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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Originally posted by ET_MAN

A recap on the main message of this thread for those who have missed it.

Earth Changes will eventually come in one way or another but do you believe that Earth Changes is what this thread is really all about?

For those who've been following the thread I'm sure they've come across the main-frame message quite a few times where there is no time.

Leaving the flesh is an inevitability, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Materialistic things of the world including the body are merely temporal and cannot be taken with a soul upon leaving the flesh, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Regardless of what the future can possibly bring:

There is absolutely NOTHING TO FEAR!

"FEAR NOT-What is Not Real, never was and never will be. What is Real, Always Was and Cannot Be Destroyed.Consciousness is ETERNAL it is not vanquished with the destruction of the "Temporal Body."

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear,” Buddha

The only thing to fear is fear itself and death is an illusion. Life is Death and Death is life from an Infinite/Eternal perspective where there's no such thing as Death. Just another word for the finite human mind to better understand something. There is nothing to ever fear from an "INFINITE"---"ETERNAL" perspective, so have no fear and never fear.

The secret to this existence is to discover who and what you are which is "ETERNAL" and the "INFINITE" overcoming the finite/temporal body/mind. Everything has a reason/purpose and everyone is on their own path working their way through life in the midst of "ETERNITY" where there is no "TIME" to the "INFINITY" & "BEYOND" through "Eternal Progression."

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstein

Always be prepared on a "Spiritual" level for the inevitability of leaving the flesh.

Learn to overcome fear understanding the true "Infinite Nature" found in all things knowing that you will live on forever.

Once a person has reached that level of understanding-realizing that there is never truly an end, all that really counts is their everyday thoughts/actions/reactions. Reaching a level ready to accept, face and meet all things regardless of outcome, understanding one-1's true "Infinite"-self knowing that one-1 will live on forever as the temporal life/existence is merely part of the learning experience through eternal progression.

All that counts today is how one-1 lives the rest of their life in the present.

One-1 should always remain positive and hopeful to the best one-1's ability-believing that they can help create a brighter and better future. Have trust, hope and faith in their family and friends around them believing that things will work out for the better regardless of what the future could possibly bring.

Live life to the best of your ability and never let fear or worry weigh you down understanding that leaving the flesh is an inevitability but at the same time where there is no time it's nothing to worry about or fear because if you're alive now in the present rest assured that you will live on forever.

For those who believe in a big bang and infinity at the same time where there is no time the big bang could never happen only once if infinity exists where there is no start point or end.

The answers can be reached in realizing that all things are “INFINITE” in nature and if you exist in the present or here and now today than that means you must have always existed. If you’ve always existed in one form/body or another than that means you will always exist and will live on forever. “Fear” can be eliminated in knowing that “Death” is in impossibility within “INFINITY.”

In other words a “Big Bang” (For those who believe in that) cannot happen only one-1 time within Infinity, if it happened once it will happen again within “Infinite” amounts of “Time” and “Space”. If it happens more than once it will happen “Forever” and an “Infinite” amount of times more where there (technically) is no time.

"You'" are Eternal (Never-ending) and will never seize to exist in one form/body or another.

Take the time where there is no time to ponder more on the meaning of all that "Infinity' truly represents and is. One-1 can find peace in understanding that life in the Universe is not by accident, chance or coincidence. There are Creators/Designers that Created/Designed every single thing in existence. Everything didn't just organize itself from nothingness or come from consciousness alone but was well thought out-planned more than anyone could ever possibly begin to imagine/understand/comprehend.

There are Orchestrator's far beyond the dimensions man knows and this Universe is their painting, their garden, their Creation and they know it like the back of their hands. Infinite “They” have the blueprints on everything that exists in this Universe that goes on forever. The Creation itself and everything out there that exists is something beyond all human understanding/comprehension (Indescribable).

Everything on planet earth and in your own personal lives is happening for a specific reason and purpose more than people could ever see/know/realize/understand so regardless of what the future could ever possibly bring all that really matters is to always be prepared on a “Spiritual” level. Once a person comes to a certain realization about life and death they should be 100% content with whatever life may bring their way whether it be today, tomorrow or fifty years down the road. Never forget that leaving the flesh is an inevitability that everyone-1 must face so being "Spiritually" prepared for that which is Eternal in the present is the most important thing. You must also know that the Designers/Creators that are "Family" have the very best intentions and interest in mind for everyone-1 on the planet regardless of what the future brings whether a person can see that/realize it or not.

