, then he will be desperate and he will suffer much more then any good sailor. If he happens to lose his ship in a storm he will die of sadness and misery because that was all it had.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 12:42 AM
nothing against the OP but there are a few things i would like to ask regarding this story. i know you have stated that you addressed the issue of how you knew the man appeared from a portal on the side of the road i could not find that reference. so could you please elaborate. also if you knew the cop was going to pull you over and ask you about your date of birth and that you would get the answer wrong and thus be put in jail why didnt you do the math before hand and give him the correct answer and thus avoid the jail time. im not trying to be anything but objective here.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Geladinhu

You always seem to capture the real me, yes all of your words and analogies are how I do choose to live and deal with the situation.

Once while being sniffed at on my bare feet by a mountain lioness, I choose to relax and go into a deep sense of acceptance as if the divine itself were tickling me with its warm breath, and you know it really did not matter in the moment because fear was not present and she moved on.

I would not worry about me and my state of being, once a warrioress always a warrioress. I do have certain vullnerablities from time to time, however my position is good and if it is a fight, well then I will fight.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
nothing against the OP but there are a few things i would like to ask regarding this story. i know you have stated that you addressed the issue of how you knew the man appeared from a portal on the side of the road i could not find that reference. so could you please elaborate. also if you knew the cop was going to pull you over and ask you about your date of birth and that you would get the answer wrong and thus be put in jail why didnt you do the math before hand and give him the correct answer and thus avoid the jail time. im not trying to be anything but objective here.

Against or for, but you should go to the first post in this thread and at the bottom of my OP is a button that reads 'thread' there you will find only my posts in this thread and you could find the answers faster than I can type.

As for the cop, I was psychic not all knowing and I am very bad with math, it always makes me freeze up.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by CaKfOrEsT

That's my whole point with you, if I conceded and said that I will now change directions (backwards) and accept the Holy Gospel as the entire cha cha, then "YOU" would be satisfied that you have done the same thing to me as was done to you and there fore adding fuel to the fire and strength to not your, but what has been placed on you in the form of conviction.

I really am sorry you feel that way. We have two differing beliefs. To use your words, your are a "lover of all religions and none". You refer to "past-lives" as though they are factual, and that every obviously shares your belief in them ("Let me say this to you, I respect you for where you are on your path, it has taken you thousands of lives to be just who you are today, and to me that is perfect just as it is."), but then object to me speaking of my beliefs the same way.

You proclaim a judgment on me based on your beliefs ("if you continue to see things this way, then in the next life you will be born geographically *here* and until you decide to break the chains of geographic religiosity you are in hell"), but then object to my proclamation of judgment regarding my beliefs.

You claim that I "try to convert others", because I speak of my beliefs in a manner of one who believes them, but then you apply your beliefs to me, by putting me on the same path as you (but apparently you are further along it than I), along with the above mentioned examples.

You say "It is neither original nor self empowering to follow in others footsteps", and yet these beliefs of your, which you have mentioned, read much like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and David Spangler, amongst many, many others.

You seem to have described a universe that is marked by continual cycles of birth, death and rebirth, until one comes to some stage of "enlightenment" which will enable them to ascend to a higher state of being of some kind, or have I read you wrongly? If you choose to believe in such a thing, that is totally your perogative. However, like it or not, that is a belief system that can be described, whether or not it offends you to have some try to "put you in a box", as you put it.

The relevance of all this, to this thread, is that such a belief system, along with whatever other elements that I do not pretend to know about you, will colour your interpretation of the events you described in you OP. Now many of these "rationalist" types have accused you of deception, being under the influence of drugs, amongst other things. They deny the authenticity of you experience, because it cannot be touched, tasted, smelt, etc be them, or replicated in a laboratory, or such.

