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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Tesus


I'm from Budapest Hungary. Can you tell me how safe it is? And what will happen with my country after october 2011.

Budapest will make it however stay away from the Danube river and other rivers in the area, they will be out of control while this event takes place. Find higher elevation ground and seek shelter from windstorms, earthquakes. Stay away from fault lines and make sure the ground is in solid areas as this part of the world will have much land fall apart, mountain building may occur in some areas. Stay on higher ground with a more solid base.

Best Wishes

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I've posted many questions so I'm wondering why you haven't answered any of them. They are most definitely related to this topic.

In addition, you could improve your credibility greatly in this thread with something that should be very easy for you to do.

You claim to be a time traveler.
Please travel 1 day into the future and tell us the headlines of news papers tomorrow and the biggest event that happens tomorrow.

If your goal is really to prepare people, the first thing you must do is establish credibility so traveling 1 day into the future and tell us what's going on, will go a long way to establish your credibility.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by dsm1664
From what you are saying, the UK is pretty much ducked?

I'd better start organising a mass exodus, wait hold on, here at ATS we're forbiden to "organise groups", no?

So, your whole thread about warning us, is in effect a way to organise a group of people...hmm

Well my light hearted post are removed due to being "Ill Mannered", then surely this whole thread now needs to be closed due to organising it's members to leave their homes because, YOU SAY SO.

Imagine that you suceed, and people do leave their homes in fear...and just for the sake of it, you are WRONG. Wouldn't that be nice.

I'm thinking about starting a thread, have to have a little think. What could I tell people to create fear and panic, what date should I put. Hell, I don't need to provide any proof of my claims, I'll just spew some ambiguous information that I have collected from ATS, group it all together and bingo!

Let's just say that you are right and that you are what you say you are, why on earth post it on ATS? Oh, because people here are open minded and looking for answers, many are enlighted and ready to except the truth.

If I had "your gift" and knew that this information could save hundreds/thousands/millions or even a single person, I would make sure that I could find some way of providing proof, something that couldn't be dismissed or debunked, then I would put it out there in other ways, stand in the street with my proof and shout it out.

And yes, with proof I would post it here. If I could not provide any, then I would know better than to post it here, as "I know the future", "I am an alien in a human body" posts are two a penny. And that I would just be dismissed by the masses and only listen too by those who are in need of a saviour.


[edit on 30-6-2009 by dsm1664]

I recommend that NOBODY leave their home but watch out for signs of these events to happen. I have no intention to spread fear only knowledge of things to come like someone giving a weather report on the news.

Take my words with a grain of salt for the meantime, wait until the earth reaches a stage that you feel perhaps some of the words I say might be true. There will be many other signs and warnings that preceed this event, it will not just happen out of the blue on a clear sunny day while all is perfect.

I am simply asking people to keep the date in mind, be skeptical and if they see a lot of action in the skys, earthquakes, hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, when things start getting worse maybe then they can at least consider finding a back up plan and place to go JUST IN CASE.

The world will know when this is coming in advance just not with enough time and people will panic not knowing what to do because they never thought about it.

I am simply giving you a heads up in advance so you may at least consider what may be coming your way to give you time to think about it and possibly prepare. You can disregard all I say if you like and you will probably still find out in time and seek higher grounds and safe havens. I sincerely wish you all the best!

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I read some members say that he claims a brown dwarf will hit the Earth, but imo the Earth won't be destroyed at least for a while, but many changes are coming and many of them will be devastating. However I could be wrong.

A brown dwarf will not hit the earth, that would end the world as we know it. A brown dwarf is headed our way in another dimension/density and will pass our solar system disrupting all orbits and planets within this solar system especially earth and planets closer to the sun, the effect will trigger the beginning of many catastrophic events including an MPS. This is not the first time this has happened on earth. Smaller objects are expected to impact earth but they will not be massive enough to destroy the world.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:38 AM
Hey there, ET_Man. Quite a few pages back you said you'd work on the map of the transformed world. I was just wondering if you were in the progress of making this?

Also, what becomes of New Zealand?