Always hope for the brightest and most positive future outcome in all things. Hope for the best always and send out that intent hoping for the most positive possible outcome in all things. Dream a Dream, but keep in mind whether the end to this short and temporal journey/experience comes for you today, tomorrow or fifty years down the road it will eventually come to an end and could happen at any given moment in many various ways through illness, heart attack, war, disease and so on, so simply be wise and remain “spiritually” prepared to face and meet all things in the present day and hour.

I hope that some of you have recognized the much deeper meaning/purpose/reason behind why I started this thread. It’s not about the doom and gloom but it’s about understanding the doom and gloom and overcoming fear of the doom and gloom.

At the end of the day October 11th 2011 means NOTHING from the Infinite/Eternal perspective and does not (Technically) exist where there is “NO TIME” and today, today and today is still “TODAY” from the Infinite/Eternal perspective.

If there (technically) is no such thing as TIME than what does a month or year really mean on any given prediction?

Answer, absolutely nothing, when it comes to changes that occur on the planet through seasons/cycles that most are unaware of according to the Teachers/Creators/Designers that allow things to occur changing scene by scene and turning the coloring book pages for the students.

This moment is this moment and a trillion years from now is still this moment coming from the infinite/eternal perspective.

When change is brought upon the planet (so called evolution or cyclic events/earth changes) it is brought in unseen/mysterious ways where there is no time. But for the homo-sapien vehicle/bodies experiencing life on planet Earth in time-mode such mysterious interactions/changes go unseen/unnoticed/unrecognized and appear to be naturally occurring according to human understanding of the natural seasons/cycles and changes.

For whatever it’s worth I know that life goes on upon leaving the flesh, I HAVE been there and know for myself. You will not regret being prepared on a 'Spiritual level' when that day comes I can promise you that.

This thread is not about doom and gloom but it’s about understanding the doom and gloom and overcoming fear of the doom and gloom.

It’s about understanding who you truly are being an “Infinite/Eternal Soul”, it’s about being prepared for all things and understanding your true “Infinite Nature. There's a difference in knowing the path and walking the path, you've been told exactly what you need to hear.

Regardless of a persons belief, life comes down to the HEART of a person and their INTENT. It really all comes down to LOVE. Through that very word LOVE people can treat each other in a nicer way, being more tolerant, patient, forgiving, respectful and understanding regardless of religion, race/creed, background or personal belief.

If a person truly possesses LOVE then they are willing to help assist people in need, the less fortunate, the people around them. LOVE is about sharing, caring, giving, helping, it's never about greed, selfishness, pride or thinking for one-1's self but others. True happiness comes from sharing with others and making others happy, helping the less fortunate and those in need. Realize that everything in the material world is merely temporal and cannot be taken with one-1 upon leaving the flesh. One-1 must wisely choose and set their priorities straight in life. There is an entire never-ending Eternity to look forward to.

The rest of the message can be found

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

Albert Einstein


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Originally posted by Valeri
Hi Adonai Christ bless & GeisterFahrer,

Please read the following

Originally posted by Valeri

What ET-Man has been saying, hinting here and there for the entire thread and saying it directly for the last 40 pages or so is that the DATE of OCTOBER 11. 2011 on itself is no different than any other date out there, because time does not exist. BUT, like he said, it is a date BY WHICH to be SPIRITUALLY PREPARED. By that date you should be ready SPIRITUALLY, but since there really is no "TIME", then October 11. 2011 is RIGHT NOW! So prepare spiritually RIGHT NOW.

It is NOT a DATE to worry about or fear, but it is a time line of importance, it was not given accidentally. Everything has a reason and purpose behind it.THIS DATE is significant in the sense of being READY and PREPARED on a SPIRITUAL level, so everyone will always be prepared to the best of their ability.And since OCTOBER 11. 2011 is TODAY,then you should be ready and prepared also TODAY. 10.11.11 is for awareness, but since there is no time always be spiritually prepared

[edit on 6/6/2010 by Valeri]

[edit on ECDT1111JunPM31 by ET_MAN]

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

Hi Truthbringsfreedom777,

I hope the two posts above answer your questions.