So we have one who used to believe in reincarnation, who would same that G-d opened His eyes to the errors of his ways, and revealed His truth to him, adding his two cents to a thread, started by someone who embraces reincarnation as reality, who believes that denial of her belief is holding humanity back in its advancement. I, for one, am prepared to refrain from throwing out the implications of my beliefs, in the interest of adding a slightly different perspective to the discussion, which is represented of many people's beliefs on this forum.

Now if you really like, then I'll hold my tongue totally, then I'll comply. But perhaps you should put a "Christians Are Not Welcome" sign up.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by CJaKfOrEsT

"You can continue to think that you are your own master (although technically it would be mistress), but in fact you are just a slave, like the rest of us. Only difference is, I know who my Master is, when yours would seduce you into thinking that you are your own. I remember being like you, and what a shock it was when the scales fell off of my eyes."

You contradicted yourself. You stated that you are a slave like the rest of us (including you). Then you stated that you are your own master? And then you said that you remember being like her? That bothers me more. Do you know Antar? I doubt you do. So that only means that you have KNOWLEDGE of her, that does not mean you UNDERSTAND her. So how can you say that you were like her once? When you do not even understand her?

Where is my contradiction? I merely said, "I know who my Master is", not "I am my own master". My master is Yeshua Ha Meshiach (aka, Jesus the Christ) as I have stated earlier.

You are right, evil does walk amongst us. Unfortunately, you have fallen for the old "good cop, bad cop" routine. Your mother's activities opened you up to it, and you played right into it. It amazes me how often it works, and how effective it is at hardening hearts to the gospel. Good luck, Antar. I hope you figure it out before it's too late.

And this really aggrivated me. How do you know what her mother taught exactley?

Reference was to her mother's involvement in UFOlogist and spiritist circles. Something Antar mentioned back around pg 7 or 8 in the thread.

Also you implied, yes IMPLIED that you know the "truth". I am sure you probably do not see how you implied this, but you did. There are only a few known truths in the world.

I did more than imply, I all but directly stated it. Yeshua spoke of Himself as "the way the truth and the life" adding "none come to the Father (ie, G-d) but through me". He also promised that those who follow him and his commandments would "know the truth, and the truth would set (them) free". My sincerest apology if my belief in the literal interpretation of the Bible offends you, but surely you don't expect me to not be real? As I hope I demonstrated in my last post, I have been as dogmatic about my beliefs as Antar has been with hers. Perhaps I was a little harsh in the manner of my post, but I get a little frustrated when dogmatic people accuse me of dogmatism, as though they are not doing so.

You are the one seeking a path. Again I respect you, but instead of constantly derailing this thread, with who understands what and what will happen if you don't, just talk to her. Your arguing a side that has no basis. Just talk to her if you want to talk, don't argue like you are doing.

At what point did this thread derail as a result of my posts? The argument over a request to explain why someone would leave the vowel out of G-d, and a clarification of what the G-d went when He spoke of "taking the L-rds name in vain". You criticise me for arguing, by arguing. You falsely accuse me of contradiction, by assuming that you know what I "really mean" when I post, and then criticise me for "assuming" that I know someone else, when I am only working with what has been presented.

I began posting here because I read an account that closely resembled my own experiences with demonic activity. I read of someone who had two "spiritual beings" both seeking to untie with the teller. One was refused, while the other was accepted, in order to help "defeat" the other. But somehow I think that such an interpretation would be rejected, even though admissions were made that she doesn't fully understand the meaning and purpose of her experience.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by CJaKfOrEsT

Again I am sure Antar does not need me to back her up. But maybe you just don't get it.

You stated this:

Now if you really like, then I'll hold my tongue totally, then I'll comply. But perhaps you should put a "Christians Are Not Welcome" sign up.

Why would she do that? I'm a And her and I get along like Mother and Son. Not sure what you are talking about. Maybe you should check out my posts in some of the Atheists threads. They love me over their:

TheMythLives Posts in Atheism Quotes

They literally love because I accept what they believe and do not impose my beliefs on them. Just leave what you believe to the side and understand things from antars point of view.

