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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by mclinking

Hi Mclinking,

- Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
(Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
- end quote

Sort of throws this thread out of the window, doesn't it!

Actually the above quote is a good part of the main-frame message.

The focus should be on TODAY! Always be prepared to meet and face all things on a spiritual level making amends with everyone, forgiving everyone, doing good unto others, clearing away the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and cleaning out the conscience in preparedness to meet and face all things on an everyday basis.

For those who've been following the thread I'm sure they've come across the main-frame message quite a few times where there is no time.

Do you believe that Earth Changes is what this thread is really all about?

Death is an inevitability, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Materialistic things of this world including the body are merely temporal and cannot be taken with a soul upon leaving the flesh, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

“This thread is not about doom and gloom but it’s about understanding the doom and gloom and overcoming fear of the doom and gloom.”

There is absolutely NOTHING TO FEAR!

"FEAR NOT-What is Not Real, never was and never will be. What is Real, Always Was and Cannot Be Destroyed.Consciousness is ETERNAL it is not vanquished with the destruction of the "Temporal Body."

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear, Buddha

The only thing to fear is fear itself and death is an illusion. Life is Death and Death is life from an Infinite/Eternal perspective where there's no such thing as Death. Just another word for the finite human mind to better understand something that it does not understand. There is nothing to ever fear from an "INFINITE"---"ETERNAL" perspective, so have no fear and never fear.

The secret to this existence is to discover who and what you truly are, coming to the realization that you are "ETERNAL" and "INFINITE" overcoming the finite temporal vehicle/body/mind.

Everything has a reason/purpose and everyone is on their own path/journey working their way through life in the midst of "ETERNITY" where there is Zero-000 "TIME" to the "INFINITY" & "BEYOND" through "Eternal Progression."

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstein

Always be prepared on a "Spiritual" level for the inevitability of Death.

Learn to overcome the fear of death understanding the true "Infinite Nature" found in all things knowing that you will live on forever in one form/body or another.

I enjoy the many quotes you provide Mclinking and the above one is a good one for this thread that I can agree with when it comes to living life in the here and now and being focused on the present day/hour/minute. But there is nothing wrong with hoping/wishing/desiring even Dreaming about a better and brighter future.

Always hope for the brightest and most positive future outcome in all things. Hope for the best always and send out that INTENT hoping for the most positive possible outcome in all things. But keep in mind whether the end to this short and temporal journey/experience comes for you today, tomorrow or fifty years down the road it will eventually come to an end and could happen at any given moment so simply be wise and remain “Spiritually” prepared in the present day and hour.

Live life to the best of your ability and never let fear or worry weigh you down understanding that "Death" is an inevitability but at the same time "Death" is nothing to worry about or fear because if you're alive now in the present rest assured you will live on forever.

I sincerely hope that you are doing well Mclinking with the current health situation at hand.

Peace, Love & Light be with you.

Best Wishes!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Valeri

ith all due respect, I read your post carefully and have come to the conclusion that you have not read this thread or even most of ET-Mans messages. Because you made soem blatant mistakes in describing his "kind" as you put it. He is mostly the exact opposite of the descriptions you gave.

With all due respect, all you are doing is listening to a message that strikes a chord rather than questioning it, and its provenance.

And what blatant mistakes did I make? That he thinks he’s special? Try these:

I have been given specific instructions on how to release this information.

I am in the same density as everyone on this planet but am from another time in which I cannot share anything further.

I cannot share with you who I am

What about his message being divisive? Here:

You are here on earth now at this time for a specific reason and those who are here for such reasons already know inside what they must do…Follow inner feelings as your physical mind is incapable of connecting with such knowledge…I plainly say it is within you to know if my words are true or not…know only that I am a voice coming forward with a whisper and warning hoping some will listen who were meant to hear.

The doom and gloom aspect? despite the fact he constantly says there is nothing to fear?

A world disaster will occur causing a cataclysm event on the horizon that will bring coast lines far inland around the world, super storms never before seen in history will occur as a result of this, earthquakes will be seen on a scale unheard of.

This warning is something not to be taken lightly…

And for the record, even though he insists that there’s a “get out clause” if you prepare your self spiritually, simply by announcing that we’re all going to die absolutely will affect some people very badly.

And as to my pointing out that he doesn’t like being questioned critically; try page 14 of this thread, its’ a doozy:


And despite that adamant declaration, he came back on the same page to say:

Who says I'm running…

So we can add contradictory to the list.

I have been reading this thread and many of ET-Mans posts with an open mind...but not a naive mind…ET-Man and his posts don't create a foundation for a cult.

You’re entitled to your opinion, even if it has been fashioned by persuasive exposure to another man’s beliefs.

For example, he is very tolerant, extremely patient.

Absolutely not the experience I had with him on another thread.

I woudl suggest reading his posts before labeling people like that. You are potentially doing a disservice to all those otherwise open-minded people, that might learn from his information, or at least consider it and ponder about it.

Excuses, excuses,'re actively defending him, you know that, right?

So you’ve already made your mind up about him then? Fine, I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion, just attempting to point out that there’s always another explanation for someone’s need to publically share their “wisdom”, especially when it as heavily biased towards an urgent need to believe a specific way of thinking as this thread is.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hi Et Man,

Thanks for your good wishes.
I shall not argue with your response and thank you for that. However, staying in the present is the MOST DIFFICULT thing in the world. Every thought, which is Time, is either of the past or future, thus the need to shut off the flow. In a sense, WE are Time, the sum of all our experiences, the future merely being a projection of the past. 'Unless ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven' seems to indicate achieving a state of IGNORANCE, namely in UNknowing all the crap we assimilate. No wonder there are special secret schools set up to achieve this aim, and '...FEW there be that find it'.
In short, I would not underestimate the task ahead of us.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hello ET_MAN, thanks for the reply.

I'm glad that you could join us from the other thread and I must admit I was kind of expecting you to drop by sooner or later...I'm happy that you joined us. I hope that we can further discuss and hopefully in a more polite and respectful manner.

Oh go on, you knew I’d turn up, didn’t you?

