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CNN: Massacre day, June 24, 2009 Tehran Baharestan

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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Tehran 24th of June 2009.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:06 AM
This just discussed me......

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:08 AM
Ahmadinejad is supposed to be made 'president' again sometime in the next few months. The day that happens I'm willing to be all heck will break loose. (it probably already is)

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Merkabah

There is no context for that video. You can hear people yelling "Allah Ahkbar" God is Great, in the background. Did the guy get hit by a car, was he shot by a counter intel agent to incite violence, who knows? There are foreign agents and spies all over Iran trying to destabilize the government. It's free regime change for the Western powers since no-one can afford another war like GWB's Iraq war.

I'll re-post this because it is important for people to realize that intelligence agencies are responsible for everything (whatever it may be) that is happening in Iran. Be it Mossad, CIA, MI5. This is a carefully staged TV & internet propaganda war.

British spies in Iraq to incite revolt

British and American agents are on the ground in Iraq fomenting revolt among opposition groups and potential traitors in Saddam Hussein's inner circle as part of a covert campaign to topple him, senior officials disclosed last night.

The admission, on the eve of a conference of Iraqi opposition figures in London, is powerful evidence of a renewed determination in Washington and London to overthrow the Iraqi dictator.
Although the officials conceded that the CIA and MI6 operations were unlikely to succeed without direct military action, a senior source in the Bush administration said that the world should not be misled by the lack of overt military activity.

"American personnel are supporting the Iraqi opposition and working with dissatisfied elements within Saddam's regime, even though he has killed quite a few of these people. Britain is involved too," the official told The Telegraph.

"We could wake up one morning and find regime change in Baghdad has happened completely unexpectedly. It would be hard to do but it's not impossible."

So what were two undercover British soldiers up to in Basra?

An Iraqi judge yesterday issued arrest warrants for two British soldiers, presumed to be SAS men, whose detention by Iraqi police and subsequent rescue by British forces in Basra last week has thrown an unprecedented spotlight on Britain's role in Iraq.

[edit on 25-6-2009 by warrenb]

[edit on 25-6-2009 by warrenb]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:36 AM
Something does seem fishy to me too. That CNN reporter is not very convincing. Its as if we're all supposed to become impassioned towards liberating Iran and forget that our liberties are slipping away like water, right here, right now. I don't claim to know squat, but my guts tell me something is up. John124 strikes me funny too. Sorry bud. I hope I'm wrong. Anyway, I think this is a ploy to get us to accept US presence in Iran.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by john124
Just heard from an Iranian friend who's been watching Iranian state tv and this is incredible what he just heard:

The regime has said that Neda was killed by agents which have been paid by John Leyne of the BBC (BBC correspondant deported the other day). My thought on this are wtf the regime have lost the plot altogether!!!

This sounds like a very reasonable explanation for Neda's death. The killing was filmed, photo's of her were available immediately - sounds like a complete set up.

This audio is extremely poor evidence, there are simply too many reasons for this to be fake.

The US and UK have agents in Iran for sure - and this kind of stuff is exactly what they would be producing to bring down the current government.

I call BS on this audio track.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Solomons

Anyone else find it very suspicious that "THIS IS HITLER!" was thrown in there ? ... hmm

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:53 AM
I want Iran freed from the muslim scourge as well as anyone. I TRULY hope that this goes well for them.


Even though I do believe its shtf time over there, this is "wag the dog" over here. Too many times in history has there been a "boy crying wolf" just to get us into stuff. If we had blitzkrieged Iraq and got the hell out, we could maybe help. To spread out now. Just like Rome was.

I have a fear that WE started it all and told the folks "sure, we'll help. Just ask the Kurds!"

You can see how well that went.

The Iranians didnt ask for the muzzie invasion. No more that we have asked for the invasion from our southern border. Theirs was just far more agressive.

[edit on 25-6-2009 by felonius]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:56 AM
The contradictions made by many in this thread are staggering, first people are saying the OP doesn't have any verifiable sources, then they attack any references to MSM as being clearly NWO driven lies, backed up by quotes from Iranian media that everything is fine and everyone loves Amhedinejad...

The Iranian media is far more reliable than our MSM right? So maybe we should ignore all media, maybe we should give people on the streets of Iran the technology to communicate the situation to us directly... oh no, wait, because the NWO can also use Twitter and Facebook for disinformation.

