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RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase !

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by James Random
The year next year is 1984.

More like 1945

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:38 AM
I haven't read this whole thread yet, tho I prob will/should, but it was kind of hard for me to get past the whole "manufactured threat of global warming" part.

Unless this has already been addressed, can someone please explain that b/c I was under the impression that it is now scientifically proven (please don't ask for links) that global warming is in fact a reality. Aren't the polar ice caps melting at significantly higher rates than ever recorded before? Serious flooding not to mention all the other things(droughts, reefs/bottom of food chains dieing off etc..) that are gonna happen sound like a pretty big threat to me. I saw some TV show about the earth's avg temp only rising a few degrees before there's no turning back, is that not true?

Maybe I'm just a sucker tho, my meteorologist professor (back in '06 I believe) also told me that the other side of the debate is that as the earth heats up, more water will evaporate causing more cloud cover eventually cooling the earth back down??? Maybe this belongs elsewhere but it is part of the first red alert.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by burntheships

Brother I stand with you, but there nothing we can do till untill all of America feels the choke hold, Soon the time for war will be upon us but not quite yet.

One problem, most of America is too apathetic to care.

It is far too late to stop ppl that will not even let the bill be read
before voting on it.

The corruption has been overwhelming for a long while.

Calls to the congress critters on the bailout only delayed the
inevitable, and now ppl are not going to bother at all.

It is far far too late now, and the Bell tolls for us all.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Afishl1

The overall consensus on "global warming" is that there is no consencus.

Over 650 scientists have put their names to a US Senate Minority report that challenges the contention of the UN's International Panel on Climate Change that there is a scientific "consensus" on the causes of global warming.

IMO the global warming issue is driven by the Untied Nations, as a means to control the sovereign countries. Then they can create more taxes, tax tax tax. Global Taxes...more on that here:

the United Nations is implement a global plan to create a new international socialist order financed by global taxes on the American people....

.....consider adoption of a document calling for “new voluntary and innovative sources of financing initiatives to provide additional stable sources of development finance"…

.....The most “popular” proposals, which could generate tens of billions of dollars in revenue for global purposes, involve taxes on greenhouse gas emissions and financial transactions such as stock trades.

The document was agreed to at an informal meeting of expert “facilitators” and was made available on Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. It is doubtful that any changes will be made to it.

The conference was postponed from June 1-3 and will now take place June 24-26 at the U.N. in New York....

Now, as President, Obama can bypass the Congress and simply direct his Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to approve the U.N. conference document. Then the pressure will be increased on Congress to come up with the money and satisfy our “international commitments.”

This working draft is one of the scariest documents I have ever read.

113 page Report of the Commission of Experts
of the President of the United Nations General Assembly on
Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System

It has 91 references to taxes

This one in revealing...

131. Hence, the political feasibility of additional mechanisms and innovative sources of
financing such as emission rights trading and financial transactions taxes should be
enhanced. These and other innovative sources of finance are discussed in Chapter 5.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by burntheships

There may be those who disagree and there may be those that, like me, are on the fence about it.. even if it is not a global problem it is one for your local area esp if you live in a large city, and even regional. Additonally, we are moving as a whole out of the caveman era of burning # and dumping the waste into the atmosphere. We have already done this with ash, so2 and nox and carbon capture does exist, plus there are sources that don't produce much or any at all. Nationally over the next forty years I should hope that we would not be still burning what we are now how we are now for energy demands. Frankly, I think that our tech is going to explode so as to not even need this bill, but that aside I don't see hwo this is going to bankrupt the country. To meet the goal you will have to construct more nukes, wind, solar and modify existing plants to capture carbon. All of this requires people to do work and get paid and for trade to occur and there are provisions in the bill to maintain wages as well for all the projects... I dont' really understand what all the fuss is over.

This is the bill btw; dunno if anyone has posted it before:

Cap and Trade

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by miragezero

Yes we can not all agree on everything...and thanks for posting that link.

Just saying there is no logical way conclude that more legislation (this cap and trade) on this environmental issue will save the earth, or even make it "greener"

Am I to trust a government that has created agencys to watch over the banking industry, taking my tax money and feeding those agencys, that turn around and destroy the banking infastructure by looting? Did all those laws they made and all the agencies work? No! What they did was spend more money, tax us more, and in the end, they turn around and mock us, and rob us!

I am all for stopping egregious sins of contamination of the earth...
Dumping in the Ocean, Burning...although the U.S. is not even close to the worse offender. I think China is...and also war.

If the United Nations was for real, and not a phoney front for Ultimate Totalitarian Control, they would do something about this kind of thing first.

“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. “The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”

“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”....

....Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

If men want to save the earth, and save the world, men need to stop killing each other, and ruining the earth with toxic waste as they war with each other. That is all men, and all nations.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Good Job burns............keep the skeptics on their toes here at ATS.....

They will figure it out one day.........then again maybe not.........