And I can assure you that I’ll be as polite as I always am, as long as you don’t take offence at me pointing out things you don’t agree with.

Those who've followed the thread already know where I stand on this Beamish, the world is NOT going to end.

I suppose – according to you – theoretically it won’t; it will suffer “catastrophic” upheaval, and “billions” of us are going to die. So, to clarify, the world as we know it is about to change. Fine. Glad we sorted out that doomsday scenario.

Ever considered the possible consequences of proclaiming such a disastrous and specific state of affairs publically? What about people who may well read this thread who are easily swayed and, perhaps, whose psyches are precariously balanced?

Can you morally discount the possibility that your little homilies could affect some folk so profoundly that they may well choose drastic, destructive or self-destructive action above having to go through the coming apocalyptical upheavals? How do the vulnerable and deluded fit in to your plan?

What is immediate when there is (technically) from the infinite/eternal perspective no "Time"?

You’ve given a specific date for your catastrophe: October 2011. How much more immediate can you get?

And you’re assuming that many reading your words will accept – in part or completely - your teachings (and teachings they are), (unless, of course, they are not one of those who are “meant to hear”) and prepare themselves accordingly.

Well, what about those who just want to live their lives as they are doing now, without changing? What if they are good to their family and friends, do good socially, are strong and just and reliable to all those who need them, but who don’t have a belief in anything afterwards?

How does this message and mission of yours, one of spirituality and positivity, given to you by superior beings, apply to, say, humanists?

You see, I have a big problem with your saying things such as (my emphasis):

The day to be spiritually prepared for the inevitability of one-1 leaving the flesh is today, today and everyday which is one-1 day from the infinite/eternal perspective where there is no time.

Always be prepared to meet and face all things on a spiritual level making amends with everyone, forgiving everyone, doing good unto others, clearing away the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and cleaning out the conscience in preparedness to meet and face all things on an everyday basis.

as it is - in my opinion - nothing but religious ideology dressed up in yet another new set of clothes.

And goodness knows we don’t need another religion, do we?

The one’s we have now are tearing us to pieces and have deliberately alienated individuals, families, societies and nations for millennia. They patently don’t work on a grand scale, they are elitist, disruptive, are used to conceal immoral agendas and have been responsible for millions upon millions of deaths through war, martyrdom and persecution.

What makes yours different from them?

So, the question that begs to be asked is this: why did your “Benevolents” give you this spiritual philosophy, when all you are doing with it is to spread it's overtly religious dogma in exactly the same way as all religions have been evangelized on Earth previously?

Of course you are free to believe anything you want to believe and think anything you want to think.

This is merely a thread on ATS a conspiracy forum and nobody is being forced to click or read the contents of this thread.

What is the consequence of my, or anyone else, not heeding your words, ET_MAN?

After all, there must logically be consequences of my not believing you, as otherwise why come here and discuss your extraterrestrial mission if when the end happens everyone will be “saved”, in one way or another, anyway? You could just keep quiet in the knowledge that everything, despite a real rough time, is going to be fine in the end.

Even here you state:

Everyone-1 of Infinite-1 has freewill/choice and can believe anything they want to believe, but from the infinite/eternal perspective there is a reason/purpose for why they believe what they believe.

So you’re empowering free-will. However, (and isn’t there always) there’s a “but”:

There is nothing wrong with believing in something for the "Time Being" regardless of what that belief is and everyone is on their own path/journey and must do it "Their Way."

For the “time being”, until what happens? We discover that belief systems lead, ultimately, to one single truth?

Sheesh. If anyone didn’t believe this thread was about religion…

Respectfully Beamish, those who've followed the thread already know how I feel about this and it's important that people do not get swallowed up in pride thinking themselves to be more special or better than another.

Yet, you did happen to mention that you are a time travelling soul, have been in contact with extraterrestrials – as in you were allowed to pilot an “inter-dimensional ship” – and that you can answer almost any question about life, the universe and everything that is thrown at you.

You have said those things, but we’re not supposed to allow it to sway our opinion of you being just a run-of-the-mill human being?

I've also encouraged people to face their fear of the inevitability so that they can over come it by dealing with those thoughts and working at finding peace within themselves, focusing on that which is eternal and not materialistic of the world.

All very admirable, and you obviously consider this mission of yours of the utmost importance. A few question, if I may, with regard to this importance: why ATS?
I know you have been quoted on several other internet sites – not all favourably – but why are you here specifically?

Why not bite the bullet and proclaim your message in public, face to face with the people you have the ability to “save”? You will happily say:

I am someone that truly cares and only desires to help people in anyway I can, I felt like this thread may bring some insight and assistance to some that are searching to better understand who they are and what life is all about, where they are going upon leaving the flesh and so on.

So why hide behind a keyboard? Why not put a face to the message? And as I have already asked you on this thread:

So you are saying that you can prove these claims?

and you replied quite unequivocally:

I could

then surely that gives you a serious advantage over every other spiritual guru/priest/philosopher on the planet.

You can prove your claims.

So why stick to typing answers to a few folks on ATS?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Hi Beamish,

And what blatant mistakes did I make? That he thinks he’s special? Try these:

It's quite clear Beamish what your intentions are, you came to this thread mainly because of the other thread where I was respectful and patient with you even when you were continuously coming after me with false accusations/judgments. I only replied to that thread because of you inappropriately making a comment about Unity_99 that I felt was distasteful, insensitive and disrespectful.

Another Poster (Son Of Will) Followed up on your post:

Addressing Beamish's comment to Unity_99,

Wow, how many people are going to claim mental superiority over another ATS member? This is a bit distasteful. I can recall multiple embarrassing comments made by literally every member who has felt it necessary to showcase the embarrassing paragraph left by Unity_99. It's not exactly hypocritical, but it's quite offensive and completely uncalled for. Making a reasonable point, and attacking someone in the same sentence, is probably the worst way to get that point across.

The doom and gloom aspect? despite the fact he constantly says there is nothing to fear?

