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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:29 PM

But don’t take my word for it, just listen to what your heart/conscience/spirit tells you about what I am saying. You know within that I am telling it how it is,that there is accoutnability,the eternal spiritual kind,where a person will go through similar(or maybe even same) acts of evil that he comitted onto others, and this is NOT PUNISHMENT. This karma,this accountability is needed in order for the spirit to fully and perfectly realize and understand what it is that he did to other spirits. The only way to have “perfect understanding” of what one did, one has to literally go through and feel the same suffering and pain he caused another, only then can he fully grasp the gravity of his doings…it’s not punishment, it is “eternal understanding”, the only way to fully grasp the “full seriousness of ones actions” and thus most probably LEARN from that karma.

these cocnepts are used by religions,however these notions are not religious. The natural state of being is the one that each persons conscience knows of al too well. And there is no eternal damnation. Any karma,consequences to ones actions, based on accountability is TEMPORARY,not eternal. It is not DAMNATION, or PUNISHMENT or THREAT . All it is accountability,being in place in order to fully understand the gravity and seriousness of ones actions, only way of having a perfect understanding of this is to go through it yourself,how else will you know what you did ?! Only by actually going through it you realize what it is that you did to another. It is FAIR even one could say. ETERNAL fairness. Equality. You reap what you sow.

this seems to be how it was around the start of thread, though now this accountability has grown into more a christain version where death is inevitable and "HELL" and it's suffering IS experienced for ETERNITY and beyond as 'TRUTH' in the making.

it may be true that accountability is part of a divine plan, through such a thing as karma or hell, even some "ETERNAL" law of consequence that may or may not exist.

the point being this "TRUTH" has a bearing on peoples lives and the role towards what actions are then put forth through themselves as knowing this "TRUTH".

both sides of the coin must be sought in order to understanding the whole picture and the meaning of what accountability really entales through such a "TRUTH", if there is no hope for forgiveness without suffering, then what hope can be made through a persons will in finding that peace which we all deserve, or the chance of ever passing any of these "TESTS" being handed out by these so called light spirits.

there is a big big difference between a role of karma being played out, and one which demands being stuck in "HELL" for eternity. If "HELL" is eternal, there is then no way for anyone to "grasp the “full seriousness of ones actions” " or to ever change into something better.


posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by redgy

Hi Redgy,

this seems to be how it was around the start of thread, though now this accountability has grown into more a christian version where death is inevitable and "HELL" and it's suffering IS experienced for ETERNITY and beyond

Never at any time has it been posted that one-1 would experience winter-land/underworld existences for eternity.

there is a big big difference between a role of karma being played out, and one which demands being stuck in "HELL" for eternity

It's cause and effect in spirit according to one-1's works or karma based on eternal law that's being played out and not everyone-1 experiences such winter-land/underworld existences; there are ways to cancel out the effect of a cause in spirit or karma and receive forgiveness.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

so there is no "hell" in the sense of how scripture pertaining to this thread is used for that "TRUTH", because the hell found through christianity does infact say that it WILL BE FOR ETERNITY and any hope of ever seeing the light from such a place, can never again be experienced to those who are sent there.

why not just put those who are not worthy enough to rest, why punish them for an ETERNITY without escape. just some of the teachings of jesus and whats found through verses of the bible.
edit on 31-8-2011 by redgy because: added link

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by 1of144k

Hi 1of144k,

You mention our accountability, with which I completely agree with. The thing that bugs me is your constant referral to the Father in heaven. Now, I could be wrong, but I believe that it's possible that the Father your talking about is the real adversary.

If one-1 addresses those who are Benevolent or those who stand for and represent all that is Good with a sincerity of heart and with good intent one is heard; regardless if one sends out thoughts, meditates or prays but it should always be done sincerely, gratefully, thankfully and respectfully; regardless if one uses words such as Dear God, Father In Heaven, Family in Heaven, Good Creator, Light Family etc. etc. etc.

The Lord is connected to all three major religions.

The three major religions you are referring to are full of variety of denominations, sects/divisions, mixed and mingled with distortions of the One-1 Truth. This is not to say that Truth does not exist within these religions if interpreted correctly only to say that it's not a fullness of the Truth and is mixed and mingled with truths and untruths; misunderstandings and distortions.

Asking for his help means giving up your free will,

One-1 must ask based on freewill, when a person has injured themselves and they go to an emergency room or clinic seeking help they are not necessarily giving up their freewill but asking for help.

