posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Ok, first let me say that I love my wife and will refrain from any name calling in this thread.
Second, we are all doomed.
Now before I go any further let me make it clear that she is college educated.She works as a R.N. at a major hospital in our city and peoples lives
are in her hands everyday.
I flunked out of H.S. because I "didn't apply myself". I have no college degree and am currently unemployed.
I happened to ask her if she knew why we celebrate July 4th yesterday.
Don't ask me why I opened up that can of worms but I did.
Her response?
" Because that's the day we buy fireworks and stuff ".
To which I said, " Yes but we buy fireworks and set them off in celebration of something, do you know what "?
Her: "Yeah, because that's the day the declaration of independence was signed"
Whew, I was relieved. I thought for a moment there that we were in the clear. I could have just kept my mouth shut right then and there and gone to
bed last night thinking everything was o.k. But noooooooo.
Me: Ok, what was the declaration of independence?.
Her: It was the day the Liberty Bell was cracked right"?
Me: "Nope, that's not why we celebrate on the 4th".
Her: " It was like, when we freed ourselves from France or something wasn't it"?
Now my purpose for this thread is to find out how many more of "Them" there are out there. If you have a
husband,wife,sister,brother,mother,aunt,uncle,boyfriend,girlfriend nearby please take a moment to ask them this very important question and report
back to me.
I am not sure if it will make me feel better or worse at this point but I need answers.
[edit on 4-7-2009 by Jesus H Christ]