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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:29 AM
so if this natural occurrence is going to happen and many people believe the governments know about it,why are they wasting resources to kill us off slowly with viruses.or can't they wait until then.maybe it has to be done by their own hand,like a sacrifice.just a thought.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by angelinversus
This all seems so surreal. For years now I have felt like I am simply observing my life as opposed to living it. I feel like I am on auto pilot. For a few months now I have been obsessed with subject areas that never interested me before, I feel like I am being prepared for something major and am always feeling anxious and impatient. This has helped me to understand these feelings a little more. Thank you.

Its called the Awakening.............

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:55 AM
What do you mean by awakening...not read any info regarding this

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:58 AM

1. What happens after death? Reincarnation?
2. If our DNA and humans have been upgraded and downgraded over time, who has been doing this to us? Aliens?
3. What will happen to Florida?

Thank you!


posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 09:07 AM

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 09:40 AM
I'm sure you already know why i am responding to this and what my only concern is. I know what i am to do, but i still have the one unanswered simple question.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Actually what is being said and from what I have been shown and told throughout my experiences resonate. With me I don't have dates but what I have is volcanoes going off same time (problem nuclear waste stored where it shouldn't be stored which creates radio active volcanic eruption(s))

Quakes so huge--- two off Brazil to Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the largest unimaginable quake entire hump of Africa out toward Ridge. Tsunami as never before recorded in size.

This is going to happen when I don't know however I do know that ships will appeaar and hold Tsunami in mid air to allow people to run to safety. It's going to be very bad but would be much worst if we didn't get the help from our families from elsewhere.

As with everything time will tell. I look forward to seeing the map and to be honest if all that has to be done is circles put on map and a scan, it should not take 37 pages to do so. As for the time it has taken to post replies this map could have been posted ten fold.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by observe50]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:44 AM

It appears you never bothered to answer these questions. Is this perhaps because you don't have an answer?

Originally posted by ET_MAN
You can travel to a destination half way forever never reaching that destination.

This is one of Zeno's paradoxes. Specifically, "That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal."

—Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b10

Now lets pull out the big guns.

In Peter Lynds paper, "Time and Classical and Quantum Mechanics: Indeterminacy vs. Continuity," it is postulated there is not a precise static instant in time underlying a dynamical physical process at which the relative position of a body in relative motion or a specific physical magnitude would theoretically be precisely determined. It is concluded it is exactly because of this that time (relative interval as indicated by a clock) and the continuity of a physical process is possible, with there being a necessary trade off of all precisely determined physical values at a time, for their continuity through time. This explanation is also shown to be the correct solution to the motion and infinity paradoxes, excluding the Stadium, originally conceived by the ancient Greek mathematician Zeno of Elea. Quantum Cosmology, Imaginary Time and Chronons are also then discussed, with the latter two appearing to be superseded on a theoretical basis.

In other words reality is merely sequences of events that happen relative to one another; time is an illusion.

Since this solves the statement you presented above how do you contradict Mr. Lynds paper? Please give a rigorous analysis, using classical or quantum physics in your discussion.

Spheres are eternally infinite in size and can be cut into half or doubled in size infinitely with no end.

Actually a sphere is a constrained volume.

Basic high-school math people:


Using the sort of facile logic presented above it could also be said a cube is infinite in size and can be cut in half or doubled infinitely with no end.

So why not just say, "a volume of any shape or size can be multiplied or divided infinitely?"

Consciousness and intelligence of an individual is the same as a sphere and can be infinitely doubled or cut in half with no end.

How do you account for the paradox of life being limited in length and therefore intelligence thus being finite?

There are unseen energies forces necessary for advancement that are adversaries to the positive as negative pushes against positive this allows the process of advancement to occur.

Unseen does not mean undetectable. How do we go about detecting this "energy."

What will happen in October of 2011, a brown dwarf star yet to be seen in this dimension/time will intersect from a parallel time/dimension passing your sun causing change.

Please give the exact solar coordinates of this brown dwarf in our dimension. Also please provide an algorithm to translate the movement of this body in the other dimension as it relates to geocentric positioning in our solar system, so we can continue to track its position.

Failing to answer the above question, it's safe to assume you're a con-man and this thread should be closed.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:07 AM
I've been following ATS for a while, but never subscribed to it until NOW.

I wanted to point out a few things real quick to you. Maybe this will help calm some of you fools down, and get you to think for yourself instead of relying on 'false prophets'.