It's a fact that death is an inevitability according to human definition Beamish, have you faced that fact and dealt with those inner feelings or is there still fear inside? I sense fear if you are relating doom and gloom with fear because there is nothing to fear in this world and that includes doom and gloom. Those who find themselves and realize who and what they truly are coming to the realization and realizing that they are Eternal should find peace and overcome that fear and the fear of the unknown.

announcing that we’re all going to die absolutely will affect some people very badly.

You're all going to die.

There I said it for the first time in this thread, now how are you going to deal with that and react?

How are you going to let those words affect you?

Have you worked on dealing with the inevitability of your own death as you know it?

Why not face that fear and deal with it learning to overcome the fear not allowing it to affect you in a bad way as you put it above?

Death is an inevitability, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

Materialistic things of this world including the body are merely temporal and cannot be taken with a soul upon leaving the flesh, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

There is absolutely NOTHING TO FEAR!

"FEAR NOT-What is Not Real, never was and never will be. What is Real, Always Was and Cannot Be Destroyed.Consciousness is ETERNAL it is not vanquished with the destruction of the "Temporal Body."

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear, Buddha

If there is anything out there that someone could possibly say or write that causes you to Fear than you better start working on overcoming that fear and facing that fear because the fear lies within YOU, it does not exist outside of you but within YOU.

You do have control and a choice to overcome that FEAR.

And as to my pointing out that he doesn’t like being questioned critically;

I've almost left the thread quite a few times for those who've followed the thread and I've ran into certain other situations quite a few times throughout the thread and even asked the Mods at one point to lock or delete the thread but I've also been nudged to stick around for whatever reason/purpose.

I'm human just like the rest of everyone with feelings and emotions just like the rest of everyone. I've tried to deal with people in a polite, kind, tolerant, respectful and patient way to the best of my ability. Sometimes words can easily be misinterpreted by some but the person behind the screen is never offended, angry, upset, worried or afraid so if you feel that I am Beamish than you are simply mistaken. I'm not ticklish, I don't let emotions get the best of me even if they do quickly enter into my body/mind since I am still attached to the physical vehicle/body/vessel like the rest of everyone but I have learned to quickly release such emotions/feelings if they ever do enter into my physical body/mind.

Another thing Beamish, this thread has never been about me, it's about much more than me and it's very clear that you have only read through some of the pages in this thread but not the entire thread. You might want to read the entire thread first before making accusations/assumptions and judgments against me.

And despite that adamant declaration, he came back on the same page to say:
“Who says I'm running…” So we can add contradictory to the list.

It's obviously clear Beamish that you are picking and choosing certain tid bits of this thread and using them with your own interpretation attached to them and I'm not just referring to the above quote but most of what you've used against me.

Just to reiterate myself with you again Beamish to make this as clear as possible, this thread is not about me but about assisting and helping others. This thread was never about me, feel free to keep it coming because LOVE is unconditional, forgiving, tolerant, patient, kind, understanding, considerate, respectful and so on.

I'm not after things of the materialistic world either like popularity, respect, points, praise, riches and so on. I'm after helping other people, giving, caring, sharing and assisting others with things pertaining to “Not of this world.” Things that are eternal and that can be taken with a person upon leaving the flesh.

Am I selfish in only wanting to help others before myself?

I have many other things going on in my life and other things that I could be doing for myself if I was only thinking for myself other than post on this site among other online forums. I'm involved in other activities helping people in local communities with various activities, international charities, homeless people, orphans among other things. I've simply dedicated my life to help people in anyway that I possibly can to the best of my ability.

Is there anything wrong with that Beamish?

Absolutely not the experience I had with him on another thread.

I was patient and respectful with you Beamish but you kept on coming after me making false accusations and judgments simply because I stood up for Unity_99 that I felt was inappropriately used by you in one of your posts in a distasteful, insensitive and disrespectful way.

I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion,

Are you sure?

Why are you here Beamish?

There are no accidents or coincidences!

You might want to finish reading the thread first before continuing to make comments about a thread that you have not yet finished reading.

I do sincerely hope that you can participate in this thread Beamish and perhaps in a more positive way next time.

Peace & Love be with you.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 28-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

My problem is not with your motives. I mean if you are trying to help people then fair play to you. My problem is with your methods. You are just a human being, like everyone else here. You have not been on a inter dimensional space ship or spoke to ET, but yet you are misleading gullible people by saying you have. If you want to help people, you can help them without lying to them.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Pryde87

I'm an experiencer myself and there are a few crafts/vessels/stations??? I could tell you about: an astroid, hollowed out, an intergalactic station that monitors the sun, huge. The one where I saw the bodies, on some kind of life support system may have been a part of this, if not its was another large vessel. Also, the craft I actually recall approaching from the outside, from everything that can be determined and my questions on Lowki's thread (where I felt something strongly in what he was saying) it appears to be an Orion Priesthood craft. They are also benevolents. If a very good regressionist could be found for my family, that was affordable, alot more than my short form memories would come out AND be verified by my children.

Yesterday my youngest came in excited, he saw a craft. He had sent up the request to do so, asking for them to show themselves, and very high up, something appeared. He said, it could have been a bird, except it was far too high, so it would be much larger. Then suddenly it angled off and zoomed away rapidly and he knew. There is not a family member that would not have something buried in their memories.

The thing here on earth is, there are varying degrees of memories allowed, or agreed upon. For some, they have fuller memory recall, some come in with much assistance and nudges from Family, others come in very sealed. But we are all, each and every one of us cosmic, and Infinite. This Universe/University/Digital School is difficult and while temporal, can take what feels like ages upon ages and many eras to pass. But when we do we are very grounded in Love, Peace, Equality.

Another friend's nde, whose experiences show us the cosmic natures we all have.
a look at the other side: My Near Death Experience...

You also have memories buried under the surface as well, everyone does, for its who we are. I have a thread on waking up and on manifesting eden, with tons of videos, songs with frequencies (like hemisync), whales and dolphins, hemisync and binaurals, and they really assist in raising your frequency and waking up, remembering for you go into your right hemisphere more. Especially good for listening to for hours, while doing chores, anything zen minded, where you're in a routine, and ask yourself: Who am I? Why am I here? How can I help? What blocks do I need to uncover and remove? How can I love more?

