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There Is A Secret War Being Waged In Space Yet We Continue To Debate The Existence Of EBE'S

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by seagull

Seems to me, that if there was an "outerspace war" going on, it would be awfully hard to hide, especially if the Earth was in danger. Of the thousands that would know something no one with any irrefutable knowledge wouldn't come forward? No one? Possible I suppose, but seems unlikely...

UNLESS The war has nothing to do with Earth and we are only 'lending a hand'

Without having 'documentation' it is my belief that this battle is not on our doorstep at this time

Yes we have beam weapons in space... That I can document pretty well

No HAARP is not part of this war
Yes HAARP and the other facilities can modify weather and can put up a 'shield' around the planet should we need one for errrr defense against misslies to be sure but more important to replace our planets natural shield should we need to. That I can document.

People say HAARP all the time and yet have little clue just how many facilities there are connected

It has been my contention for some time that the NAVY runs the real space program... That too I can now document and will do a thread sometime this week

Now the home page frankenspeak listed for HAARP is not the true home page. People say the Military hides stuff from us but those people never ask the Military for info... maybe a fear factor

NRL Naval Research Laboratory HAARP page

This site may not load in several countries outside the USA as is the case with many .mil links... Its 'public info' but mostly accessible to US citizens

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Tryptych
I have always felt that the alien message would be about evolving: becoming smarter, tougher, faster, all around more evolved. Also it would be about "peace", because without harmony we would destroy ourselves, but I would consider the fact that they wouldn't use such primitive concepts.

Why would you feel that way? Why would Aliens have a need to interfere in our development?
I f I was them watching our TV broadcasts for the last 100 years I would avoid this place like the plague and wait for the monkeys to wipe themselves out or grow up.

Ever stick your nose into a domestic dispute? It would be like that

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Who says that the television is even our tool, maybe its somebody elses just manipulating time and our space, which would be the mind to a certail local frequency, instead (out there) frequency.

Zorgon good to see you still hammering away.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:13 PM
They are keeping the Alien species which are here to caretake the planet and make the usual adjustments to the enviroment from coming in by using malevolent forces against them which they gained back in the 40's.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by zorgon

This comment caught my attention...

UNLESS The war has nothing to do with Earth and we are only 'lending a hand'

We're, or I am at any rate, assuming that the aliens are in advance of us humans by several decades at the least, probably more... What sort of assisstance could we possibly be? Other than cannon fodder?

I'll freely admit that my interest in this topic comes and goes...

Wars are so messy, seems to me the evidence would be undeniable...but I've been wrong before...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by mugen1005
This does look real and yes there really are secret wars waged in space(My belief)This video reminds me of the game spore and i asked my self,Why have they never attacked us?!Why don`t they let us take part in the war?! or simply,Why don`t they speak and talk to us?!Possibly because the human race is the lowest of the low and our technology is primitive beyond the alien`s power.And there are lots of cover ups for it.

Humans do make good soldiers. Combat is in our blood. All they would need to do is give us some cool guns and cool craft and we would go up and kick some A.

That is really the only use for us I could see them having (other than enslaving us or using us as a food supply). We are inherently a soldier race. If we where to go to another world and go into battle we would have centuries worth of tactical training and combat technique that I think would come in handy for an alien race. We may be primitive, but we can fight.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest

No but particle beam weapons would...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:24 PM
The wonderful thing about the brain it can switch frequencies just by us tuning into certain pitches, if a person can hear certain frequencies below the human level, they would here how loud our computers screens are.

The only peace away from that frequency fence we set up is in space, and if that space is directing our satelites, well then our satelites could be uploaded with crertain frequency ranges that can and do manipulate our senses.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:25 PM
Secret war in space? I dunno. Us in the middle? Doubt it...we're probably still off limits to them seeing as we can't even seem to live by the prime directive here on our planet never mind be deemed worthy enough to be privy to the secrets of or play nice with the rest of the galaxy or universe.

That being said, I'm almost sure the space station has been weaponized, and nuclear wouldn't surprise me in the least. Start your research back a few years ago with all the increased shuttle flights and the Israeli involvement in Birmingham.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Why do we humans think so highly of ourselves to think that extraterrestrial life would even be interested in our planet? Ours is a tiny planet in a system with a small sun. Even if they could detect our sun, would our planet even create a “wobble” that they could detect even if they are far more advanced than us?

Even if they could detect our planet, how would we know they would be interested in a planet with water and green plants? There are many different theories on what other life might be like, one of those is silicone based. Would a silicone based life form be interested in a planet such as ours?

Even if they are interested in our planet, why would they let us humans go on destroying our planet. Even if they had a no interference policy, does that include not interfering when the destruction harms other life forms on the planet? It wouldn’t be much of a war I fear, they would more than likely easily annihilate us, after all to the contrary of human belief, this is not “Our Planet”, it belongs to all of the creatures that live here, and I do believe that an advanced alien civilization would have the same view.