1) Time is a man-made concept to keep people in dominion.

2) Religion is a man-made concept to keep people in dominion.

3) Money is a man-made concept, too, to keep you in dominion by focusing on materialism. By the way...this is the age of MATERIALISM, hence why Money is God to y'all sheep. And your shepherds are the ones with the most money, right? This was done intentionally...

4) Doomsday is the biggest seller of all time, because people cherish life more than anything. Over 200+ doomsday prophecies over the past 2000 years, and not a single ONE has ever came true. It's all for attention, and herding the dumb masses under their psychological control.

You know what's gonna happen in 2011, 2012? NOTHING. And if it does happen, it's man-made to maintain their 'shepherd status' over you SHEEP.

2012 is when people are going to stop 'sucking on the tit' and make their own milk...period.

Everyone, rich or poor, rely on someone else. So who's the one at the top? Sad to say...NO ONE. 'Lucifer' is the Limitless Nothingness. He's NOTHING (if you even believe in that crap)

This APOCALYPSE...well, that's a Greek word meaning 'revelation'. And revelation means to reveal something. So sit back and think about what could possibly be revealed...that your entire life, and your entire lineage, and your entire train of thought and knowledge is...well...FAKE.

Seriously, 2012 is going to be amazing for every man woman and child. Because reliance will be dead, the truth will be revealed, and those who still choose to believe the lies that were put on you by your fellow man, will perish. PERIOD.

God is in YOU. That third GOD. Religion just hides that fact from you. It's called PERCEPTION. When we perceive something...we say its God speaking to us. It's actually our own SELVES.

And the SAVIOR you guys are waiting for...that's another man-made incarnation to keep people hoping for something outside of themselves.

Your savior/messiah is in YOU. You just have to finally come to terms that the world is a lie, and you've been lied to by the ones who truly realize that God is nothing more than what you manifest him to be.

Listen, I gotta take care of my I'm outta here. When 2012 arrives, shoot me a holla. And when Jesus, Maitreya, Anti-Christ comes...tell him to hit me on twitter, OK? He can follow ME...because I ain't following NOBODY...NO MORE!!! I FOLLOW MY DAMN SELF. The world was designed for everyone to follow someone/something else. When they all disappear (the revelation), what will we follow? Y'all will be lost...and will die.

Me, I trust myself, I follow myself. Learn to be, think and act independent, and 2013 and beyond will be a TRUE blessing for you.

Holla back,

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Xtraeme

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Spheres are eternally infinite in size and can be cut into half or doubled in size infinitely with no end.

Actually a sphere is a constrained volume.

Basic high-school math people:


Using the sort of facile logic presented above it could also be said a cube is infinite in size and can be cut in half or doubled infinitely with no end.

So why not just say, "a volume of any shape or size can be multiplied or divided infinitely?"

I feel I can comment somewhat on this. It is a mishashing of the Banach-Tarski paradox.

The Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in set theoretic geometry which states that a solid ball in 3-dimensional space can be split into several non-overlapping pieces, which can then be put back together in a different way to yield two identical copies of the original ball.


A stronger form of the theorem implies that given any two "reasonable" objects (such as a small ball and a huge ball), either one can be reassembled into the other. This is often stated colloquially as "a pea can be chopped up and reassembled into the Sun".

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:42 AM
This is my 1st post ever. I've been here a little while, but never logged in until today. I also feel *something* is about to happen. I just can't quite figure out if it is from all the things i hear- like this, or if its a true feeling. Anyway, ET_MAN, just wondering about Texas. Central Texas. I just did a search on fault lines, and I'm near the Llano Uplift. Can you tell me how this area will fair?
Thanks, Love and light.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by toolstarr

Yeah well this might mess with you, two nights ago I had a strange dream about a revelation of sorts. It had to do with people vanishing, like swooshing away, you saw these lights going up and out of people then they were gone, then the air strike happened and sirens went off, then the creatures came, only they looked human. They were shooting people, i was one of the people they were after, so I played dead and they ignored me. I also saw a date July 4th 2009, at 4am. It came at me like crazy, because woeman whom I personally know told me a date and time.

What does any of this mean? I don't know, but the dream sure scared the hell out of me. I haven't had an end of the world dream since 2004. Who knows???

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by zskoot1


Do you see a major global conflict or war before this 2011 date?

Definitely, conflicts over this event have been ongoing, Iraq and Iran are areas some wish to control due to natural resource and location after this event.

