posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:16 PM
I agree OP....
To me a meaningful life would be all of us getting our own peice of land at the appropriate age.... (which we all know there is wayyyyyyyyy more than
enough for everyone)
Then spending my time gardening and creating beauty in all my surroundings, playing, singing, dancing, singing, with my friends and family....
Why are we forbidden from having our own land?
Why must we go get some slave job to barley feed ourselves instea of growing our own food????
Why do we have to pay some bank or lanlord to just have a place to SLEEP and COOK, but to never really have time to enjoy because unless we waiste our
time as a slave then that land is never really ours???
Those men are not going to get away with this crap for much longer....
The whole system is going down.....they are gonna be the lost ones soon...
You can't eat your money, and you can be sure the rest of us who have been learning to be selfsustaining etc are gonna turn them away when we do get
to the point where we have our own land FOR REAL, not renting form a bank or other person...
It is not to far off.....someting has to give soon, their system of greed is collapsing as we speak.