This isn't just about ET_MAN's experiences, memories, but its something we all need to do, become more aware, connected to ourselves, finding the missions we came in to do, trying to transmute negativity into positive, seeing how to make a difference. Just holding awareness, and waking up more, seeing through the matrix more, and sending positive thoughts out helps a lot too.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:15 AM
I am fed up with you ET_MAN, you did not heed my warning in the early days of your discussion did you.

Who are you to tell other people how to live or die? You do not have the right.
Even though you are a false prophet, Some people may be susceptible to your nonsensical ramblings.

From a human perspective, how would you feel if your ramblings influenced another person to take negative actions, such as harming or even killing themselves or other people? You were designed with free will but you were also designed with your own emotions, Compassion being one of the most important human emotions. Show some compassion and end this tirade.

From a completely outside perspective, how are you going to explain yourself when you kneel before those that you falsely claim to speak for? I can tell you first hand that your heading towards a fate you will regret with every ounce of your existence when the time comes.

If you look back near to the start of your discussion you will see that i mentioned a very specific date, Find that date and try to repent for your actions before then.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

It's quite clear Beamish what your intentions are here…

Intentions? What intentions?

I’ve, so far, asked questions and offered my opinion. Are people not allowed contrary opinions to yours on your threads?

And, well, you knew why I’d come here, so why say that?

And if you want to go down the road of quoting from that thread: )

you said:

Are you in need of a sparring partner or are you after an argument or is it the attention?

If you wish to continue ranting and raving let's take this to another thread or chat about it directly as I'm sure many here would appreciate that.

By the way, I didn’t rant nor rave. I offered a valid observation of Unity_99 reading a thread title – and not the content – and getting it wrong, and how that compared to the subject matter of that thread.

…and you came to this thread mainly because of the other thread where I was respectful and patient with you even when you were continuously coming after me with false accusations/judgments.

That is a lie. I pointed out that you have said – and as you have also done so on this thread – that you are a time-travelling alien contactee, and I supplied verification of that in your own words.

So tell me, how precisely does equate to false accusations or judgments?

I only replied to that thread because of you inappropriately making a comment about Unity_99 that I felt was distasteful, insensitive and disrespectful.

I said, about Unity_99, this:

the target audience such hoaxes are aimed at, ie., unquestioning believers.

Make even the most extravagant claims about UFOs in a serious and seemingly covert way, add evocative organizations and clandestine meetings and bingo, the gullible will flood to your support.

which I still still stand by. And you responded with:

I must assume that you are simply a skeptic/non-believer of the very possibility of ET's interacting with humanity on Earth in one way or another?

And my reply, which is perfectly verifiable if you read my post history, is that I do believe in the existence of alien life, but I will not take in every piece of unverifiable information as truth, and will actually read information offered on the subject of UFOs.

So you were wrong.

Another Poster (Son Of Will) Followed up on your post:

Addressing Beamish's comment to Unity_99,
Wow, how many people are going to claim mental superiority over another ATS member? This is a bit distasteful. I can recall multiple embarrassing comments made by literally every member who has felt it necessary to showcase the embarrassing paragraph left by Unity_99. It's not exactly hypocritical, but it's quite offensive and completely uncalled for. Making a reasonable point, and attacking someone in the same sentence, is probably the worst way to get that point across.

And he’s entitled to his opinion. Fair enough.

But his opinion doesn’t negate my point at all, in fact it doesn’t even address it. And for the record, Unity_99 came back to that thread and skimmed over the fact that it was about a hoax in as few words as possible.

And while we’re on the subject of responses to posts in that thread, here’s some that were aimed at your retort to me:

From Chadwickus:

And how exactly does all this relate to a dude with a padlock on his package??

I'm sure if you ask nicely, Mr A will lend you his.

From Maybe…maybe not:

ET MAN.....

That would have to be one of the most spectacularly off-topic posts I've seen for a long time!

From DJW001:

ET, are you capable of stating your opinion without posting dozens of irrelevant pictures and videos? I think everyone in this forum understands how large the Universe is and acknowledges the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. Posting all this media stuff adds nothing to your presentation and is ultimately a waste of space. The topic of this thread is an expose of a hoax, though now it seems to have turned into a thread about how believers suffer from extreme confirmation bias. Is your post intended to defend hoaxers?

From cripmeister:

Your completely off topic again, this thread is about the Source A [hoax] not the probability of extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the universe.

It's a fact that death is an inevitability…Beamish, have you faced that fact and dealt with those inner feelings or is there still fear inside? I sense fear if you are relating doom and gloom with fear because there is nothing to fear in this world and that includes doom and gloom.

You “sense” fear in my posts? Ok…

You're all going to die.

There I said it for the first time in this thread, now how are you going to deal with that and react?

How are you going to let those words affect you?

Yea, tell me something I don’t know. These are the facts: we all die eventually. Some of us have an idea as to what happens afterwards. Some don’t care, some haven’t thought about it, and others think about it with dread and concern.

But, at the end of the day, there’s zip you can do about it, and it’s the one certainty in life.

The doom and gloom I was referring to was your, and others’, insistence that a great calamity is coming to befall Earth that’ll wipe us all out. It might well happen, then again, it might not. But it’s your not so implied assertion that you know what happens after there are billions of deaths that galls me.

I don’t agree with religion, but I have a belief. That make sense? It makes sense to me, and I’m happy with it. I don’t think that life ends at physical death. Energy = life, and energy is eternal, therefore we go onwards.

I prefer that the path to touching the infinite is a personal one, and should be taken alone. Each to their own and all that.

What I object to, is the preaching of concepts and theories as being correct, and threats of death to make someone believe something.

Have you worked on dealing with the inevitability of your own death as you know it?

Death is an inevitability, so where should a persons priority and focus be?

My, you do like using the word “death”, don’t you? Almost as much as you like the word “fear”. Ever heard of neurolinguistic programming?

And as to where my priorities are, for you and every one’s information; I am proud to say that they are centered solely, completely and totally on the people that I love in my life.

My life makes me happy because the people in it are beautiful.