I also believe that Jesus was a good example to how one should live their life, but at the same time, one should be discerning.

Jesus Christ showed a perfect example if the teachings of Christ are understood and interpreted correctly.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

You can know them by their works, are their works Good or are their works opposite to that which is Good?

Good is Good, Love is Love, Right is Right...

Christianity is trying to sell. Become him,

Following in the footsteps of Christ as per the examples shown: Loving thy neighbor as thyself, helping the less fortunate, sick, afflicted and in need, doing Good Works and shining the Light of Good to those around you. It's not about becoming Christ but about understanding what Christ was showing the world per example. There is a way and path that leads to the higher existences/Heavens and Jesus Christ showed the world the true path and way in perfect example.

I realize that what your saying is the truth as you know it, but is it the truth?

The One-1 Eternal Truth “IS what it IS,” the One-1 Eternal Light Family “Are what they Are” which represents “All that is GOOD.”

“This is the message we have heard from Christ and declare unto the World. Good is Light and in Good Works and True Light there can be no darkness and evil at all.”

“I AM What I AM is GOD which is GOOD” - The true definition/meaning of God (not according to man) represents 'All that is GOOD' and it IS what it IS.

In other words, you possibly see this route as "The Route", without mentioning any alternative.

There is only ONE LOVE, if Love is understood and interpreted correctly for what it truly IS, that 'route' is the path and way that leads to the higher existences/Heavens.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by redgy

Hi Redgy,

the hell found through christianity does infact say that it WILL BE FOR ETERNITY

The religions of Christianity that make such statements based on mistranslations, misunderstandings and distortions of the word of truth which is eternal truth understand not the true eternal cause and effect principles and understandings of eternal law.

why punish them for an ETERNITY without escape.

Nobody is punishing anyone-1, winter-land/under-world existences are not for eternity but they could be if one-1 chooses to remain in such an existence for eternity; (Who would ever want to remain in such a place of torment and suffering?) there are cause and effects in spirit based on one-1's choices/decisions/actions; please review the previous posts made on eternal principles and understandings. (Eternal Law)

Love & Best Wishes!

edit on ECDT1111AugPM31 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Hi Thedoctorswife,

I've intentionally altered style of composition in relation to certain material. I noticed that you didn't take kindly to some of the posts being made from the Hidden Hand thread when the teachings of Christ were brought up. The world conditioning in general when it comes to certain vocabulary within religious terminology runs deep and deeper within others. Can a person look past the conditioning in words and find the Light of Truth without taking offense...

Even if the flesh dies im coming back to you lord, when i remember that im you,

The Light Truth IS --- You are not the Creator/God of earth's universe. You did not Create earth's universe but you are part of an Eternal Spirit Family as all other 'souls' on earth are. You are (1) eternal 'soul' of infinite other 1111111111's.

Every 'soul' IS accountable for their actions based on Eternal Law according to their works.

There is a Good and Evil and both are not ONE and the same...

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi LeoVirgo,

but oneness and the understanding of it is something that has been able to of been found always...its not something new.

but I tell you the true law of one, is in life, within nature, within understanding that nothing can 'be' without 'Thee'....nothing can be separate from Thee in any real way.

Oneness in eternal elements of energy/matter as everything perceived by the human eye comes from energy/matter and is made up of the same stuff; in this aspect we are ONE when it comes to the elements/materials of earth's universe or energy/matter that all came from ONE source of energy/matter that was organized into a designed created universe by the Creator/Creators.

There is Spirit behind organized energy/matter and (life-force) for all things alive; 'souls' that occupy energy/matter/bodies with (life-force) spirit are not the energy/matter/bodies or the (life-force) spirit behind the energy/matter/body.

Spirit/intelligences/souls are eternal, the creation of earth's universe was created with a beginning therefore is not eternal as it had beginning and was organized from eternal elements.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Eternal Truth is not a perspective but Eternal Truth; many may say this is my truth, that is your truth but regardless of what they feel truth to be for themselves, it will never change the One-1 Eternal Truth.

What is Truth?

Truth is having a knowledge of the way things really once were (past), the way things really are (present) and the way things really will be (future.) Truth is Eternal and never-changing. Nobody can own or claim Eternal Truth to be their own as it's eternal Truth that has always existed from eternity to eternity.

Eternal Truth is not an illusion but eternal and forever.