Just some thoughts to ponder when considering this war that is supposedly going on with us in the middle.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:50 PM
What does the video amount to? I've seen it many times and it's certainly been discussed in part on ATS before. It amounts to no more than what people want to believe.

Buzz Aldrin clearly states in the video...

There's never been anything that I've experienced that gave me any cause to consider that there might be other life forms.

People just hear the words 'Buzz Aldrin' and then 'life forms' and conclude he's seen ETs. Dr Edgar Mitchell simply explains that he's open to investigating anything that merits study. He's on record and in interview catagorically ststing that he's no personal experience of UFOs or ET.

IIRC Dr Mark Carlotto was one of the big believers in Cydonia before the Mars Global Surveyor revealed a mesa. I think he used to have a back page dedicated to the trigonometry of Cydonia in UK UFO magazine of early to mid-nineties. I read his articles with enthusiasm and practically abandoned my interest in UFOs as a result.

Professor Kashar interests me. He appears to be a PhD, but displays a certain lack of critical thinking or scientific rigor. Google his name and he's largely associated with UFOs. That doesn't imply anything...Friedman is a nuclear physicist so it's possible to be academic AND have a UFO interest. In Kashar's case It's solely on his comments that he seems credulous. A research scientist is a default he?

None of which supports the OP that there is a war being waged in space. There's a technology war, a political war and definitely an espionage/surveillance war. I don't see any evidence of an alien war. Amateur astronomers aren't under the influence of shadow Govts, aliens or the dreaded Nasa. They aren't reporting explosions, debris or unusual activity in our outer atmosphere or immediate space. There's no debris falling to Earth that indicates a crashed spacecraft. No fleets.

We are left with interesting videos from STS flights that have been discussed in depth on ATS. Of those, only a couple remain aloof of plausible explanations and remain inconclusive. We'll continue to discuss EBEs because it's all we can do...discuss the unknown.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:06 PM
Originally posted by AlienCarnage

Why do we humans think so highly of ourselves to think that extraterrestrial life would even be interested in our planet? Ours is a tiny planet in a system with a small sun. Even if they could detect our sun, would our planet even create a “wobble” that they could detect even if they are far more advanced than us?

Well our Sun is actually the most common star in the Universe, it is an average sized main sequence star with average luminosity. As far as being able to detect exosolar planets, well we are not that far off ourselves from having the technology to detect Earth sized planets orbiting stars. So I would guess an alien civilization at the least 100 years ahead of us would be able to easily find us, or at least put our planet into a 'habitable zone' category. Not to mention all the advances in quantum mechanics that should soon allow us to detect previously unknown EM bands that exist in the spacetime foam (subspace). This is also important because in addition to FTL communications and possibly travel, this could allow us to essentially 'quantum map' the Universe with extraordinary accuracy as judged by quantum perturbations, spectra, and and the overall quantum made up topography of spacetime.

Even if they could detect our planet, how would we know they would be interested in a planet with water and green plants? There are many different theories on what other life might be like, one of those is silicone based. Would a silicone based life form be interested in a planet such as ours?

If they were interested in it for colonization than they would probably not be interested in it unless they planned on terraforming it to fit their needs
if they are indeed non-carbon based. But other than that I think any advanced space faring civilization would simply be interested for scientific purposes. I mean do we film documentaries or dive undersea because we are intending on moving in there? Do we study cells, astronomy, psychology, philosophy, etc because we need to? No, we do it because it betters our lives and advances our limited knowledge and experience of this very fast existence we live in.

Even if they are interested in our planet, why would they let us humans go on destroying our planet. Even if they had a no interference policy, does that include not interfering when the destruction harms other life forms on the planet? It wouldn’t be much of a war I fear, they would more than likely easily annihilate us, after all to the contrary of human belief, this is not “Our Planet”, it belongs to all of the creatures that live here, and I do believe that an advanced alien civilization would have the same view.

More than likely the rights of the planet in another advanced species view would fall on the most advanced species. Nature selected us to be the most advanced so therefor it falls on us to do what we need to to take care of our living environment. Plus normally everything evens itself out, nature will always take its course, whether it be an advanced species exterminating itself or polluting their planet to a point where a natural global catastrophe wipes them out. It is survival of the fittest, if we or another species are not fit to be here then we simply will not last long.

Just some thoughts to ponder when considering this war that is supposedly going on with us in the middle.

Indeed, but with all the rumors out there of the Earth being a major factor in the galaxy for whatever reason one must consider the possibilities. Plus, what if Earth is a vital strategic point for an existing intergalactic war? Just saying...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Well, I know there's been endless discussions of STS-48 here and elsewhere, but it was all a waste of time without the technological context to evaluate prosaic explanations. Here's a presentation I gave during a debate with Greer about ten years ago. Most of the material has never come to the attention of the UFO community, sad to say.