I will also be posting frequently on this thread -

I'm including my email for anyone who still has further questions pertaining to this thread.

[email protected]

Love & Best Wishes!

edit on ECST1111NovPM21 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 03:52 PM

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear,” Buddha
The only thing to fear is fear itself and death is an illusion.

The following is from a song by Peter Murphy titled "Shy" Within the song is a section with it's own title called "The Sister of Sleep":

(The Sister of Sleep)
"He was thought of as strange... a good looking man
And shallow eyes like two hidden from view and empty puddles of hue
His views on death spread like two anecdotal tales
Although he, reclining, declining, to disclose in public...
These opinions in public; the tales held the key

Death is the surname of sleep, but the surname unknown to us
Sleep is the daily end of life; a small exercise in death
Which is it's sister, but not every brother and sister are equally close,
Giving to the enemy a small exercise in submission
And holding onto nothing

He was thought of as strange... a good looking man
And shallow eyes like two hidden from view and empty puddles of hue
His views on death..."

I've always thought this was cool. Just thought I'd put it out there.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 12:57 PM
Hi Everyone,
I received a request to re-post this in regular text format.
Wishing you all the best!

Originally posted by Valeri
Hi Adonai Christ bless & GeisterFahrer,

Please read the following

Originally posted by Valeri

What ET-Man has been saying, hinting here and there for the entire thread and saying it directly for the last 40 pages or so is that the DATE of OCTOBER 11. 2011 on itself is no different than any other date out there, because time does not exist. BUT, like he said, it is a date BY WHICH to be SPIRITUALLY PREPARED. By that date you should be ready SPIRITUALLY, but since there really is no "TIME", then October 11. 2011 is RIGHT NOW! So prepare spiritually RIGHT NOW.

It is NOT a DATE to worry about or fear, but it is a time line of importance, it was not given accidentally. Everything has a reason and purpose behind it.THIS DATE is significant in the sense of being READY and PREPARED on a SPIRITUAL level, so everyone will always be prepared to the best of their ability.And since OCTOBER 11. 2011 is TODAY,then you should be ready and prepared also TODAY. 10.11.11 is for awareness, but since there is no time always be spiritually prepared!
[edit on 6/6/2010 by Valeri]

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 01:00 PM
A recap on the main message of this thread for those who've missed it.

Earth Changes will eventually come in one way or another – this thread was about a lot more than just that!

For those who've been following the thread I'm sure they've come across this message quite a few times already.

Leaving the flesh is an inevitability, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Materialistic things of the world including the body are merely temporal and cannot be taken with a soul upon leaving the flesh, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Regardless of what the future can possibly bring:

There is absolutely NOTHING TO FEAR!

"FEAR NOT-What is Not Real, never was and never will be. What is Real, Always Was and Cannot Be Destroyed.Consciousness is ETERNAL it is not vanquished with the destruction of the "Temporal Body."

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear,” Buddha

The only thing to fear is fear itself and death is an illusion. Life is Death and Death is life from an Infinite/Eternal perspective where there's no such thing as Death. Just another word for the finite human mind to better understand something. There is nothing to ever fear from an "INFINITE"---"ETERNAL" perspective, so have no fear and never fear.

The secret to this existence is to discover who and what you are which is "ETERNAL" and the "INFINITE" overcoming the finite/temporal body/mind. Everything has a reason/purpose and everyone is on their own path working their way through life in the midst of "ETERNITY" where there is no "TIME" to the "INFINITY" & "BEYOND" through "Eternal Progression."

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstein

Always be prepared on a "Spiritual" level for the inevitability of leaving the flesh.

Learn to overcome fear understanding the true "Infinite Nature" found in all things knowing that you will live on forever.

Once a person has reached that level of understanding-realizing that there is never truly an end, all that really counts is their everyday thoughts/actions/reactions. Reaching a level ready to accept, face and meet all things regardless of outcome, understanding one-1's true "Infinite"-self knowing that one-1 will live on forever as the temporal life/existence is merely part of the learning experience through eternal progression.

All that counts today is how one-1 lives the rest of their life in the present.

One-1 should always remain positive and hopeful to the best one-1's ability-believing that they can help create a brighter and better future. Have trust, hope and faith in their family and friends around them believing that things will work out for the better regardless of what the future could possibly bring.