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:00 PM
The solution is quite illustrated by John Galt and Karl Denninger...simply quit participating in the system...quit buying the trivial garbage that you are addicted to...learn to produce for yourself, learn a little self reliance, learn to trade with your neighbors...Quit the rigged, ridiculous "Rat Race", because you're gonna lose anyway...Without your mindless consumption, the PTB are helpless and they will in turn cannibalize themselves like the rabid animals they are...

"Starve The Beast" - July 4th, 2009

Look, we can rant and rave about market manipulation and government-sponsored games. We can petition the SEC, the FBI and Congress. We can demand that they stop it all we want. But they haven't and likely won't until and unless America gets pissed off enough to force them to act. So how do we make that happen, yet remain within the law? Its not that hard, and in the intermediate and longer-term it would be incredibly positive for our economy and nation. We go on a consumption strike until and unless our demands are met.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by RolandBrichter]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by frostback
It is a truely frightening times to be alive. Being Canadian I only have a passing understanding of the U.S. constitution , but it would seem to me that it is under attack and when the SHTF down there we will surely be in trouble up here. I have to agree with the previous post untill you step up you will be steped on.

Most American's only have a passing understanding of the Constitution. In fact, ask a typical American you meet on the streets you might here something like "I dunno, it's like, a thing that says we can do what ever we want."

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Taxes shall indeed increase and there will be quite the negative impact..

however, losing your rights and freedom of speech?


Like I said before, until this website is shut down or these threads become censored, freedom of speech remains strong.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by RolandBrichter

Thank you. That is awesome! I needed to read that today!

reply to post by Rockpuck

We know it is true. Give us an inspiration for the day...some motivating words from our contstituion...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:52 PM
Get this message to some US military Generals: we need a military coup. Whenever over half the voters can vote to live off the productive. Civilization collapses. Us productive have to support the government "workers" too. I am finished; I have no more blood to spare. Democracy takes to long to do anything. We need a benevolent dictator now. I am willing to work with the military if it is going to take us back to the original Constitution. Welfare people need to go to the FEMA camps. Most illegals will flood back to their country of origin. When military takes over, we can reveal the area 51 new developements and their John Galts can come out from hiding.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by miragezero

Yes we can not all agree on everything...and thanks for posting that link.

Just saying there is no logical way conclude that more legislation (this cap and trade) on this environmental issue will save the earth, or even make it "greener"

Am I to trust a government that has created agencys to watch over the banking industry, taking my tax money and feeding those agencys, that turn around and destroy the banking infastructure by looting? Did all those laws they made and all the agencies work?

Well, it worked for ash and SO2 and NOX and it didn't bankrupt us.... hell some plants that were proactive made money off of it by overscrubbing and selling their permits to other plants that did not scrub. Eventually, however you either scrubbed or go out of business. You keep saying tax money that you are somehow going to be taxed by the cap and trade. Where are you getting this. Show me in detail where in this bill and how we are going to be taxed? Heck its full of credits...It is a long bill but you can search for stuff... here is a phrase I found:

Originally posted by HR 2454

(4) fuel competition and consumer choice would
similarly serve to end oil’s monopoly in the transpor- 6
tation sector and strip oil of its strategic status; 7
(5) the current closed fuel market has allowed 8
a cartel of petroleum exporting countries to inflate 9
fuel prices, effectively imposing a harmful tax on the 10
economy of the United States; 11
(6) much of the inflated petroleum revenues the 12
oil cartel earns at the expense of the people of the 13
United States are used for purposes antithetical to 14
the interests of the United States and its allies; 15

Originally posted by burntheships
I am all for stopping egregious sins of contamination of the earth...
Dumping in the Ocean, Burning...although the U.S. is not even close to the worse offender. I think China is...and also war.

Agreed however we have to start somewhere and China doesn't even have a realiable infrastructure to begin with. We do and we have the technology to be good stewards of the environment and a better example to everyone. I just say within the span of 40 years in the future we should be able to comply with the goal...

Originally posted by burntheships
If the United Nations was for real, and not a phoney front for Ultimate Totalitarian Control, they would do something about this kind of thing first.
If men want to save the earth, and save the world, men need to stop killing each other, and ruining the earth with toxic waste as they war with each other. That is all men, and all nations.

Then I suggest you go watch some of the NWO videos in the other threads because that is exactly what they are saying as well.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by miragezero

Men have to do it themselves. Agencies fail. The larger the agency, the larger the fail. The Untied Nations is not going to save man.

To believe that would be the biggest lie to believe about them. As we speak The U.N. is in the process with thier side kick the W.H.O. in perpetrating a population reduction on mankind under the pretense of a flu pandemic now declared at level 6, so they can vaccinate every man woman and child; potentially makeing them sick, or worse, crippled, debilitated by the contaminents in the vaccination.

Here is in detail why the Cap and Trade is a load of carp, and will not save the earth, or keep it clean, or lower costs, or give an ultimate in the black credit to anyone, or any business.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Just some thoughts on this...

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. - Benjamin Franklin

For those who say a vote is useless, every four years, we elect
A President. That President wins and loses with votes.