I don’t “fear death”, because of them.
Get it? Celebrate life and happiness and those you share it with.

Another thing Beamish, this thread has never been about me, it's about much more than me and it's very clear that you have only read through some of the pages in this thread but not the entire thread. You might want to read the entire thread first before making accusations/assumptions and judgments against me.

I don’t feel the need to read creed and dogma, though I have read enough of your teachings to have reached an understanding of where I believe you are coming from. I’d love to be proven wrong, by the way. It should be clear now that I am not here to discuss your knowledge, but would rather explore just why you are doing what you are doing.

And surely that is a fair point, isn’t it? After all, I am asking questions which means I’m curious. It’s up to you if you want to participate in that sort of discussion, or just want to answer questions from your “followers”.

It's obviously clear Beamish that you are picking and choosing certain tid bits of this thread and using them with your own interpretation attached to them and I'm not just referring to the above quote but most you've used against me.

No, what I am doing is avoiding the amount of doctrine this thread contains. And as to the accusation that I’m cherry-picking; you do precisely that. I note that you didn’t address my question as to what happens to me, or anyone, if I don’t heed your words. Care to answer it now?

Just to reiterate myself with you again Beamish to make this as clear as possible, this thread is not about me but about assisting and helping others.

And how do we assist others after reading your thread? What do we take from it into the world?

This thread was never about me, feel free to keep it coming because LOVE is unconditional, forgiving, tolerant, patient, kind, understanding, considerate, respectful and so on.

Keep what “coming”, exactly? I’m not “ranting or raving” at you; I’m purely asking you questions and making points that you find uncomfortable, not flaming you.

Am I selfish in only wanting to help others before myself?

No, altruism is an admirable thing, if it is done for selfless reasons.

I'm involved in other activities helping people in local communities with various activities, international charities, homeless, orphans among other things. I've simply dedicated my life to help people in anyway that I possibly can to the best of my ability.

Is there anything wrong with that Beamish?


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:48 AM

I have been a loyal observer of this thread since ET_MAN started it. I have read every post, sometimes twice, and have valued and cherished ET_MAN's views on life and also his patience with explaining things over and over to the many people who have never taken the time to read this thread in its entirety. I have watched, beyond frustrated at times, with the disrespectful, ugly, nonsensical, ignorant of any logic, unitellegible ramblings of some posters. Spewing hatred to influence other people and to discredit ET_MAN.

I have watched ET_MAN, Unity99 and other good hearted posters help people like me to become more enlightened and awakened to the big picture.

It is today that I have learned a valuable lesson.....I would consider ET_MAN a true soul friend/brother and it took me this long to be able to stick for him and in the easiest of settings....anonimously on a thread through the name lavenderlake. I am always the first one to stand up for family and friends in a face to face setting with fierce loyalty however I watched ET_MAN be bullied and attacked verbally and did nothing but get mad and irritated.

So I thank you negative and mean spirited posters for teaching me this very valuable lesson. If only for that, you have opened my eyes and hopefully others like me. Whats that saying....Its how you act when no one is watching that shows your true true!

Now please and ever so kindly please leave this thread and let ET_MAN and his enlightened friends continue......

[edit on 28-5-2010 by lavenderlake]

[edit on 28-5-2010 by lavenderlake]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:49 AM

Why on Earth should there be anything wrong with you wanting to help people? Where have I even suggested that there is? What I am curious about is this (same question as before, but phrased differently): why, if you have within you enlightened, extraterrestrial knowledge – and solid evidence of this contact – do you not go on the world stage and really do some good?

I was patient and respectful with you Beamish but you kept on coming after me making false accusations and judgments…

We’ve already gone over that. Do you want to go there again? I have a great memory for incriminating quotes.

And I have to make it clear that when I say:

I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion,

which I meant, by the way (I never write something I don’t stand by or believe), and you reply with

Are you sure?

Why are you here Beamish?

There are no accidents or coincidences!

then it becomes clear by adding a spin to my words that you want to paint me as the big, bad skeptic. You’ll have to try harder than that, as you won’t be getting any ammunition from me, and you can bank on that.

I do sincerely hope that you can participate in this thread Beamish and perhaps in a more positive way next time.

There you go again with the implied negativity. Let’s make this clear; it is part of a balanced exchange to hear and discuss all sides of the topic or theory. If this doesn’t happen, all you get is a sermon.

Is that what you want, ET_MAN?

As I always say in this position: if my opinion isn’t welcome, hit the ignore button. But if you do that, look at yourself and ask yourself why you hit it.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by lavenderlake


I have been a loyal observer of this thread since ET_MAN started it. I have read every post, sometimes twice, and have valued and cherished ET_MAN's views on life and also his patience with explaining things over and over to the many people who have never taken the time to read this thread in its entirety.

Welcome to the temple, you can get your cloak and hood by the door.

But seriously…

I have watched ET_MAN, Unity99 and other good hearted posters help people like me to become more enlightened and awakened to the big picture.

Simple question: please explain to me exactly how you know they are telling, or recounting, the truth?

Now please and ever so kindly please leave this thread and let ET_MAN and his enlightened friends continue......

Errr, no?

If you don’t like differing opinions and just want to be talked at, then put us on ignore.

And if you do, it’ll say more about you…

Or maybe you should put in a complaint?

Edit: coding.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by Beamish]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Too took my post so personally! The inspiration for my post came from another hateful poster but if what I said rings true for you then feel free to choose to take offense and make sarcastic remarks.

For the record...."Differing opinions" and respectful debating is not what I was refering to. I was talking about the negative and intentional hateful words trying to cloud the overall positive message.

As far as your question....It is my truth. Just because it resonates with me does not mean that it is your truth and I completely respect that.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by mclinking

Hi Et Man,

Thanks for your good wishes.

Hi Mclinking,

You're welcome!

I shall not argue with your response and thank you for that.

A friendly discussion always works just fine.

However, staying in the present is the MOST DIFFICULT thing in the world. Every thought, which is Time, is either of the past or future, thus the need to shut off the flow.

Everyone is experiencing life in their own unique way according to their current level of awareness/perception/consciousness and remaining in the present day dealing with the present daily activities, trials, tribulations/challenges is enough to deal with in itself.

