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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Carlie Fairburn singing in 528 for the live H2o Israel

Carlie Fairburn, a young and super-talented beautiful musician, has tuned her guitar to the healing 528 hertz frequency of love.see her here singing a song she wrote in india 2009.
she is currently on tour in Israel, and will be performing on the LiveH2O world concert for living waters event in Jerusalem on june 21st 2009.
Filmed and Produced in Israel by ~Amiti:Media~ of

This was very sweet, was searching for videos on raising frequency and there were songs, where the guitar is set to the 528 solfeggio, and its rather beautiful. This is the Holy Land. So much war! Such a beautiful song, and I saw Yeshua, in minds eye, while she singing for Love, and letting everything else go.

I'll be looking for videos, have some ideas, of a few different varieties, some self help, some energy work/tapping miridian, for releasing inner tension, stress, wounds, anger, letting it go. For working at raising frequency, its more than just forgiveness of another, for many its not coming clean over some fault in the past, but childhood, things we incorporated into our voice, that set us back, clipped our wings, stopped us from taking chances, from believing ourselves. Childhood wounds that need healing. And its not that we should never have encountered strife or shame, or pain, because in an ideal world we wouldn't have, but....we can transform what has occurred, make it our greatest teacher, allow blessings and light to uplift these hard moments and transform them into positive.

We can learn the lessons, if its something we've been taught, and let them go.


White Eagle Grandmother Drum H20 528 hertz, sea of Galilee, Israel




Sound Vibration Creates Form ( David Icke )

edit on 17-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:46 AM


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 05:11 AM
New Age Bollocks


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

White Eagle Grandmother Drum H20 528 hertz, sea of Galilee, Israel

This is really wonderful for meditation, felt something immediately and also the sea of galilee, it has a wonderful uplifting feel.
edit on 17-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Theonlywoody

I hope you read the last few pages, and noticed yet again, what was said about dates. 11 11 is an awareness code, and its one used by the sun, 11 year cycles, and the cosmos.

As soon as you read 10 11 11 you get the understanding it is more than a date or a "time".

We're meant to wake up, to put our lives in order, and reverse engineer our weaknesses, find out what needs work, dust off the smudges on our souls, pray, seek, meditate. Ask for help from Family, Mother/Father, if Christian, Yeshua/Jesus or all that is True Love.

That being said, this is 2011. We need to work at overcoming the negative in our hearts and minds, and work at uncovering the things that are unresolved in us, that need healing, forgive self and others, really strive to love.

Much Love & Light!

A load of rubbish and a complete cop out! It's no code at all, it's a way out of the 'story' that ET_MAN created. Read back through this entire thread - 10 11 11 was no code. This was about a brown dwarf that would be entering our solar system and would be causing a so called cataclysmic event! October 2011 was meant as a date. ET_MAN said that you would seeing the brown dwarf in our sky a couple of months before this event. I don't think ET_MAN thought that this thread would have this much legs. He's clever, i'll give you that but not everyone is fooled by his copout.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

He has cleared this one up several times. Also, I knew as I read the date, that it had some kind of deeper meaning. Still, for all we know, it could really be a date. I do recall warnings and threats being made, and imagine no one is allowed to give a date, whether they had picked inside information, or if they were told in a dream. Comet Honda is coming close Aug 11 2011, and there are many who believe Oct 2011 is the real dark night of the mayan calendar.

There is another comet coming then too.

If there is a pole reversal going on and they are redoing an airport in Florida claiming a 10 degree shift recently, recent shift. Is it possible that we're going to be magnets for cosmic bodies, I have read that approaching zero polarity does that?

I'll find the other link.
Comet Elenin Is Coming!
edit on 18-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

He has cleared this one up several times. Also, I knew as I read the date, that it had some kind of deeper meaning. Still, for all we know, it could really be a date. I do recall warnings and threats being made, and imagine no one is allowed to give a date, whether they had picked inside information, or if they were told in a dream. Comet Honda is coming close Aug 11 2011, and there are many who believe Oct 2011 is the real dark night of the mayan calendar.

There is another comet coming then too.

