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Stocky, covered in hair, heavy set lower body, exceptionally strong thick legs and bones (almost look like a giant baby) larger head... different senses, can't look you in the eye... etc, etc
Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47
I was just having fun. Really this is a great OP, and makes a heck of a lot more sense than people being Aliens, Indigos, Star Seeds, etc, etc, etc
Plus it may explain their lack of science education. The Neanderthal brain was not quite as complex.
Originally posted by DangerDeath
...neurotypicals inherit their big picture view of the world—autistics will put together a cognitive framework piece-by-piece, focusing first on the elements of symmetry, repetition and elementary pattern to be found in their environment, then using the beginnings of this framework as a means for assimilating further information. An analogy to this process would be the putting together of a complex jigsaw puzzle without having guidance as to what the finished picture or overall structure is like. Progress would be difficult and slow at first but would tend to get easier as aspects of the developing puzzle provided clues on how to proceed. (It is probably no coincidence that many autistics display these very types of skills and deficits in the building of actual jigsaw puzzles.)...
...When the time comes for figuring out and participating in human cognition, the autistic individual will find himself not in possession of inside information as it were, but instead must come to his understanding almost entirely through external observation and experiment. Another analogy might be helpful at this point, that of considering how one computer can be made to mimic the operations of another. If the hardware characteristics of each computer are nearly identical, the simulation proceeds straightforwardly, and this would be similar to the circumstances neurotypicals find themselves in with respect to one another. But if the underlying hardware characteristics are fundamentally different, the simulation can proceed only through indirect means: the target computer’s operations are observed and surveyed, a model of that behavior is formulated, tested, adjusted and perfected, with the model itself eventually being run as software on the simulating computer. In a roughly similar manner, functioning autistics will begin to figure out the cognitions of the other humans around them, and will thereby learn to mimic their corresponding behavior...
...Such modeling of human cognition does not take place all at once; it is built up over time with varying degrees of success. And such modeling is never perfectly precise, because as with a software simulation of a computer hardware operation, nuances and efficiency are frequently compromised. Nonetheless, we must not overlook the importance of this cognitive step a significant number of autistics make, because it meets the requirements of what we defined at the beginning of this section—it meets the requirements of empathy. Functioning autistics—indeed, this could be made the definition of a functioning autistic—learn to model various aspects of neurotypical cognition well enough to recognize those aspects in others and to employ them themselves. That is, they come to cognitively recognize a nearly exact cognitive process to be found in their environment, and they use this recognition as a means for increasing interaction and reciprocal behavior with the large majority of humans to be found around them. This potential for the development of empathy through the means of the autistic cognitive process is the major reason for stating that under the precise definition of empathy we have been considering, autistics do not really possess an empathy disorder. For we see it is not so much a mental empathy function or apparatus that is missing or impaired, as it is the cognitive recognition that is initially lacking, a recognition that can be gained with time, education and effort, resulting eventually in effective empathy, the strength of which is commensurate with the level of the recognition...
Autistic Symphony by Alan Griswold
Chapter I: On the Presence of Autism Within the Human Population
Originally posted by SpacePunk
reply to post by ldyserenity
We're alien neanderthals under the control of either the reptilians or greys (whichever one has dominance at the moment) through the Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grovers, NWO, and Illuminati with the local chapters of the Masons there to keep us in line.
Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by BSndsMPBlk47
Oh come on, what am I assuming?
Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin,.... thousands and thousands examples of leaders in history suffered from NT - and created the "historical reality" into which we are all immersed by brute force.
And that is what made "us" the peak of evolution and "top predators" idiocy...
Tragically, as many as 9625 out of every 10,000 individuals may be neurotypical.
Originally posted by BSndsMPBlk47
From my understanding mtDNA has been studied thoroughly. However for the analysis of nuclear DNA to reach the same degree of thoroughness will take a few more years.
Draft Version Of The Neanderthal Genome Completed ScienceDaily (Feb. 16, 2009)
...The second hypothesis contains two related claims: the first is that the phenomenon of modern man—in particular his sudden biological and cultural success—is more elegantly explained by the process defined as anti-evolution than it is by the concept known as evolution...
...In a corresponding description of biological anti-evolution, the opposite takes place: the organism is now the given—it will not undergo any significant genetic mutation—and it succeeds not through the process of natural selection, but instead by circumventing selection, by radically and intentionally altering the organism’s environment in such a way as to render the emergent surroundings more supportive and proliferative...
...Far from being produced by accident or chance, man’s alterations to his environment display overwhelming evidence of being skillful, precise, generalized and repeatable. This type of intentional manipulation would be impossible without the existence of two cognitive prerequisites.
The first prerequisite is awareness...
...The second cognitive prerequisite for skillful environmental manipulation is a capacity to see underlying structure and form, and to see these accurately...
...It is time now to recall our earlier comparisons between the neurotypical and autistic populations, and to remember our descriptions of their respective cognitive traits. We recall that it is the non-autistic population that possesses a more natural affinity for strong species recognition, and thereby possesses a stronger awareness of the environmental features crucial to human survival and procreation. But also, precisely because of that, non-autistics are less naturally inclined to see the biologically non-essential pattern, structure and form to be found in the broader world around them. (Such broader awareness is more an acquired and learned skill for the non-autistic population.) Autistics, on the other hand, their cognition less predetermined by species recognition and its consequences, find themselves naturally drawn to making sense of their experience by appealing first to the structures and patterns that inherently stand out in their environment, an environment that is not predefined and not pre-bounded by the priority of any human-specific influences. Autistics by their very nature are able to cast an eye more widely across the field of their sensory world and are able to focus a gaze more deeply into the environment’s underlying structure and form. When not overwhelmed by the social and biological difficulties that their condition can so easily bring, and when able to maintain a reasonable connection back to their own species, autistics bring to mankind an expansion of environmental awareness that biologically would be difficult to obtain by any other means.
Thus, by comparing the cognitive traits of the autistic and non-autistic subpopulations to the cognitive prerequisites an organism would need in order to intentionally and skillfully mutate its surroundings, we are led to the conclusion that it is primarily the presence of autistic cognitive traits that accounts for mankind’s ability to make anti-evolutionary transformations to its found environment. Autism is the primary catalyst behind biological anti-evolution in man...
Autistic Symphony by Alan Griswold
Chapter I: On the Presence of Autism Within the Human Population
Note:The Neanderthal Theory by Leif Ekblad (mentioned in the original post) postulates the same thing, although you may need to read it closely to notice that this sort of thing is implied by the theory.
[edit on 6-7-2009 by BSndsMPBlk47]