You can expect conflicts to be around the corner much more in 2010 particularly 2011, Israel will seek refuge.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by ahadley7477
Hey ET-Man

Hows michigan gonna fair when the # hits the fan on oct. 2011?

Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin are all in good shape. Stay inland from the great lakes and away from rivers due to flooding. Stay away from structures or objects that can tear apart, there will be earthquakes occurring world wide in all places and high speed winds. Find a place of shelter with food and water preferably in a dome that can withstand winds or situated under or partly underground like a tornado/hurricane type shelter.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

... I was told that this event is inevitably going to occur and is in fact necessary for the advancement of humanity and transformations will occur after these events take place. Now whether or not this event can be delayed I was told that it’s possible but improbable. ...

Your main theme here is October 11, 2011, and the brown dwarf from another dimension passing by.

Yet you get all caught up in this kind of thing (see your own quote), which pretty much invalidates what you're saying all around...unless of course someone or some entity is sending this brown dwarf from another dimension to us to teach us a lesson and make things right. Are they?

Also, as numerous people have requested, I would like to see the map you promised.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by pauldamo
so if this natural occurrence is going to happen and many people believe the governments know about it,why are they wasting resources to kill us off slowly with viruses.or can't they wait until then.maybe it has to be done by their own hand,like a sacrifice.just a thought.

Viruses are not being planted by human hands, there is something beyond what you would call the powers that be, negative ET's in this case ultimately make decisions with such matters. Viruses, disease and other things are distributed due to law of consequence and action. The more the world works together with less conflicts/wars and times of peace offering humanitarian service/aid to countries in dire need with millions of people starving the less disease and viruses will be found.

The worse we become in general, the more disease that by law of balance must be placed on earth as a consequence to our collective actions as a species in whole. Governments that you think are your governments and they even think they are your governments unknowingly leading the masses astray, the deceit is going way beyond just your government hiding things from you, the majority in governments do not even know or realize what they are doing, why they are really at war, they are leading countries unknowingly down the wrong path but there are those behind the scenes working who ultimately pull strings and if we bite they punish and release. These powers are limited to what they can release or do, they are only given power to act according to our own actions as a whole. Kind of like a teacher needing to find fault in a student before it can punish them type of thing. But these are not teachers they are entities who love to punish and dish out death, disease and suffering. (That is the only difference.) Bottom line, the more evil occurring on earth the more that can be expected by way of suffering, disease and death.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Sorry, but this just does not make any sense:

"Viruses, disease and other things are distributed due to law of consequence and action."

This = Viruses, disease and other things are distributed due to law of "some things are caused by other things happening".

Yes, it's true. Revelation there. Advanced beings came up with that one.

Please people, I have been popping in every now and then and this has really gone beyond ridiculous. You know when your kid tells you a tall tale and you keep asking her/him questions to try to get them to trip up, and it just keeps getting more and more ridiculous...

Bedtime. Go brush your teeth.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:02 PM
I cannot believe I subjected myself to reading 23 pages of this nonsense. Not only is the OP thoroughly inconsistent and vague, but the majority of responses are laughable at best.

It's threads like this that take any possible credence out of many of these theories. Theories that on their own require serious examination. I personally believe we are undoubtably going to face certain calamities in our lifetimes. (Many of us feel the "impending doom", for lack of a better term). What I do not believe is that any insight at all is going to come from a 'self proclaimed ATS prophet, time travelling, ET diplomat'.

Individuals that have the deep feelings of coming changes / catastrophes are really taking it a bit more seriously... it's truly a shame that our concerns have been so downgraded as to cheap parlor-trick entertainment.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Zetetic_of_Truth

1. What happens after death? Reincarnation?

If you have lived to the best of your ability and learned from your mistakes and generally lived a good life and corrected yourself from mistakes such as hate, racism, greed, envy, lust. If you have matured/changed and have realized that all of that is nonsense and life is not about materialistic things but an advancement of your soul and you have become positive and cleared your conscious from all wrongdoings and had a change of heart then you will move onto higher ground. When you die you will review your life and know exactly where you are and what you accomplished in this lifetime. You came here with a goal in mind and purpose and you will know where you failed and where you passed upon passing the veil of death and remembering who you are with a review of your life. After this you will have time to spend with loved one's and a rest period before you move on to a new classroom or world.