Get back to the rest of the posts in another time-frame.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless11
reply to post by polarwarrior

In the end I stopped talking to Jonathan because I was never sure who would be answering back, its easier just to go and talk directly to Chris himself.

You did not talk with me unless you are Universal_Light or Mike?

Hello, I am AdonaiChristBless this ID I am using is so people can know it is me since the other ID I cannot access at this time for the email I signed up with was incorrect and I didn’t include the au and cant recover my password.. Mods: Please delete my other account and I will use this one from now on.

I have indeed been in communication with 'ET_MAN' for sometime now and we have shared both our knowledge and had many discussions, he has indeed helped me with my English ability because I asked him to. He's a good person and helps people and has helped me a lot. In the past when I needed more help with my English the original posts I typed up he simply helped spell check for me and offered suggestions where things could be slightly reworded to make it easier for people to understand. I am the one who decides and writes my own posts not him. I mainly type old English cause it's more natural to me and actually struggle more with modern English. I am not brainwashed and Chris also has never used my chat id to speak to anyone he uses his own id only. The information we have shared is inspired through the Spirit of Christ which is One with the true Holy Spirit so not all of the words are our words but words of truth I share information with people to help prepare them spiritually and to help reveal the truth to them. I have gotten much better in English and can write my own documents with spell check.

I am obligated to share the truth and I have mentioned before that I have had my own experiences, enough to recognise that I am in tune with the true Spirit of Christ which is One with the true Holy Spirit, not all spirits are of Christ and truth. It is up to each individual to determine if what we have shared is truth or not. The truth is about accountability for your actions and the situation for everyone is extremely serious considering that there really is an adversary which has great power over us in many more ways than we realise or think. The adversary gains power over us from the moment we are born because we are born into a world in which it's structure is in a state of opposition that being positive and negative, good and evil, light and dark structure.

This means that our minds, emotions, bodies and even spirits can be influenced and effected. The adversary works through the energies of the opposition structure to effect mankind. If we are without awareness of these things and a lack of knowledge to know what our choices bring upon us then we are like blind sheep being led to the slaughter. Our choices do bring consequences upon ourselves in spirit for actions which will experience negative karma and this involves where people will go in the afterlife. Do not deny the truth that you do have accountability and do not deny your conscience that tells you what's right and wrong. I testify to all of you that I know that Heaven and Hell are real according to the Spirit of Christ that has revealed it to me and that Hell is easy to fall into but Heaven is hard to enter. I testify also that the Adversary is cunning and rewards you for your sins making you feel good and wants you to accept evil and not live righteously. The ultimate goal of Satan is to turn you against your Father in Heaven who is God and to make you refuse to allow the atonement done by Jesus Christ to help you. Satan is real and represents the being in charge of the underworld that has legions of other beings that work in secret against all of mankind behind the scenes.

The Spirit of Christ has called me to this work and this is only the beginning, I have had many things working against me trying to stop me in sharing this information, because this information can help people and everyone that is aware of it should put the light and truth on a candlestick. Never misunderstand my intentions, I am simply offering help, you are the one who decides to listen or to ignore. Peace unto all of you and may you be blessed in name of Jesus Christ.


your posts bring something more to the table in light of the peace and love that followers only seem to want to hear.
'Fear" is what can drive man in finding that path to which he is headed, and in doing so challenge himself to a better option of peace and love.
hope to see you continue with your 'truths'.

edit . on a lighter note, enjoy.

edit on 1-9-2011 by redgy because: edit for mood

edit on 1-9-2011 by redgy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 01:50 AM
So many posts that don't understand. Look at the world, and see what is occuring, and Live In Your Heart, keep pulling back to the heart. The mind is full of programs, the heart needs to be dusted off and your feelings brought back, rekindled for one another. Be a friend to those in need. And work at overcoming any block you have in your life, or lack of compassion. We all have burdens, some more than others, and different mixes of strengths and weaknesses. So seeking help and awareness from Goodness and Love is essential.

Prayers, uplifting thoughts, meditations, seeking your way, and help to unblock what is holding us back from growing more in Love, solving the problems in our lives, or even being there, an open vessel to the Love from above to help at the right moment, and turning negative thoughts around. Living consciously. There are many ways to put things, religion/spirituality, positivity, Love, caring for others. The answers are simple.
Peace, Love & Light to All!
edit on 1-9-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 01:58 AM
ET_MAN, so where exactly is the man of sin? Where are the counterfeit miracles? The end of the age won't happen until the man of sin is revealed. The apostasy is happening, I can buy that, but the man of sin hasn't come yet, the one who claims to be God and sets up his base in Jerusalem. The vast majority of Christians are not being beheaded.
edit on 1-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Valeri

I do not support lecturing, however sharing, advising and warning about some dangers I do support.