Live life to the best of your ability and never let fear or worry weigh you down understanding that leaving the flesh is an inevitability but at the same time where there is no time it's nothing to worry about or fear because if you're alive now in the present rest assured that you will live on forever.

For those who believe in a big bang and infinity at the same time where there is no time the big bang could never happen only once if infinity exists where there is no start point or end.

The answers can be reached in realizing that all things are “INFINITE” in nature and if you exist in the present or here and now today than that means you must have always existed. If you’ve always existed in one form/body or another than that means you will always exist and will live on forever. “Fear” can be eliminated in knowing that “Death” is in impossibility within “INFINITY.”

In other words a “Big Bang” (For those who believe in that) cannot happen only one-1 time within Infinity, if it happened once it will happen again within “Infinite” amounts of “Time” and “Space”. If it happens more than once it will happen “Forever” and an “Infinite” amount of times more where there (technically) is no time.

"You'" are Eternal (Never-ending) and will never seize to exist in one form/body or another.

Take the time where there is no time to ponder more on the meaning of all that "Infinity' truly represents and is. One-1 can find peace in understanding that life in the Universe is not by accident, chance or coincidence. There are Creators/Designers that Created/Designed every single thing in existence. Everything didn't just organize itself from nothingness or come from consciousness alone but was well thought out-planned more than anyone could ever possibly begin to imagine/understand/comprehend.

There are Orchestrator's far beyond the dimensions man knows and this Universe is their painting, their garden, their Creation and they know it like the back of their hands. Infinite “They” have the blueprints on everything that exists in this Universe that goes on forever. The Creation itself and everything out there that exists is something beyond all human understanding/comprehension (Indescribable).

Everything on planet earth and in your own personal lives is happening for a specific reason and purpose more than people could ever see/know/realize/understand so regardless of what the future could ever possibly bring all that really matters is to always be prepared on a “Spiritual” level. Once a person comes to a certain realization about life and death they should be 100% content with whatever life may bring their way whether it be today, tomorrow or fifty years down the road. Never forget that leaving the flesh is an inevitability that everyone-1 must face so being "Spiritually" prepared for that which is Eternal in the present is the most important thing. You must also know that the Designers/Creators that are "Family" have the very best intentions and interest in mind for everyone-1 on the planet regardless of what the future brings whether a person can see that/realize it or not.

Always hope for the brightest and most positive future outcome in all things. Hope for the best always and send out that intent hoping for the most positive possible outcome in all things. Dream a Dream, but keep in mind whether the end to this short and temporal journey/experience comes for you today, tomorrow or fifty years down the road it will eventually come to an end and could happen at any given moment in many various ways through illness, heart attack, war, disease and so on, so simply be wise and remain “spiritually” prepared to face and meet all things in the present day and hour.

I hope that some of you have recognized the much deeper meaning/purpose/reason behind why I started this thread. It’s not about the doom and gloom but it’s about understanding the doom and gloom and overcoming fear of the doom and gloom.

At the end of the day October 11th 2011 means NOTHING from the Infinite/Eternal perspective and does not (Technically) exist where there is “NO TIME” and today, today and today is still “TODAY” from the Infinite/Eternal perspective.

When it comes to changes that occur on the planet through seasons and cycles the Teachers/Creators/Designers allow things to occur changing scenes and turning the coloring book pages for the students.

This moment is this moment and a trillion years from now is still this moment coming from the infinite/eternal perspective.

When change is brought upon the planet (so called evolution or cyclic events/earth changes) it is brought in unseen/mysterious ways where there is no time. But for the homo-sapien vehicle/bodies experiencing life on planet Earth in time-mode such mysterious interactions/changes go unseen/unnoticed/unrecognized and appear to be naturally occurring according to human understanding of the natural seasons/cycles and changes.

For whatever it’s worth I know that life goes on upon leaving the flesh, I HAVE been there and know for myself. You will not regret being prepared on a 'Spiritual level' when that day comes I can promise you that.

This thread is not about doom and gloom but it’s about understanding the doom and gloom and overcoming fear of the doom and gloom.