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I just read a description of that book by Michel Desmarquet, and I can tell you he is wrong. this man has never communicated with any advanced being.

I did a search on Michel Desmarquet, and found this on wikipedia.

"Michel Desmarquet was supposedly benevolently and temporarily abducted by the Thiaooubans, on June 26, 1987, at half past midnight, and returned to his home in Australia precisely 9 days later. Those beings took Michel and taught him on the aforementioned topics. The book clearly gives different explanations on these topics than are commonly accepted, and it is worth noting that some of the explanations differ considerably from ones provided by a lot of ufology and New Age sources, although the book is certainly of the UFO abductee genre and, at least superficially, falls into the categorisation of New Age literature. The book is in considerable disagreement with numerous contemporary scientific theories, such as Darwinian evolution. For one, the book is absolutely clear that human beings have not descended from the apes or any other animal but have moved to Earth from other planets. The author makes it very clear that the book is not science fiction. He insists that the beings who had abducted him had chosen him for the specific reason that they had considered him capable of writing an accurate and objective report about his experience during the 9 days he spent on Thiaoouba.

The book informs and warns of the dangers that Earth's society holds, asserting that materialism and preoccupation with money is Earth's biggest downfall because it is extremely harmful to the cultivation of the mind; something that is so necessary for spiritual development and solving our big problems, both material and spiritual. The second terrible downfall is our predominant focus and obsession with technology and using technology as destructive weapons. We are told that our technology, while amounting to something, is nothing in comparison to what genuinely spiritually developed people have and are capable of, technologically and spiritually. Other threats include religion, violence, and the media. In addition, it points out that hallucinogenic drugs and loud noise are the two most extreme dangers to our spiritual wellbeing. In short, we are told that the spiritual (mental) evolution of the individual man and society as a whole has been terribly overlooked by us and even its basics have been far from comprehended, let alone undertaken seriously. This spiritual apathy results in terrible costs to society and individuals.

The reader is advised that spiritual awareness, focus and practice are urgently required if we are not to collapse in a mental and material catastrophe. Two crucial mental devices for progress -- meditation and mind concentration, have to be practiced systematically for achieving spiritual progress. We are told that love and loving one another despite our individual limitations and shortcomings, is crucial to the very survival of our "so-called civilization" and its future evolution in right directions [1]. These and other smaller hazards threaten the spiritual growth of the individual self. The book claims that ultimately, the meaning of life is to cultivate one's mind through physical and mental experience, and through focussing on the mental aspect of human existence (and certainly not on technology or any other material thing, because they are temporary), as to become perfect as much as possible in that regard, in order to be eligible for direct acceptance by the Source of Consciousness (known also as the Creator, or God) that has created and originated the universe and the soul of every human being at the time of the Big Bang. After re-joining the Creator, one would no longer possess and be burdened by a material, physical body, and by being pure spirit would experience eternal happiness in communion with the Creator.

The book introduces the notion of 9 (nine) planetary categories, each superior and offering significantly better life conditions than the one preceding it. We are, surprisingly or not, on the 1st (first) category, whereas the 9th (ninth) category is the ultimate one, after which it is possible to rejoin the Creator. To pass or graduate to a next planetary category, certain conditions have to be met, all of which depend on the extent of purity (from the perspective of the Creator) one has achieved in one's thoughts through one's individual spiritual development. Inferior thoughts, i.e. thoughts related to materialism, are filtered out by a complex universal hierarchy of extremely powerful invisible living beings very closely connected to humans and very highly dependent on them and in the process of a parallel spiritual evolution with humans, with only the best thoughts reaching the Creator. Such a being is what is called a Higher Self or an overself, terms present in Earthly religion and philosophy.

On the pivotal ecology topic, the book brings to us a dire warning that the very destruction of our entire planet is possible within a short period of time if we do not reduce pollutants considerably as soon as possible. We are told that terrible cataclysms would ensue, wiping out humanity in its entirety and possibly annihilating the planetary body as well, with no second chance for us and other life on Earth. A viable solution proposed by the Thiaooubans is to manufacture in industrial quantities and widely introduce a clean hydrogen engine for automobiles as soon as possible. The book's reader is assured that it is quite possible with our current level of technology, and that the use of such an engine would be more economical (cheaper) to consumers than the widespread petrol/gas ones in today's automobiles. That sole act would drastically cut harmful emissions and global warming effects, in effect likely saving our planet from destruction. The book points out that the widespread introduction and usage of such a clean motor has been significantly impeded by vested political and commercial interests that fight and suppress real progress for the vast majority of people."

