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Let's Start an Income Tax Revolt

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Yes! lets revolt against income tax! Tear down the IRS! and while we're at it how dare Obama decrease military spending, how dare he not provide us with good roads and bridges! who does this man think he is? Who does congress think they are? They have an obligation to protect this nation, double our military expenditure and build our public schools! how dare they ask us to pay income taxes as well!

This is a perfect example of what one hundred years of government programming can do to the overwhelming public that considers themselves patriots by voting in sham elections and paying taxes they don't owe, at the butt of a gun. The government (since 1913) has programmed the public into actually thinking that patriotism means allowing the gestapo IRS to illegally steal your hard earned money to finance the illegal killing of brown people across the globe for the profits of the heroine, oil, and bankster rackets.

Southern Guardian, you sound like you have or have had something to do with the military? Let me ask you, what exactly were you (and if you haven't served then answer this question hypothetically) fighting for? Your avatar is the Statue of Liberty... What kind of liberty does she stand for? The kind that allows powerful individuals in our government to lie to us at every turn, send the IRS to our homes with machine guns to threaten us and throw us in prison, and then confiscate our money so that we can pay off the Wall Street bankster thugs that run our governments? Have you paid attention to the news lately? Millions of Americans are without jobs right now, while Obama and our Congress is giving 7 trillion dollars to thugs in our corrupt banking system. And you want to help finance this? That may be your perogative, but I think that we should have the choice, just like you should have to choice to be sent to some foreign country across the globe to die for bankster profits.

Some key points for you to consider....

Before the income tax (prior to 1913) all income taxes were paid from corporate taxes, that is the Constitutional method of income taxation, according to Art. I sect. 8. Of course, after the pretended sham called the 16th Amendment, this changed to almost all income taxes were being paid by the general public. In what universe should Wal-mart be paying less (percentagewise) then Joe Schmoe citizen in taxes?

"all that Congress would need to do, hereafter, in seeking to take over to its control any one of the great number of subjects of public interest, jurisdiction of which the states have never parted with, and which are reserved to them by the Tenth Amendment, would be to enact a detailed measure of complete regulation of the subject and enforce it by a socalled tax upon departures from it. To give such magic to the word 'tax' would be to break down all constitutional limitation of the powers of Congress and completely wipe out the sovereignty of the states." (Suprem Court, "Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co.")

Unlimited power to tax is unlimited power period. That is why the Constitution placed limits on the power of taxation, and these limits were that the government could place no direct tax on the wages and salaries of the people. To do so would be tantamount to taxing people for breathing, and that goes against everything that this country supposedly stands for. A true American Patriot would fight such a usurpation of their inalienable rights, granted them by their creator.

Wages and salary are not "income" as defined by the Constitution and therefor not taxable. A wage is considered a fair trade, e.g., you trade your time and services for an equal, as defined by your employer or customer, monetary payment. No gain is made here, but a trade has taken place. It would be like you and I trading shoes.... neither one of us really profited from it because we considered it a fair trade in values. Now imagine the gestapo IRS beating down your door and

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 12:52 PM
Shoves a machine gun in your face, and demands that you pay them 40 percent of the value of the shoes that you just traded for or they will throw you in jail and take everything that you own. Does this sound remotely fair? Comparing the profits and gains of, lets say, Wal-mart to the wages and salaries of the common blue collar worker is asinine, but that's the tas system that you support.

As of 1984, the Grace Commission, a government study of the income tax,
"... 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government".-- 1984 Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan

Now, you can go by the Democrat sponsored sites that spout budget statistics that say that the majority of tax money is spent on the military, but there is no way of knowing what money is being spent and where it came from exactly, because the government borrows money from the private Federal Reserve, and then uses that money to pay for a lot of it. You have to understand what a budget actually is. It is not a balance sheet that shows you all revenues and expenses, but merely shows you the revenues and expenses that are in that particular budget. Most of the government revenues and expidentures aren't contained within the budget, hence there is no way of knowing what money is being spent and where.