It’s about understanding who you truly are being an “Infinite/Eternal Soul”, it’s about being prepared for all things and understanding your true “Infinite Nature. There's a difference in knowing the path and walking the path, you've been told exactly what you need to hear.

Regardless of a persons belief, life comes down to the HEART of a person and their INTENT. It really all comes down to LOVE. Through that very word LOVE people can treat each other in a nicer way, being more tolerant, patient, forgiving, respectful and understanding regardless of religion, race/creed, background or personal belief.

If a person truly possesses LOVE then they are willing to help assist people in need, the less fortunate, the people around them. LOVE is about sharing, caring, giving, helping, it's never about greed, selfishness, pride or thinking for one-1's self but others. True happiness comes from sharing with others and making others happy, helping the less fortunate and those in need. Realize that everything in the material world is merely temporal and cannot be taken with one-1 upon leaving the flesh. One-1 must wisely choose and set their priorities straight in life. There is an entire never-ending Eternity to look forward to.

The rest of the message can be found


edit on ECST1111NovPM31 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Part of awareness in my opinion, is knowing who to blame for having to watch a loved one suffer a painful death.

Life is about love, but it's also about fighting for what you love.

Not saying I don't agree with that which I've read and I must admit I have only gotten so far through that lengthy post up there because I have been up all night and my eyes are tired (will certainly get around to it) but if this is supposed to stop some of us (namely me) from attempting to figure out who to point my boney finger at for MORE senseless disorder... haha, well then you and I are clearly not very well acquainted.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Fighting about love, has put alot of people here, in this earth school. Both sides of starwars is represented here to some degree. We're all here to learn to overcome a willingness to react or take out anger on those who hurt us, to actually strive to become aware, and mature, and understand that we're kids in kindergarden, learning basic lessons on love. Its not about who is right, but how we treat each other and allow the other their viewpoint. Its learning how to relate to others and care about them. So when we become more aware, we don't want to hurt our siblings, our family, or the ones behaving more immature, but model Love, and how to be mature enough to drop the disagreement, to not react violently to physical attacks, to not attack anyone, but Love.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

A recap on the main message of this thread for those who've missed it.

Thanx, ET_MAN for the recap.

Even though I have kept up with all the posts, I still enjoy reading the recaps you post.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Fighting about love, has put alot of people here, in this earth school. Both sides of starwars is represented here to some degree. We're all here to learn to overcome a willingness to react or take out anger on those who hurt us, to actually strive to become aware, and mature, and understand that we're kids in kindergarden, learning basic lessons on love. Its not about who is right, but how we treat each other and allow the other their viewpoint. Its learning how to relate to others and care about them. So when we become more aware, we don't want to hurt our siblings, our family, or the ones behaving more immature, but model Love, and how to be mature enough to drop the disagreement, to not react violently to physical attacks, to not attack anyone, but Love.

I'm sorry but I feel I must uphold a certain principle. If I am expected to learn how to treat others, I think it is safe to say that they too must treat, for example, my mother with love an respect. If someone has distorted the potential for information concerning oncoming dangers and compromised my preparedness in that... then it is THEY who must be "taught"... not me. If suffering occurs that might have been prevented, even if temporary I want to know who to blame, regardless of whether or not any fighting were to take place.

If someone was to insult my mother in front of my face, would it harm her in the long run? Would revenge or retaliation be necessary? Doubtfully, but do I have to ever consider that person a friend. No, I do not. I can chose to believe in better methods of communication.

If something happens that could have been warned, it is indeed someone's fault. Even the afterlife when when we are all sitting around having tea or whatever the case may be, I'm still going to want to know who caused my loved ones to suffer, even if temporarily. This has nothing to do with revenge or even physical fighting for that matter. It's about fighting for and upholding a principle that should apply to ALL, not just us wee kindergartners.

Acceptance is all fine and dandy. In the face of unavoidable death, acceptance is what it is all about. Understanding and acceptance is key to eliminating suffering because rumor has it that suffering is bad. If eliminating suffering through understanding is not a goal to be sought or has been purposefully withheld, then I should be able to do whatever I want to whomever I want and it has nothing to do with whether or not I would... it has to do with this idea that it doesn't matter what happens so I am free to do and think as I choose. It's about the backward principle that others should be concerned about my "acceptance" in the kind spirit of loving others but that I should not be concerned with anyone else's double standards. What I am talking about is searching, finding and knowing where hypocrisy originates concerning these allegations.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:44 AM
For those curious who've followed this thread --- updates about the coloring book pages...

