posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 12:40 AM
Intro to Game Theory 101 and a little too coincidental to readily dismiss. It wasn't just for future strategists apparently but writers, too. It
tilts the odds that some of those writers/filmmakers are going to be sticking chessboards into their work when they are presenting what is basically a
WhiteAlice: do not reply to this in the thread.
Archetypes can be introduced in many ways -- but if you want to forever change a parson, it's best to start when they are young and don't know they
are experiencing the archetype first hand. Game theory is an entire manner of thinking and behaving -- best experienced when young and in a group of
like minded individuals. Your memes which have hardened, they are very difficult to release; all the education in the world cannot undo a meme. It
takes substantial personal effort and it is a prolonged effort (possibly lifelong) to replace your default memes.
Anyway, as you can see from several other discussions on here, it is often pointless to attempt to enlighten a person stuck in a meme. I'm reminded
of the story of the bum begging on a street corner. A pure capitalist sees a person too lazy or mentally ill to work. A pure communist sees a person
so beaten down by the system they cannot function usefully. Both may be correct or neither may be correct -- but they literally see a different
person begging on the corner! Possibly the begging bum doesn't even know. In any case, one who is not seeking enlightenment cannot see beyond what
one believes is the case and will interpret all evidence as support for their meme or claim some grand exception. Confronted with evidence which
cannot be rebutted from within the meme, the tendency is to repeat or exaggerate, dismiss or deny the evidence, and then leave.
Back to the checked floor. I suspect you have some idea of the true power of game theory. Yes, from the point of view of the game you are in, you
could have special responsibility in controlling which squares individuals whom you encounter choose to occupy. And yes, they would believe they
made their choices freely. The more interesting question to me is: have you really made all
your choices freely or are you in a greater game
than you have detected? Who controls your steps on the checked floor, is it you? What has happened since your days in the program? Are there any
"coincidences" which are too frequent or too rare? Is there a handler or group of "guides" of a consistent nature (teachers, neighbors) which provide
exceptional opportunities? Are you truly awake and see the floor before you with all the players and sleepers? Do you move across that checked floor
with purposed patterns or randomly?
edit on 17-11-2013 by BayesLike because: (no reason given)