According to one of the sources that you provided, the income tax revenue for that year was just over a trillion dollars. We gave that amount to the banks in just one bailout package. With what money are we going to pay for the rest of the budget? That should illustrate the giant fraud that it is going on here, and it illustrates what the Grace Commission was talking about.

"Should government refrain from regulation (taxation), the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud can no longer be concealed." -- John Maynard Keynes, "Consequences of Peace."

There is only one reason that governments tax wages, and that is power and control. That is why it is the most important part of every totalitarian regime, which makes it even more ridiculous when someone claims that it is the American thing to do... What? You have completely twisted the words of the Declaration of Independence to mean that King George was really just a good guy that wanted to protect us, but for a small fee.

What are the two most important pillars of the Communist Manifesto? Central Banking and the Income Tax. Both go hand in hand and are the keys to any totalitarian state. It was no coincidence that the fraudulent 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act were both born in 1913, thus the only reason to tax wages is to perpetuate the fraud of central banking. This is anything, but freedom and liberty, infact, it is the very usurpation of property rights.

Infact, the most peaceful and stable era in the history of this country were the decades prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Amendment. Just look at the endelss wars and economic booms and busts that have ocurred since, and you have everything that you apparently want Southern Guardian. War, economic instability, and the creation of the police state with the gestapo IRS and a thousand other alphabet agencies controlling your life.

It seems to me that a true American would stand up against the theft of his natural-born rights by a tyrranous and illegitimate government.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Truth4hire

i haven't used a credit card in 10 years. and i agree that helps to a degree. but what i was more referring too was the claws and hooks the credit bureaus have into all of us from more aspects than that.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:12 PM
The January 1946 issue of American Affairs carried an article by Beardsley Ruml, who at the time was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Ruml devised the system of automatic withholding during World War II, so he was well qualified to speak on the nature and purpose of the federal income tax. His theme was spelled out in the title of his article: "Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete."

In the introduction to the article, the magazine's editor summarized that Ruml's "thesis is that, given control of a central banking system and an incontrovertible currency [a currency not backed by gold], a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. All taxation, therefore, should be regarded from the point of view of social and economic consequences."

Ruml explained that, since taxes are no longer needed to raise revenue for the government, there are only two purposes remaining. The first of these is to combat increases in the general price level. When people have money in their pockets they will spend it for goods and services, and this will bid up prices. The solution, wrote Ruml, is to take the money away from them and let the government spend it instead. This, too, will bid up prices, but never mind about that. Ruml explained it this way:

The dollars the government spends become purchasing power in the hands of the people who have received them. The dollars the government takes by taxes cannot be spent by the people, and therefore, these dollars can no longer be used to acquire the things which are available for sale. Taxation is, therefore, an instrument of the first importance in the administration of any fiscal and monetary policy."

In a letter written by Congressman Ron Paul, dated August 27, 1979, he tells it like it is: "Strictly speaking, it probably is not necessary for the federal government to tax anyone directly; it could simply print the money it needs. However, that would be too bold a stroke, for it would then be obvious to all what kind of counterfeiting operation the government is running. The present system combining taxation and inflation is akin to watering the milk: too much water and the people catch on."

When the Constitution was established, it gave Congress full and all embracing taxing powers. Except for the prohibition against taxing exports. The Constitution laid down two rules by which the two classes of taxes were to be governed. They were the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes, and the rule of uniformity as to indirect taxes (duties, imposts and excises). However, when the MONEY-CHANGERS took over control of our Treasury in 1913, they needed a way to collect the interest (tribute) from our nation. Was it through fraud and deceit just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden? Or, was it just a coincidence the 16th Amendment (Income Tax) was also passed in 1913? The IRS is nothing more than the collection agency of the tribute the Federal Reserve charges us on their "worthless" paper money. DON'T BELIEVE ME! Look at the last check you sent to the IRS. Its endorsed "PAY ANY F.R.B. [Federal Reserve Bank] BRANCH OR GEN. DEPOSITORY FOR CREDIT U.S. TREASURY. THIS IS IN PAYMENT OF U.S. OBLIGATIONS; MUST BE PAID AT PAR N.P. DO NOT WIRE NON-PAYMENT"