To those who say it is no good to try, what if eveyone has said that 200 years ago. What if no one had stood up to Hitler?


For the record I am not a Republican, or A Democrat. I am not part of any political party at the time, I am thinking out of the box.

But when this kind of blatant attempt to wipe out a county is being perpetrated I am not going to be idle. I am not keeping my mouth shut.

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money."

The congressional Democrats’ cap-and-trade plan to tax carbon emissions could cost every American family as much as $3,100 a year and is equivalent to a “declaration of war on the Midwest,”

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Additionally, don't let the words coup or dictator make you mad/upset/negative. What do you think happened on Sept. 18th, 2009? It was the "Quit Coup" (see Simon Johnson's [former IMF employee] article in Harpers Mag, I think it was): an economic coup. Who do you think is dictator now? Try a name like Sec. of Treas. Geithner & his pals at Goldman Sachs. And don't overlook what happened in Nov of '63. What happened to the Silver Certificate & JFK's United States Notes which did require interest payments to the private Federal Reserve slave System. Any WWIII with Islam/Muslims probably has more to do with them not wanting Central Banks collecting interest payment for the Elite than any religious issues! Christianity has sold its sole to the devil's Corporate System (which does not represent the public/slaves) by adopting usury... which makes all slaves who have to pay endless interest charges to use their Money Supply. Usury is what really creates greed and most of the problems in this world; including most wars.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by goodbadliar

Yes it was a hostile takeover by the banking cartel.

Marc Faber: Bernanke Is An Economic Criminal And In My Opinion He Is A Madman (06/06/09)

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Just a few short verse out of contemplation:

If vacuum
was air
all would breathe freely

Space is full of fascists
they are organized
the best

The reason for war
is the hunger
of the satiated

With all due respect, without the organized effort to stop it by force, the decline will continue.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:27 PM
What is right?

The way I see it, there are only two ways our nation will see real political change:

Complete economic collapse, or


It’s clear that the status quo will be protected at all costs, so #1 is inevitable unless #2 occurs first. Americans need to wake up to current political and economic reality, and then rise together to demand reform. Real reform, that is, which means radical abolition of major parts of our government, not symbolic do-nothing bills with the word “reform” in the title.

Also, I wanted to elaborate from the post earlier by Rolanbrichter..

We go on a consumption strike until and unless our demands are met.

What are our demands? Here's the list:

All the financial fraudsters are investigated, indicted, and prosecuted. This includes the con artists in CONgress who got "special deals" from Mozilo and his "Friends of Angelo" program (and who are blocking a subpoena to BofA as it would implicate them), it includes those past and current members of Government Sachs, and it includes all those other financial "professionals" who deceived Americans and others with their sale of toxic exploding mortgage products along with the securities supposedly backed by them.

Glass-Steagall is restored, in full, and all the firms that can't exist under it are broken up. Period.

The insider-trading that has become blatant and outrageous is prosecuted where illegal and where not, is made illegal and then prosecuted, with the focus being on the size of the scam. This includes obvious circumstances such as August 2007 (Bernanke's phone logs were FOIA'd) where trading patterns made clear that "certain someones" had foreknowledge of the discount rate cut along with Congresspeople who were briefed on the TARP and within hours or days made significant stock trades. Today if you're Martha Stewart you're prosecuted where if you make millions in an hour by exploiting government information "leaks" the SEC and FBI look the other way.

The Government withdraws all of its backstopping of financial firms who created this mess. ]/b] All of it. If you're a bank or other firm and did something imprudent, you fail. Period. This is true whether you're a small regional bank (as is happening now; 5 in the last week) or a big behemoth like Citibank or Bank Of America. No "special deals", no "special guarantees", nothing of the kind. If the government wishes to avoid "systemic risk" then the government regulators can do their damn job.

The Fed disgorges all of its improperly-acquired MBS and other related securities. If it doesn't have a full-faith-and-credit guarantee and was bought, it is disgorged - period.

The Fed agrees to full annual audits without exception.

Those people inside government who conspired with certain bankers to cook the books, along with those in the banks who did so, go to jail. Our own Office of The Inspector General in the government has confirmed that there was an active conspiracy to break the law within the OTS, but not one indictment has been issued.

Those who committed fraud in the creation of this economic mess, whether they be mortgage lenders, those who packaged up securities while intentionally omitting credit information, those in the real estate industry to pressed for appraisal fraud and others are investigated, prosecuted and if convicted jailed. All of them.

Losses are born by those who made bad decisions, not the taxpayer generally. Those who made good decisions get to reap the benefits, while those who made bad decisions eat the losses. No exceptions.

The government cuts the annual budget deficit to zero. If government wants to blow the money it has to have the money. If they can't raise the money they don't spend it. It is time to live within our means and hold government to account for its profligate spending along with promises of "benefits" they know they cannot actually deliver down the road such as Medicare Part D.

Until then the position of those who wish to join is simple: No non-essential purchases of anything are made. Period.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Also, even if there is climate change going on, it may not be as some think.
This is a very revealing look and the issues underlying Cap and Trade!

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