Mmm, maybe we shouldn't believe anything, maybe all the people on this site screaming about a NWO are really a diversion setup by the PTB to distract us from what's REALLY happening... Maybe what's really happening is that the rich are trying to get richer, many leading politicians are stupid and only crave more power and the majority of the people in the world just want to be happy but I guess if I wrote that on my sandwich board and stood in Piccadilly Square with it I wouldn't get much of a reaction.

Does anyone deny that Iran is ruled by an oppressive regime that severely restricts personal liberties? Would anyone on this board actually want to live there? Is the fact that there is a large number of well-educated young people living in Iran who feel suffocated by the restrictions to their personal freedoms up for debate? Then why is it so hard to believe that these people would eventually feel the need to do something about it? And of course the powers that have been struggling with Iran's leadership for so many years would support that in a covert way. Yes, there's a conspiracy there, but maybe it's a good one for a change...

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:10 AM
I'm probably going to sound pretty terribly politically incorrect here. But I'm wondering, why do we care about this? The fact that this and related issues has been the biggest story in the western world since the election is just showing us how easily we are distracted from issues happening in our own home countries.

A unarmed man in Canada was shot five times, to death, because he swore at a salesman who called the police on him. That story probably hasn't even been heard outside Canada.

Now, we're hearing news about a bunch of people who have been told not to protest, or there would be nasty repercussions. So they go anyway, and they get beaten. That's a story? Perhaps if it happened in America, or the UK.

I'm just baffled, perhaps someone can help me, as to why the American media and government is more concerned with the Iranian election, than a guy called Robert Mugabe. Perhaps Mr Mugabe hasn't got any oil?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:23 AM

You should stop this. You should help the people of Iran who demand freedom

it is all there... PROPAGANDA, not even subtile;

i want to remind you people about the events in burma almost 2 years ago;

those were covered by western media in a very very different manner.

the fact being that burma junte is backed by the chinese and the west don't want to face china.

the fact being that were numerous reports from burmese people through phone calls to family members abroad: they were not asking for help but just crying (with real tears) the horror they saw : massacre of thousands of protesting monks in their monasteries ! their naked dead bodies being moved around rangoon as to intimidate the protesters.

the details given by those witnesses were way too precise and so horrific that just not imaginable (or maybe by a very very very sick mind - but those burmese are too beautiful people to come up with that sort of insanities) : name of the monastery, how they were put naked, how they were killed heads smashed on the walls of the temple, which branch of the army was doing that, the day the time, it was all there.

these reports, never ever went through our media. never. although we forward all this to them, although there were people ready to testify of their discussions over the phone.

the bastards remained mild and distant when treating the subject, and we all know why: because it was not in the agenda.

i've been to burma, i haven't been to iran, but i know of few travellers that did: iran is in no way a dictature as burma is; no comparison possible : culture is there in iran and people are free of their move within the country.

whatever is happening in iran, the fact is that our media are not working to put the truth before your eyes and ears.

this kind of stories we are getting all over as story number one in the daily news are 10 times less detailed than it was for burma who used to come as last story of those #ing daily news without this testimonies that however were existing. letters after letters after phone call : they never listen to them, they never let them through the tube.

the way they are covering this whole iran thing makes things very clear :

iran is ON the agenda

don't you have enough to be treated as sheeps ? to be imposed opinions ?

it is time for a revolution HERE

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by jtwalkinfingaz
Something does seem fishy to me too. That CNN reporter is not very convincing. Its as if we're all supposed to become impassioned towards liberating Iran and forget that our liberties are slipping away like water, right here, right now. I don't claim to know squat, but my guts tell me something is up. John124 strikes me funny too. Sorry bud. I hope I'm wrong. Anyway, I think this is a ploy to get us to accept US presence in Iran.

Too right, it is pure hypocrisy.

The west anglo american empire telling others what to do.

I still say the iranians do not know what they are doing.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by najapi

Bravo! very well said!

If I could applaud you, I would!

Yeah! the big question here is:

Are the USA-ISRAEL-UK exploiting what's happening in Iran, is there a conspiracy involving these countries.

Sure! in some way yes!

But we have to ask ourselves - which Iran do we prefer?

1. A reform friendly Islamic republic - with more personal freedom for the Iranian people in a more secular society with incresed women's right and a more open communication with the western world with :

The Mousavi-Rafsanjani-Karoubi reform friendly contingent?