As do I. However, it is advisable – for those listening to this advice – to be wary of any possible agenda behind it. Because, believe it or not, there are disingenuous people proclaiming to know the truth.

And yes, some may say that the truth, no matter how it is delivered, is all that’s important, but I’d rather (if I were that way inclined) adhere to the philosophy of a genuine, detached teacher than someone who encourages the individual to follow his teachings to the letter.

…us being spirits and only temporarily occupying a human vessel body,temporarily residing on planet Earth within this Universe. Our origin being in spirit,not being terrestrial , so affectively rendering us to be of extra-terrestrial(not of Earth) origin in our very essence.

Thanks for your explanation. You’ll forgive me if I point out that it is all conjecture, with absolutely no basis in science and without even a meniscus of circumstantial evidence.

Believe me, I want with all my heart for Richard Dawkins to be wrong on every level, but your belief is as tenuous as his. Neither can be proven to the individual until it is way too late to argue.

He’s pushing the point because there are some people who truly feel and believe that the underlying idea of “The Law of One” , “RA Material”, “Hidden Hand” material etc is true, in that both loving and evil acts are equal in value and importance when it comes to spiritual evolution/progression.

Whilst we would all want to live in a world where respect, compassion and love for your fellow Man fills the entirety of our thought, it doesn’t.

Everything that we do that is “wrong” indicates in no uncertain terms that we are the product of evolution, as our good behaviour – and civilized attitude – is, as the saying goes, but a thin veneer. Beneath, we are still animals.

This does not, in my opinion, negate the concept of our evolution/creation being “kick-started” by “outside” influences, but does strongly suggest that these influences are non-interventionist. This is one of my many problems with religions; they have at their core deities that tell, threaten and cajole us to be good, when all the time we are patently – by and large – incapable of living the idealized, utopian life despite “them”.

It would take a herculean, world-wide effort on our part to achieve that goal. Words, obviously, don’t work to any great extent.

Having to suffer or do evil acts in order to progress spiritually is the ugliest of LIES. It is twisted to it’s core.

Having a spirit is unproven. Its existence is still in the realms of conjecture. Nothing – I repeat nothing – can prove we do possess one. Words do not. Loosing 21grams just after the point of death is a little spooky, but it still counts for nothing.

But, I agree that we don’t have to do wrong. It is a choice.

The problem is that we have the opportunity to make that choice in the first place.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Do you blame me for everything that's happened to humanity?

There’s no evidence that it was your fault.

If you’re fishing for me to say that I blame individuals so you can correct me with your “1-oneness” concept, then I agree with you to an extent.

But; there is no evidence that we actually are all one vast consciousness, just philosophical musings shakily supported by the scientific theory that we – and the rest of the universe's matter – are made of the same “star stuff”. Biblical teachings do not cut it for me.

Do you believe in a Creator or God?

Yes, though it is not a concept that I would impinge on anyone else as I have nothing but conjecture to support it. My concept of a creator probably would not marry with yours, but I am not here to have a contest to see whose God is bigger.

Do you blame a Creator or God for everything that's happened to humanity?

No. We are autonomous. We made our choices.

Considering the state of our world, I consider it logical that who/whatever instigated us a race has little to no interest in how we fare.

What religion are you referring to? Sharing Eternal Truth and Walking in the Light of Truth?

Any belief system based on “higher powers” is a religion. You have started to mention Jesus more and more, so go figure.

Also, are you Ashtar or GFL?

Let’s not forget that the truth you are promoting is – for some – a truth. This does not make it the truth.

Giving it capitalized, grandiose names does not mean it is real.

Nor does supplying an apparent problem – this imminent brown dwarf – a reaction - in your messages from the “Benevolents” – and the solution – in that you have the way to find salvation when death passes by us in anger.


It is of no consequence that you might have been offering a theoretical scenario, the fact is that you have utilized a tried and tested method of making (certain) people take notice; fear.

Have I singled out anyone?

You have posted your beliefs on the world’s biggest conspiracy site. You started with the threat of a brown dwarf, now we’re into Family of Light/ET territory. Yep, you’ve chosen your audience well.