If there is a pole reversal going on and they are redoing an airport in Florida claiming a 10 degree shift recently, recent shift. Is it possible that we're going to be magnets for cosmic bodies, I have read that approaching zero polarity does that?

I'll find the other link.
Comet Elenin Is Coming!
edit on 18-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

For me though, he hasn't really cleared up anything.

All of these things are things he said:

I have been given specific instructions on how to release this information.

There are many preceeding events but the major earth cataclysm that I have spoken of happens in October of 2011.

Whats gonna happen in October 2011?
Within a number of days the earth will undergo extreme earthquakes, tsunamis, super storms never before known in all history. Great hail storms will preceed this event

The event will take place October 2011, it has never been delayed I can tell you this WILL happen.
I write billions because as of May 31, 2009, the Earth's population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be at 6,763,557,000.

More than half of earths population will not make it, I do not have an exact figure but I can tell you at least half of earths population during and proceeding this event, in the billions

An earth catacylsm will take place October 2011,changes will occur proceeding this event, earth changes will be ongoing in 2012.

Is there any reason why you didnt tell us on may 8th 2009 when you joined? or was it not that important then?
I have been asked to share it with you now.

This does seem to be any code. To me, everything he is saying here he means as intended. Now I could go through and find contradictions to each of these statements.I know for a fact somewhere in this thread he said he came here on his own accord and that definitely contradicts the last point he provided.

Fact is ET_MAN is an intelligent and caring person who wants everyone to be better but he used an elaborate story to grab everyones attention and then to steer off and deliver his own message.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

Indeed October 2011 will be significant to our evolutionary path. There is no error or accident in the provision of this 'date' .

What does the Holy Spirit of Truth reveal to you regarding this recent article? Some will see it for what it is and others won't. 09247

In essence, the key is preparing for the great changes to come. Don't focus on any date nor blindly follow the words of any man. Focus on your own connection to the Creator in spiritual preparation for the things to be witnessed because the signs are many and will only be increasing my brother, until the day even the ' blind' will see. And many will be cursing the Creator because they will not understand why the things that will be allowed to take place will. Keep the faith always.

Those in Grace will be spared many sufferings and be provided strength. Achieving a state of Grace is what really matters to face all things. And that's what the inspiration behind this thread has always been about. Make the connection today. Peace to us All.
edit on 20-1-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Magnetic Pole Shift Forces Runway Closure At Florida Airport

Mass animal deaths worldwide phenomena

Philippine floods and landslides kill dozens and displace over 1.3 Million people

Floods leave 1 Million homeless in Sri Lanka

Floods submerge 75% of Queensland state, Australia (flood zone area larger than France and Germany combined)

Ground collapse in Brisbane, Queensland

Brazil flood toll climbs to 739

Flash floods kill 19 in France

Wide spread flooding in Germany

Freezing rain forces 58,000 evacuations in China

Major snow storms blanket the U.S

edit on 20-1-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by benedict9

Thank you for your response Benedict9.

I am aware of all of those things, which is why I privated messaged you previously. It does seem to me that things are gathering pace and to be honest with you, nothing surprises me anymore.

All I got annoyed about is the way this thread steered off from the original message and the countless contradictions.

I get the be better, be spiritually prepared message. Unfortunately, I am a product of the reality I have been placed in and when someone makes the claims ET_MAN did at the start of this thread I take them at face value.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

Hi BridgeBoy

You are so much more than the product of your environment. It is our environment that is essentially the sacred 'product' created for our soul journey. And if One truly understands what it is that they are here to do, then it should not matter what any other person says or does or whether a cataclysmic event is due to occur in October 2011 or not. A true state of Grace does not come from a place of fear or anxiety of what the future may hold. It is a place of love, serenity and acceptance of the Divine Plan and faithfully walking with courage in our every day.

There are no accidents from an eternal perspective, including the raising of awareness for the October 2011 timeline, whatever unfolds under Allowance of Divine Will. The signs of the times will occur to speak louder than words, for it has been proven that the Living Word of the Creator has all too often been ignored by Man.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Thank you for your courtesy, for we are all in this together as Family.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

Hi Bridge_Boy,

More than half of earths population.