2. Or do we prefer a nationalistic Islamo-fascistic Iran with the fascist police state suppressing human and womens right, and a state that is shooting its own citizens on the streets under the command of:

The Khamenei-Ahmadinejad Islamo-fascist faction??


You know! the choice for me is quite simple!

But some of you guys here are mouthpieces for the Islamo-fascistic aganda of a Gestapo society against human rights and common sense! - and the worst & laughable part is that you're doing it for free! - they don't pay you a dime for it!

The most laughable part is by doing so, you also indirect support countries that are against the USA as a economic powerhouse and its economical survival in the great game!

You should take a good look in the mirror! - I would be ashamed of myself if I were american! *shrug*
Working against my own country and its economical interests!

And while your at it! take a good look at:


Because they have now decided that your time as a economic powerhouse is over! - no more dollar hegemony! - they don't wanna play ball with you no more!

[edit on 25-6-2009 by Chevalerous]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:41 AM
Has CNN reported Iran has weapons of mass destruction yet (or was trying to produce or obtain them)? Or the Iranians are throwing new born babies out of incubators? Or Al Qaeda is headquartered in Tehran? Or they found biological laboratories in Iran? Or Iran has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production?

You people either have very short memories or you are as gullable as a 6 year old kid.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Lazyninja
I'm just baffled, perhaps someone can help me, as to why the American media and government is more concerned with the Iranian election, than a guy called Robert Mugabe. Perhaps Mr Mugabe hasn't got any oil?

Indeed. There are far, far, worse things going on in the world - yet all we're getting in the MSM is North Korea and their bottle-rockets and some violent protests in Iran that are, apparently, the next revolution. Hey, if they REALLY want to get the American people on-board for another war they should explain that the evil Iranian regime has a missile capable of hitting the Pop Idol studios

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:51 AM
of course John124 strikes most of you as funny. why wouldnt he. doubt is always at the pinnacle of ignorance; And your slogan isto deny it.

now the reporter sounds too frightning for her not be a disinfo agent of some sort, maybe now one of our resident "experts" [no day job] here can "debunk" [make wild assumptions and give asinine links] whats really goingon, yea?
or maybe im one of the disinfo agents..


back to topic.

my take is, the US or UK should not even think about military action. not even diplomatic actions. [lke that was ever an option]. let the UN or the rest of the worl be the "deliberator" [what did bush call it again... some word he made up] this time.
why do when the middle east cry for help, they cry to the US or UK, why dont the call onto Russia for help, im sure Germany would be more than happy to free them for tirany.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:00 AM
"you should stop this"

oh, now that their people are in trouble WE should go back to policing the world? I thought thats why everybody hated the west. Make up your mind, freedom fighters.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by jtwalkinfingaz
Something does seem fishy to me too. That CNN reporter is not very convincing. Its as if we're all supposed to become impassioned towards liberating Iran and forget that our liberties are slipping away like water, right here, right now. I don't claim to know squat, but my guts tell me something is up. John124 strikes me funny too. Sorry bud. I hope I'm wrong. Anyway, I think this is a ploy to get us to accept US presence in Iran.

I agree that you would have to look at this news, taking all things into consideration as "warrenb" is suggesting, as this is what History has shown the west to do. History has shown the west to manipulate the peoples perceptions to gain some form of control to achieve their own agenda.

Yes, I noticed that about the CNN reporter as well, but also with the words of the women emphasizing twice: "You people should stop it" and "Long time we have been exposed to this, and nobody takes action".
Just doesn't sound right in suggesting to please help us America!

Just sounds like those words may of been fed to her to impose empathy and fear to allow acceptance of intervention by the U.S.

I don't know, just sayin!

[edit on 25-6-2009 by DarksDeception]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Chevalerous

1. A reform friendly Islamic republic - with more personal freedom for the Iranian people in a more secular society with incresed women's right and a more open communication with the western world with :

The Mousavi-Rafsanjani-Karoubi reform friendly contingent?

mousavi ? that guy that was prime minister for khomeni between 81 and 89 ?

is that at the same time that iranian women were obliged to wear the burka ? not allowed to go university ?

maybe it was a different mousavi...

or maybe you should revise your knowledge of history before making such stupid statements (unless that was sarcastic !)

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM


and here

of course you have seen this one ?

[edit on 25-6-2009 by audas]

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