Since you are a bible literalist, you have come to the right I can interpret the bible in at least 5 different ways and I know WAY to much about the book. You did state that your eyes were opened and that reincarnation or incarnation was NOT possible. Actually I am not sure how that belief started. NO WHERE in the bible does it state that reincarnation is not possible. Infact the bible supports it on quite a few occassions.


Now on too

Where is my contradiction? I merely said, "I know who my Master is", not "I am my own master". My master is Yeshua Ha Meshiach (aka, Jesus the Christ) as I have stated earlier.

Your right, I was wrong
But still why would you have a master? Jesus of Nazareth walks with us. Not over us.

Reference was to her mother's involvement in UFOlogist and spiritist circles. Something Antar mentioned back around pg 7 or 8 in the thread.

You proved my point.

I did more than imply, I all but directly stated it. Yeshua spoke of Himself as "the way the truth and the life" adding "none come to the Father (ie, G-d) but through me". He also promised that those who follow him and his commandments would "know the truth, and the truth would set (them) free". My sincerest apology if my belief in the literal interpretation of the Bible offends you, but surely you don't expect me to not be real? As I hope I demonstrated in my last post, I have been as dogmatic about my beliefs as Antar has been with hers. Perhaps I was a little harsh in the manner of my post, but I get a little frustrated when dogmatic people accuse me of dogmatism, as though they are not doing so.

Alright, while I agree with you. I think you misunderstand FAITH and TRUTH. While I do believe Jesus was the TRUTH, others are not so convinced and I can see why. Which is why I do not mention what I believe I put myself in their shoes and try to understand their experience in their faith and their knowledge. Why should I impose my beliefs. Hell, the bible could be a FAKE BOOK. It is possible, none of us really know the truth. That is Faith and THAT IS NOT FACT or TRUTH!

Its when we cross that Faith boundry and say that what we have faith in is truth, things get nasty and the SHTF.

No interpretation of the bible bothers me. But your posts did come off as a little harsh, just tone it down a bit. I can still feel something from you and its not nice.

At what point did this thread derail as a result of my posts? The argument over a request to explain why someone would leave the vowel out of G-d, and a clarification of what the G-d went when He spoke of "taking the L-rds name in vain".

Clarification? I'm confused. I do not think thats what God meant when he said, "Do not take the Lords name in vain". I have never seen that in an interpretation before, infact I only seen that in the Jewish translations.

You criticise me for arguing, by arguing. You falsely accuse me of contradiction, by assuming that you know what I "really mean" when I post, and then criticise me for "assuming" that I know someone else, when I am only working with what has been presented.

You don't get it. I was trying to show

And you missed my last sentence when I said for all of us to start over. Unless you want to continue this bible lesson...

Lets stop arguing!


Hi I am TheMythLives.

[edit on Jul 16th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient

Originally posted by preparanoid
I have a cousin that started dancing (the exotic type) the day after her 18th birthday

reply to post by preparanoid

I don't believe this at all!
I would like to see pictures of this cousin dancing, if it actually happened at all

[edit on 13-7-2009 by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient]

[edit on 14-7-2009 by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient]

ROTFLMBO! I'm afraid there will be no pictures forthcoming. Just gotta take my word for it. Boy, the longer I'm at ATS the more I read/hear/say that! =)
Seriously, thanks for the laugh!

I just wanted to add that whatever happened to you when you were fifteen I'm glad you made it through and are with us today. There are so many things out there that can't be explained. Evil, in whatever form it takes is the hardest thing for a good soul to be able to comprehend or understand. I believe that applies to truly evil people and other evils as well. Be well.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:45 AM
Giving this thread a little bump, to see what others have to say on this story and maybe someone has had similar experiences.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:35 AM
ive seen dark silhouette figures before in my house when i was younger but no one believed me. These figures to me look like a 3d shadow projected into mid-air. I would never forget the face, the face was extremely disturbing unlike anything ive ever seen. No hollywood movie could imitate these entities. i understand why people cant accept the reality of these things because it is so far removed from common knowledge only personal experience will bring truth to them.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by akanishi

Interesting how these paranormal type events stick in our memories when many other much more significant experiences just vanish.

