posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:42 AM
All this talk of marching and voting and be heard. While altruistic in nature, is in essence completely naive. Do you honestly think that the corrupt
in power will CARE? Please! All they have to do is close the blinders and turn on "24" to drown out your noise. They DON'T CARE. You will NOT be
heard, NOTHING will be done if you choose to participate in this manner for a couple of reasons.
1) As stated, they don't care, they will do EVERYTHING within their power to REMAIN in power and to continue sucking down your money dry. Even if
they have to go as far as rigging elections or worse (and yes, we all know this happens)
2) Even if you COULD get to them in person, they are merely puppets! You're going after the WRONG person! You cut off the politician, a new corrupt
one will be propped up! HELLO! What do you think Obama was? People were sick of Bush, so what did they get? ANOTHER even more corrupt politician!
Congratulations! You voted for the same idiot into office!
The fact is, the politicians are merely the symptom of the disease, but not the disease itself. You want to go after the real enemy? Start off with
the federal reserve, all the international bank/gangsters and their families that are lobbying and bribing/controlling our politicians and you will be
getting a bit closer to your REAL enemy. But as long as you continue on this idiotic pursuit of "go to the politicians, they're at
fault/responsible" then NOTHING will be done because they will simply be replaced with yet ANOTHER corrupt politician who is answerable only to the
ruling elite.
You want change? You want REAL change? Then you better polish up your gun, stock up on ammo, and be prepared to DIE for your country! That's right!
You heard me right! You will have to DIE! not talk! not vote! not debate! You talk of these people as if somehow they could be appealed to their human
nature, they CAN'T they're crooks! Worse, they're BEASTS who simply cannot be satisfied! The more power they gain, the more they want, at ANY cost!
Yes, even YOURS and YOUR FAMILY'S. So YOU have to be willing to take back your country at any cost as well, you have to want it just as bad. You HAVE
to threaten them by force, by violence and yes, even DEATH. It HAS to become personal because if it's not, if they're allowed to retain their power
with the pathetic excuse of "well as long as you don't do it again, then it's fine" They will continue reaming you hard up your collective a**es
Why on earth do you think they are able now to call you a terrorist in the first place? Because they wish to continue exercising their power over you!
And as long as they know that their sorry pathetic lives will remain intact by saying any B.S. that they can make you buy, they will continue to mess
with you and will find more way to continue their corruption without you knowing.
March to Washington yes! But carry your guns! Storm their houses! ALL OF THEM! Arrest them, FORCEFULLY if you need to, put them in jail! If it comes
down to war. SO BE IT! Show them that you mean business and you're not going to buy their B.S. diatribe that they spew from their mouths anymore! Let
them know it's personal now!
Some of you might not be getting it still, so let me put it in clearer terms. These so called "leaders" of our country are NOT leaders, they are
TRAITORS! They have violated, usurped, abused and systematically ra*ed our rights and our constitution along with taking away every single cent that
they could get their hands on. These are NOT the qualities of leaders, but of TRAITORS! If you don't know the laws, then let me tell you, the
punishment for treason can be either lifetime imprisonment or DEATH! So for the love of God, don't see these people as "leaders" but see them for
what they are, and enact the proper punishment.
I pray that those here who are in the military, will make plans if necessary, in case our current leaders need to be removed, and will act properly
according to the tenets of our constitution, and I leave you with this "REMEMBER YOUR OATHS"