Question; do you share your “knowledge” on Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist or Hindu philosophical discussion boards? If not, why? If so, please supply a link.

Am I forcing people to read this thread?

Being forceful? Nope. Well, in a way, yes.

I would assume that you realise your threat of death from the stars absolutely will make people read it.

Are you forgetting that I started this thread?

Oh, no.

Do I not have the right to continue to post and share in this thread?

Absolutely. As do I.

We've made many posts to each other in the past Beamish where you've made your intentions clear…

Interesting use of language and emphasis.

As you are very careful in what you write – even going so far as to help other posters with their grammar – why did you italicize “Beamish”?

You haven’t made a habit of that before as far as I can see, so why add this emphasis now? It’s slightly threatening, isn’t it? Perhaps that’s just me…

And what are my “intentions” precisely? Please elucidate.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Does anyone reading this thread find any truth in the collective knowledge? If you were to take all 7 billion of us and compile knowledge ...does anyone think there will be truth conveyed? If you listen to accounts and consider the stories that completely tell the SAME story over and over there any truth found? If so...then what? What do you then do to make something you found credible even more credible or debunk it?

If you take the collective knowledge and you then compile all other information that sprung off the thoughts and ideas of that you go off that information? you keep investigating?

I do and I also believe we can learn a lot from each other if we listen with an open mind and reflect on what is conveyed. Once the pondering has subsided, can you not differentiate truth from non truth? Does your instinct have a role in deciphering?

How does everyone here reading ET Mans Truth, find their "truth"? (I really want answers

I will tell you how I investigate. I question. Then I read and watch videos on said subject. I then make up my mind based on the stories that tell the same tale over and over again. I research and study by reading anything and everything on said subject....I get my "Truth" from the collective because I know I can learn A LOT from others experiences. We learn daily..all day, every day. We learn by experience and our perception of said observed experience. There is Truth "out here"...

What I have found to be "truth" is exactly what the OP states. I know some will never believe what I believe to be true ... they will believe what their journey has lead them to believe and that is OK. It is only "human" to do so. I just wonder how others "Journey to find Truth"? Do they look as deep as me? DO they read a book and all of a sudden know this to be fact and go off of it? Ya know....I really wonder.

I think where it gets a little touchy for some here is when someone tells another they are accountable for their actions. Cause and effect. This is not something we are fantasizing about AT ALL. Cause and effect is observed daily as LAW.
So then why is not plausible that there is a "Hell"? Because it doesn't "feel good"? didn't feel good when my Mom got the switch out either but I can tell you it didn't take but a few times and I "got it". I learned. There was cause and effect for ya.
It didn't feel good at all and I didn't think it was possible to feel those stings like I did...but it was as real as I sit in front of this computer. Believe it or not..there is so much more than meets the eye and so much more we cannot even fathom as limited in sense's as we are.

I mean....we DO live IN a fast revolving PLANET, in "space", with billions of others. Can you believe that?

Peace and love to you and yours!!!!!!!!xoxoxox


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Well, I asked God to give me an experience such that I would believe and did get such an experience. It wasn't wishy-washy but something that pointed to a definite direction. The crucifixion is true because I have experienced the same wounds, the idea of a Holy Spirit is true too because I felt a peaceful, ecstatic light fill my body for myself (though I don't know if it was just a taste of it or I still have it, because I haven't been physically baptized yet), and a spiritual fire does exist because I felt it burning me during those days. I found the basic beliefs of the Catholic Church to be true.

Maybe the truth is that simple and we just lack faith so we are blind to it. I personally believe in an eternal hell, and find it quite supported by scriptures.
edit on 1-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by polarwarrior

Hi Polarwarrior,

He says he's a time traveling extra-terrestrial,

Not true and others who've followed the thread already know the answer; I've made repetitive posts in this thread on the very false accusation that you're accusing me of. It's more than clear that you didn't actually read the thread.

The message provided in this thread was delivered in a specific way for a reason, and if you go back to the beginning pages I did answer a persons question referring to this very thing.

Love & Best Wishes!

That is an absolute crock of ish. I have private e-mails where you claim to be exactly that. You are a clever man so you have been able to change your story and like all cult leaders you have devoted followers. However, there are some people on here that are wise to this. I'm one of them and Polar Warrior is one of them.