Never heard the story but a lot of what is being said rings true.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:42 AM
ET man, I have read throuth the thread and I have a question.......I have been receiving messages from whom I believe is one of my deceased parents for over a year. The message seems to be pointing me to prepare for something. It tends to have me look into my past by giving me clues of what to look for as if I am suppose to know something or have been exposed to something..........I have not completely figured out the direction I keep getting pointed to.

My question is do you know where or whom may be giving these messages to me..........they appear and take human form........

And does the number 332 mean anything to you?


posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Give me one shred of proof that you know this to be true and I will help spread the word and do everything in my power to save people.


All I see is you spewing a regergetated transcript of the 2012 trailer:

If anything, this seems to be some type tie in of a viral campaign.

Hey, if you right, this film will help your cause, no?

I really wished ATS posted IP address of all posters. That way, I'd know who you really are and put an end to this.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
Hey there, ET_Man. Quite a few pages back you said you'd work on the map of the transformed world. I was just wondering if you were in the progress of making this?

Also, what becomes of New Zealand?

New Zealand is in good shape other than possible volcanic activity in the Northern parts.

South Island away from the alpine fault line and coast lines are the safest areas, there will be earthquakes and tsunamis however New Zealand is in good shape and will not be flooded. If I had a choice to go anywhere in the world I would choose South Island New Zealand personally but I don't have that choice. A rule to follow when dealing with earthquakes is finding a place with open area away from objects as long as you are a hundred miles inland off the coast you are in good shape. Super storms will occur proceeding this event so you will need to find shelter in order to withstand the winds, earthquakes and storms. Food supply and water will be your most valuable possession. I have a map just have to take the time to draw circles around safe zone areas then I will scan/upload it.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN


Please explain why we need your help?

A short paragrpah explaining what your contribution will be, and why we need it.

What will the catastrophe be?


posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by dsm1664

Give me one shred of proof that you know this to be true and I will help spread the word and do everything in my power to save people.

I have no intention of providing proof of an object coming from another dimension or providing proof of life after death, worlds without number with life on them just like earth and reasonably that can never be done in the same way that I cannot prove that ET's exist and are visiting and living on this planet.

It would not be permitted or things would have been released a long time ago, those in power with this knowledge are doing everything in their power to keep it from the world. Reasonably I could not turn to scientists, astronomers and others to gather such data and evidence even though I know it's there, it will not be allowed to air or be released to the media. Consider the consequence of such things going public at this time.

It will never happen until the final days are near but if you want proof you can keep an eye on the earth and look for the signs. That is all it takes then if things get bad like I said you might want to consider that something might just be on it's way.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Cool, thanks for the advice. If you are in fact telling the truth about this situation, when SHTF my thoughts will be with you and I'll thank you sincerely.

If this is a hoax, well, eh. I'm sure it'd make you a bit more uncomfortable sleeping at night.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by EyesII
reply to post by ET_MAN


Please explain why we need your help?

A short paragrpah explaining what your contribution will be, and why we need it.

What will the catastrophe be?


You do not need my help, you need to help yourselves.

I have spoken about the major catastrophe expected to take place in many previous posts.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by dsm1664

Give me one shred of proof that you know this to be true and I will help spread the word and do everything in my power to save people.

It would not be permitted in the first place or things would have been released a long time ago, those in power with this knowledge are doing everything in their power to keep it from the world. Reasonably I could not turn to scientists, astronomers and others to gather such data and evidence even though I know it's there, it will not be allowed to air or be released to the media. Consider the consequence of such things going public at this time.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

Then why are you posting on ATS, telling people this is GOING TO HAPPEN, if you are not allowed.