“In that night men and women shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.They shall be upon the housetop, and their belongings in the house, let them not come down to take it away: and they that are in the field, let them likewise not return back home.Whosoever shall seek to save their life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose their life, dis-attaching themselves to the material world shall save it. Like lightening will the day come and reveal itself, if the good-man of the house had known in what hour it would come, he would have payed closer attention, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Be spiritually ready, for in such an hour that you know not; so shall it come.”

Ring a bell?

I take them at face value.

What I've shared in this thread IS with the very best intentions.

Be ready and prepared on a spiritual level for things to come.

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!
edit on ECST1111JanPM41 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by NothingNew

ET Man,

I have been following this topic for quite some time now and have decided to make an account on ATS to ask a couple of questions.

Hi NothingNew,

Ok, as opposed to all the earthly changes and conscious shifts, I am also quite interested with this "UFO Deception" that is rumored to happen within this time period as well. My question is. If there are going to be Negative ET's working with certain governments and The Elites, will there be any Positive ET's working against this misleading agenda?

Earth's universe is full of oppositions, where there's a day; there's always a night.

Or will the truth be fully lost?

The truth (IS) never lost but found; in order for one-1 to find the truth, one-1 must diligently seek the truth through the Go-od Spirit. One-1 cannot find or comprehend the Go-od truth if one remains in the shadow, send out good thoughts, intent/desires/wishes to the Good Family/Creators that you may be guided and directed. May the one-1 true spirit of Love and Peace be with you always.

Also with The Elites and others high up having hidden safe zones (Denver Airport etc) and basically guaranteed safety for the years to come then how will the earth become a better place if these negative entities are still around and able to control?

Those left in the shadow see and know not where the light squares reside nor do they understand what the final and last brings. The day will come that Earth shall be greatly shaken out of it's place, the mountains shall move, the waves shall roar, gravity IS gravity, those who remain attached to the (gravity of the situation) shall stumble and fall. One-1 who understands the (gravity of the situation) knows where they are, what Spirit they have, and where they stand (IS) where they should remain. Good (IS) Good and according to it's works will it receive. Continue doing good works and be wise that you may also arrive at that One-1 and Good Destination.

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by awake1

Hi Awake1,

prepare ourselves for a great shift toward where our highest self directs us.

Spiritual preparedness (IS) required to pass GO and let's never forget the One-1 Eternal Light Family=Teamwork!

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Onboard2

Hi Onboard2,

Facts you can actually prove?

If you're looking for the facts & evidence section it can be found here more info to come!

Other Recommended Sites!

Regardless of what the future can possibly bring, is it not wise to remain spiritually prepared to face and meet all things as that day will come for everyone-1 to face that which HAS, WILL, (IS) and Eternally DID occur. ETERNITY is an extremely long TIME where there is no TIME; only Infinite perceptions of it. Some have already seen the earth series on an infinitely big screen where there is no big or screen, make the infinite/transition/ending a Good One-1.

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by falseveils


First of all, I would like to take a moment out of mine and the reader's time to thank you

Hi Falseveils,

Is there some possibility you have some opinion on the use of psychedelic drugs as a means to spiritual englightement?

Stay away from mind altering drugs. There IS much more to real Enlightenment than meets the scale and weight. Keep it nice and Light and everything will be alright. Adjust to the Light gravity of the situation where there is no weight but Light. As they say Lighten-UP

Let us all live in love.

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!
edit on ECST1111JanPM41 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Those left in the shadow see and know not where the light squares reside nor do they understand what the final and last brings. The day will come that Earth shall be greatly shaken out of it's place, the mountains shall move, the waves shall roar, gravity IS gravity, those who remain attached to the (gravity of the situation) shall stumble and fall. One-1 who understands the (gravity of the situation) knows where they are, what Spirit they have, and where they stand (IS) where they should remain. Good (IS) Good and according to it's works will it receive. Continue doing good works and be wise that you may also arrive at that One-1 and Good Destination.