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

'and god filled and fattened the heavens and the earth'

take it how you wish to see it....


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by MamaJ

Well, I asked God to give me an experience such that I would believe and did get such an experience. It wasn't wishy-washy but something that pointed to a definite direction. The crucifixion is true because I have experienced the same wounds, the idea of a Holy Spirit is true too because I felt a peaceful, ecstatic light fill my body for myself (though I don't know if it was just a taste of it or I still have it, because I haven't been physically baptized yet), and a spiritual fire does exist because I felt it burning me during those days. I found the basic beliefs of the Catholic Church to be true.

Maybe the truth is that simple and we just lack faith so we are blind to it. I personally believe in an eternal hell, and find it quite supported by scriptures.
edit on 1-9-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

Thank you so much for allowing me into your experience as you journey your way through perception. It is really fascinating to hear other peoples stories and view points. One thing is for sure. If you observe something I don' does NOT mean the experience had by you is not true. How can I validate truth by a perception not yet received? Ya know?

When I read NDE I am fascinated and sometimes jaw dropping conclusions are made based on my perception of truth in said stories. When you compile all of the evidence and investigate for yourself in that field is amazing at how many stories tell the same tale.

When you study and investigate the complexity of our bodies and the battle that is an on going battle you have to wonder how we can sustain minute by minute ...but we do. It is AMAZING!

When you study the Light and Energy you find yourself surrounded by and made truly brings another perspective to the table.

When you live day to day with your every day life (work, kids, hubby, and TV, and so on) it is hard to imagine all hat exists we have NO perception of...none of us. Only when it reveals itself will we know. Even then, the majority will be fearful and deny.

Thanks again for your insight. It is appreciated!!!


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Edgar Cayce was a really cool dude!
In my eyes anyway! I really like the man that emerged!!

Below is a quote from Edgar about an "Alien" species.

You have to NOT think in Human terms too....ya know. We have to think about the "spirits" that once hovered over this Planet. We live in a galaxy for God's sake. I mean....we are really cool but I am sure there are other species out there. We are bound by flesh and all spirits need to be bound by flesh and blood? Are there other Laws of dimensions? Ummmm...I tend to think so. You may not....

Read is pretty interesting.

Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in our entire galaxy. -Edgar Cayce- Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Eternal Truth is not a perspective but Eternal Truth; many may say this is my truth, that is your truth but regardless of what they feel truth to be for themselves, it will never change the One-1 Eternal Truth.

What is Truth?

Truth is having a knowledge of the way things really once were (past), the way things really are (present) and the way things really will be (future.) Truth is Eternal and never-changing. Nobody can own or claim Eternal Truth to be their own as it's eternal Truth that has always existed from eternity to eternity.

Eternal Truth is not an illusion but eternal and forever.

Get back to the rest of the posts in another time-frame.

Love & Best Wishes!

Im glad you made this post because it really forces us to think about something.

If there is a eternal truth...why would we need a book to learn about it? Wouldn't this truth be found in life itself, in a place where any person at any time could find it?

To find this eternal truth....we have to put aside any preconceived ideas and beliefs we have ever had or came in contact with and have to look at 'life' with new eyes. The eternal truth is in 'life'....the 'word' has to be within places that can not rust nor be destroyed or tampered a place that it remains perfect and pure with the same wisdom always.

Books are more a wisdom of mankind and the evolving of mans understandings between flesh and spirit...and even in the bible we can see how much some understood of spirit and how over time they understood more about the flesh. Like in the early parts of the bible we have a god that has human attributes like jealousy...this is understandable when you look at it as the evolving understanding of the minds of man.

To look at the must first learn the word that is in life itself...then you can discern the bible for what it really is. You can see the evolving of mankind in it, you can see in the earlier times how many rituals they did were of ways of flesh (like blood sacrifices)....and you can see the evolving from those ways as you see in the minds of men, god and jesus start to detour away from such primal rituals.

Learn about the word in 'life'...first. Then reread the bible and you can see why Jesus was able to say 'I am the word'...for when you awaken to the spirit that you really are...the 'life' of spirit within you becomes the 'word' as well.

When all is ready, each will pick up their own cross. Until then, each will use scapegoats and use the blood of another man to Find the Way. There is a reason Jesus did not fight for his life of flesh...for he understood that this life of flesh is not the life we are here to live for and that letting go of the flesh you think you are, is a part of the path of picking up your cross and placing your earthly attachments apone it.

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