Follow The Infinite-1 Bunny...

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

When you actually strive to reach that unconditional love channel, thats where Higher Self and Family contact is possible. Also, within your Infinite self there is a connection to all of your Future, more progressed selves, into infinity. We have the abilty to handle situations if we reach within, more and more, due to the infinite potential and creativity/intelligence that we can allign with/tap into, become more of here. Thats the job, to wake up to who we are, what the world is and try to assist, with love for all including the ones who are misbehaving in the kindergarden playground, and become our Future/Progressed selves here, be able to live in the Future Eutopia by readying ourselves here. Tender, mild, kind, caring, compassionate, giving, helpful, gentle, and trying to work on the resourceful and practical effectiveness too.

We all have this in us. Sitting in quiet meditation ,sungazign, or before sleep, and asking these questions deep in your heart and setting intentions for dreams and answers to come is in us. But that channel is the love channel and we need to work on our wounds and harshness.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by ChaosMagician

When you actually strive to reach that unconditional love channel, thats where Higher Self and Family contact is possible. Also, within your Infinite self there is a connection to all of your Future, more progressed selves, into infinity. We have the abilty to handle situations if we reach within, more and more, due to the infinite potential and creativity/intelligence that we can allign with/tap into, become more of here. Thats the job, to wake up to who we are, what the world is and try to assist, with love for all including the ones who are misbehaving in the kindergarden playground, and become our Future/Progressed selves here, be able to live in the Future Eutopia by readying ourselves here. Tender, mild, kind, caring, compassionate, giving, helpful, gentle, and trying to work on the resourceful and practical effectiveness too.

We all have this in us. Sitting in quiet meditation ,sungazign, or before sleep, and asking these questions deep in your heart and setting intentions for dreams and answers to come is in us. But that channel is the love channel and we need to work on our wounds and harshness.

I'm not saying we don't. I'm not saying these things are not important.
What I'm saying is that doesn't change the fact that I want to know if an important truth has been distorted... why so? It could have been some Zen state on the part of those involved in the distortion... or it could have been selfish and self serving.
I can search my own being for what I might believe to be those answers all day, that doesn't mean the information I find will be right just because I believe it is or want it to be. I think that's very important to consider. I also think that to not look for such answers that might lie outside of the self is perhaps apathetic. The way I see it, to be concerned about outcomes in regards to suffering is a process in understanding and there may simply be no shortcut by just forgetting those concerns because I was merely told not to worry. If I chose to relinquish all questions in my mind concerning suffering of those I care about.. that might have been eased if a truth had been offered that was withheld... will that change my entire character for the better? Or will it simply mean that I am mentally lazy? There are plenty of reasons to fight and resist what appears to be an unfavorable fate... even if it is a mere illusion. I believe this unity that we are supposed to be working to tap into and accept fights for itself and is not without it's own resistance's.
edit on 18-11-2010 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:03 PM
ET_MAN has started a thread for us to consider what we can actually do, in this world, in our communities, in groups, to make a difference, and would really enjoy others contributions as well, maybe some of you will check it out:
Change The World You Say? Are You Ready for Change? The World Has Done It's JOB

Whatever is coming ahead, whatever might be a natural cycle, or an enhanced one, by "TPTB", we have to realize that negativity has no power over Love, and that our intentions/actions and concern for others is what makes the biggest good come our way,and can mitigate things in ways we and they can't imagine, or rather Family behind the scenes can do so.

We have the power, and many the goodwill, but are aware of how its all rigged against us, and how it might be difficult to even grow this. But its more important than anything to have faith in others, their own goodness, our infinite potential and that we have help and inspiration. When we are seeking for ventures for others, inspiration and help can happen.

What if no matter we do, and even if the politicians after we take them to account in larger numbers, wanted to join with us, but couldn't due to that negative S group, lurking behind the scenes, and also, perhaps they've clones ETs from those crashes, made their own hybrids and then did what antar writes about in her thread on the lower astrals, brings in negatives to fill those bots, droids, creations.