Seems to me you're playing by your own rules.

I'm not going to assist your ego any more by coming back and replying. I'm off.

I wish you all the best, and I truely feel sorry for the sad state you must be in to seek this attention.

If this does end up coming true, then I won't for a second feel bad about my comments. I'll just remember how you twaddled on without giving facts, and through your own self-righteousness failed to do what you said you wanted to do, save lives.

"Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light.
Some people need to help somebody, when the edge of surrender’s in sight.. Don’t you worry! Its gonna be alright, ‘cause I’m always ready, I won’t let you out of my sight."

[edit on 30-6-2009 by dsm1664]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Cloudsinthesky
ET man, I have read throuth the thread and I have a question.......I have been receiving messages from whom I believe is one of my deceased parents for over a year. The message seems to be pointing me to prepare for something. It tends to have me look into my past by giving me clues of what to look for as if I am suppose to know something or have been exposed to something..........I have not completely figured out the direction I keep getting pointed to.

My question is do you know where or whom may be giving these messages to me..........they appear and take human form........

And does the number 332 mean anything to you?


The messages could be coming from a number of sources, your higher self sub-conscious mind, your guides, higher beings/benevolent's, ET's from this dimension, even your deceased loved one's.

332 for me represents working on perfection and victory.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by dsm1664

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by dsm1664

Give me one shred of proof that you know this to be true and I will help spread the word and do everything in my power to save people.

It would not be permitted in the first place or things would have been released a long time ago, those in power with this knowledge are doing everything in their power to keep it from the world. Reasonably I could not turn to scientists, astronomers and others to gather such data and evidence even though I know it's there, it will not be allowed to air or be released to the media. Consider the consequence of such things going public at this time.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

Then why are you posting on ATS, telling people this is GOING TO HAPPEN, if you are not allowed.

Seems to me you're playing by your own rules.

I'm not going to assist your ego any more by coming back and replying. I'm off.

I wish you all the best, and I truely feel sorry for the sad state you must be in to seek this attention.

If this does end up coming true, then I won't for a second feel bad about my comments. I'll just remember how you twaddled on without giving facts, and through your own self-righteousness failed to do what you said you wanted to do, save lives.

"Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light.
Some people need to help somebody, when the edge of surrender’s in sight.. Don’t you worry! Its gonna be alright, ‘cause I’m always ready, I won’t let you out of my sight."

[edit on 30-6-2009 by dsm1664]

I'm here for those who are consciously connected with earth and can feel something is around the corner, they do not need facts and proof they somehow just feel it and have this natural instinct like the birds that migrate each year or the salmon that find their way home upon death. Use the inner force and you can find this information out for yourself, why not turn to other alternative sources for your proof such as meditation, prayer, pondering, searching the world for signs and wonders that are happening in preparation for these events.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by ET_MAN

I've posted many questions so I'm wondering why you haven't answered any of them. They are most definitely related to this topic.

In addition, you could improve your credibility greatly in this thread with something that should be very easy for you to do.

You claim to be a time traveler.
Please travel 1 day into the future and tell us the headlines of news papers tomorrow and the biggest event that happens tomorrow.

If your goal is really to prepare people, the first thing you must do is establish credibility so traveling 1 day into the future and tell us what's going on, will go a long way to establish your credibility.

Thanks in advance.

Please re-direct your questions if I have missed them.

About your special request sorry no can do, I do not make the call.
I wish I had control of going forwards or backwards there are many times yet I would love to see, unfortunately that is only an opportunity given to me.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:41 AM
This all seems so surreal. For years now I have felt like I am simply observing my life as opposed to living it. I feel like I am on auto pilot. For a few months now I have been obsessed with subject areas that never interested me before, I feel like I am being prepared for something major and am always feeling anxious and impatient. This has helped me to understand these feelings a little more. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:22 AM
I too feel that a major event is around the corner. For a while now I have had deep internal feelings urging me to prepare and protect my family from this. I have had dreams of this starting many years ago.


Do you see a major global conflict or war before this 2011 date?

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Hey ET-Man

Hows michigan gonna fair when the # hits the fan on oct. 2011?

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