It's wise to focus on the present and let the past remain in the past for those who are caught up in the past for whatever reason. Finding peace in the here and now (present) and living each day to the best of one's ability is where the focus should be.

Not everyone has the luxuries in life that others do due to situations/circumstances but they can try to deal with those situations/circumstances to the best of their ability in the best way they know how.

Today, Today and Today is what counts.

Every thought as you mentioned "is Time" is a good way of looking at it, it's not the clock on the wall ticking away but the thoughts of the mind. (Experiences)

In a sense, WE are Time, the sum of all our experiences,

That's another good way of looking at it Mclinking and thank you for sharing, from a similar perspective TIME is in the eye of the beholder according to one-1's level of awareness/perception/consciousness based on the physical vehicle/body/vessel that one-1 presently in the here and now (present) occupies. There is only one-1 here and now from the infinite/eternal perspective.

It's hard for one-1 to bend/wrap their mind around that the clock ticking away is not really changing anything or taking a person into the future but the thoughts of the mind and the one experiencing is/are. If only one could bend/wrap their mind around it and I've used that many times in suggesting the very same thing that you've suggested.
”Every thought, which is Time.”

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstein

Time (technically) is an illusion and (metaphorically speaking) a program running/ticking in the human mind based on thoughts and experiences equivalent to a computer or dvd player with a timer that can be paused, rewound or fast forwarded. Everything is continually being recorded, every thought, action, reaction, intent, deed, experience and so on.

Upon leaving the flesh everyone-1 gets a taste of the life review and experiences the replay. It's an experience that everyone-1 eventually will go through upon leaving the flesh in one-1 way or another.

Memories of life experiences flash by "as if instantaneously" outside of the mind where there is no time.

the future merely being a projection of the past.

From the infinite/eternal perspective what is past and future where there is no time. From another perspective the future may be a reflection of the present state/condition of a soul if there was (technically) such a thing as future but while occupying the human vehicle/body/vessel for the experiencer there is (technically) a past, present and future according to what the “Time being” currently perceives and understands “Time” to be.

'Unless ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven' seems to indicate achieving a state of IGNORANCE,

Regardless of what belief or religion a person believes in, whatever a person looks at or discusses, one-1 should take what makes sense to them personally. Those things that can be applied in their lives for the better. If the above statement coming from a biblical passage of scripture doesn't make any sense to a person then it should be disregarded.

There is a reason/purpose for all things whether one-1 realizes/understands it or not.

As you previously stated in the thread.

“Hold fast to the good things.”

I would say hold fast to the good things that you can relate with and understand that are applicable to your life for the better.

For the record I do not belong to any religion and my belief if one-1 chooses to label/call it that is based on living my life to the best of my ability in LOVE and doing good unto others, sharing, caring, helping, giving and so on.

Dis-attaching myself to the materialistic things of the world and focusing on that which is Eternal and can be taken with a person upon leaving the flesh.

A mans wealth is where he places it. How does one define wealth and if wealth for someone means riches of this world or materialistic things that can be taken away from them than that is where their heart is and it must eventually be broken because it's in the wrong place. What a man considers to be wealth is where his heart is.

Temporal and materialistic things of this world are not wealth but mere necessities to this temporal existence and nothing more. How we deal with our lives and react to situations and treat others is where our true wealth lies. Our true spirit character and heart, the qualities we possess, the Love we hold in our heart with the desire to share, care, give, love and the charity we possess desiring to give to others. Wishing, desiring, hoping for the best outcome for all people around us regardless of who they are and what kind of hardships, trials, tribulations they are going through and have been through.

After all we are spirit family and we are all here experiencing duality and oppositions found in all things and not one of us has lived a perfect life. We all have flaws and mistakes and we need to help each other out as we have been helped out many times when we needed help (sometimes not realizing it but the Family of Light were there assisting.) The learning experience/progression/test is about Love, unconditional forgiveness, endurance, integrity, patience, diligence and never giving up on ourselves and not letting the adversities win regardless of the temporal circumstances/conditions and adversities we are faced with.


Appreciate your thoughts Mclinking,

LOVE to all
Best Wishes!

[edit on 28-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Keep ignoring my warnings little man,

It shall be your downfall

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Wow< what a turn. The way this thread is going it might be a good idea for people to brace for a meteor shower.

The self importance is over the bridle of my horse. Who cares what any of you think? Who cares what I think? It is the reality of the event which we all must experience, that we must look to for answers.

That is the theme of the prison we are in. There are so many options to chose from and they all are the right one, so they say.

How can any one make the choice that will keep their soul in tact? This question is not for the people who have no soul, BTW.

Beamish, I was wondering why you weren't keeping us in line, in here. That is ok folks, nothing to see here, move along.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Hey every1!
WoW!!! 183 pages!!!!

Ok have to admit i got to 30 and skipped the rest.

I have a question for ET Man, and i hope someone has'nt already asked it.

I brand spanking new to this forum and i was hoping to find out anout South Africa. Central South Africa to be more precise.

Great Forum and Site!!!!

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I very much appreciate the fact that I am not forgotten, that you take time to respond, not to me but to others. So many today, like those surviving the Haiti quake, have already been forgotten, now have nothing to eat.

Despite appearances, I, like you, do not follow any particular religion, so whenever I quote a religious statement, I use it from my own viewpoint, perspective.

Some contributors to this thread feed me, give me ideas, insights, and Beamish is one of them, and I would hate him to be deterred from having his say. It would seem this thread is an endless thread - but why not? Keep it going to the bitter end, a genuine NOW thread when lessons can be learnt by continual communication.



posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Quick Note: I usually answer questions in order and am going down the list question by question but sometimes I will skip the rather longer questions and come back to them, but in this case Mclinking's post came first, then this post and I've decided to bundle together all 3 of Beamish's posts on this one-1.

I will get back to everyone's questions in due time and if I've missed anyone's questions please simply U2U me a reminder or make another reply.

reply to post by Beamish

Hello ET_MAN, thanks for the reply.