Those who remain filled with hate and wrongdoings on their hands, where there hearts are is all that counts and if they are obsessed with materialistic things upon death they will be in a bad situation greed is a trap set out by the adversaries with cheese on it, don't take the bait. Appreciate things you have and it's ok to own things but DO NOT SET YOUR HEART UPON RICHES or TAKE more than you need.

Money has always been a way to divide humans one from another causing rich, poor, greed, hate, envy, murder, lust, war and so on. When people die that are not in a good state of mind with much on their conscious they will find themselves facing a hell type existence that is temporal but a harsh punishment nevertheless more than they can bear, they will meet the negative side and entities who are happily waiting to see them to enforce punishment. What you sow is what you reap literally, by the time the negative energies/entities are finished with these individuals they will be as low as a person can go again depending on how much evil they have on their hands.

They will have to start over and not have a choice in where they are going or at what level they will restart. Choose your time wisely on earth and keep your heart in the right place is my suggestion. After all what is 80years in comparison to an eternity, all that you should be thinking about is where you go after this life and prepare yourself mentally, spiritually in every way you can. Having to work 24/7, watching movies, reading newspapers etc. are all distractions to keep you from realizing what is MOST IMPORTANT in life thinking about where you are going after this life and preparing your soul. What is the significance of life if we all just die and this is all for nothing? People need to grow closer with nature and connect with earth and their higher self and guides and start thinking about things on a daily basis that are eternal not temporal 80 years is less then a wink of the eye in comparison to how long you have existed in fact it is less than that X's infinity because there is no measurement or scale that can be weighed or measured in terms of time. Spiritually being prepared in this life and learning is the most important thing PERIOD it is eternal, your physical body is nonsense, it is temporal you will age and die in a matter of years, do not spend your life being obsessed with your looks or body this does not mean do not take care of yourself it only means put your SPIRITUAL side as PRIORITY #1 and focus on your eternal engine that drives the mind and body your soul which is eternal and all that you bring with you upon death.
Your soul engine/mind needs to be taken care of in order to function and connect with all that is around you and above you, get an oil change on it
and start connecting with higher energies waiting for you to connect with them.

2. If our DNA and humans have been upgraded and downgraded over time, who has been doing this to us? Aliens?

Both negative and positive ET"s as well as your higher self or soul mind. You are downgraded according to the level of progression or stage you are at and also as a law of consequence to your own actions on earth. The entire human species on earth can be collectively downgraded or upgraded, we are all part of this world and all take responsibility for what is happening in this world whether we realize it or not subconsciously.

We need to change the way we see things and when we see evil, war, starvation, bloodshed, immoral and cruel acts we need to look at everything in a new way and not just pass them by as if it's nothing and say to ourselves well another war to bad as if it's just a standard event taking place every day of our lives. We need to wipe our hands clean inside and say I want nothing to do with that event that is taking place, If I had the power to change it I would and we need to feel compassion for those who are suffering this ordeal with hopes that someone can help them and this war or crisis will stop. Send desires out to them hoping they will be helped through meditation, prayer or even just simple thought. Thought is a powerful tool and people are listening. We need to wipe our hands clean from events taking place on earth and refuse consciously to be part of them.

We need to wish and hope for better things to happen and that all evil will seize to exist though impossible in a mortal world such as this we need to have this state of mind. This is our only way out and we dis attach ourselves from being partly responsible for such things in the world as we all are interconnected in consciousness. We must place our desires and thoughts in something that can attract positive energies necessary for change. Collectively as a species more people need to do this in order to bring greater change. The world is in desperate need of change right now and things are only about to get worse. We all take a vote on events to come consciously whether we realize it or not, powers that be will fool us into making a vote for them without us even realizing it through advertisments, campaigns, movies, TV, newspapers, media, video games, educatation, knowledge, belief systems and so on. Realize that you are a voter in the world around you and make the right vote.

3. What will happen to Florida?

I am sorry to report that Florida is not a safe place and will drowned.

Thank you!

Your welcome!

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by observe50

I look forward to seeing the map and to be honest if all that has to be done is circles put on map and a scan, it should not take 37 pages to do so. As for the time it has taken to post replies this map could have been posted ten fold.

I am not a God only human and the world is a large place, I am carefully putting together safe areas as I was never given exact precise locations but general areas and I will do that on my own time. Patience is necessary! If your in a hurry to find out about certain particular areas, cities, countries or states just ask and I can temporarily fill in the blanks for you.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

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