For the IRS to deposit your income tax check into Federal Reserve Banks is in direct violation of Internal Revenue Code, Section 7809 (a) Deposit of Collections, which states: ". . . the gross amount of all taxes and revenue received under the provisions of this title and collection of whatever nature received or collected by authority of any Internal Revenue law, shall be deposited daily into the Treasury of the United States under instructions of the Secretary as internal revenue collections . . ." source

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by HothSnake
In a letter written by Congressman Ron Paul, dated August 27, 1979, he tells it like it is: "Strictly speaking, it probably is not necessary for the federal government to tax anyone directly; it could simply print the money it needs. However, that would be too bold a stroke, for it would then be obvious to all what kind of counterfeiting operation the government is running. The present system combining taxation and inflation is akin to watering the milk: too much water and the people catch on."

Keep up the fantastic research, I'm loving your detailed posts

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:30 PM
I highly suggest watching these two videos: /videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173&ei=buVUSunmKpawqQK47cz0Ag&q=america+freedom+to+fascism&hl=en

[edit on 8-7-2009 by HothSnake]

[edit on 8-7-2009 by HothSnake]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Studenofhistory

It doesn't matter if it was never properly ratified or any of that jazz. They have the guns, they have the judiciary on their side, they have control of the banks. They win.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:35 PM
I am pretty sure the US has the lowest tax burden of any industrialized country on the planet, I am not sure where all the whining comes from.

Some people live in lala-land, where roads, bridges, water supplies, sewers, schools, the military, etc all magically appear without having to be paid for

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Ok, well... I tried to edit that last post, but it didn't seem to do anything? So I'll just repost, sorry if it looks sloppy.

Google Video Link

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by xmotex

I am pretty sure the US has the lowest tax burden of any industrialized country on the planet, I am not sure where all the whining comes from.

It's really not funny, xmotex, that after all of that you still completely missed the point. Try actually reading the thread next time.

It is a myth foisted apon American dullards that we need the Federal Income Tax to pay for all of those things. You can pay for all of that stuff through excise taxes and taxes on imports, etc..., just like they did prior to 1913. The fact of the matter is that the Government bureacracy is way over bloated and constitutes about 99 percet useless waste. Trust me, we can do without most all of it, especially considering that most of it is a giant failure anyhow (at least that is what they want us "easy marks" to think). Most of it is one giant fraud being perpetrated apon the general public. If the government shut down tomorrow, most of us would be a lot better off. You would save so much in taxes that you would be able to take care of grandma and have some left over in the bank for savings without the fear that it is losing its value every second that it sits there due to inflation. We would all suddenly be more wealthy than we could've imagined without the government perpetuated forced-back larcenies that are robbing on us on a daily basis, such as central banking, the gestapo IRS, illegal drugs and racketeering, government protected monopolies, like Wal-mart, At&t, Exxon, Enron, Worldcom, Goldmansachs, etc., and the pharmaceautical and insurance rackets all fleecing the public without relief.

Most of what you just labeled off isn't paid for by the Income Tax, which you would have read if you had read this thread.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:14 PM
the last i hear on the tax issue was that the states recognize the loop hole, but the feds do not. there for the hearings get tossed out.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:03 PM
I love how the warhawks love to tout war as an expenditure that we can't do without... Have any of you so-called proud tax payers read your favorite little warhawk's (George Washington) first inaugural address? Try Googling it. Can you name me a war in the 20th century (besides WWII) that was for the actual defense of Americans, for their actual self-interest? Oh, we're fighting for Iraqi freedom, etc.... How can we pretend to fight for something abroad that we've completely abandoned at home? Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Do you want to actually know what it is that the so-called defense budget is going towards? It's going to contractors, Bush's, Cheney's, and Obama's buddies in the defense contract industry. It's not going to our troops, for new equipment to help fight the war, but most of it is going to private corporations that are making billions of dollars off of death and destruction. I would advise reading a very good book by a great War Hero (Smedley Butler) entitled "War is a Racket". Even he admits that the wars in his day were nothing by shams orchestrated by those that stand to gain financially from it.