Hi Beamish,

You're welcome!

Oh go on, you knew I’d turn up, didn’t you?

Is “kind of expecting” and “knew” the same thing?

And I can assure you that I’ll be as polite as I always am, as long as you don’t take offence at me pointing out things you don’t agree with.

That's great and rest assured that I won't take offense in anything you don't agree with.

Ever considered the possible consequences of proclaiming such a disastrous and specific state of affairs publically?

What would happen if there was an announcement to the world that everyone's _____ is an inevitability?

What is 20-40-50-80-100 years to Infinity?

What does it matter how death comes for some if it's going to happen eventually anyway? It's not a matter of How or If but When and the When part can happen at any given moment in many various different ways through illness, disease, heart attack, war, car accident, famine, earthquakes or so called accidents where there are no accidents.

What about people who may well read this thread who are easily swayed and, perhaps, whose psyches are precariously balanced?

Are such people aware of the inevitability of their own _____ and should such people if they are that sensitive to what they read and hear be listening to the world news, reading the paper and viewing other graphic material going on in the world when it comes to War, Starvation, Abuse and so on?

What really makes a person do what they do?

Is it what they read, hear or see that forces them to do what they do or is there something else going on perhaps WITHIN a person?

Can you morally discount the possibility that your little homilies could affect some folk so profoundly that they may well choose drastic, destructive or self-destructive action

If learning that _____ is inevitability can make a person act in such a way then where does the problem lie?

Clearly Fear among other inside emotions/feelings is a factor for those who can allow themselves to be affected in such a way don't you think?

Should it even really matter what is coming in the future if _____comes for everyone eventually anyway and is an inevitability that can come at any given day/hour/moment in many various different ways?

Can people face that knowledge and deal with it?

Where should a persons priority and focus be in life?

Face all fear, learn to deal with it and overcome it?

There should be nothing that anyone can possibly say or write that could possibly affect someone if they have overcome all Fear that is within THEM.

You’ve given a specific date for your catastrophe: October 2011. How much more immediate can you get?

I could have also used any given month, day, year, hour, minute or second where there is no time.

If there (technically) is no such thing as TIME than what does a month or year really mean on any given prediction?

Answer, absolutely nothing when it comes to changes that occur on the planet through seasons/cycles that most are unaware of according to the Teachers/Creators/Designers that allow things to occur changing scene by scene and turning the coloring book pages for the students.

This moment is this moment and a trillion years from now is still this moment coming from the infinite/eternal perspective.

When change is brought upon the planet (so called evolution or cyclic events/earth changes) it is brought in unseen/mysterious ways where there is no time. But for the homo-sapien vehicle/bodies experiencing life on planet Earth in time-mode such mysterious interactions/changes go unseen/unnoticed/unrecognized and appear to be naturally occurring according to human understanding of the natural seasons/cycles and changes.

Well, what about those who just want to live their lives as they are doing now, without changing? What if they are good to their family and friends, do good socially, are strong and just and reliable to all those who need them, but who don’t have a belief in anything afterwards?

It all comes down to the most fundamental and basic things revolving around the word LOVE regardless of belief.

as it is - in my opinion - nothing but religious ideology dressed up in yet another new set of clothes.
And goodness knows we don’t need another religion, do we?

If you interpret the word “spiritual” as being religious then perhaps another word should be used in it's place.

Regardless of a persons belief, life comes down to the HEART of a person and their INTENT. It really all comes down to LOVE. Through that very word LOVE people can treat each other in a nicer way, being more tolerant, patient, forgiving, respectful and understanding regardless of religion, race/creed, background or personal belief.

If a person truly possess LOVE then they are willing to help assist people in need, the less fortunate, the people around them. LOVE is about sharing, caring, giving, helping, it's never about greed, selfishness, pride or thinking for one-1's self but others. True happiness comes from sharing with others and making others happy, helping the less fortunate, losing one-1's self and realizing that everything in the material world is merely temporal and cannot be taken with one-1 upon leaving the flesh. One-1 must wisely choose what their priorities are in life. There is an entire never-ending Eternity to look forward to. What is a measly few years to Infinity/Eternity?

And goodness knows we don’t need another religion, do we?

I certainly would never want to provide anyone-1 with a new religion and everyone-1 is free to believe and choose whatever belief system/religion they want to believe in whatever that may be, OR simply not have a belief or religion, that is their own freewill/choice.

If you asked me personally what I believe in, I would tell you in LOVE and in doing good unto others and helping the less fortunate and those in need.

I've made it quite clear how I feel about belief systems, groups and/or religions in this thread and even started a thread on it here- Religions Of the World The Bigger Picture!

The one’s we have now are tearing us to pieces and have deliberately alienated individuals, families, societies and nations for millennia. They patently don’t work on a grand scale, they are elitist, disruptive, are used to conceal immoral agendas and have been responsible for millions upon millions of deaths through war, martyrdom and persecution.

I have zero arguments with you on that one-1 and for your information I post on many online forums sharing the same type of message in general for all backgrounds, beliefs, religions and so on.

Regardless of a persons belief or religion there should be LOVE and that LOVE should be shared between everyone-1 regardless of belief or religion.

The world could use a lot more LOVE.

but I will not take in every piece of unverifiable information as truth,

Nobody can take information as truth, they must discover that truth and come to their own realization of that truth all on their own.

And while we’re on the subject of responses to posts in that thread, here’s some that were aimed at your retort to me:

I do realize that I went off topic on the original post to you in that thread Beamish but everything has a reason/purpose whether one-1 sees it/realizes it or not.

It's also quite interesting that every poster you mentioned Chadwickus, Maybe…maybe not, DJW001, cripmeister are the same posters that come after me in the Nemesis/Wormwood/Nibiru threads. Interesting how it works sometimes.

You “sense” fear in my posts? Ok…

If one-1 makes mention of doom and gloom relating it with Fear then Fear is still a factor for that one-1.

we all die eventually. Some of us have an idea as to what happens afterwards. Some don’t care, some haven’t thought about it, and others think about it with dread and concern.

Which one-1 are you by the way if you don't mind me asking?