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

Yes, I totally agree, its always been about Love and striving, seeking to ask why you're here, what life is about, why does nothing add up? Why? Why? Why? Why do we spend so many billions in aid every year world wide (aside from government) yet the problems only get worse, who is blocking it? Why? This should be the biggest thing we have going, then seek within, ask for Creator/Spirit/and Higher Self/Infinite Self and Family to heal us of our lack of understanding, help us to grow and overcome all the blocks and stumbling blocks within to being Love and helping others, to doing the work we came to do.

How do we procure inner knowing, being in the right place at the right time, OR, protection for our family, OR a real rapid, twinkling of an eye SHFT wherein we never experienced meeting with disaster btu where suddenly home or in a better channel?

By what someone wrote on ATS, just a few days ago and I can't remember who, ARK. Well there are many ARKs, what kind do you want. This kind was: ACTS RANDOM KINDNESS!!!! Love and Give more, always. Seek for the way. Ask to be shown humbly ways to improve and to work with whatever is blinding us, or holding us back. In a recent meditation, I watched on youtube, the woman said to: connect within your heart to whoever is Light and Love to you, Jesus, Budda, Inner/Infinite/Higher Self, Light itself, whatever you see, and connect within, asking for all negative thoughts and all negative around you, this would include influences such as entities, to be removed, healed, transformed. And to sit in quiet contemplation, meditation for 5-15 more minutes.

Be humble, grateful, filled with gratitude. Really shine appreciation for life, gifts, sunshine, love, blessings, providence.

Never judge anyone, love especially those who are poor in spirit. That analogy, that there are those who think the last piece of pie is naturally theirs. And the scripture that says the first will be last, the last will be first. We often read it negative as if to think of a punishment reserved to those who are stealing first base here, they will get humble pie later.

Well really, it was pointed out to me, in a straight forward positive way, its that the parents, the mature ones, serve the little children, and they go first. But we don't blame the little children, we don't judge them for their immaturity, we forgive them and love them. The wiser more mature ones serve the little immature ones, the more naturally greedy ones. One way of looking at it is that we don't expect those rewards on higher levels but will give everything we to others, higher levels of consciousness.

MorningMayan suggested rating things in our lives on a scale of 1-13 on fequency, 1 being murder or hell and 13 heaven or very very high, altruistic. We can always change our lives by putting more and more high frequency, and altruistic behaviors, laughter, and nature into it, and connecting within and seeking our way.

Light as a Feather versus gravity.

edit on 20-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Theonlywoody

Hi TheOnlyWoody,

Hello. You still stand by the date October 2011?

I stand by the words I've shared, TIME being an Eternally absent thing applicable to the human clock/mind on Earth. The coloring book pages can turn/change at any given (moment) in TIME where there (IS) no TIME for the Eternally Good Teachers/Creators/Designers. Today is yesterday, tomorrow and forever where there's an accessible perception of it. As a battery clock on the wall ticks away, so does TIME for humanity. Prioritize things that count, spiritual preparedness in the here and now today (IS) necessary to face and meet all things. Do what you do because you want to do what you do, be who you are because that (IS) who you are. Find the Infinite one-1 you in the you-1 Infinite. Des was never tiny where there is no tiny but Des. Think bigger than big where there is no big --- Think Infinitely Eternal –- As (IS) it shall be!

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

Hi Bridge_Boy,

This was about a brown dwarf that would be entering our solar system

How is such an object coming and when was the first brown dwarf discovered/confirmed?
How many brown dwarfs have been discovered since 1995 and what does humanity truly know about them? Do oppositions exist in all things? If so what does that say about Earth's solar system?

May the spirit of Love and Peace be with you always!

Best Wishes!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Bridge_Boy

Hi Bridge_Boy,


I have struggled with your message because there seems to be so many hidden messages and what I see as contradictory statements, Maybe I am just not intelligent to understand but I do want to.

Please can you tell me if your original message is what it was said to be. Is there a brown dwarf approaching? Are we heading for a major catastrophe this year?

Earth changes will be on the increase.

Are the major weather problems we have been having all over the world this last month a build up to something that is on the way?


The snowfall we have had in England the last two winters has been crazy.

I would be really very grateful if you could clear up for me what is going on.

Good things come to those who choose to do Good, cause and effect/attraction.

Kind Regards

Best Wishes!
edit on ECST1111JanPM41 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

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