Of all the billions of dollars given to the war contracting racket, and what do our troops that are fighting these wars get out of it?? They get wounded or killed in some conflict that means nothing to them and their families in the long-run. It's a travesty how neglected our veterans are by the government that recieves (borrows with our children as colateral) billions of dollars a year, supposedly for the national defense. Most can't even earn a living or afford medical care... many end up killing themselves. Yes, the suicide rate among returning veterans of foreign wars is quite alarming. It's nothing new really... the same thing has happened for centuries to the slaves that fight the wars of kings and bankers.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by HothSnake

hey HothSnake
to properly embed videos read this thread for help:

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by HothSnake

Holy HothSnake, fantastic breakdown of your obvious extensive research! Its too bad its wasted on those who wont even read before responding, still clinging to the false idea that income tax actually pays for services.

I wonder how people like Southern Guardian would feel if they truly assimilated these uncomfortable truths and realized what they were actually guarding?

I have a question for you: obviously any nation dominated by a central bank runs a similar sceme. As a Canadian, I'm wondering what % of my income tax goes to the interest on the use of my money? Am I wrong to assume it's less than the US, that has been embroiled in more overseas wars than Canada, and thus may have incurred less debt? Is it wishful thinking to hope that some of my 30% goes to things I don't mind funding, like health care such?

*applause* keep it up!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Neo_Serf

Well, I am an American so I can't exactly class myself as an expert on the Canadian tax system, but I do consider myself rather well versed on taxes and the nature of government in general. Given that all of the governments of the world have been brought into the central banking model that is run by the NWO elites of the world, then it is a safe bet that none of the Canadian tax dollars go toward anything of substance. You see, the very system itself is a fraud, a ponzi scheme in the guise of Bernie Madoff. It's designed not to work, thus bilking you of your hard earned money. That's what cracks me up about the whole Madoff scandal. He did the same thing that our government and Wall Street get away with on a daily basis. Just keep in mind that the Canadian government, as well as the US government, can print money at will via the Federal Reserve System (I don't know what the Canadian central bank is called). They don't need your tax dollars any more than the Federal Reserve needs your money. You see, your government and my government both use a fiat currency, which is backed by nothing, and only costs the amount of ink and paper that it takes to print it. There was a time when it was backed by gold, but that changed with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. So, the question should be: why are they taxing you into oblivion? The answer is simple: they need to control you and keep you in your place, which is beneath their thumb. Of course, such a counterfeiting racket causes inflation, which is why the current dollar is worth about 4 cents compared to the dollar prior to 1913. That's a loss of 96 percent of its value since 1913. Who do you think bares that burden? That's why I'm paying over a dollar for a pack of gum that cost me a quarter just over a decade ago.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by HothSnake

'The Bank Of Canada' is written across the side of this fiat $5 bill I'm holding right now, which I guess is really worth about $3 after my extortion fee is paid!

Thanks for the info.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Neo_Serf

I there is no mystery in me as to why I serve I am a tool of the wealthy and I know it but I need to get paid and it’s the money however little of it I make that drives me to go to work every day. I don't pay my fed income tax because I have 10 dependants and well that makes me tax exempt but if I did not I would join you on prince able alone in this tax revolt!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:25 PM
Well, that is exactly how the system is designed to operate. Corruption runs down hill and it's the poor and the middle class, like yourself, that are caught on the hamster wheel, paying for the whole thing with their slave labor. However evil the system may be, you have to admire its genius.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:57 PM
There would be no way to get the amount of people needed to make a difference. And most of the citizens don't have a backbone. Im sorry to say that i don't think it would ever work.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 04:08 PM
Here's a new idea. Petition the court to issue an injunction against the Federal Government and IRS to prevent them from collecting any more personal income taxes via payroll deduction.

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