The same thing with authentic UFO witnessings, they ahve a way of importance in our ability to retain.

Maybe these experiences are just reminders to remain open to any and all possibilities.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 03:08 PM
i agree with you, these things only happen for the benefit of all of us, it helps us to grow and overcome our limitations. Some people fear it, some people see past the fear and grow out of it and some deny it. your story is quite amazing though, i cant imagine that happening to me

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:30 PM
With permission this is a very supportive and relevant private message I received about my story told here. Although it is not exact, it does resonate towards finding answers to this paranormal experience.

I fully stand behind the credibility of both the sender of this message as well as the well respected investigator who will remain anonymous that lived this experience.

Yes a town did go sexually crazy. (Name) stated that he didn't confront any dark/shadow people, BUT the town folks did. They stated that they saw multiple shadow people. But they eventually left, someone could have beaten them, but (name) said he didn't remember, all he knew was that he had documented an incident. But it was pretty detailed.

(Name)was in a town (he didn't note where or when, which was odd he usually documented all that) where everyone just started to "love" each other for no reason. He had been in this town for a while and they were normal folks and had never done this strange act. However, this particular day (it happened in the day). A strange portal had opened down the road a little ways out of the main town and these four kids saw it and stated that they smelt a very strong smell of lilac and lavender.

During the day people started to get an eye for each other and the process started to happen as you stated in your OP. It was like they were under a spell. Even he was being manipulated by something. He managed to find a place that was "untouched" so to speak and others that went in their to do their 'thing' suddenly stopped, it was as if the affects stopped in this one location. He didn't see any person(s) or
being(s), but the residence claim that their was a shadow person and some even said their was a gang of shadow people. But none could provide an exact number. The incident only lasted about 45 minutes.

The next day, the town showed signs of amnesia or some sort of forgetfulness. He also said that the smell of lavender and lilacs had been replaced with a burnt smell. He recorded this in a journal and the next day after that he said that he forgot the event happened.

But he did say that he thought the 'portal' was forced open because it appeared infront of people. He said when portals open they do not open infront of people. Because people have curiosity and would probably touch it getting sucked in. That's why when portals open no one is around. He was said that if what he wrote was something that happened, he wasn't sure if it was a possession event or a mind control type of deal.

But whatever it was it was powerful and not to be played with. Perhaps this is what you came across or beings like what the towns folks saw. I really do not know. Things may sound similar, but they can be very different in the "other" world. If you have any other questions I will try and find my book in which I copied his journal entries. And see if anything is in their.

Odd huh? I wonder just how many others had this experience.

Anyway, take care Julie! I will talk to you later.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by antar

I don't understand why this event, described in the private message that you posted, would be thought of as a bad thing? As far as I could tell from reading it, people just felt strong attractions to each other and had sex? No one was hurt?

I mean, if a portal opened up and a terrible smell spewed forth and everyone started killing each other, that would be awful.

But a portal opening up, a smell of lilac and lavender wafting out, followed by a generally amorous mood doesn't sound awful at all.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

Hmmm, interesting take on an entire town becoming like a sexual madhouse for 45 minutes and then suddenly lapsing into amnesia.

Shadow people seen, portals opened, yes whats the harm as long as they get to forget? I would rather Blissfully Deny Ignorance.


Edit to say, you seem like an interesting person, but I just dont want to be part of anything like that unless I have full faculties.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by antar]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by antar

Thank you, and you seem like an interesting person too. I can understand the idea of wanting full faculties -- but perhaps the subconscious can be counted as the even greater faculties.

You know, it sounds to me like Bacchus was passing through town.

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