But, at the end of the day, there’s zip you can do about it, and it’s the one certainty in life.

Life is death and death is Life from the Infinite/Eternal perspective. Those experiencing life on Earth now are partly Dead to those experiencing Life at a much greater state of awareness/consciousness level where there's (technically) no such thing as death. Death being merely a word used by humans to better explain/define/describe something.

I don’t agree with religion, but I have a belief. That make sense?

Sure, I also do not belong to any religion and I do have a belief based on living my life to the best of my ability in LOVE and doing good unto others.

I prefer that the path to touching the infinite is a personal one, and should be taken alone. Each to their own and all that.

Everyone-1 is entitled to their own opinion/belief but let me ask you this one-1 question.

Do you believe that you would have made it through life all on your own without anyone-1 ever assisting you?

I don’t think that life ends at physical death. Energy = life, and energy is eternal, therefore we go onwards.

We do go onwards and what you've suggested is nothing different than what I've been suggesting throughout this thread.

What I object to, is the preaching of concepts and theories as being correct, and threats of death to make someone believe something.

Have I ever forced any of this information on anyone?

Do I have power over what another person chooses to believe?

Have I threatened anyone?

My, you do like using the word “death”, don’t you? Almost as much as you like the word “fear”.

Do you feel uncomfortable hearing such words and if you do ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable hearing such ____words?

I am proud to say that they are centered solely, completely and totally on the people that I love in my life.

That is great to hear Beamish and I'm sure you're a great husband, father, brother and friend to many.

How about others in the world?

My life makes me happy because the people in it are beautiful.
I don’t “fear death”, because of them.
Get it? Celebrate life and happiness and those you share it with.

Yes I do and thank you for sharing that.

It should be clear now that I am not here to discuss your knowledge, but would rather explore just why you are doing what you are doing.

Ok Beamish, that is great and I hope that you can better understand why I'm doing what I'm doing.

And surely that is a fair point, isn’t it? After all, I am asking questions which means I’m curious. It’s up to you if you want to participate in that sort of discussion, or just want to answer questions from your “followers”.

Sure that is a fair point and I would be happy to answer your questions Beamish as I've been doing with everyone's questions. I'm not sure that I have any followers other than those following along, some perhaps out of curiousity just as you are. And those who've followed the thread already know where I stand. I'm simply sharing information and my perspective on life among other things to further think about. I can never actually help anyone (technically) when it comes to finding their own truth, a person must find their own truth and help themselves.

I note that you didn’t address my question as to what happens to me, or anyone, if I don’t heed your words. Care to answer it now?

Sure I will answer and the answer to that question is absolutely nothing will happen and you will go on living your life exactly how you were before you visited this thread.

And how do we assist others after reading your thread?

One-1 can assist people they choose to assist and it doesn't take someone reading this thread to choose to assist people.

What do we take from it into the world?

What does one-1 take from the world?

What does one-1 take from a book?

What does one-1 take from an experience?

If there is something mentioned in this thread that seems interesting to someone or relates with them, then maybe that someone will further think or ponder about those things that they found interest in or relate with. If that is the case then perhaps there is something that someone-1 will get out of this thread. Otherwise what does one-1 take from the thread? Only the viewers of this thread can truly answer that question.

Keep what “coming”, exactly?

It was an open invitation to you Beamish.

I’m not “ranting or raving” at you; I’m purely asking you questions and making points that you find uncomfortable, not flaming you.

Ok fair enough and it's really ok either way, I'm happy to answer any further questions that you may have.

Why on Earth should there be anything wrong with you wanting to help people?

True, there shouldn't.

Where have I even suggested that there is?

You haven't made that suggestion but I did ask you a question for a change.

What I am curious about is this (same question as before, but phrased differently): why, if you have within you enlightened, extraterrestrial knowledge – and solid evidence of this contact – do you not go on the world stage and really do some good?

I have the right not to answer every question, in this case it's one-1 of those questions so I must leave you with a blank answer.

then it becomes clear by adding a spin to my words that you want to paint me as the big, bad skeptic.

If you feel that I've ever tried to paint you as the big bad skeptic than that is your own interpretation.

My apologies as always if you've been offended or taken anything that I've written in the wrong way.

You’ll have to try harder than that, as you won’t be getting any ammunition from me, and you can bank on that.

I'm not much of a banker and I certainly have no intentions of sending you negativity in any way shape or form. I hope you see and realize that.

”I do sincerely hope that you can participate in this thread Beamish and perhaps in a more positive way next time.”

There you go again with the implied negativity.

I did suggest perhaps in a more positive way due to the following first post that you made that seemed to come off quite frankly in a somewhat negative way with the accusations and judgments from my perspective.

A few examples from your first post:

-He treats those who seek his answers differently to those who don’t:

-He dislikes criticism, and reacts badly to it:

-His insistence that he is somehow special:

Do you kind of see where I'm coming from?

All of the above are judgments don't you think?

Let’s make this clear; it is part of a balanced exchange to hear and discuss all sides of the topic or theory.

Certainly, a friendly discussion is always a nice thing to have regardless of differences in belief or perspective.

As I always say in this position: if my opinion isn’t welcome, hit the ignore button.

Everyone-1's opinion is welcome and I'm more than happy to further discuss or address any questions that you may have.

Love & Peace
Best Wishes!

[edit on 28-5-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Pryde87

Hi Pryde87,

My problem is not with your motives. I mean if you are trying to help people then fair play to you. My problem is with your methods. You are just a human being, like everyone else here.

Yes I am a human occupying a vehicle/body/vessel just like everyone else.

If you were wondering why I chose ET_MAN as a user-name, it was never to claim that I am an ET or that my vehicle/body/vessel originated from non-terrestrial origin but more to suggest that ET & MAN are one-1 and the same (technically) coming from the universal perspective where there's no such thing as ET (technically) as ET is merely a word applicable and used by Humans on Earth really only meaning non-terrestrial or "Not of this world."

If you want to help people, you can help them without lying to them.

You are free to choose/believe anything you want to believe, and if you believe that I am lying that is your own freewill/choice.

Love & Peace
Best Wishes!

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