Do we say, not up to love? No way, not going to do anything, or do we persist, and not worry about anything that could harm us physically, but invite everyone to join us, and just keep going at it?
edit on 18-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:55 PM
You really can't hope for the average human mind to choose either of those without knowing the truth of the primary issue. No... intolerance based on an unwillingness to understand and accept is not the answer in my opinion. That's why the truth is worth fighting for. If the truth is known by certain people, it would be much easier for those individuals to accept whatever the issue may be and say that it's to be accepted regardless. If the point is to be able to accept any situation regardless, facing the fact that some will not accept everything regardless should be found completely acceptable by those who promote unconditional acceptance.

I, for one, am still looking for answers and plan to continue to do so for a variety of reasons, including upholding the truth, my own personal fears for those I care about and my own personal interests.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

The average mind has Jesse Ventura, which has been covered on this trhead, Colorado Airport, lots of inconsitensies, 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the US budget the day before 9/11??

They can see starvation and homelessness in a world of waste and luxury and high end sports games, Olympics. Games and circuses while the slaves starve!!!!

They have their eyes, ears, minds, hearts to see, feel and think with.

Surely they've noticed things don't add up yet.

I did when I was very young, primary school.
edit on 18-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:16 PM
I have following your thread !I know you began with earth changes,i also have been following your spiritual message and it has helped,i also know this is the message you want to get over.Like you i believe we must practice love which can be difficult when your nature is to hold grudges,but in my case your message is helping me to conqure my base nature.I also know your message about not giving in to fear (i know you say we should not fear anything including death)
personally your original message still worries me,earth changes,if we need not worry about dying why do some people get warnings about future calamities, should a person not act on those warnings?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:29 PM
I have noticed plenty of things as well. I think there are some behind the scenes in some position of power who might know a lot and have the best of intentions at heart, but out of a caution they may actually have no right to empower themselves with or perhaps even superstition... they take the truths they have found and lock them away for fear of chaos or whatever, but if it's an important truth they don't have that right. And then you have those who are downright dirty.

To not identify, to not confront this type of behavior and just accept it means that we do not care for the progression of those types into the light and we may not even care about ourselves too much either... at least that is what I think.

I can accept all sorts of things in understanding, despite those who might say I'm prone to panic when a situation gets stressed, but it's actually frustration born out of some people's perception that they hold some type of power over others that gives them the right to hold back the truth or to pull on the strings like a God if they have done nothing to earn that right and their intentions are nothing more than spite. Perhaps if I understood some of the questionable intentions I have seen, some of them might in fact be void of intentions of harm... but surely many are full of harm and spite. Getting to the heart of the matter is an important thing in my opinion. I still believe that to gain understanding is an important process that leads to acceptance... at least in this lifetime from the perspective of a human who should attempt to humble themselves. Perhaps it might be easy for a God or even a necessary evil who is not subject to laws of time and can jump ahead to another reality to circumvent such a process, but if it's for the sake of humility and acceptance right now... one has to wonder how that's going to work without having the tools of understanding to do so.
edit on 18-11-2010 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Bank of America Murals

This link pretty much deciphers them, freemasonry, nwo, and the blank signs meaning you have no voice, and can't change anything, they think..

They're so wrong. They have no power over Love, but Love needs to start to become less apathetic, overworked and less confident, and more enthusiastic, more vocal, more active, more out to form small groups of awareness and really start that awareness, and work for equality. Because if we get enough voices, prayers, meditations, actions, goodwill, kindness and if needed bullhorns, it will make a difference.

We have to say no, mean no, even shout no and refuse to go away or budge, but never resort to violence. And tell them all, our leaders, local counsels, rcmp/police, corporate heads, everyone to come on over to our side, call them out by name, write to them, stand before them, and never ever give up.[

Of course this takes numbers. Its not something only a few can do. But a few, can start it, a few can put out the feelers locally to get something going, a few can do quite a lot, and find continual inspiration within to do more.
edit on 18-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:22 PM
I do agree that where love exists, it's often not expressed nearly as much as it could be... therefore giving the impression it is much smaller than it is.

I still have to say though, that if someone tried to hurt me or someone I cared about... it would be met with violence. I can't just let someone kill me. Fear of dying is one thing, but if I am here to do something in this world and i could have stopped them and didn't... well, that would make me feel pretty foolish.

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