STS-48 prosaic explanation given at Purdue University, 1999,
by James Oberg // 7 meg

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by RedSnapper

Originally posted by franspeakfree
People on this site need to come to an agreement quickly about the existence of other beings in this universe apart from us. Then we can start talking about what is really going on in this world.

I really think we need to have a "believers section" on this site or something similar. That way we can move past the "is it real/did it happen?" stage which is really this sort of purgatory that most threads end up in, or both sides just get tired and the thread gets buried. Just a thought.

Thats such a good idea and to be honest I am suprised this hasn't been suggested before, those of us that have had ET encounters need somewhere to talk about each others experience without getting bullied by the 'show us proof' brigade. This in turn will allow certain freedoms of each member to express themselves accordingly.

It seems as though there are certain members just hell bent on derailing and destroying threads with their skepticism. For those of us who have had our own experiences, this skepticism becomes tedious and boring. I for one am growing weary as to trying to explain myself everytime I put a thread up.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by antar
They are keeping the Alien species which are here to caretake the planet and make the usual adjustments to the enviroment from coming in by using malevolent forces against them which they gained back in the 40's.

Yes I agree but I feel that there are others that (just like on this site) have their own agendas as to what and how humankind should think. It is those others that we have to be weary of.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
If we where to go to another world and go into battle we would have centuries worth of tactical training and combat technique that I think would come in handy for an alien race. We may be primitive, but we can fight.

We can fight other humans because each human being is on the same level, however, when it comes to another race that is superior than us in every way, suddenly are bravado would be extinguished.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Why would you feel that way? Why would Aliens have a need to interfere in our development?
I f I was them watching our TV broadcasts for the last 100 years I would avoid this place like the plague and wait for the monkeys to wipe themselves out or grow up.

Ever stick your nose into a domestic dispute? It would be like that

Well, one interesting aspect is that (to my knowledge) the sightings increased dramatically after the first nuclear tests. That would make sense in the way that we invented something that could do real damage on the cosmic scale (that is also relative..). This is pure speculation, but we wouldn't want to apes have too powerful weapons if we wanted to keep them alive as a species.

I also don't believe that there's some kind of war in space, but maybe stupid humans trying to protect from the UFO's. Or maybe it's all lies and disinfo.

Interesting anyway.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
my big problem with it being laser weapons firing at a ufo (besides the whole ufo thing)

Well I don't think that is a laser weapon or beam weapon shot either...

Why? Because in space you would NOT see a laser beam from the side view. Ever used a laser pointer? IF you have dust or fog in a room you can see the beam but not if the air is clear. In space even more so...

A particle beam weapon would also have an invisible beam

As to (besides the whole ufo thing)

Since I am convinced that the UFO's we see in space and flitting around in our atmosphere are in fact 'CRITTERS' (Plasma Life Forms) I doubt we are shooting at them... at least I hope not as they are harmless, though curious...


Russian 'toy' gone deep into their black ops. Our trail on tracking paper work through a Russian document hunter ended up at the door of the KGB and he did not wish to knock on that door

I started looking into it but we did not get very far for obvious reasons. We titled it..
"The Black Russians and the Black Horses"

One of the first "Black Russians' was 'Polyus' Though many will claim it was destroyed there is a lot of controversy surrounding it. Point is its BLACK People say they don't paint space ships black because of heat problems...
People say many things... doesn't make them right.

The reason the titles says "Black Horses" is because while searching for the Russian projects we came across a document that says the US had a similar project called 'Black Horse'

I was not going to put that out yet but since we ran into dead ends maybe stirring the pot might get some new results.

Bear in mind that when any government says a project is canceled or too expensive, that can mean it went totally black... as happens a lot in the US

Below is a quick time .mov of he Russian 'Black Horse' Until I find more you will have to extrapolate where this leads
. The video is copyright by

The thread
The Black Russians and the Black Horses

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by menguard
Zorgon good to see you still hammering away.

Yeah thanks
I just put together some stuff after my last reply here and its already two pages

I needz a sexatary

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Tryptych
Well, one interesting aspect is that (to my knowledge) the sightings increased dramatically after the first nuclear tests. That would make sense in the way that we invented something that could do real damage on the cosmic scale (that is also relative..). This is pure speculation...

Well see if my 'speculation is correct then the Nuclear blasts would also attract the attention of the Critters... since it is a big release of energy, perhaps they found new feeding grounds

I also don't believe that there's some kind of war in space,

I do, but I only have circumstantial evidence at this point... some good stuff but you know how it is around here. Stay tuned for my next thread on Secret Space Programs though... it might give food for thought... it will at least raise an eyebrow or two

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