posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Hello Everyone:
I hope everyone's doing well. (First of all, I'll point out as you'll soon realize yourself I'm still an "apprentice" here and trying to figure
a few things out, but I am doing the best I can to do what's expected of me. I did search and read Many other threads to try & be sure this topic has
not been discussed the way I'm presenting it, if I missed something just disregard this post & burn it.)
I would like to hear as much input from current and past military personnel as possible, but I'm just as interested and curious in
allllllllllllllllllll opinions on this question. In getting to my question. If our beloved country reaches the point where many believe it's headed,
which is part of either a NWO, martial law/police state, or several other versions of a militarized nation, would our military personnel just follow
orders and kill/imprison their own family and friends, or would they stand up for our Constitution and what America is based on and rebel against the
upper-tier government leaders, who are playing the average soldiers superiors like puppets? I hope our military establishments are not creating
"robot soldiers" but soldiers who are able to think for themselves, and still follow orders at the same time. Now that I think about it, that could
be a bonus the military gets out of mechanizing so many things lately. Drones and machines don't have a conscience, opinions, guilt, nor the ability
to go into a courtroom and testify. They can save lives, yes, don't get me wrong. But, they can also "save lives" in another manner under some
circumstances too. Night, night...........
Peace Everyone,